Zain Osman

Who you may ask well please read on.

This cunt attacked and homosexually assaulted a vulnerable man in Newcastle city centre. Now this total cunt used to be a shepherd in Sudan and has been welcomed into the UK with I’m sure a home, money and other goodies at the taxpayers’ expense.

Now I’m not sure what happens in that shit hole Sudan, but I’m sure attacking someone and making them suck your cock is illegal (in fact bum fun of any sort is illegal in Sudan – very progressive). I’m sure he knew that it would also be illegal in the UK. But does he shoulder the blame and accept that what he did was wrong in getting some poor vulnerable citizen to nosh him off?. N,o the cunt blames the promiscuous nature of Newcastle town centre and the fact that he had a bevvy (also outlawed in Sudan – again very progressive).

This cunt is still classified as an asylum seeker, and no doubt lawyers are queueing up to take his case and ensure he stays in the UK to harass and threaten other natives. This cunt should be put on a plane before he even goes to jail and he can fuck right back off to Khartoum.

This cunt should have been deported immediately, so he could return to his flock, who are no doubt missing him and his helmet. Instead he is to be detained at Her Majesty’s pleasure and our expense for 15 months. Guaranteed when he gets out he will qualify for all sorts of counselling, aid and benefits. Meanwhile one of our ‘native’ citizens is left terrified and in fear.

Nominated by: Cuntsince1066 

50 thoughts on “Zain Osman

  1. Whatever next….. I hope you saw that the family of one of the guys/gays butchered in Reading ask why the killer was in the UK. Of course none of the spineless creeps had the guts to say he cannot be deported due to hysterical woke leftist cunts of lawyers.
    Feel sorry for my grandkids, going to train them to be evil hard bastards.

    • The lying media were deathly silent about that whole sorry episode Mr Bastard. I believe the excuse was that they “didn’t want to prejudice the outcome of a fair trial”.

      Didn’t stop them though did it when St Jo Cox was stabbed by a fucking knife wielding maniac – we had wall to wall coverage of that

  2. He’ll be given a job on skysports doing punditry when he gets out of clink, the cunt, or Linekunt may hire him as his butler, or lover, got my doubts about that jug eared cunt

    • You let enough people into your country from a third world shithole, your country becomes a third world shithole. Ipso facto!

      • Coolforcunts ,you are absolutely right . As I have said before whilst most of the contributors to this site are decent people (apart from B&WC and that chap who always gets the ‘orn) few of us are mega bright but we can all see what is going on.
        Why is it allowed to happen? It will end in tears.

      • I think it is mainly because the people in charge generally don’t have to rub shoulders with these filthy cunts. Cities with no-go areas, sharia law practiced in some parts of London, gang crime and grooming gangs, you really have to love diversity.

        The people in charge also seem to have forgotten we are a fucking ISLAND! We do not have an unlimited landmass, hence swathes of once protected greenbelt are being sold off to build houses as the population spirals with immigration, refugees and illegals doing their part in making our once green and pleasant land a toilet ?

        It’s a grim picture it really is. Unfortunately the only viable answer I have to the solution I wouldn’t write down and post on an internet site, Guzzi ?

  3. This cunt should be flogged, boiled in piss then chucked in Terry’s oven for twenty minutes at 200 degrees. He can then be deported where he can then be thrown off a tall building by the local authorities for being an arse bandit.

  4. I’m fully sick of this shit, time and time again cunts who cannot possibly of not passed through other safe countries are accepted allowed to enter this country.

    It’s not uncommon for these people to be criminals of one type or another. In this case we can guess why he had to leave Sudan. His ‘human rights’ will of course be the priority. I can’t find crime rate figures that cover the specific demographic asylum seekers, if the government knows a figure it isn’t telling us.

    For a start anyone entering the country illegally should be barred from making an asylum claim. If you are unable or unwilling to give evidence of your identity then no asylum claim.

    This is an island it shouldn’t be hard to police the borders.

    • He looks like a ethnic version of Bert @a la Bert and Ernie.
      A fa990t and a bully of the vunerable.
      One cure,
      Study hemp
      Tall tree
      Quick drop.
      And any others of his ilk.

      • I get what you’re saying MNC, if it’s a home grown problem then I agree we should have harsher punishment, never been settled on capital punishment, innocent cunts have swung and you can’t set that right.

        What turns my piss to steam is the cunts that come here claiming to be victims and turn out to be extremists, killers, thieves, drug dealers and sex offenders.

        We are a declining society and allowing ourselves to be a skip for the human garbage of the world isn’t the way forward.

        Are we to believe there are no safe countries on the African continent? In that case we should immediately stop all foreign aid to Africa.

        I have no faith in Government to protect the best interests of this nation or its people. Democracy is only as good as the choices the people are given and our choices are limited to liars and frauds no matter the party we elect.

        It wouldn’t take a hot revolution to change things, it does however require people to be more politically aware and get involved when required. This shit happens because the population is silently complicit in the race to the bottom.

        I remember Blair being the next great hope and similarly Boris the part yeti part spawn of the father of lies was sold to us wrapped in a cloak of red white and blue.

        I’d like to see a referendum on immigration and asylum. I’d like to see an honest debate on the issues. I’d like to see Megan Fox serve me breakfast in the morning, I’m going to be disappointed on all counts.

        Apologies for the rant.

      • I think theyve learnt their lesson when it comes to referendums Six!
        Still smarting from the last one!
        Hehehe ?
        They wont trust us again!!?

      • Sixdog@
        The thing with capital punishment is you dont get repeat offenders!!
        And its traditional.????

      • @MNC

        Sadly you’re right but it sticks in the trek at to admit the people who fought for freedom and the right to live in a democracy have been failed so badly by their descendants within the lifetime of the survivors.

        Was reading today that German states are going to be sending repeat lockdown breakers to camps, I believe in Saxony the camp to be used is part of a refugee camp.

        Ironic on the surface and chilling when you think about it a touch longer.

  5. If this country doesn’t have the balls to execute this sort of filth, at least deport them to somewhere that will.
    But even that is just too much violation of rights for the spineless cowards in charge.

  6. Sudanese shepherd?
    Never saw this behaviour on ‘one man & his dog’!
    And I for one wouldn’t eat sudanese lamb,
    Or sudanese anything,
    The dirty sand dancing cunts.

  7. Well as he likes a bit of bum fun there’s no way the cunt will be deported. His fancy taxpayer funded brief will argue that his fellow fuzzie wuzzies will chop him up back in the The Sudan.
    Which they would of course, sensible chaps.

  8. It’s our fault. We’ve become such a bunch of handwringing weaklings we can no longer see common sense. It’s been replaced with pious virtue signalling bullshit produced by the elites and lapped up by our feeble feminized citizens who’ve been educated to hate themselves hate strength and hate honesty and embrace weakness and excuse devious behaviour.
    But maybe I’m being a harsh cunt. Opinions on a postcard to :
    Fuck off you feeble cunt
    I couldn’t give a toss,

  9. I heard that a couple who were trying to enter the country illegally recently, suffocated in the back of a Tesco’s lorry.
    Might have only been two….but every little helps….

  10. He should be sent back – how many jobs are there for shepherds in Newcastle?. We make a rod for our own backs in this country – if allowed to stay here he will be on benefits for 40 years till he qualifies for a pension. I also wonder how many gay times he had in Siudan before running away?

  11. It’s well known that General Gordon was fond of The Bible, brandy and young A-rab boys, not necessarily in that order.
    So once again Whitey corrupts the poor innocent BAMEs. Tear down his statue the cunt!

  12. The sewer of Europe is an apt title for our country.
    To think of the sacrifices made in the 20th century alone and to end up like this appalls me.
    This cunt should be shot at once then taken back to Sudan at their expense,where no doubt they will burn the remains of this filthy degenerate.
    Fuck Off.

  13. The sheep in Sudan are pleased that he has been locked up.

    Wait until he comes out of jail and goes on a stabbing rampage, lessons will be learned, again …. and again.

  14. Chop off his cock if he wants to say and he, s up for it, or send him back to the Sudan with homo rapist tattoo on his forehead, or better still Joberg necklace for the shit stain…..

  15. Sounds like he has all the qualities to get a job at the BBC when he is released. The filthy animal should have been shot in the head before he even got to jail.

  16. I am not embarrassed to admit that I am racist.

    I am not ashamed to admit that this world would be a far better place if it were all white.

    If it were, then cunts like this would no longer exist. Now that, would be a result.

  17. Give him a taste of his own medicine. Should be mounted on a rack with all exposed and placed in a public toilet in George Michael’s old neighbourhood.

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