YouTube football ‘experts’

Modern football is a cunt, but these cunts help to make the national game even less appealing.

My club (although with all the knee taking shite I’m losing interest), Arsenal, has loads of these imbeciles. You’ll see grown men shouting and screaming and smashing their phones at a tweet they don’t like. Grown men crying at a poor performance. Even during a fucking pandemic, the stupid fucks. We even have honky ‘experts’ in their late 30s talking like ‘a black man innit bruv, safe, I can’t lie’.

Man United have loads of these cunts too. If you’re completely mentally unstable, you can watch videos of these cunts watching the game…you can’t see it though. Just their ugly mugs talking bollocks. What sort of utter spastic would watch that for three hours? Thousands, it seems.

Not one of these cunts has come out and said the politicalization of football is wrong (knee taking, rainbow laces gayness etc). Not one has said ‘Why are clueless split arses commenting on men’s footy on the telly?’

They all toe the line and say nothing controversial. They just go full retard if they lose.

The upshot of these cunts is stuff like them getting your greatest manager ever sacked for coming 5th after finishing top 4 every year for two decades. Banners out. Protests. Now, we’re 14th with a squad costing far more than Wenger was ever given. Well done, you mugs.

I’m half hoping we go down so these cunts might fuck off and support Liverpool, Man United or Chelsea instead. Cunts.

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks 

(I can think of this channel for starters – DA )

(BTW, There is a separate nomination for professional football pundits due to go-live in a few days. So please keep this thread for the amateur pundits – Thanks. Admin)

57 thoughts on “YouTube football ‘experts’

  1. Do they comment on style marks for taking the knee bollocks, or is that banned from Cunt Tube.

    • I’ve trolled the comments sections of these types of football channel before and been reported to YouTube thought police ?
      Hurting my fellow fan’s feelings by criticising bending the knee for BLM, is against community guidelines apparently.

      • Ha. I do similar with Indian and Australian cricket fans. They are so so easy to trigger. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel and great sport during lockdown.

  2. Admin – I’m surprised we’ve had so many noms about football recently.
    As the sport is literally on its last legs, I can only suppose you’re trying to finish it off completely.

    Was thinking the same, especially as I know what’s already scheduled in the queue. We had fake crowd noises yesterday of course and the one before that looks like the FA & Cavani one on Jan 2nd. So perhaps not as frequent as it seems. That said, we’ve got more football pundits, Louie van Gaal, Gareth Bale and Michel Platini coming up in the coming days/weeks. We schedule what we get in and try to space out similar subjects so it doesn’t get boring. Especially since a lot of you don’t give a crap about football. – NA.

    • There have been a lot, especially from the same author.

      Regarding amateur commentators: Is it any worse than somebody who’s never been involved in footy (like that odious Mark “Chappers” Chapman cunt) or, even worse, a lady holding forth upon the men’s premier league.

  3. The whole fucking sport needs a massive wake up call. I mean aside from the nobhead ‘experts’, what the fuck was that all about at St.Mary’s the other night when the Southampton manager started bawling at full time cos his poncy team had just beaten Liverpool 1-0??

    Fucking Austrian tit.

    • I thought the exact same thing. What a cunt, his team won 3 points, not the FA or European Cup. That could be his greatest managerial achievement …beating Liverpool. Made himself look a right dickhead. I genuinely felt embarrassed for him.

      • That cunt embarrassing himself by crying over 3 points is a symptom of the condition that is the celebrated pussyfication of men.
        Well, in Western culture anyway.

        Did he cry last season after his team lost 9-0 at home?

      • He’ll be weeping when his fucking team win a throw in next.

        He sounds like that crying cunt off the ant hill mob.

    • I looked at the YouTube link Admin added to the cunting and I see the AFTV guy is talking to some cunt in a Palestine hoodie. What does a Palestinian know about football? However, I’m sure he’s an expert in waistcoats which go BOOM!

  4. The ordinary sports of normal people ,football,rugby and cricket is being taking over by the libtards. The sports depend upon money from tv, ticket sales ,sponsors and merchandise. Traditionally, the ordinary person has provided the money. Give it a year and we’ll see a sea change- the ordinary person won’t stand for being preached to in their leisure time especially if they have to pay for it.
    PS B&WC has gone missing again; whose turn is it to post bail?

  5. Funnily enough, about the only cunt who talks a little bit of sense out of all these muppets is in the pic above on the left.

    • And David Coleman laughing at Cameroon in ’82 World Cup. I bought loads of old footage and he says something like this:

      “The funny thing is, they’re out without losing a single game. And two of those games were against two of our semi finalists. And even funnier than that, (starts chuckling) they can’t even watch it at home, because they don’t have televisions over there yet. Haw haw haw!”

      Those days are gone 🙁

  6. Just watching the Marine v Cunts FA cup tie. Massively surprised that with all that fencing around the pitch that Liverpool fans without tickets hadn’t put in an appearance.

    • I think they would virtually have to be watching from peoples back gardens gathered round a huge chimera.
      Klopp was seen watching from 29 Acacia Rd.
      Yes, Klopp is “Bananaman!”

  7. Youtube Man united ‘expert’ and fan channel ‘runner’ Mark Goldbridge.

    Not his real name, was a Nottingham Forest fan before he ‘chose’ United, and he is a complete and utter cunt. If this wagon jumping sack of shit ever does actually set foot in Manchester, his bonce will be used as a gold tee.

    • Yeah, I’ve seen that Goldbridge. Clueless.

      Lee Gooner or whatever his name is is one of the worst.

      I didn’t mind him at first. Says what he thinks. A bit controversial. But I quite like that.

      However, he can’t take criticism. Goes into name calling meltdowns and thinks having more followers than anyone who argues a point with him means he must be right. But says he can take criticism lol. Bollocks. Knows fuck all too and talks like a black yoof (he’s a late thirties honky man).

      To be honest he’s just one of many of these fuckers. There are plenty of mugs out there who donate to these cunts.

      Actually, what am I thinking. Seems like a good idea to take money off some stupid cunts.

      I take it all back.

    • To top it off Goldwank used to be a cop too. It’s no surprise his first name is Brent – he’s very much like the man from The Office.

    • For the sake of posterity I should mention that I ‘chose’ United myself when I was a little kid. But there’s a difference between doing that at 6 years old, in a small town where your parents aren’t interested in football but your mates are, and doing so later in life when you have an established history of supporting a different team. That isn’t right.

  8. Football, sick of it, let it rot in its own decadent jizz bath.

    Arsenal Football Club died when it sold its soul totally and left Highbury for the Filthy Lucre Stadium and turnover became more important than fans or silverware.

    As for the YouTube channel that should remain nameless, you’re also making a dirty dollar over the bones of a once great club and the fans that didn’t arrive with Wenger’s success.

    Nice to see a comment from Sixdog’s Italian cousin – NA.

    • Thanks NightAd, my American cousin JD popped by for a a post roast dinner socially distanced visit.



  9. With all this SJW/BLM bollocks surrounding football now would be a good time for an active footballer to come out as a bandit. Imagine the hero worship he would get from the media, Gary would be in tears at the “bravery” of the disgusting little faggot. Also no crowds there to give the cunt some stick. My money is on Raheem. Bent as rusty nails.

  10. Just to let you all know, I’m telling the truth about all these baby-blood drinking, child-raping cultist SACRIFICERS. I know it’s true, you know it’s true, why are we all carrying on pretending.

    By tomorrow morning, the cunts will probably have offed me. C’est la vie.

    • Has this business (alleged) about the Vatican gained traction? Otherwise I’m unsure why you’re posting this in a minceball pundit thread…..

  11. Yup YouTube football ⚽️ pundits are fucking attention seeking cunts that know fuck all. My personal favourite, sorry bell ? is “true Geordie”. Fat obnoxious bar code cunt.

    • That cunt is part of the ‘Bruce is the spawn of Satan’ brigade as well. Granted the man is probably a bit too conservative with the team he has but the abuse he gets isn’t warranted in the slightest. The sad thing is that TG used to be really good before he sold out to betting companies as well.

  12. Re: football nominations.

    They always get plenty of reaction from the board membership-due in part I am sure, to the fact that the last thing, ordinary, working folk want, is to be lectured by a bunch of overpaid cunt who live in a complete “bubble” and have done since they were kids?

    I for one find light relief from the pandemic, politics and other fuckwittery through them?

  13. Funnily enough, over New Year, I watched an episode of the Arsenal fan channel-it was a football match between the Arsenal dan channel and The Man Utd channel.
    My conclusion:

    All the “pundits” are from Laaandon, apart from Goldbridge, who Norman has informed us, us from Nottingham?.

    I have to thank you chaps that brought Gr8 footy to my attention-I have lost myself in hours of beautiful footy nostalgia, thank you chaps???

  14. What a pair of manky scruffy looking little herberts . They both look like they’ve just crawled out their beds and are wearing the gear they slept in.
    Have a shave and a shower and stick on some gentlemen’s attire. You’re being invited into peoples homes you pair of eejits.
    Ffs anyone remember match of the day when men dressed in suits gave sensible sane opinions without resorting to school playground histrionics to score points with the lowest riff raff tuning in?

  15. Like Cuntybollocks Arsenal is my team. Those AFTV cunts are absolute cunts of the highest counting order. They thrive on loud lunatics going off on one if we don’t win 6-0 every week.
    They were instrumental in starting the “Wenger out” campaign, the greatest manager in our history and someone who needs to be thanked by the wider football world. However a couple of months before the first lockdown the tide was turning and they needed police protection after a game up at Everton.
    I don’t understand who would want to watch these muppets, certainly not me or anyone I know except, perhaps, skeptics, tiddlies, bathrooms etc.

    • They’ve whipped out the race card before too when criticized.

      What’s racist is that the channel only seems to let BAMEs on, with a few token honkies who toe the line.

      • The only honkies I can think of are DT (who’s a manchild), Lee Judges, that Eastern European guy who looks a bit like DT and that guy who replaced Troopz. Oh, and Claude and Heavy D before they were kicked off and left respectively (the latter died the same day as Maradona incidentally).

      • Sad really to be fair. Just looked he was only 43. They reckon it was the Rona that did him.

      • I heard it was a heart attack but that was the initial reporting following his death so wasn’t entirely confirmed.

  16. I caught some of the 5Live 606 football phone in the other evening. That blonde haired welsh girl dancer that played for Leicester is a bit of a prick, but Sutton seems ok and tends to be no nonsense, but what had me in stitches was a Newcastle Utd fan phoning in and screaming, crying, howling down the line about the state of his ‘big’ club. He was completely unintelligible and ranting like a mad man. I suspect the fucker died of a heart attack or stroke he was so wound up. It was 5mins of genius.

    • Yeah, I like Sutton. Often clueless but he’s honest and says it how he sees it. I know the caller you’re on about – I’m a regular listener and he’s called in several times before. It’s comedy gold.

  17. When Arsenal lose i always check out their channel. To see grown men acting in that manner i find fucking side splittingly hilarious, that’s the bits i can understand of course cos they don’t half talk funny, possibly the funniest thing on the tinternet.
    Soppy cunts the lot of em.

  18. Saw this one, cunt called Troopz, making a right old fuss here, all from the safety of his Mum & Dads spare room of course. I’d be hoping Arsenal don’t go down if i was this cunt, could possibly be swinging from a Bermondsey streetlight this time next year. Cunt.

  19. I’d rather have the shits than watch football nowadays.
    Youtube commentators on football, for fuck’s sake.
    Use to be beer before and after the game, regardless of whether your team win, lose or draw.
    I hope I can hear the death knell for the prissy game I once enjoyed ☠

    • I love the shits. All the better when you have a ‘poo step’ like I have, so your body is aligned right and it literally comes just falling out of you, splappadappapap.

      And let any liar here say they don’t savour the smell of their own.

  20. Watched the links and this is like the dad’s on the side line at their kids game wanting to be England Manager.
    These twats want to be Gary Linekunt. Wankers.

  21. If you follow this stupid game, then you deserve all you get and everything that goes with it – including ‘pundits’. Just do what I do – ignore it! Simples!

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