The Fucking NHS (12)

Whine moan cunting whine whinge..

Every fucking winter these dancing twats have a blub up about being busy.. This year its a super cry baby off because we had a pandemic that only killed people about 3 minutes from death back in April

You are the 5 th biggest employer in the world you cocks.. You aren’t far off the U.S. army in terms of man power and budget..

They can invade and fuck over a whole country on any given weekend with a months notice..

You twats have had 9 months and endless loot to get your shit together and what..? Hospital admissions are on par for usual winter but oh no! Crisis level this. Panic rating that.

Just get your fucking shit together , Jesus everyone has stayed in bed for 6 months to help you out. ..

Fuck this I’m going down the pub.. arrgghhh fuck. you NHS cunts!!!


162 thoughts on “The Fucking NHS (12)

  1. It is a job I wouldn’t want to do so I think this may be a bit harsh ?

    I suppose it’s a pity DCI isn’t here, I would’ve gone and got the popcorn ?

      • DCI Hunt was pissed off with the same crap being pumped out day after day.
        I’ve never heard of some of these cunters who keep banging on about the same thing. I suspect some posts are from cunters who are changing their names to carry on the rhetoric.

    • I don’t think that’s strictly the case, Bertie. He made a bit of a rod for his own back by demanding links, peer reviews and documented evidence from people he was debating with, whilst not posting any himself (if he did I’ve never seen it) and his only evidence was “take my word for it”. He was a my way or the highway kind of poster and ironically enough he seems to of taken the highway route himself.

      It must’ve been difficult for him as a frontline worker to see other opinions but right or wrong, people are still entitled to those opinions whether he likes them or not and all the finger wagging in the world won’t change that fact.

      There’s nothing wrong with someone taking a breather from a site if they feel that way inclined imo.

      • Well said Cool. I can understand why he got upset and I sympathise with the stress he must be under but the big thing he consistently failed to realise was that his personal experience alone isn’t enough to substantiate an argument. It may make him something of an expert so far as his area goes but nothing more.

      • I don’t think he wasn’t upset about opinion it was the fucking nonsense that pissed him off.

      • Well GTC, I am assuming that everybody comes here to let off steam. If you keep leaving Noms feeling worse than when you went on to them, then perhaps it’s time to take a breather.

        I would only do his job if I had to so in that regard he does have my admiration. In the debating side of things, well, not so much.

        All I need to do is remember not to get carried away, although it is easily done sometimes ?

      • Great post CFC.

        I can understand both view points but you are correct he wanted everyone else to see it his way.

        My problem is goverment constantly lie to us in normal times pre covid, but now everyone seems to think they are tell the truth all the time about covid it’s laughable.

      • Well CG and JM, I speak as I find which in this day and age probably isn’t politically correct and does seem to get the clutch my pearls mob going.

        In retrospect it’s a bit of a rum old do speaking about a chap that is not here to reply so I shall say no more on the subject in his absence.

        Just remember, it’s all part of the trip man ?

      • I was wondering why recent comments about the police weren’t immediately followed by links to recruitment sites, slightly homo-erotic sub / dom comments about boot licking etc.

  2. Just as well you can’t go to the pub… you might trip over the dead bodies lying in the streets, or get run over or trampled by the endless funeral processions, or choke on the Stygian air being pumped out by the 24/7 working crematoriums!!

    Still, at least your family will have a nice gilt-edged ‘COVID-1984’ death certificate to mount in your memory. In a rainbow-hued frame.

    • Just to report, I made it to Tesco today, avoiding death at every turn.
      The council are looking for Covid Marshals to help dig the plague pits.

      Some cunt was prattling on to some other cunt about how “in the old days” he would be looking forward to going to footie tomorrow. “Hey, but what can you do?” Well you can take that fucking mask off for a start you wet wanker. So this shit has been going on so long now that we can look back wistfully to pre Covid 19 as olden times.

      ‘Save the NHS’ is the PM’s rallying cry. What the fucking fuck is the point if everything else is fucking dead you fucking fucks?

      • Mask’s obviously are not working and I proudly don’t wear one. I particularly like the looks of horror some of the sheep give me, a cashier at the supermarket said I should have a mask on the other day…I said I am medically exempt, she then said I should have a placard or whatever the fuck it is… I told her that I’d lost it.
        They can fuck off.

      • You don’t need to justify yourself to anyone.
        Any cunt gives me that I’d give em both barrels and walk out. Keep your mars bar ya hatchet faced witch.

      • Masks are cult symbols. They do fuck all to stop transmission. Hence why the science and WHO themselves said as much up until june 5th last year, when politicians stuck their noses in.

        The basic science proves it. It actually increases viral aerosols, droplets turning to mist through the fabric, and does nothing to stop nm sized particles. They also act like a skanky sponge that festers bacteria and fungus.

        Incidentally everyone in my household has a cough except me. They all wear masks, I don’t. Tried education, but they think I’m nuts.

        Oh well. Enjoy your upper respiratory infections you virtue signalling dullards!

      • Good afternoon, B&WC, I have never worn one either . Got one of those lanyard jobs. For some reason it means it is okay and you probably won;t spread Covid 19. Sent away for mine at the start from a spiv in Brummie who was knocking them out cheap. What a load of utter shit.

      • I’m with you on that one B&W, I’m medically exempt too.
        The looks I was getting in Tesco were not far off the kind of look you would get for offering to murder someone’s kids.

        Having had the batflu, I now wear one as a courtesy to others. Just in case I’m still full of lurgy.

      • Afternoon twenty,
        You can download a template from the .gov website I think.
        I might make my own saying, ‘I am exempt, because I’m not a sheep cunt’.
        Or ‘I’ve had Covid and I want it again, so go fuck yourselves’.

      • One of the few good things to have emerged from this folderol, is the refulgent ‘unmasking’ of how lo-fi an overwhelmingly high proportion of the GBP truly are. Quite aside from the unquestioning compliance, if you were to have gone to a supermarket every day since the start, you’d have by now pretty much overheard the exact same fucking conversation 365 times, with sufficiently interjecting ‘oohs’ ‘aahs’ and ‘oh well there’s nothing we can do about it’s.

        It had long struck me before, from passive ‘eavesdropping’ whilst out and about conducting daily life, exactly what asinine level of intellect, perception and evaluation the vast majority of people function at. All discourse pitched around precisely nothing higher than TV programmes, popular culture, and the MSM headlines of the day. Most conversation based around ‘so she said, and I said’.

        It really does leave me to wonder what exactly did wives find to talk about to each other over the back fences in the days before TV and phones.

        TL;DR version – I’m a misanthrope because most people truly do possess the cerebral capacity of a walnut.

      • Ironically in the olden days it was precisely the wives, or rather the elderly wives, who had the medical knowledge and wisdom passed down over generations. Hence, ‘old wives tales’.

        Of course science likes to pick the most ludicrous of those tales to rubbish the whole notion of a collective societal wisdom, in order to justify itself and cover over its own mistakes – arsenic and mercury concoctions were medicine not so long ago lol.

        All societies work in that way, until the age of television dawns and industry is born that can usurp those roles and sell it back to us for a price. Anyone care to guess what percentage of all medicine is derived from plants? ?

        Most people have forgotten their own humanity, no longer trust their own judgement and intuition, how to think and feel, and instead are empty headed borg like creatures owned by state machinery. I realized that before the age of twenty. Sad, mad world.

      • I agree woke up,
        It’s an embarrassment how many people are willing to do as they are told and not only that but actually look at people in a bad way because they dare to go against the ‘we are all in it together spirit’ of clapping, face mask wearing and staying home like a grounded schoolkid.
        Most people will glady comply and even though these lockdowns don’t stop the virus but simply help cover up the limitations of the NHS they still believe that everyone wearing a mask will stop Covid 19. I can understand older people being worried and complying but to expect the whole nation to comply when its highly unlikely to affect us badly is a piss take.


    How dare you fucking cunt the angels in the NHS, I was out last night banging my pan until 6.00 am this morning to show my support for the absolute heroes in the NHS.

    Seriously, after working for thirty years in private industry and then becoming self employed I couldn’t believe the sheer volume of waste, skiving and inefficiency I encountered in the NHS and other public services….as a private company forced to earn their own income they would be out of business in hours….not days, hours.

    I have now given up contracts for the NHS and local government because of the frustration with late payment, managers who work at home permanently, theft by employees, waste and just general bone headed public sector mentality.

    You wouldn’t last a day in the NHS mate, front line blah blah blah

    Yes I fucking would, if that was my chosen career I would do it come rain or shine and not fucking constantly want reward and recognition for my efforts.

    Things I encountered while doing NHS contracts….Mangers who don’t seem to exist, waste, money squandered, miserable staff, cunts, more waste, people paid to do nothing or even appear, yet more waste and a feeling they are superior.

    You get paid for cleaning up after sick cunts, you get paid to treat sick cunts or drive them about then you fucking do it, get paid and then fuck off like we all do.

    The NHS is a money eating waste monster.

    • As much as it pains me to be sincere and non-supercilious – bring back fucking Matron. Even at the calibre of Beryl Reid in ‘Rosie Dixon Night Nurse’ there’d be 200% more efficiency.

      • The clinical staff I have no real contact with unless you count the consultants who need (apparently) top end laptops which they will never use.

        Each time I have had to use any NHS service, which is rare, I have had good service but the back office and operations people I have encountered are some of the worst I have ever seen.

      • Aaah, Beryl Reid… from the days when actors were actors, not whiney, self-obsessed tits. She was brilliant in The Killing of Sister George, as a really tweedy dyke, and Connie Sachs in Tinker, Tailor. Almost tempted to say that she gave me the ‘orn…

    • i work in the NHS and you are absolutely correct. The waste is fucking criminal. the cunts are always bleating on about how little money they have, but can throw out 25 thousand quids worth of equipment, only used once, just because they cant be fucking arsed to have it serviced.
      40 quid for a box of photocopy paper you can get at asdas for 7 quid.
      couch has a small tear in it? get the damaged bit recovered? nah. lets buy a brand new fucking couch and throw the old, perfectly good one in the skip.
      the list goes on and fucking on
      cunts, again

      • The sheer quantity of waste on these contracts stunned me but all the managers had cosy little “disposal” deals….yeah, they sure did.

        I was a few years back but theft was rife.

      • Sounds like there’s a good earner in the NHS waste and replace department, maybe I should join it…the amount of losses and waste would double overnight and I’d be coining it in.

    • Loadsawaste. NHS should be there to treat proper ill cunts only.

      Cut out all non-essential services – comedy breast enlargements, free tattoo removals, IVF treatments, gender reassignment surgery, translators and treatment for foreigners without insurance, the list goes on and on.

      Oh, and substitute scam Homeopathic crap for placebos, cos that’s all they are anyway.

      Recreational drugs should be issued free on demand to responsible cunts like me and B&WC.

    • Used to have dealings with the local NHS trust management in my old job. A more crooked, lazy, passive-aggressive, and downright obnoxious bunch of fucking wasters I have never met. They don’t give a shit about providing decent services, just want to hold on like grim death to their nice little office fiefdoms with endless rounds of meetings and plenty of tea and biscuits while they blow smoke up each other’s arses. Oven candidates to a manm and woman.

  4. I am fifty fifty on this one, the NHS is something I’d much rather have than not and its helped out members of my family and myself for which I am truly grateful.
    My problem with it though is as mentioned in the cunting, they knew ages ago there would be a surge in the Covid and it’s also busy this time of year anyways with the old cunts falling over etc and generally being a burden.
    Is it underfunded…yes, does it need to sack some staff (management etc) yes, are they moaning too much… possibly, am I fed up with hearing the save the NHS yes and as Cuntlestiltskin said ‘isn’t the NHS supposed to save us’.
    Anyways I’m off to try and catch Covid 19…500 paaahnd payment if you catch it, my Nigerian friend has come up with a test that always shows a positive result…I’ve bought 50.
    Go fuck yourselves.

      • Nah, all you have to do is sneak up on some drunk tramp and rub it on his finger…the test is actually for alcoholism.
        My clever friend has been packaging it in the used Covid test packaging.

    • Good afternoon Bad Lieutenant.

      For such a “shit site” it’s always refreshing to see exactly what I predicted regarding how badly you want to get back to it.

      Enjoy what I’m guessing is your short stay ?
      (Indeed – DA)

      • Yep I was thinking the same Coolforcunts.
        He has replied like a total cunt to SV as well.

      • A shame there are such sad bastards around, the sad cunt is probably proud of himself.

      • It disappoints me CFC, trolling is a lost art, I actually enjoy great trolling, enter a forum drop a grenade and sit back watching the forum implode, desperate attention seeking isn’t trolling.

        Poor fucker probably has a miserable pathetic life.

      • Hero…keep liking your own posts you complete bellend. You stand out like a shit cunt amongst cunts.

      • I expect his fan club will be disappointed when he gets the boot but that just makes it even more hilarious ? I expect he’ll be back for his third reincarnation, pretending not to be Hero pretending not to be Bad Lieutenant ?

        Excellent stuff ?

    • The big thing is about the NHS is that at some point, no matter how much medical insurance you might have or ability to pay, you will end up there when the chips are down. The ambulance ain’t going to take you to a comfortable private hospital after a car crash or a heart attack or you are at death’s door, it is off to your local general hospital. You can only hope you get on a decent ward with decent nurses and an occasional doctor.

      • You could have a decent doctor and nurses but it’s the odds of catching something else that bothers me. One in five patients catches Covid after entering hospital. I’ll stick to my private room as I’m considerably richer than yow.

  5. Waited four hours in a room that resembled the Congo meets Islamabad for a blood test. I stood up for the entire duration and all. After going in at 12 midday (when I was supposed to have it), I finally got my test done at 4:30, after the dark hordes who don’t pay in and never will had been pandered to. Then the cunts ‘lost’ the results and I still haven’t got them. It was a total waste of time.

    And that was a year before the Covid thing started. Utter clowns.

    • Absolutely right, the NHS could work perfectly well with less resources if they weren’t overrun by the disease ridden shite from all over the world.
      The media let the cat out of the bag way back in April, the reason these P*ki cunts were disproportionately effected is precisely because they all have underlying health conditions (eg diabetes)

      And don’t get me started on the need for language translators

      • Yet they don’t need translators to precisely locate every school and youth-club in an area within seconds after they move in.

  6. I think it’s a case of the NHS being used by government to psychologically manage us. Fear is a great motivator for obedience but so is being a good citizen. The NHS is at breaking point every winter. I’d say decades of mismanagement of immigration by government whilst failing to upgrade the infrastructure required to support it was playing a big part in this. Seems we haven’t had 10 million nurses and doctors arrive after all.

    I’ll share a reply to a message I sent my daughter recently, she wouldn’t be happy that I have but it gives you an insight into the life of a nurse just now.

    “Very busy today. We are no longer trauma, we are medicine because all of the medical wards are now covid. We had two patients die today, 1 was unexpected and I had to help resuscitate. I can’t explain the feeling of giving chest compressions knowing it may or may not be the one thing that helps them live. She died unfortunately. I’ve just finished my shift. I feel for my colleagues… Everyone is suffering.. “

    I can guarantee she doesn’t dance on TikTok.

    • Sounds like your daughter needs a bit of resuscitation herself – mouth to cunt.
      Better than getting shite messages like that.

      • Sounds like you are a disrespectful cunt to me. Sat behind your keyboard giving it large, know your sort!

        She’d do her best to save your life if you needed it, I’d take the opposite approach.

        Have a nice day.

      • Ah, now I see what your nom was about SDV.

        Just ignore the cunt.

        And yes, personal, spiteful comments like the one he made are easily made on the internet by soft cunts in real life.

      • The guy is a sad wanker SV, as you said giving it the big I am behind his keyboard…the no good wrong’un shit cunt.

    • Last time I went to the dentist (January 2019) the poor cow behind the reception desk was nearly driven to insanity. Scores of peacefuls, dooshkas and bogos infesting the waiting room: refusing to pay, refusing to wait, and demanding interpreters. And this was in Unsworth. A (used to be) quiet and nice little town between Prestwich and Bury. Nowhere is safe from this human plague of locusts.

      • Enoch Powell was a true visionary Norman.
        If only the British public had shown him the support he deserved?

  7. I have a relative whose wife is an nhs dental nurse. For the past year , and she admits it fully, she has been knitting. Hasn’t been allowed to see patients due to the risk from the chink virus.
    Oddly enough the private dentists are working full time.
    Maybe because in the NHS there’s no mechanism for failure so no matter how lazy,inept or useless you are it’s almost impossible to fail and be fired.
    In the private sector if you fuck you’re out .
    If the NHS is so great how come no one else copies it? Oh yeah… it’s shit.
    Lazy malingering cunt.

  8. A basic health service for 47 million people, transformed into an international Sćûmmcüñt curing service paid for by an undervalued indigenous population who are sick to fuckery of seeing Abdul the taxi driver being treated before an actual BRITISH person, I believe a country in Europe had a problem with immigrants taking the piss in the early 20th century, it didn’t end to well so the excellent documentary narrated by Laurence Oliviér says, utter cunts

    • We’re not only curing these cunts – but transforming their lives.
      Then we allow their families to come here as well.
      Then the liberals claim that because of the numbers in the demographics – that we should allow more in , because we are diverse already.
      It fucking beggars belief.

      • You failed to ask Captain Quimson about his sjambok, Hero.

        You’re slipping up badly there old cheese – a great opportunity for a spot of legitimate invective has thereby been kicked into the long grass!

      • I said “Look. I’m going for the Guinness Book Of Records for a long trail of snot. I got ten yards here for you to photograph , and it’s about time you started behaving like a wife”!

  9. Every year and winter we have the same ‘crisis in the NHS’. It’s getting fucking boring. It’s not fit for purpose. Billions upon billions thrown at the cunt every year for no improvement. Too many cunts taking out and not paying in. The public sector is a behemoth bag of shit.

      • I’m well thanks BF, apparently a swab from my tongue can give immunity to anything. ?

      • Are you feeling better today B&W, I was expecting to hear that you had topped yourself after you Nom yesterday ?

      • I came close Sick of it,
        I was hanging abaaaaht on the suspension bridge in Bristol abaaaaaht to jump off when some copper came up to me and said ‘what are doing aaaaht and abaaaaaht’ you should be at home saving the NHS and whatever the fuck else needs saving.
        I went home and watched the telly instead. ?

      • That’s typical of this woke breed of copper, a proper old fashioned plod would have just given you a little push ?

    • There is one slight difference this year, the county is partially shut down so this is far from a normal winter.

  10. A mate of mine has managed to get hold of a few of those vaccines if anybody’s interested.

    Two quid each, or 3 for a Pfizer….

  11. My mum (from Scunthorpe) was a nurse during WWII and a nursing sister in the early 1950s. The last thing she would have wanted to hear was a bunch of soppy cunts clapping on their doorsteps for her doing something she was dedicated to doing regardless of recognition.

    In the 1990s she was dismayed by the disinterested attitude of some of the nursing staff she encountered when she herself was hospitalised.

    Both my parents cited issues of poor treatment in hospital toward the end of their lives, but they implored me to say nothing for fear of retribution.

    • My aunt was a nurse up until the 80s, when she retired. Came over from Ireland in the 60s. Never seen anyone give current nursing staff such a bollocking as she did when she went into see my old Mum. Many nursing protocols are the same as when she was working and they just weren’t being carried out. Anyway, it was an experience to see and angry Irishwoman in full flight.

  12. A free service that absolutely any cunt from any corner of the globe who rocks up here in the UK can gain access to.
    Combine that with an already overpopulated and ageing society, throw in pandemics, winter, lack of investment in the most vital areas.
    What could possibly be the problem.

    • Thats the elephant in the room Herman.

      A couple of years ago some government drone tried to play down the level of international health tourism that was bleeding the NHS dry. ‘It can’t be more than £30m a year’, said the drone.

      A few weeks later that was revised to £300m a year and then it all went quiet.

      With cases like some Nigerian skank turning up eight and a half months pregnant with quintuplets and demanding the NHS look after her to the tune of £300k worth of treatment, it is easy to see that the true figure will be way north of £300m.

      If any of us turned up in any other country on the planet, we wouldn’t even be allowed past the front desk without health insurance or a credit card.

      • Farage highlighted the AIDS tourism scandal 2 years ago.
        He was ridiculed on Question Time , and shouted-down by those that called him un-PC.

      • Yes because by the logic of BBC QT’s specially selected panels and audiences, to question anything that sees any UK institution having the total piss taken out of it, no matter how absurd or unpleasant, is always somehow racist.
        Especially if it’s voiced by Nigel Farage because everybody should know by now that he is the second coming of Hitler.

  13. I’d be sitting on the fence on this one, if it wasn’t for me Rockfords. The bastards at the NHS failed (they admitted to it) to notice cancer cells in my wife’s tests over several years. They even admitted to not even testing one sample. On the other hand my father received excellent care in his final years, they were amazing. My pet hate is the state of the nurses with the majority being obese. If they’re worked off their feet, surely they should be burning off the calories. 20 yrs ago I attended a private hospital in Bangkok (I won’t admit why) and all the nurses were stunners, a sort of Asian Carry on film. Phwoar!

    • Once in Bangkok , I walked into a chiropodist’s by mistake.
      The girl ushered me into a booth , and left briefly.
      I sat in the chair and got the old fella out.
      She came back in , took one look and screamed – “That’s not a foot”!

      “No. But it’s near enough love”

  14. I can’t do the NHS maths as I’m a cunt.
    Surely excess deaths us good as it gets rid of people who might want future treatment but they can’t have it as they are dead.
    Thus more resources for the cunts still above ground?
    Oh fuck knows,what a riddle.

  15. Kent had 3 heart surgeons – 16 or so years ago they made one of them a manager of the other 2 and gave him a secretary. So NHS spending increased in this critical area. The fact there was 1 less surgeon ? Shut up you Tory scum only Labour can SAVE the NHS- yet this happened under Blair.

    The waste is industrial and the solution ? More Diversity Managers ! East Kent Trust has 2 ! on over £40k a year each. Not clapping for those cunts.

    A good cunting but will the media ever be critical on ‘ our beloved NHS ‘ ? will they fuck.

    • NHS is the closest thing this country has to a state religion. It will never be reformed. Control the masses through dependency – it’s why creepy Biden wants one in the USA.

  16. My good lady was a senior nurse, one of her trainees said to her, ” I have a degree, I am not cleaning shit up” . Sums up the modern NHS, has to take on loads of Philly nurses to do the “menial” jobs. The cunts want to swan around like on Holby. We are well and truly fucked.

  17. The NHS has always been used as a political football by the politicians, and a cash-cow for their corporate buddies. Now it’s being used as a psychological weapon against the people who fund it. All those dancing nurse videos were targeted demoralization, to shove the hypocrisy in our faces, so Twat Mancock could laugh maniacally at us whilst jerking off in the dark.

    Any medical professional who is not speaking out against the government I now consider to be complicit and an enemy of the public quite frankly. It is their professional obligation to understand this shit and anyone with a brain should be able to see through it – PCR is a case in point.

    • I am most relieved that Twat Mancock whacks off in the dark… At least I won’t see him. I fear he roams the length and breadth of the land, whacking off.
      Have any fellow cunters noticed their dreams getting much worse since lockdown? Mine seem to be badly fucked up.

      • I’ve had some odd dreams for sure, HBelinda. Like Kim Jung Un losing his right shoe over the neighbours fence, and Ghislane Maxwell performing some sort of sex act on Clint Eastwoods face.

        Definitely been more restless in my sleep, waking up at 3 or 4am. Anxiety and stress.

        I’m cherishing the dreams though, because there’s fuck all to look forward to in the real world right now!

      • One of the strangest dreams I ever had was Lulu spanking Cilla Black.

        Now, I wouldn’t have minded spanking Lulu back in the day, but where Cilla fucking Black came from, I’ll never know.

      • Norman:


        you know make me wanna shout

        etc, etc, etc…?

  18. Addenbrookes is no different today as last week, the week before, the year before and indeed ever. Interestingly, local Undertaking sees no evidence of a massive increase in corpses for disposal.
    As for the NHS, that died a long long time ago. Ask Lynton and Brown how they managed to fuck the NHS into a burial pit without joe public lifting an eyebrow.

    • Is it true that the newly-built Cancer Research Unit at Cambridge has 6 floors?
      One for research , and the other 5 for marketing and managers?

      • It’s more likely six floors, six desks to a floor six feet apart.

      • It certainly is true. and , the new site has the most amazing building which is over 6 stories tall, but has only one floor. It cost fucking 1.6 Billion !

    • There was something on a news report yesterday, a cemetery, Birmingham I think it was, didn’t pay that much attention except for the fact they were digging holes like Irish navies and scores of freshly covered holes complete with a few flowers…. but then again it could be fake news and the footage was Islamabad.

      • The lack of mortuary vans should have been your first clue.
        Also , the lack of PPE on the grave-diggers , your second clue.

        Grave-digging is done with a JCB , not navvies.
        Are you sure you weren’t watching Gardener’s World on acid?

      • I said ‘like’ not actual ….

        There was indeed one of those mini digger things in action, but who knows they could have been cabbage patches.

  19. The message is loud and clear HANDS, FACE, SPACE,

    Get on with it and stop being a bunch of girls ?

    I’ll get mi coat.

  20. The NHS is definitely something we’re better off having in theory, but it needs massive reform. Sack all the middle managers, trim the organisation down to the bare necessities and bring back matrons. That way communication is made far easier on account of the organisation being smaller and we know exactly where the money is going.

  21. They let my Mum down badly over her cancer treatment. I suspect she may have survived it had she got seen in time. Her GP is/was a monumental cunt. I checked the NHS’s own figures yesterday. Just shy of 100,000 staff off sick, of which 50,000 are covid “related” (inc. shielding). So, that’s a “normal” tally of almost 4% staff off sick. Is that usual?

    • Same here. my old lady’s GP said she had ‘trapped wind’ when it was in actual fact colon cancer. My mum died 12 months later.

      Said GP (name of O’ Callaghan) was a complete cunt and she left the practice six months after my mum’s death. Thing was, this ‘Doctor’ was nowhere near retirement age. I asked a mate who works at a nearby pharmacy and he told me that the cunt jumped before she was pushed, as she was staring a suspension and being struck off right in the face. The medical centre actually printed out a leaflet denying that she had been sacked or suspended. They might as well have put a big neon sign up, saying ‘This cunt has been sacked’. Because I discovered some time later that the bitch was fired off and deservedly so, the rotten cunt.

  22. Panic!Panic!The SAGE party are taking over .Give me strength.I am not clapping for no one.Piss to Covid and piss to the Jellyfish.I see riots happening soon.People will say bollocks to lockdown and bollocks to Westminster

  23. How can I put this with out boiling my own piss – let’s just say that if I was still running this site then this post would never have seen the light of day.

    It’s factually incorrect.

    My daughter works as a radiotherapist in the NHS. She had her first jab last week. Several of her colleagues have contacted Covid. I spoke to her today and she told me that one of the people she works closely with has just tested positive. Should I be concerned. Damned right I should.

    Speak your mind by all means but for fuck sake get your facts right or just shut the fuck up….

    • It was tongue in cheek so I don’t think it was meant to be factually correct, Dio. I also agree with a concerned father part of your reply. Other than that I don’t see why it shouldn’t of been posted, a rant is a rant after all.

      • I’m not going to criticize the NHS, they’ve saved my life more than once. There are cunts in every organization big and small, and the NHS is massive. As far as I’m concerned, the only thing wrong with it is that it’s underfunded. They should give them the overseas aid money. Let’s get our own country sorted out before we start giving it away.

    • The beauty of this site Dio is that controversial noms like this, and opinions that not everyone might agree with, are published. This post has generated some excellent discussion and not posting it would’ve been a major disservice in that regard.

      • Hey General, I seem to remember you mentioning about being an admin?

        Well your services are required further up this thread regarding the replies by the recently banned and now reincarnated Bad Lieutenant/hero to Six-dog Vomit’s post @ 12:48. Quite disgusting remarks about sixdogs daughter. I wouldn’t have normally mentioned it as I deplore grassing however the thought of Bad Lieutenant frothing at the mouth and going into a fit of rage and smashing up his sublet basement room in a council bedsiit amuses me. Incidentally, if you get a chance do tell him it was me who passed this on, his anger will be delicious ?

      • @CFC, I think Admin are fully aware of what was written in this thread, I am not sure cunters need to tell them their job.

      • Like j said in the same post Cfc I’m not particularly active as an admin right now due to other commitments – you know how life is. Thanks for letting me know though although it’s probably been dealt with by now.

        (Indeed – DA)

      • @CFC, If my reply was inept and clumsy I will be more specific, we don’t need another school prefect ?

      • “We”, are you schizophrenic? ? keep em coming the pair of you ?

        Other than that I’ll do as I see fit if I see somebody making personal family insults to one of the more esteemed members here, so go and try and be a boss with someone else as it won’t wash with me ? How’s that for specific ?

    • @CFC, are you heading for one of your rants, take a breath, there was nothing clumsy about my initial comment, I have no idea who Hero is (or was by now, possibly) I am sure ‘the site’ (we) don’t need to report perceived misdemeanours to Admin, they aren’t blind.(Indeed we are not and we have tried to be patient, however….DA)

      • Pps, I charge £120 an hour as a life coach. If you require further education I will need the money in advance by bitcoin ?

      • Yes perceived, you took offence on behalf of someone else and SDV is quite capable of looking after himself and told this hero bloke what he thought and quite rightly so, personally I would have been a lot more forthright with a reply to the comment about his daughter.

        Don’t worry CFC from now on I will give you a wide berth.

      • Nope, not perceived. I took offence to that sort of insult, not on behalf of anybody. SDV and I also swapped replies about it so once again you’re not the boss of anyone and you don’t speak for anyone else either.

        If you had of been more forthright all you would’ve been doing is feeding the troll. Had you being paying attention in the first place before you jumped in feet first you would’ve known that.

        Wide birth…..erm….ohhh noooo? You seem to have so much to offer, but I’ll manage.(ok can we all take a deep breath please. Actions are afoot – DA)

      • DA, If you would supply an effigy of both Skeletor Pelosi and Biden and enclose a baseball bat with 6” nails through it as a relaxation therapy I would be most grateful.

  24. My son and daughter in law were tested positive 2 weeks ago, like most young people they had little or no symptoms.

    Herman Goering was asked at the Nuremberg trials , how did you persuade the German nation to go along with you ? his reply was , it’s simple and it’s got nothing to do with being a Nazi.
    You just in-still fear into a nation and then you can do whatever you like with them.

    • My grapefruit tested positive too, i’ve isolated the bastard from the others to be on the safe side

  25. After a proper cunt of a week, I have had to admit my brother to hospital with a brain tumour after some wonderful home care by the NHS and local charities, but has now transpired into full time care only professionals can administer it is heartbreaking that my family, including my elderly mother cannot be with him or offer any comfort…. we have constant updates from ward nurses and doctors so cannot agree with The F THE NHS as I think front line staff do a wonderful job it is as said previously the gross mismanagement behind the scenes that needs to be addressed.
    Pretty quiet though??

    • Fuck the NHS?
      Yeah theyre like those bastards the fire brigade, mountain rescue, and people who save kids from drowning,
      The utter bastards.

      This sites rapidly becoming one flew over the cuckoo’s nest,
      Hardly recognise it.
      Tin foil hat nutters, conspiracy head the balls, and wannabe yanks.
      Daft cunts calling for armed revolution?!!
      Ever thought this site might be looked at by people who see that as incitement?
      Get the site in trouble,
      Your fellow cunters in shite.
      Im not willing to go to court for some Michael Ryan fantasist cunt, or some keyboard warrior who thinks they are a revolutionary.

      Smarten up.

      • I didn’t say F THE NHS.. Just thought a recent visit might under shite circumstances alleviate such shite!!!
        By the way my terminally ill brother has now been diagnosed with covid …… coroner put that on the DS at your peril!!!

      • I reckon it’s more to do with the general fuckery involving the seal impersonations, tiktok bollocks and gubmint shite.
        There isn’t anyone alive who would refuse treatment but fuck ups happen, that’s life bit many ate pissed off with ghd above.
        Add pointless and costly management tiers, lazy staff and general fear mongering anything is fair game.
        Nurses, Sisters and Matrons as mentioned previously, a structure of command and accountability, ward by ward.
        Fucking bean counting cunts could fix this straight away but box ticking and scribbling takes precedence.
        Add a training program for future nurses that doesn’t lure others away from foreign nations.
        Vote Cuntle, vote MGBGA.

      • Good evening MNC, it’s too late MI5 are already on their way to New Mills, some bastard grassed you up ?

      • Never trust a grass Sicky.
        Theyll insinuate their way in,in jail,
        Spend their sentence on their knees.
        The rest of us spend our time fending off get stabbed by umbongos.?

      • We know shit has gone down when even you go into angry rant mode MNC. Well said though.

      • Evening General,?
        Im no gambler but feel safe betting it’ll get worse…
        Anyway, im off, Ginger Baker on telly, and im a big fan!

  26. A hop, step & a jump away from Jon Worboys’ personal shibboleth, melded with Albert DeSalvo’s modus vivendi:

    Mace – Face – Hands

  27. That’s life bit many ate pissed off with ghd is actually meant to say:
    that’s life But many ARE pissed off with THE…

    Aaah fuggit

  28. We can’t say ‘Fuck the NHS’, it needs to be reformed and made efficient if we are going to keep it.

  29. I’m going against the grain here, but all the cunts in my locality who refuse to wear masks are fucking arseholes.
    Most of them resemble 8-Ace and/or Biffa Bacon’s mum…..and that’s just the under 25s.
    They are not “exempt “ they are antisocial.They do not bother to spout the the “boo hoo I’ve got a hidden disability “ mantra. They revel in their faux disabilities by hobbling around on their “benefit-scrounging “crutches and sticks.By the way how come no medical professional in the civilised world is prepared to write an exemption letter?
    And don’t get me started about the wastes of space oxygen-thieves riding around in their smelling-of-piss and shit-encrusted mobility scooters. Most of the cunts have an oxygen cylinder hanging off the buggy and a fag in their brown fingers.

    These fucks in particular should be made to wear masks for no other reason than to cover up their ugliness. (an incurable disease caused by generations of inbreeding and eating shit food)
    I wear a decent mask because I don’t want to breathe in their foul droplets.
    In fact I was in the habit of wearing a mask and gloves long before the stinking slitting-eyed yellow peril exported their SARS-Cov-2 because when I go out I have to encounter people who are dirty and riddled with germs.
    It’s not clever to blatantly refuse to wear a mask….it basically implies that you are proud to be a supporter of that Piers Corbin cunt.

  30. Most of the NHS is a fucking joke. I went in hospital for a night a year ago. First the arrogant fuckers in the ambulance making out I’m on drugs, they don’t think people can just be ill. Then the shitty nurses leaving a cannula half out of my arm when I asked five of them to sort it out. None of them know what’s going on at all. It might be sepsis, it might be an infection, nobody knows. Then still waiting a year for tests on my heart. The GPs all tell me different things. I’m an athlete running for at least an hour every other day. One of them tells me to go on the keto diet? Another says do 90 minutes exercise a week. None of them listen to the patient. From now on I’m only going to hospital if I’m on deaths door. And all this nonsense saying people love the NHS, none of them can be arsed doing a good job. Sack the lot of them!!

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