Stolen Valor – Military Imposters

I´ve never served in the military but admire anybody who has had to risk their life, whether volunteers or conscripts. I have seen previous posts here criticizing cunts who pretended they were war heroes and think this link to an article in the “New Yorker” might be of interest. It describes how genuine veterans have got together to out those despicable fuckers who have either inflated their military service or pretended to have been war heroes.

Before you read it, I warn you that the “New Yorker” never uses one word when it can use 10 and is so politically correct that it ends up accusing some of the accusers of inflating their own military records.

Nominated by: Mr Polly

29 thoughts on “Stolen Valor – Military Imposters

  1. There’s an unkempt lard-arse in the Houses of Parlaiment masquerading as a PM. Come to think of it, there’s a whole raft of cunts pretending they are running the country.

  2. Few veterans on here, to pretend to of served does them a dishonour.
    Used to be that everyone respected our armed forces.
    They still do in other countries.
    The yanks, Russians, China, korea, etc
    Even the french, where everyone flies the white flag and puts their hands above their heads.
    If you’ve served your country you should have the best of health care, benefits, and services.
    Not sleeping rough.

    • Fucking right, MNC.
      Kick some sponging immo dårkies the fuck out of their undeserved home and get some homeless ex-servicemen in there instead.
      Despicable government bastards.
      Even better if the ex-squaddies got to evict the dinghy rats personally at the point of a bayonet.

    • Fucking 4-star hotels for illegals , complete with huge allowances , mobile phones and fast broadband.
      Parents rightly concerned about allowing their teenage daughters on their way home from school , to walk past these potential dens of zero-prosecution gang-rape.
      Meanwhile , we have ex-servicemen sleeping-out in cold , damp conditions – being fed by charity organisations , staffed by volunteers. Men that would rather die than ever see harm come to another human being.
      It fucking disgusts me.
      The Salvation Army kept me alive and semi-positive for 3 weeks on the Embankment back in the early 80’s. If it wasn’t for them I would not be here.
      We need to get a grip , and look after our own first and foremost.

      When I was at junior-school , we were brought up to believe that black people boiled whites in pots and ate them – which is quite accurate. Is that institutionalised racism? No , it was fucking true.
      We have not educated and assimilated this swarth of cunts coming here. We have allowed the construction of ghettos , and now every town has it’s own Harlem. Total no-go areas , where being shoved in a pot would be the least of your worries.

      Diversity is all very well at a distance , but then it’s nice to be able to turn off the TV , and thank your lucky stars that we don’t have to be like them. This goes for darkies , poofs , sex-offenders , and politicians rantings. All previously cancelled by the simple use of a thumb.
      It is complete arrogance of liberals that has brought us to the point we are at now – yet I never saw these bleeding-hearts championing the cause of our deserving veterans.
      Disgusting , fucking disgusting.
      I want vermin off our streets.
      I want vermin out of our social-housing.
      They belong in coastal camps with 20ft fences topped with razor-wire – prior to being returned back to where they came from.

      This country would do well to cancel the citizenship of the past 3 generations of immigrants , ship them out , and take time-out before allowing any un-controlled influx of non-nationals.
      Even then , any visitors should be tagged , and hold only temporary visas , whoever they are.

      When lockdown lifts and schools return , we will begin to see the serious downside of importing in-documented immigrants. Whatever happened before will be nothing compared to the carnage we have unleashed on our nation.
      God help us.

  3. You want cunts? I’ve got ’em…

    ‘The world feels like a slightly better, kinder place today.’

    Should have known that smear of slime Lineker would be a Biden sucker. The nauseating fucking cunt.

    And now the man Biden himself.

    ‘Thank you Nicole Surgeon for your tweets of congratulations’.

    Nicole Surgeon?! What a doddering dribbling decrepit old cunt. The apex of senility.

    • President in waiting Harris hates Boris, probably hates the English almost as much.

      She calls herself Ms Cameltoe Harris, won’t even take her husband’s name ffs.

      Issues there.

      • Wee Nicky will be gagging for Kameltoes big chunky fingers up her fish supper!!
        Twixing its called.

      • Your a goldmine of information Miserable. Danish TV companies will be making children’s educational programmes out it before you can say “Massive penis”.

      • The Danish?
        Bacons good but the kids shows are beyond the pale.

        Make for good vikings, not so good babysitters.

  4. They call them ‘Walts’ after Walter Mitty, don’t they?

    We’ve all come across them. There is also a scary mental version. Not sure what you call them. I’ll call them ‘Combat Walts’.

    When I was in my late teens a bloke in his late 20s or early 30s would get on the bus in full combat gear. He was not in the forces. He was obviously a mental case. Had a bit of a tick. Crazy eyes. Bad smell. Unkempt hair.

    Would sit next to you and show you his knives in his ‘kit bag’. Told me he was going to be air dropped that night into Belize on a top secret mission.

    My reply?

    “Ohhh… errrm.. wow. That sounds dangerous and exciting. Oh, this is my stop. Good luck!”

    Had to get off about 5 stops early and catch the next bus to college, the mental twat.

    I think one of these nutters shot up a school too.

    Be wary of ‘Combat Walts’. Fucking nutters.

    • Combat Walts, that’s a good one. Consider it stolen. I used to see a guy where I grow up, walking through the local shopping centre. Again, he was in full woodland cam, but this guy had badges sewn on his sleeves, including the winged dagger of the SAS. What a twat he was.

  5. “I could wear the clothing, of Mr Walter Mitty, see my tailor, he’s called Simon, I know, it’s going to fit”
    © Ian Dury

  6. Such cunts should face a tribunal then the rope.
    As for the Armed Forces personnel,they should be first in line for whatever they need.
    I also recommend that medals issued for bravery in combat should attract a tax free pension.
    A bounty for ex servicemen should also be paid for every illegal arrival that they put back in the sea with added ventilation.
    For fucks sake what a mess made by mealy mouthed cunts in Londonistan.

    • That includes the gurkhas. They and their families should be offered retirement here while the rapey sinbads and sandpit dwellers are sent packing.

      • Too true. Instead of lavishing that anti-British hypocritical gobshite Malala and her hordes of smelly relatives with free money, free housing and university degrees.

        ‘But… But she was shot’ squeal the social media mong libfucks. So fucking what? Scores were shot in Ulster, the Falklands, Iraq and Afghanistan and they don’t give a fuck.

        Yet some p@k! femstapo big gob gets shot at and she wins the fucking lottery without even buying a ticket. The poncing cunt.

  7. I worked at one place for just a couple of months, and all the talk was about this fella who was supposed to be a secret ops expert for the army. Well why did he work there then, I thought. They said he went missing every once in a while, supposedly to do a job for the army, then he’d come back and say he couldn’t discuss it. When they pointed him out to me, he looked like your typical thicko in blue overalls and had blond shoulder-length hair.
    One day he came into the office and with a smirk on his face started to tell me the story of when he and his buddy had to escort a prisoner from one army base to another. He was going down for a lengthy spell so they decided to give him a drink and a good time before he got locked up. He was giving me the story line from ‘The Last Detail’. “Oh yeah”, I said, “I’ve seen that film”. He never bothered with me again. I couldn’t understand how he’d managed to fool so many people.

  8. I have quite a few mates who are serving or ex services and I can say with some certainty, they would give a Walt a well deserved kicking if they could get away with it.

    People must be fucking desperately sad to behave in such a manner.

    Good cunting, well deserved?

    • The ex military guys I’ve known just want to forget it and move on. They don’t even do the poppy thing. They’ve seen too much.

  9. Iv watched Saving private Ryan. Its very realistic apparently. It gave me PTSD. Im coming along to the next remembrance parade.

    • A friend at work asked us what war film he should get for his weekend viewing with his girlfriend.
      When the Asian guy with the DVD’s came round on Friday , we took him to one side and ‘doctored’ a DVD a little.

      Our friend went home home with “Saving Ryan’s Privates” in the SPR packaging.
      Funny as fuck!

  10. Even worse are the blokes who wear full DPM camo with a jacket covered with Help for Heros and countless poppy badges. They might wear camouflage but I can still see they are a cunt.

    • And I bet those motherfuckers don’t even know that DPM stands for disruptive pattern material. They make me fucking sick.

  11. Most people in the services are right cunts. I should know as I used to be one of em but people who pretend to have are massive cunts. Used to know a bloke who pretended to be an ex sea harrier pilot but said he couldn’t remember his service number!!
    Obviously never been in the mob at all, what a cunt.

    • Couldn’t remember his service number? That’s always the giveaway. I used to know an old boy who’d served during the second world war. Poor cunt had dementia and didn’t recognise his family half the time. He fucking remembered EVERY detail of his service though, including his service number.

  12. I might be old now but when I was a young man I fought the Vietcong right up through the Mekong valley to Saigon and captured 20 gooks and rescued 50 of our boys single handed. They based that character Rambo on me but back then I went by the name of Johnny Napalm

    In reality cunts who tell BS like this once worked in a Vietnamese.laundry in The Thames Valley in Slough.

    I went out with a girl from a small town near Hereford many years back. One thing was certain there looked like some mean ex SAS fuckers in the local but while everyone knew it, they never talked about it. They may have been massive cunts they may have been top blokes but they never had to brag about their achievements or their selection.

  13. My grandfather fought the Japanese and ended up in Changi with some Aussies who became his pals for life.

    My great uncle fought the hun at the Battle of the Bulge. Neither of them talked about it. My Great Uncle John mentioned it once and my nana told me about granddad and the Japs. Neither man bragged about the war or the medals they got.

    Anyone else remember Barry George? Or was it Barry Bulsara? Was it Barry Mercury? Or could it be Barry Bodie? Or was it Steve Majors? That fat loony bullshitting cunt who made out he was a Queen roadie, an ex-stuntman, and an SAS veteran?

    He may not have killed poor Jill (RIP), but he was a premium Walt and a 42 karat cunt.

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