Social Justice Warriors [4]

SJW’s, yet again. There’s a show on Netflix called Cobra Kai. It’s a follow on from the original Karate Kid movie and stars Ralf Macchio and the guy who played Johnny (ok, so I forgot his name). It’s a brilliant show, into its third season, and is completely non-woke. And that’s the problem for the whingeing SJW cunts. It’s too white apparently. Using their warped logic, it could be argued that Black Panther was too black, but also with their warped logic, saying that would be considered racist.

What it is with these motherfuckers? Why do they always have to be so miserable? Why do they constantly have to complain about EVERYTHING? Especially things that are popular. Why can’t they just enjoy something for what it is? As with every other TV show, movie, video game, comic, novel etc, most of them have never even seen, read or played the thing that they’re complaining about. They just jump on the cancellation train at every opportunity. They do that, to show all the other braindead cunts that they, too, are woke. And because they would be ripped apart if they didn’t.

They really are the new Puritans. Joyless, insufferable, nasty, ignorant and miserable as fuck. They are completely unable to create anything without shoving their evil politics into it. Then they wonder why normal people reject it. And they ALWAYS respond with cries of Nazi, Fascist, white supremacist, far right, etc. NO! Motherfuckers. We reject it because it’s shite. These bastards cannot create, they can only destroy.

In the aftermath of the frenzy surrounding Chris Pratt not attending an Avengers themed fundraiser for Biden (along with others, but they escaped the woke assault), what did Marvel do? They made Starlord, Pratt’s character in the Guardian of the Galaxy movies, bisexual in the comics. They didn’t have to, they did it as a fuck you to Pratt. It was nasty and fucking immature. But that’s what wokeists are. They’re also cunts.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

36 thoughts on “Social Justice Warriors [4]

  1. Don’t worry Biden will fix it. Haha Joe Will Fix It, accidentally apt.

    From the New York Post.

    ‘Mere hours after stressing the need for “unity,” President Biden sparked a new civil war with an executive order letting transgender women compete in women’s sports.’

    You don’t have to be post op, you just have to identify as a woman? So that’s the end of women’s sports then. Prime example of wokeness destroying equality.

    I look forward to seeing Michelle Tyson win the women’s super heavyweight championship belt after decapitating the existing champion with a left hook 5 seconds into the first round.

    This is where the left begins to eat its self, nothing like a bloke in a dress to set the radical lesbians off.

      • Another example of Uncle Joe being manipulated by the loony libtards. You can expect a lot more of this wokery pokery.
        Puppet on a string. Dozy old cuntrag.

        (“wokery pokery” – definitely the Statement of the Day! – DA)

      • HAHAHAHA, Suck it up bitches. Cunters I weep for the USA. I see Antifa are kicking off. Only one solution Joe, Civil Guard one warning, Open fire.

      • Hilarious, now dumb ass kids (boys) will be able to get college sports scholarships by identifying as female.

        There is simple solution to all this shit, if a tranny lines up against real women they just walk off…. get some sister solidarity 😂

      • Totally fucked up. Biden will usher in the most cretinous era in US politics.
        Bang goes logic,honesty and reality, in comes laws based on emotion, dishonest people exploiting this lunacy and fantasy taking over from reality.
        Like a bad futuristic Hollywood scifi tv series for the woke generation. Unfortunately it’s not a tv show you can switch off. Everyone in America is now a participant willing or not.
        There are no limits to how far this can go. Men in womens toilets, sport, sanctuaries for abused women, being excused from class or active duty because of female issues( I don’t have a period but I identify with it).
        This isn’t about equality it’s about self entitlement, deviousness and dishonesty.
        Russia,the hardened Islamists and chinks will be rubbing their hands with glee as America descends into chaos as they actively subvert the truth and make lying a legal obligation

      • There’s going to be a lot of pissed off people when they wake up in the next few days, weeks and months and realize everything isn’t suddenly all warm and fuzzy.

    • Unbelievable and absurd example of carpet bagging, pandering to the minority, to get a few more votes.
      God help us if this twat’s finger is on the button.

    • Oh sleepy Joe seems to have his little, shall we say, odd tastes. I’m pretty sure skeletor Pelosi is behind some of these decisions as well.

      Give the SJW ‘s an inch and they’ll take a mile!

      • I already have a popcorn maker, General Tso. I can supply popcorn to isac members (at a preferential rate) during the whole of lockdown (in England only, I’m afraid – and other terms must strictly apply to this limited offer, which greatly limit its attractiveness).

        By the way, Ruff Tuff Cream Puff – who or what is “CS”?

    • This is the ‘most popular president ever’, who during his inaugeration, mistook being told via his earpiece to ‘salute the troops’ as a sentence to be spoken out loud rather than an action to perform.

      Not long now before one of his office of degenerates shoves the Executive Order to put the ‘P’ in the rainbow in front of him and says ‘just sign there man’.

  2. Aren’t the morons happy with the amount of blacks in TV advertising?
    They should do as I do. If a program contains unnecessary inclusions of blacks, raspberries or bummers, I don’t watch the rubbish.
    Offended by everything SJW’s could do the same with white actors, or better still make their own programs for me to ignore.

  3. Just imagine if mankind’s ancestors had been like this fucking complain about everything – do nothing lot. We’d still be living in caves. Or mud huts. Think about it. Fucking useless set of cunts.

  4. They despise themselves, they have such shallow pointless lives they take it out on those of a more cheerful disposition. Other words miserable cunts. Fuck em, fuck all.

  5. Now the fun begins….

    Biden has opened the floodgates demanded by the Woke, the libtards and old-school SJWs. But this is already ruffling the feathers of the old guard Alphabets (the Gays, the BIs and the Lesbians), who now seem themselves as being sidelined, isolated and basically discriminated against by the new kids on the block.

    I have read that hardline feminists are already up in arms about transgenders being allowed into women’s (and men’s) sports, as well as wanting more “equality” for pregnancies, maternity rights, pension rights etc.

    We’ve already seen a lot of heated debate over gender pronouns, which again is annoying the LGBs.

    So it does make for interesting reading which way the SJWs will now turn? Will it continue to support the new guys and ignore the old school, or what?

    Either way, they’re going to piss off/offend a lot of groups, which could explode into riots on the streets. And then what will Biden do?

    Silly cunts

  6. Right-leaning folk generally want to comply with laws and carry out civil functions (taxes, voting etc) in exchange for being left alone to get on with their self-satisfied lives.

    Left-leaning folk generally want to protest that laws and civil functions are oppressive, whilst demanding their rights to the trappings of those from those that do, and are incapable of leaving others alone as they are incapable of self-resolution.

    It is provenly bio-chemical, the left and right brain, cortexes etc.

    The Romans knew. The difference between those aware and discerning of why their right was ‘dexter’ and their left was ‘sinister’, and those who have no clue, prevails to this day.

  7. Don’t let your kids watch such shit, it is bad for their mental health? Now the SJW rat cunts have overrun the telly, it appears from the nom they are ruining kids comics. Of course, now kids are practically under house arrest, they can be force fed this marxist shit without interruption. By the time lockdown ends in a few year’s time, everyone born after the 1980s will be a full on libtard, shit scared, ninny drone cunt.

  8. McCauley Culkin has backed those wishing to remove Trump from a scene in Home Alone 2.

    Revisionism is now a form of social justice.

  9. They are soulless creeps who want to destroy anything funny. Comedy is dead because of these nihilistic pricks.

    And they especially hate anything that doesn’t have at least a 60% dark key cast and at least one gay sex scene in it.

    A modern school nativity would need to have Joseph bumming King Herod, Mary lezzing up with some African wimminz collective and Jesus as a full dark key singing gangsta rap, for it to please these wankers.

    Fuck them all.

    And yes, I’m fucking pleased Biden has signed an EO allowing biological males to compete in professional and amateur women’s sports.

    Women have been the ones behind a lot of this woke bollocks. Can’t wait to see Meghan Rapinhoe-cunt’s team get dicked (literally) 19-0 by a team of blokes.

    Suck it up you cunts!

      • It’d be even better if she lost her place in the team to a bloke in a frock too. And due to that, she vanished into obscurity.

        I bet she’d change her fucking tune then (she supports this shite by all accounts).

  10. What’s that saying? ‘You can please some of the people all the time, all the people some of the time’.
    I think. I probably bullocksed that up.

  11. Absolutely un-fucking-believable.
    Among the most egregious examples of the mental illness of “progessive” politics you will find.

    Biden has only been in there a couple of days. It’s going to be a long 4 years.

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