Now we all know that O’Leary is a cunt, but he’s scraped the bottom of the barrel of cuntitude with his latest ad campaign, Jab and Go.
I’ve traveled extensively in my life and have flown on some shitty airlines where I thanked the almighty when we landed safely. For example Trans Andean Airways where we had a shitty old DC3 so rusty that I could look down through the rusty floor, through the rusty hull and admire the mountains below. No, I’m not kidding.
Or China Airlines where they don’t just use fucking old aging Tridents, they use Russian copies of fucking old aging Tridents.
But I’d rather fly any of those rather than Ryanair. Jab and Go FFS! Don’t these cunts realise that the countries the other end of the flight might have something to say about that? Don’t they realise that they launched their campaign whilst flights are banned?
Or perhaps they just don’t give a shit about their customers as long as they grab their money?
Yeah, that’ll be it…
Nominated by: Dioclese
They will take some money from this and then refuse to pay it back when the government or foreign governments refuse to let the flights go ahead.
It’s tempting for people to make plans for better days at the moment, looking forward to some sort of normal isn’t a bad thing but you may as well spend 20 quid on lottery tickets.
Sorry to go off topic but Amazon has shut down the Parler servers, suddenly Parler was in breach of Amazon’s rules.
Parler is\was an alternative to Twitter where right wing comments were not censored or removed.
It could be ISAC in days or weeks.
What’s taking place atm with social media is quite incredible, not least the banning of the current President whilst other nutjob ‘leaders’, particularly of the sandy bumhole type, can still broadcast actual messages of hate.
Gab looks like the last bastion of free speech as they actually own all the hardware.
The censorship game is going to go into overdrive this year. I’d be amazed if ISAC survives.
Trump has been banned from all social media, there is a purge of supporters on Twitter and the campaign is in full swing to remove dissenting voices by any means possible.
The nazis did exactly the same thing.
On topic – O’Leary can go fuck himself – I do not fly tramp air when I have a fully armed and loaded Lancaster in the hanger! ??☠
Even more incredible is that it seems most people agree with the president of the USA (supposedly president of the free world) being silenced.
The media are not reporting his responses. Therefore, America IS living under tyrannical rule right now. He has no voice. The fucking president!
But lap it up, you bitches agreeing with this. You won’t be laughing in a few years time you thick cunts.
If America was burned to the ground by angry Trump supporters tonight, I would say ‘What did anyone fucking expect to happen?’
The BBC et Al are making out this was just Qanon retards. Yes, a few were there but the vast majority there were pissed off normies. The focus of course, is on a few nutters.
The POTUS has been censured. Let that sink in and have a good think about that, whether you like the cunt or you don’t.
Whilst I’m not a fan of Facebook, Twitter, etc, they are not public/state owned platforms.
They are Privately owned companies amd can set their own rules & ban who they like.
That being said, they are doing this for attention, as this is all that’s been on MSM news the past few days. They have been perfectly happy to publish all Trumps mad posts for the past 4 years whillst it has gained them daily attention.
That privately owned company thing doesn’t wash with me, sorry.
These companies (Twitter) hold sway over public opinion. They know this. The media not reporting on Trump are doing the same thing.
Your utility companies are also private companies. And your bank.
Would you think it ok for all banks to not allow you to have a bank account (because, for example, you think the effects of climate change are exaggerated)?
Think it’s far fetched? Back accounts in the UK have been closed in the last year due to political opinions of the account holders. They did not preach violence (in fact they preached the opposite).
Imagine your gas and electric being cut off because they don’t like your politics. Maybe because you posted on here?
Be careful with that ‘private companies’ thing.
Not having wokethink views could utterly destroy you if you go along with that.
The rules should be different for these companies unless we want a ‘Chinese Social Credit’ system.
If not, we’ll all just have to make sure we’re good little boys and girls for our masters then, eh?
Just sayin’
I agree, they actually get so much data from the cencus and when the directors personal opinions doesnt agree with it they ban it. I don’t agree with everything that wankers chat to me in the pub, i dont go whack um out of action do i. No.
Thats the analogy with what this government is trying to do. And remove all truths from the world and replace it with woke bullshit.
P.S The point is that twitter is a free speech platform. Not some Statsi shut it down situation. Anyone can chat bollocks on it not in a professional level.
Read this shit: and then this
Confused? Most certainly. I dont trust anypapers but it seems thay O’Really is either being fed fake news to Ireland or the Uk is. Or it could be that some wierdos are playing us all like muppets.
And Arnold Schwarzenegger comparing the recent shindig on Capitol Hill to the Kristallnacht of 1938. This bullet headed Kraut said that the Proud Boys were the modern SS and that last week’s protest was on a par with Hitler’s firm led by Heiydrich persecuting and killing Jews. How this cunt – who isn’t even American for a start – has the fucking nerve to even think such utter shite, I will never know. A complete insult to every person who fought the Nazis or who suffered by their hands I would say.
This meat headed peanut brained cunt should stick to doing crap action movies. This uneducated knuckle dragger wants to watch episode 1 of The World At War and then see how ‘similar’ these events are. An early candidate for cunt of the year 2021.
All them steroids he took for decades, Norm.
Fucking Austrian twat.
Arnold Schwarzenegger has the IQ of a dead hedgehog in a bag.
‘Cuntybollocks’ – It’s the ;
dead hedgehog “in a bag” that creased me 🙂
a dead hedgehog clearly has little IQ available – the “in a bag” is a cherry on top of the icing 🙂
Want to lose your money go ahead.
This is encouraging people to book holidays without the guarantee theyll be allowed to fly or be allowed into their destination.
Robbing diddly dee cunts.
Ryanair rob and go.
Ill take option B.
Stay where I fuckin am,
Im not Judith Chalmers.
Want to lose your money go ahead.
This is encouraging people to book holidays without the guarantee theyll be allowed to fly or be allowed into their destination.
Robbing diddly dee cunts.
Ryanair rob and go.
Ill take option B.
Stay where I fuckin am,
Im not Judith Chalmers.
Ryanair – The ‘have-a-go’ airline company. Never used them. They’ve always seemed to me like a gang of Irish gyppos who are equally as likely to rip you off with a substandard driveway or patio as they are to fly you anywhere with any acceptable quality. Yeah! But it’s cheap! Another proof in point of the phrase ‘you get what you pay for’.
They are cheap for the simple reason they tend to prefer airstrips that even Pablo Escobar would turn his nose up at for being a bit remote and on the iffy side of health and safety.
Couldn’t agree more. When I went to Ireland to go fishing or watching the gee gees with my dad we always used Aer Lingus or the B&I ferry. Ryanair flights are always full of Eight Ace style scum and best avoided. Cheap as chips for a reason: that reason being they are shit.
He was on any fucking TV channel who would listen to the Irish twat, not happy about the UK insisting that anyone coming into the UK must have negative test no more than 72 hours before flying.
He doesn’t give a fuck about importing chinky shit into the UK all he cares about is profit.
I am not sure where this Jab and Go bollocks came from because it’s fucking obvious that (at the moment) only old cunts are being jabbed and even when younger adults are included it going to take months.
Fuck off O’leary you cunt.
How the crooks Ryanair are still allowed to trade is baffling.
The quoted prices are never that which you end up paying. They’ve been told to wind their fucking necks in about this before, but have ignored all the warnings.
Take the routes off them bit by bit, and hand them to other airlines. It’s the only way to deal with the thieving, lying, pikey cunts.
It has nothing to do with keeping jobs.
It is just O’Leary being the greedy money grabbing cunt he is.
If he could get away with bundling passengers in the cargo hold to make a few extra quid, he would do it.
What a massive Wanker he is
I wouldnt use the cunts. Pay more but get good service and your money back, no quibble as I did with Jet2 this March.
O’Leary is a cunt and his airline is to be avoided.
That should be last March. Cunt.
yes – had a very pleasant experience with Jet2, unlike Ryanair.
Anyone who even thinks of fannying off abroad at the minute should be locked up.
Unless they are being deported, then they should take some family with them.
….and a couple of members of the Cabinet, the fucking useless arseholes.
If you jab and go, and then can’t go I very much doubt O’Leary will allow rfunds – it is just a clever way of selling “vouchers”. I doubt things will be much different until 2022 at least.
O’Leary is a businessman in the mould of Robert Maxwell, Tiny Rowland and Philip Green, minus the charm.
Phillip Green has all the charm of a constipated toad.
Oirish barrow boy cunt!
Whether selling shit flights, touting to “top” you tree, or Tarmac your driveway.
Oh, & Bono.
Prize Cunt.
Jab and Go Fuck Yourself.
They’re going to have make a lot more disabled priority seats before long I reckon.
I a very bad flyer ( ie I shit myself from take off to landing) so you wouldn’t get me on one of this cheapskate thief’s planes anyway. It’s like getting in a car with Alastair Campbell in my book.
Riding a tandem with Stevie wonder.
I’ve flown Ryanair (there and back) precisely once. Never again. I barely fly anyway not being the travelling type but if and when I do next I’m avoiding those cunts like the plague.
That stupid bellend noise they make when you land sums this pile of wank up. Treating passengers like a load of immature cunts.
Jab and Fuck Off to Ryanair more like. Good nom Dio. This ad has been winding me up even more than that cunt for Lidl.
Who the fuck is booking flights or a holiday? It is like some stupid ads for ayrab airlines that tell us they fly to more than a hundred fucking destinations despite no one allowing UK citizens in. Oh, the fucking irony. We can’t go anywhere, but any fucker can come here.
Pretending we still have rights doesn’t fucking mean we have, or are likely to be “given” them back anytime soon. We are totally fucked.
This cunt and the board of Ryan air should be made to perform river dance in a minefield. Any survivors can be shot.
O’Leary a cunt for all seasons.
Ryan air will know that forcing or even gently co opting people to take any medicine is illegal under international law ever since the nasty business in Germany in the 1930s and 40s. Just shows how malleable “law” is when the narrative goes one way. Just like in Germany in the 1930s and 40s.
I’ve only used Ryanair once. It was like a cheap coach trip. On the return flight from Malta, they let this cripple cunt on first, making boarding three times longer than it needed to be. He was a fat cunt with sticks, with a fat wife, and it took them so long to get on the fucking plane because they were fully laden with duty free fags and booze. They looked like benefits vermin, and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one tutting. We had paid an extra quid priority boarding fee too, which meant fuck all either way, because I think everyone else had. Shit experience, hopefully never to be repeated.
I’m on the fence about cunts going abroad at the moment. Part of me applauds them for helping keep the industry afloat, but the rest of me thinks that only a dull cunt would risk going abroad while there are so many restrictions both there and here, that could change overnight. And it seems to be all the trashy cunts like Tyson Fury and vacuous reality tv skum travelling, so no loss to humanity if the worst occurs.
Ryanair is for folk why buy their entire Christmas dinner from Iceland. Yuck.
Anyone thinking of tacky package holidays and getting of to Spain to eat chip butties needs there head tested….and then removed for an Alsatian head swap operation.
*their….damn it.
Timely, as I just noticed a Jet2 advert on the idiot lantern for holidays in the sun.
They are using that fucking ‘I’m ready for this’ song which is worthy of a cunting in its own right…. Ready for what, a good dose of the China virus? Any cunt that travels whilst I am under house arrest is an cunt, and pricks like Oleary that encourage it should be banned from oxygen.
Jet2 have always been good for me. But now is not the time to book anyfuckingthing. And, by the way, if you phone them you get that fucking song on a loop.
They’d not be ready for the wrath of DICunty if I had to listen to that on a loop. Fully paid up member of the TTG group, me ?
Uber money grabbing cunt Michael O’Leary.
This from the same cunt that floated the idea of pay as you go toilet and standing only tickets.
Unfortunately I’ve used this airline quite a lot as it’s the only one that flies direct to the south of France and I certainly can confirm it’s fucking murder.
I hope he gets sucked into an Airbus engine.
O’Leary should be shoved out the door of one of his shitty planes at 30,000 ft – and not over water !
Push him out over the Emerald isle – it’ll save the trouble of digging him a grave – he’ll be 6ft down below when coming down at that speed 🙂
Jab and go? Sounds fantastic. I’d jab that goblin faced sneaky little cunt O’greedy straight in the face with a right hook ? and then go out and celebrate ?
The papers are saying RyanAir might pull out the UK which is? Because if they are going to take your money and pull out they are no better than a nigerian conman. Fucking cunt that O’Dreary.
Ryan Air are fucking mental. I love how it can be 8am on a monday morning and even with the plane still ascending, the sky cunts (as Doug Stanhope calls them) come whizzing out asking you to buy booze. No, buy could I get a seat that is ergonomically designed for an adult?
Iggy Pops a cunt too.
Im a big Stooges and fan of his music, but Iggy is hawking holidays on telly with the catchphrase “everything is better on the beach”.
Now I know thats a barefaced lie.
Sunday dinner
Open heart surgery
Giving birth
Are just some of the exceptions to this nugget of wisdom.
I dont like the beach,
If I want the experience of getting sand in my socks, mouth , arsecrack etc
Jewson can deliver 2 ton of sand cheaper.
Obviously, Mr Pop has never been to Aberdeen beach. The cunt wouldn’t be a shirtless, let me tell you.
Iggy pop should have been cast as Gollum, he’s so precious
Oh and and about Ryanair, being an (oirish cunt myself all five foot six seven depending on my choice of shoes) I cannot wait until it lands . I’m like the captain on auto pilot because it’s fucking sardine time on his seat arrangement
Ryan Air treat their customers with contempt and that is why I always pay more to fly with someone else.