Dig deep, spread the muck, and don’t call a spade a spade, unless you want to incur the wrath of “Professor” Fowler, the academic who, like a tub of Vanish, forces out hidden dirt.
The Professor (as in “Professor Jimmy Edwards”?) has the ear of the National Trust, and taking th bit btween her horsey teeth has decided in a book called “Green Unpleasant Land” that gardening is naughty, because it colludes with our “colonial past”, and it’s racist, and, well, just too beastly for a lady of her refinement:
As it is the weekend, perhaps a Boggs gardening tip might not come amiss. If you live in her part of the country, and you are planting up some shrubs this weekend, make a beeline to her lavatory, because her output is guaranteed to be 100% pure shit – just like her book, which would make a very good mulch.
Nominated by : W. C. Boggs
I do actually work as a gardener and as I go about my business in blackface and Morris dancing bellpads and braces have come to ignore the death stares and shouts of “racist” and “Nazi”.
She would make fine compost. Just a slip with garden sheers here and a whack with a shovel there and hey presto terrific crop of spuds.
Is there no end to the wonderfully imaginative talent displayed on this erudite site?
Fuck me I bet she’s a laugh a minute.
For every daffodil you plant a umbongo kid dies.
For every snowdrop planted a pakistani imam chokes on his tongue.
My garden is like the Chelsea flower show.
I planted loads of daffodils and snowdrops, last autumn.
I’m dead chuffed now.??
Evening MNC.
Evening Jack?
Without knowing it youve made the world a better place!
I planted loads of lavender.
Heard it kills actors.
LOL …….
I’m proud our ancestors conquered most of the fucking planet.
Don’t think for one second that the Joe Dakis or Africunts wouldn’t have done the same given half the chance (in fact, the moose limbs did try to take Europe). The African tribes were chopping each other to fuck centuries before the honky set foot on the continent.
Yes, it’s a good job for the world we were the conquerors – they would’ve been much more brutal, so whingers like this daft bint can all fuck off.
My message? We won. You lost. It was a long time ago. I’m not ever going to say sorry. In fact, I’ll celebrate my ancestors’ triumphs, like every other fucking (non honky) country does. Get over it you cunts.
And they should thank their lucky stars I wasn’t in control. The Empire would never have ended. Fuck off.
Daft bitch.
Thankfully doubt anyone with anything resembling a brain takes any notice of her ridiculous wittering.
After some academic research of my own (typing her name into duckduckgo and hitting ‘images’), and after careful rationalisation, I can conclude that she’s a four-pinter.
Initially, I was impressed with the flowing cadence of her hair and rustic complexion and considered it a given that she would be allowed on the magnanimous pole. However, it quickly became apparent that most photos were ‘head & shoulders’ shots, the type favoured by chubsters. Eventually it was apparent she was carrying a few stone extra and consumed more fruit pies than fruit salads. Nonetheless, I would probably accept a blowjob from her as long as she bathed or a reacharound therefore not having to view the witchey visage.
In conclusion, a 5/10 for looks and a complete cunt for attention-seeking wokeness.
Only four Captain?
I didn’t say of what, Willie.
Good point Captain.
No surprise she works at the University of Leicester Cap, a woke cesspit of liberal turds. Further reading on this snowflake also reveals she benefited from The Arts Council and Heritage Lottery Fund grants to the tune of over £180,000. Maybe you could trigger one of her microaggressions by busting into her office in just a pair of muddy wellington boots offering to show her your ‘prize winning marrow’.
Wow, the Arts Council? Perhaps it’s merely a performance act, not so much street theatre as garden theatre. She might be channelling the character of a Weird sister from Macbeth.
Another mutt who’s had a good upbringing and edukashun and is now guilty.
Oh dear.
Parachute here into Somalia for a while, see if she feels guilty after the locals have a go at her.
Stupid cunt.
Rule Britannia, Land of Hope and Glory, Jerusalem…..
Take that bitch, slavery was good for Britain, made us strong.
I think we should seriously considering reintroducing slavery.
Its good for us, its good for them.
They crave discipline.
Very true better than letting run riot, give them some purpose. Bring back some of the old traditions and vocabulary
I take one look at her and an unopened fanny with hair like Don King’s haircut springs to mind. The stench must be appalling . I bet she wears off white bloomers pulled right up to her saggy tits.
Id throw one up her too .
For a years membership to the National Trust .
You’re kindness itself, Les Mis.
Steady on Miserable!
Do you not know that National Trust properties are hotbeds of slave ownership? Even the Yanks know all abaaaht it:
Oh, the fucking shame….
Why the National Trust saw fit to publish this information in the first place is beyond comprehension.
Tons of cunts have cancelled their memberships.
I did know Ruff.
Thats what attracts me!
I like to park up outside Lyme park and Tatton , Chatsworth, etc and walk in on foot.
They hate that!?
She probably gives her blessing to up hill gardeners
Fine. Send her to the ‘Not at all green & unpleasant’ land of Somalia and see what the local peacefuls think of her book and gardening tips as they wank themselves off in anticipation of making her arse and her slimy Vag airtight at the same time………
I don’t know about that Josef. Even those Somalian goat shaggers standards couldn’t possibly sink to those levels. I reckon they wouldn’t shag or eat her.
Very true Mr Fistula, i suspect however they’d do it out of upmost spite and malice when they too hear the woke bullshit coming out of her gob.
Looks like 90s Arsenal midfielder Ray Parlour to me.
Some of you would shag anything that moves, it seems.
The irony is, if our Africunts spent more time learning how to grow food and less time raping, murdering and burning everything in their “enlightened” shitholes, there would be plenty of food.
Sub saharan IQ=the real problem.
The Fowl Fowler cunt is writing in a “fashionable” invective.
I take it she doesn’t like to regularly trim her bush then.
Like eating tripe off a barbershop floor.
That’s an old Northern tradition, isn’t it?
God yes.
Also eating picked eggs on a outside lav.
Im very keen on observing the old traditions.
And if she did get her pubes sorted she wouldn’t use a proper British fanny topiarist, she’d get it done by a team of boys with bush knives and a compass
Right who wants dibs on this cunt for compost? That’s Uttercunt CuntyMort Liberal Liquidator? who else?
I must dust off the stormtrooper togs for when I plant this dopy tart.
I think I’ll put her under those naughty cabbages
Dig a hole and push her in
Down with Kew Gardens and the Chelsea Flower Show. Disgusting and evil colonial nasties that they are.
Bonio: For every daffodil that blooms another umbongo child dies
Stop facking planting daffodills then you twatt
Oh fuck me – not another one!
Previously keen gardener Lady Creampuff still hasn’t got over the shame she felt last time when that Chinkie cunt Wong revealed that “U.K. gardening culture has racism baked into its DNA.”
Naturally, and rightly so, Lady C has not set foot in the garden since. I fear that Mr Boggs’s latest revelation here will put the tin lid on her gardening endeavours…. FOREVER!
Even so, I feel it my solemn duty to bring this fresh cunting to Lady C’s attention, tee-hee. Better wait till after dinner though.
Bit late for dinner.
Don’t you mean tea ?
Talk proper.
Get to fuck.*
We’re civilised down here. Dinner is served at 8pm.
* © JTC
He doesnt know his mealtimes Jack!
It’s not normal.
They probably have a bidet as well.
Bidet eyes.
Ive met his like before.
Confusing people at teatime.
He’ll not confuse us, MNC. Generations of ingrained habit have given us an iron will.
We are immovable.
Stone men, unflinching. ??
We will not break.
You don’t know the half of it Miserable, during my butlering duties at Creampuff Manor there was brunch, post-lunch tea and biscuits for Countdown, cheese and crackers in time for Boris’s Covid debrief at 5pm then late night cheese and toasties for Newsnight
LL, he invited me to ‘evening lunch’ and tiffin?
When I got there it was a bowl of shreddies!!?
Hes a clever lad but clearly suffers meal-dyslexia.
Goes like this by law
1) breakfast
2) breakfast part 2
2) dinnertime
4) teatime
5) cocoa
Its the backbone of civilization
You mess with it its a open invitation to anarchy.
Corinne. That’s a left wing name. The female of Corin maybe…as in Corin
Redgrave. He was a left wing activist along with his sister Vanessa.
Colin Redgrave doesn’t have the same well…gravity does it?
Which bring me onto some I watched on Youtube last night. Piers Morgan interviewing Piers Corbyn. And wait wait for it Piers (Morgan) revealed that he has a brother called Jeremy.
Only Corinne that was on my radar was Corinne Russell.
Oh, and the bird from Swing Out Sister was called Corinne. Always found her a bit tasty and all.
Napier Barracks, 5 arrested over deliberate fire started by asylum seekers.
Charity Care4Calais had said asylum seekers were “completely abandoned by the authorities” and left to organise their own accommodation after the fire, without food, drink, heating or light, until volunteers took supplies.
The group posted on Facebook: “What you wouldn’t expect is for everyone to be told to go back inside, but all the lights and heating are turned off so it’s cold and dark. And as the night goes on it gets colder.
Diddums, perhaps the immigrants who started the fire should have thought about that beforehand. Obviously hoping to be put into hotels at taxpayers expense.
Care4Calais can fuck right off.
Surely now is a great time to deport some of these cunts, as there can’t be many fucking busybodies on planes to kick off and stop it happening.
Can you imagine reading about the cunt who raped you was stopped from being deported because some stupid woman was more interested in his human rights than his evil criminality? I bet the overwhelming desire for them to suffer a similar ordeal must be unbearable.
And stop the boat loads of illegal economic migrants (not asylum seekers) arriving from France.
Job done.
Already been mentioned by Alex Belfield, both Napier Barracks and the lefty types who stopped a planeload of crims departing let off by the judges.
You can’t win.
If the illegals were too cold they should have jumped into the fire.
Another warped cunt. Don’t know who they try to impress, must get off talking bollocks, a shame that when the revolution happens, these types always go to the wall first. Fuck off you nauseous bitch.
Quite so. It happened in 1688 and it will happen next time we have a revolution.
What cuntery is this?
Prof Fowler needs to come round to speak to a few of my non-honky neighbours and tell them if you cut your grass then you ain’t black. I’m sure a swift wellington booted kick up her minnie moo will let her know her views are not welcome round these parts.
There again she might accuse them of multi-racial whiteness and use this made up phenomenon to get another grant from
The Arts Council to write even more shite.
Gardening otherwise known as agriculture is not racist..
Horticulture, just saying.
She’s a soppy looking twat.
Should be made to wet nurse orphaned ferrets.
Or be turned into a water butt.
Get To Fuck.
Didn’t she used to be Charlie Dimmock?
Thought she.liked gardening.
She likes a drink!!
Right pisspot.
So the gardens of Ancient History, Babylon, Rome and others are actually our fault? Did she study history or just watch a few movies?
Oh well, some people drink from the Fountain of Knowledge, she barely gargled.
The only thing this bint drinks from is the furry cup.
Looks like a “crusty” to me
Burn it alive in it’s yurt
Death to hippies…
Post boxes are always red but have you noticed the base is always black? That’s right…..black at the bottom.
Raaaaaaaaaaaay-sists !!!!!
Not always red. Some have black shafts with gold throbbing helmets, to suck up to black cock:
I visited a National Trust castle that had been laid siege to for months by opposing forces during the English civil war.
I don’t know why they just didn’t go in through the gift shop….
I hope you left via the cloakroom. 🙂