TV Pixilation

The modern day censorship

Noticed how often the TV news places an opaque letterbox over car licence plates ? Or blurs out individuals faces when they’re clearly breaking the law eg Partying Covidiots who should instead be shamed by exposure?

This insidious practice just makes me wonder this…. “what else are they hiding?”

Nominated by: Isaac Hunt 

35 thoughts on “TV Pixilation

  1. Its the visual equivalent of a MSM news report saying “Thirty six men in the Bradford area aged 20-55 were arrested today on suspicion of grooming and child sex offences”.

  2. There was a nomination a few days ago about ‘trigger warnings’ too. Is everyone so soft these days they have to be protected from reality? Every single tv show has a warning at the start. I have the original Star Wars trilogy which I bought on VHS (remember that?) back in the 90s and they have a ‘U’ certificate. The same fillums today have a ‘PG’ rating. Everything has shifted up a notch; even episodes of The Simpsons get ‘M’ ratings today for fuck’s sake. Pfft.

    Reblog of any interesting article about the decay of democracy…

    • Morning Mike, I don’t know if they do this for Australian tv, but Covid has given tv companies the green light to offer warnings about “scenes filmed before the pandemic” before programmes are shown. I know a lot of the public are morons but as if seeing a maskless Ken Barlow pop in the Rovers for his half bitter will lead to mass lockdown rule breaking.

    • What really fucks me off is when they take a film which is/was an 18 certificate, cut out all the bits which made it worth watching and then put a 15, or even a 12, certificate on it.

    • Yeah they do it over the minge and cock. Renders it completely useless, like a gravy boat with water in it.

      • They don’t pixilate the spunk though. You could have that in the gravy boat instead.

    • You can still see the ladies bumholes though, UT, so not all is lost if you’re a perv!

      • Once you’ve seen one ladyshitter you’ve seen ’em all. They simply don’t have the range.

    • If I want to see a load of Japanese getting fucked, I watch something with Enola Gay in it.

      • Yoko Ono did a great job of fucking Happy Christmas (War is Over) with her wailing and “velly melly chlistmas” screeching.

  3. This just used to be used for whistleblowers and other grasses on TV.
    And their voice scrambled .
    Now its used all the time,
    To ‘protect identity’ and to protect those delicate little lambs the general public.
    They pixellated me in the upcoming World in Action about online racism.
    Name you all. ?

    • It’s shile of pit. If you have to scramble something, you probably shouldn’t be showing it in the first place. But we are where we are now. Pandora is well and truly out of the fucking box and dancing a jig on top of it.

    • They interviewed and pixilated a certain gentleman farmer because of that Miserable, fortunately because they also had to bleep out all the expletives, nobody watching had a clue what was going on.

    • Wtf shouldn’t we see them the government does . They also see us. The cunts have us zoned in with their CCTV and satellites. In fact I want to see the cunts watching us and the ones pixilating all the pictures. Who are these faceless goons to decide what I see?
      Ffs they had a warning on before an old James Bond film as it contained outdated language. Says who? Oh yeah that’s right,our betters.

      • I watched Thunderball the other night, haven’t seen it for years, some classic lines…

        Jill St John ‘do you prefer blondes or brunettes’

        Connery ‘as long as the collars and cuffs match I don’t mind’

  4. I’d like to see BBC parasite Linewank’s smug, smarmy face pixelated out. That’s after I’ve stamped on it and shat all over it. I’m not keen on the cunt.

  5. Expect to see more of this on our idiot lanterns with the ‘rise of far-right terrorism’. As we are always being told by the good Neil Basu, this will be the greatest threat to the UK in the 21st century.

    • Well there has been an alarming up rise in right wing terrorist activities.

      Recently Nazis have been caught:

      Driving 5 miles to go for a secluded walk.

      Speak to neighbours over the garden fence.

      Eating a sandwich on a park bench.

      The threat is real.

  6. I wish they would pixilate out all the fucking black and asian cunts on tv & adverts-and disguise “their” voices with a nice cut glass english-circa Oliver Reed or Diana Rigg.

    That, I really could endorse??

  7. I used to love watching Gerry Adams on tv in the 70’s and 80’s. As a kid, I thought it was hilarious.

  8. Even with pixelation I can still tell the “effnik” background of the cunt in question, especially by the topic or criminal offence, nice try cunts!!!!

  9. There’s nowt new about blurring number plates, TV companies have been doing it for decades.

    It’s a rule of broadcasting that you cannot disclose someone’s information unless you get a signed waiver from them.

    In the UK your licence plate is a key to you, your home and lots of personal information about you. Converting your licence plate into information about you is straightforward, allowing a vast array of government bodies, private companies and private individuals to have access to your private information.

    As for pixilating faces, it’s to do with TV companies avoiding lawsuits. Normally, a producer or director will have consent forms on hand for people to sign waiving their right to sue if their image appears on television.

    To avoid lawsuits like this one:

  10. It’s a pity they do this with Japanese porn films because the girls are great, they have pubic hair and mostly no tattoos or piercings. In some films the pixelation is so light it doesn’t hide much, it makes you wonder what they are supposed to be protecting us from. Maybe they’re embarrassed by the size of the average Japanese cock.

  11. I was furious when the Beeb showed Sophie Raworth face down ass up showing both her holes but decided to pixellate her naughty area. All you were allowed to see was her looking over her shoulder with a seductive come-hither grin. Well I’m definitely not renewing my licence next month!

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