Pa Salieu

Taken directly from BBC website today. I have no further words to say.

Rapper Pa Salieu has won BBC Music’s Sound of 2021 – identifying him as Britain’s most exciting musical talent thanks to his adventurous, infectious tracks with hard-hitting lyrics about life and death on the “frontline” in Coventry.

Nominated by: Bertram Cuntatious DCO

85 thoughts on “Pa Salieu

    • At first I thought it was Papa Lazarou from the league of gentlemen.

      Perhaps they have the same stylist?

      • Makes you his wife now.. If it looks like a cunt, sounds like a cunt and is as thick as a cunt then it is a cunt..

      • Papa Lazarou ? Dave……

        The sad part is they are probably the future of the English music industry ?

    • First I’ve heard of Cristina Beltrán (having looked her up, she is a liberal leftie American author and university don of Mexican heritage) or the term Multiracial Whiteness.
      According to her, Multiracial Whiteness is:-
      “An ideology invested in the unequal distribution of land, wealth, power an privilege – a form of hierarchy in which the standing of one section of the population is premised on the debasement of others”
      “Multiracial whiteness reflects an understanding of whiteness as a political color and not simply a racial identity — a discriminatory worldview in which feelings of freedom and belonging are produced through the persecution and dehumanization of others”
      Why did she feel the need to use the term “whiteness”? I wonder, is it just a p!ss poor cynical attempt to get her views some publicity they would not otherwise have got and sell more books? Of course it is. She could just have easily termed her theory “multiracial blackness”. There has always been competition between the haves and have nots going back to the dawn of humanity, before the big bad white man even existed. One group / tribe or another has always sought dominance over its rivals in whatever way it can. It’s the survival of the fittest principle in action.
      I expect her utterances will earn her a place on a presidential committee of some sort which the incoming Biden administration will doubtless set up to satisfy his ethnic voters.

  1. Is it droogs?
    Giant golden chains?
    Talks like a deranged chimp?
    Must be the BBCistans latest Blek Cunt of Choice.
    Put it in my oven.

  2. Christ, I know it’s (c)rap and not Chaucer but I heard more sensible lyrics on my week in a psych ward circa 1987.

  3. Never been to the “frontline” in Coventry but Pa here seems to think its like Watts or Compton from the 1980’s, Drugs, gang violence, single parenthood and what’s the common denominator?

    • Back when Pa* was working in da Burger King he experienced a lot of gang violence, Liquors. After his award-winning career, host of No:1 singles, critically-acclaimed LPs, whirlwind chatshow interviews, tours of the far east and North & South America, millions earned and subsequent purchasing of mansions then inevitable fall from favour, one fears he might end up at the same Coventry/Compton drugs shack/burger saloon. Yo know warramsayn?

      *Not my Pa.

  4. So the BBC have 160 “tastemakers” who voted for this cunt. I didn’t know you could make taste. I’m gonna take a wild guess here and suggest they are all middle class, whiny, woke, remoaner tree hugging tosspots

    • Exactly

      If the cunts who write this shite actually had the group concerned turn up outside their house, they’d be setting the guard dogs on them, locking themselves into their panic rooms and calling plod in seconds flat.

    • Who don’t live within 50 miles literally or a million miles figuratively of this chap and his ilk.

    • No different from the upper class cunts who worked for New Musical Express and wanted to get down with the working class kids during the punk era. Comic Str1p even did a piss-take about it.

    • They want to get a fucking diary, last time I looked it was still mid-January and it is cold, wet and miserable outside so how can he be the sound of 2021.

  5. About time the media woke up started asking awkward (not to me though) questions about (c)rap music and it’s derivatives (grime and all that shite).

    The ‘songs’ are mostly dark keys glorifying killing others in rival ‘gangz’ over ‘turf’ (drug dealing catchment areas). Add to that, the murder of ‘bizzies’ (police officers) and ‘da man’ (white people). Add to that, the ‘misogyny’ of ‘bangin’ dem hoes’ (having sex with prostitutes they’ve entrapped while they act as their pimps).

    All this never gets questioned or put forward as a reason for high rates of criminality in the dark key ‘communidee’.

    If you ever try it (my experience) they laugh and just blame ‘da honky man’ (for once lol) for keeping them in poverty and ‘forcing’ them into criminality anyway.

    Here is the news. Stop worshipping ‘gangsta’ lifestyles and you might not end up in a morgue at 18, you thick fucking bastards.

    • They regard this as culture and if we question this we are condemned as old fashioned or racist.

  6. I wonder if the cunts that voted for this cunt actually live in that kind of gangsta neighbourhood?

    They seem to be condoning that kind of environment to the detriment of the decent people who actually live in those streets, trying to make a living and paying their taxes etc.

    But this is all forgotten by those BBC cunts, who would rather big up a bit of black culture because its trendy to do so, while at the same time wanking themselves silly back at their Islington homes and coffee bars safe in the knowledge that this kind of shite will never happen on their leafy street corners!

    • In another NME interview he also mentions that he was shot at 20 times outside a music studio. What the fuck is Stevie Wonder doing in Coventry dis’respectin dis musical genius?

  7. The bar for an ‘artist’ such as this is set so low it must be somewhere in the vicinity of the Earth’s core.

    • Unfortunately, Paul, you are wilfully conflating again. The “soft, [sic] French cheese that comes with an orange wrapper” of your confabulations will be Port Salut – and a very dull, insipid, cheap & nasty generic factory-made product it is too.

      In the interests of accuracy, however, please note that Port Salut‘s orange “wrapper” might be better described as a “rind”. The orange wax “wrapper”, although (yuck) edible, is in fact a cheap creamery-made imitation of the traditional washed rind smear ripening process, still found in such “artisanal” (but not anally artistic) cheeses as Entrammes or Époisses. Even cheap creamery-made Limburger cheeses still use the smear ripening process, rather than outright cheating with nasty, fake waxy rinds.

      As a point of order, I should mention that the comma at “[sic]” above is redundant and incorrect. Referring to the “big red bus” or Carl Sagan’s “little green men” you will notice that a comma only becomes necessary (or correct) when you have more than two adjectives to separate. A “big, red, bullshit-emblazoned bus” (perhaps of the kind used to sell Britexit) is correct usage, as is “little, green, anthropomorphic men”, so beloved by Alcan™ milliners.

      Talking of Space Cadets, I’m off to defend another group of them.

    • Sounds like a elderly french street musician, complete with beret and accordian, a real musician.

  8. Hahaha! Coventry? Front line? Hardly the Somme is it? Yet another plastic wannabe gangster.

    Stupid twat.

  9. When this cunt becomes a rich celeb, will he still decide to live in the same ghetto streets, or will he upsticks and move to some mansion-type place and associated bling and fast cars down south?

    If the latter then I wonder if he’ll share some of his new found wealth on the poor downtrodden bros back home; or will he become another Marcus Rashford, and insist every poor person, but especially dark key types, should be given free Apple iPhones (latest model), and a free 2 year contract by the government (taxpayer)?

    2 years time he will of course be knighted for services to Drill Music

  10. Let’s simply hope that he follows his idols/contemporaries and gets gunned or knifed within the next year or so.
    All these drill rappers are literal apes.

  11. I’m going to have to plead ignorance here, but….drill music? I’d never heard of it before reading some of your comments, and it just conjured up an image of cunts revving up their Black and Deckers to some back beat. Obviously I need to get myself educated in these more exotic forms of art.

  12. The only danger this cunt ever faced is from other cunts who look just like him. Thousands of these cunts have been shot and stabbed by each other in the last three decades and no one says fuck all, but are still going on about Stephen Lawrence because the perpetrators were white.
    And you know they’re all cunts, because when you see a photo of the victim, they are usually in their school uniform, and you think ‘poor kid’, then read on and find out the guy is in his 20s, and the the only reason they used a ten year old photo is because that was the last one he had taken that didn’t have him making gang signs or waving a gun about.
    Sing about that, you cunt. Oh, I forgot, that lot don’t do singing.

    • Yep – Steven Lawrence. Where they always take the black power salute out. The accused didn’t get a fair trial.

  13. Bruvva um solja…respeck

    Just lucky that he doesn’t have to try and survive on the frontline in rural Northumberland…no chiggun-shacks within 30 miles…now that would be a life and death situation for him….probably end up with Bono and Lenny Henry organising an airdrop of “bargain-buckets” to feed da starvin warrior.

    • And the only ‘Drive-by shootings’ will be gentleman farmers patrolling their vast land holdings. I saw on the ‘Death of Democracy’ nom that your hounds have seen off B&WC recently and now have the taste for ‘exotic’ meat Fiddler.

      • Drive-bys would have a certain charm if committed out of the window of a classic Bentley with a Purdey-Beesley hammerless, eh Mr F?!

      • Northumbrian police evidence locker full of antique duelling pistols and hand tooled elephant guns!

      • Dem Dark-keys make damn fine eatin’ boy…We’s bin chowin’ down on one of Diane Abbot’s pissflaps for days now.

        Morning All

  14. Coventry, its got some nice area’s, it’s got jobs, it’s got everything any city has got. I worked there. It suffered a lot of German remodelling during the war and suffered more from post war reconstruction.

    What else has Coventry got? It’s got a lot of Asians from the Indian subcontinent. It’s got a lot of immigrants from all over and it’s got a what used to be called fairly significant West Indian community.

    Where in the world that’s got a lot of people of African decent doesn’t have a stabby gang problem? This includes Africa itself.

    Then you add the BBC who think we need to celebrate the tribal culture of murder, extortion, rape and drug dealing.

    If it’s a white motorcycle club it’s headline news and laws are introduced to tackle the problem, property and club regalia are confiscated. There’s very little public sympathy because the members are viewed as having made a lifestyle choice.

    Black gangs are different though, black gang members are forced into gangs for their own safety (from whom?), black gangs are the result of social injustice. Blacks only go around tooled up because they are frightened of being attacked (by whom?). There are black people who work hard at school, get jobs, raise families in the old fashioned nuclear fashion, never hear about them and the BBC never celebrates them.

    Long past time the world stopped making excuses for the portion of the worlds black population that can’t embrace civilisation, it’s time that black people living in western countries faced up to the fact they are privileged. It’s time Black community leaders turned in on their own communities and told them some home truths.

    • @Sixdog

      We are dealing with subSaharan Africunts here-you really cannot educate pork ☹️

      Chippy, lazy, irresponsible, aggressive, dim, further back down the chain of evolution, uncivilised block cunts.

      That’s just a few of their better characteristics ?

  15. He doesn’t realise that Pa Salieu is not French for ‘Tough n..gga’ but actually translates as ‘Arse bandit’.

  16. Sound of 2021? We are barely three weeks into the year ffs!
    I would be amazed (and depressed) if this was the best music of the entire year.

  17. Not heard this cunt but as a wild guess:
    Random, illiterate couplets.
    Glorifying or celebrating stupidity and depravity
    Perhaps ‘sampling’ an actual tune which will be the only connection with music, despite what the oh so woke, trendy BBC think.

    Will probably be stabbed over some dissing very soon. Innit.

  18. One is aware of the British government “nudge unit”, responsible for crafting narratives that employ psychological techniques to manipulate and gently cajole the public into acceptance of otherwise unpalatable or unpopular things. I am guessing that I will need somewhat more than a simple nudge to start appreciating this shit. In which fucking universe did people start enjoying this faecal matter? Cunt.

  19. What was that film at the cinema (remember them?) a few years back that set them all off full on chimp. Something about one lot st@bbing another lot. They got all over-excited and started smashing the places up. They really are loony cases.

  20. Looks in bloody good shape for someone on the “front line” which I believe was in the early 1940’s when Coventry was bombed to buggeration. Fail to see how having lots of stabby mates and creating shite “music” qualifies this turnip to claim that he lives on the frontline. But there you go, good old bbc we know where it’s at in this woke universe. The way this bastion of Britishness carries on next years winner will be ward 6 of the Congo hospital for criminal dysentery morning ablutions recorded in the open air toilet facilities. Cos they are ethnic innit and on the edge. Blm take a knee right.

  21. How can the cunts give this cunt the “Sound of 2021” while there are still over 11 months to go.
    On the other hand if it was a Black Cuntery Music award, at least that would be closer to the reality.
    The “music” is aggressive, genuinely racist, misogynistic shite of the first order with no claim to melody or poetry. It’s shouty aggressive bollocks that only gets airtime “cos I is black”.
    The result of this stream of musical dysentary spewed over the airwaves is that the radio stays OFF, even Radio2 is infected with the CrapoVirus. Any music I listen to is my own extensive collection and because I really cannot be arsed to wade through hours of shite and gabble filled adverts, I no longer hear any of the albeit rare new decent stuff that may be around.
    Well done the media and “music” industry for condemning talent to obscurity by swamping them in a sea of utter tonal diarrhoea.

    • 6 music can still be quite good at times (even though some of the DJ’s are knob heads) and is one of the few stations where you will hear anything new that is actually half decent.
      Being the Beeb of course, I can’t help noticing over the last couple of years that it seems to be infested by more and more of this drill/crap/grime or should I say graaam. As well as force feeding the BLM victim hood narrative.
      Fuck off you cunts and leave us at least one station to enjoy.
      You’ve got 1 Extra and Radio1 for all that shite.
      Radio 1Extra – where a guitar or a honkey aren’t allowed anywhere near.


  22. I thought I could nominate him for the Dead Pool, but then thought that perhaps Shaun should do that as he manages to get the reaper to visit with frightening accuracy. Why cant these purveyors of shite music and a love of blades just have one massive countrywide stabfest of perforation and free us of them once and for all?

    • Just listened to him. Total and utter mindless cuntry. No wonder todays kids are fucked up.

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