Olivia Pinkney, head gadgie/chief cunstable at Hampshire Polis is cunt in my humble opinion simply for how she looks.
But after reading an article in uber high class journalism mecca the Guardian this confirmed it for me https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/jan/08/hampshire-police-officers-sacked-over-shameful-language?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
The woke androgynous boot condemns playful banter at work and use of dark humour as racist and sexist and probably more ISTs all probably as some sort of vengeance upon men for the amount of times she had her ugly gobshite mouth and cunt fucked on HER quest to reach the top at Hampshire
Nominated by: Cunt of all trades
..and seconded by: Sidthesexistsforeskin
Hi , I would like to cunt Olivia pinkney, chief constable of hants police,
she has said it’s not ok for the police in Hampshire to be so white! Wtf? So let me get this straight, if you are being held up and being robbed and you manage to call hants police do you care if a white police officer turns up or a black police officer?
If the white police officer has just came back from Spain the day before with a suntan does he still count as a white policeman? Answers on a post card bbc tv newsnight wood lane..cunts, all of them
Policing in the UK will be much more effective when white officers are replaced by Afghan poppy sellers,Nigerian telephone salesmen and Libyan explosives experts.
Fuck Off.
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“I look to a day when people will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character.” (MLK 1963)
With racist bitches like Pinkney in positions of power, that day looks to be further off than ever.
It’s alright if you’re black or brown to use it as an adjective but not if you have a healthy, North-western European pinky-white hue. Like that girl who read out a shit poem at Skeletor Biden’s inauguration who described herself as a “skinny, black girl” proving it’s alright to use MLK’s words selectively.
She should’ve said, “skinny token” instead. We know she was a token as her poem was toilet.
I didn’t even know it was supposed to be a poem until the end when the commentator described it as such and her as some sort of “poet laureate”. Struck me as just another rant in favour of preferential treatment for blacks.
You watched it? Harder man than I. Did you keep your lunch down?
I thought it was another tranny officer to be honest, but I think ‘Olivia’ maybe a woman who simply looks like a tranny.
Is ‘she’ Cressida Dick’s girlfriend? She’s definitely another lesbian.
So Hampshire Police Force is too white eh? What a load of bollocks, this obsession with racial balance is stupid.
Go fuck yourselves.
only 3% of officers should be black then.
I don’t know LC, depends on my where they are policing I suppose. In that sense the police in Tower Hamlet’s should be 90% Bengali.
Valid cunting for name and looks alone…never mind the rest of her woke diatribe. Remember though, she was probably fast tracked up the promotion ladder by the people in power above her for being exactly like she is. Scary stuff!
This little feller has spelt his name wrongly. It’s Oliver. O-li-ver. As in the musical about a bunch of horrible, white boys stealing handkerchiefs and purses from poor, conscientious black folk, all organised by Fagin, the horrible, hook-nosed white thief who’s not at all Jewish.
Con-sider Yourself, white privilege.
Wimminz? Check.
Carpet muncher? Likely.
Woke? Check.
5th columnist? Check.
Part of the controlled downward spiral? Check.
We live in distorted times. perhaps she could assist by A) Not breeding and B) Dropping dead.
Damn right.
Definite dyke.
Sort of cunt that would sit in the front row at a 2018 Jimmy Carr gig – and kill it stone-dead.
Lazy fatsos led by woke lezzas. Sums up the Police ‘Service’ nicely. Rotten to the core, like all our institutions. The fucking Common Purpose termites’ work is almost complete.
Common Purpose was the first thing that came into my mind when I read this cunting.
The police forces of this country are now infested with Common Purpose cunts like this Olivia bitch and Cressida Male Genitals of the Met. Blair and New Labour have turned the UK’s coppers into glorified social workers. It’s the same with all of the quangos that operate in this country – the quango swamp needs to be drained of all these left-wing activists who move from one taxpayer-funded job to the next spreading their Marxist poison throughout society.
Common Purpose should be a proscribed organisation and anybody who has a CP qualification should be disqualified from employment in the public sector and forfeit their public-sector pensions.
As for the police, they need to be run by coppers like Jack Regan and Dirty Harry Callahan; and given water cannons and tear gas to deal with the BLM thugs and leftist vandals who pull down and desecrate public statues.
Enjoy a bit of Dirty Harry’s thoughts on which coppers should serve on the streets.
It’s cannon dear boy.
They should fill them with effluent of pigshit.
What is most disturbing about this case is the fact that their office was bugged. So 5 experienced officers lost, sacrificed on the altar of wokedom. A pity the coppers aren’t so keen on chasing real criminals but tracking them down and locking them up costs a lot of money, much better spent on shutting up cunts talking wrongspeak. Dancing with poofs, skateboarding with treehuggers, taking the knee for BLM…. these are the priorities for this Pinkney lezza bitch and her ilk. Praise from the Guardian is the ultimate accolade for top rank plod. Fucking useless the lot of them.
What’s with chief cuntsbubbles being wimmin?? All that experience of dealing with drunk football fans, tooled up dealers…….. and this bitch is demanding an extra £15 police levy. We are utterly and totally fucked.
tWomen being in charge of law and order is a bit like women’s professional football. 2nd rate. Why. Yes it’s sexist but burly blokes are better at locking criminals up. Fuck this modern shit. She is a trained mathematician just the right qualification for banging bad geezers up. Cunt
Jimmy Carr……
“I only discovered yesterday that women’s football wasn’t in the Paralympics”!
British Police – Never mind the quality, feel the diversity….
Those words from a mouth thats never tasted dick
Couldn’t the Guardian come up with any more dirt than that in the link?
There’s hardly anything wrong at all, and the officers in question were probably responsible for a lower crime rate than anything the ugly bitch Olivia Pinkney has ever done.
Oh sorry I forgot, name calling is a much more serious crime than rape, murder, robbery, terrorism, etc. etc.
She has that permanent look on her face that says sorry for being white or take pity on me cause I’m a wummin.
What a self loathing cunt.
All the male cops should go to her office and tell her she lives in a country where the majority is white. If she doesn’t want white cops they should all resign in protest. Either she goes or we do.
If you want to fuck something up put a woman or a poc in charge.
Cunt of a creature
Is it any wonder that the police are fucked when you see who’s leading them? It seems a fucking requirement for the position….
The sad truth is that it’s not just the police. The only leaders that appear to have any balls at all are the criminal gang leaders, and that’s because they know that there’s almost no chance of them being caught and, even if they were, nothing would really happen to them because the justice system is full of the same type of cunt as this.
Imagine a reboot of the following classic TV police dramas –
“Sparky and Butch” (Starsky and Hutch)
“LBGTAPQZ Cars” (Z Cars)
“Non-Binary of Dock Green” (Dixon of Dock Green)
“The Sweety” (The Sweeney)
Imagine a modern day Jack Regan from the Sweeney, mincing in cocktail bars rather than boozers, and instead of saying “Oi, get your pants on, you’re nicked my son!” It will be “Excuse me for interrupting at this inappropriate time. But I was just wondering if you would like to join me and my nice colleagues down at the refurbished and gender-neutral police entertainment zone for a cup of tea and a chat?”
A modern-day Jackie Regan would be more likely to say “Get your trousers off, you’re pegged, sweety!”.
Clagney and Labia.
The Bull (dyke).
The E-Queerlizer.
Damp-patch and Ringpiece.
The Poofessionals.
Assault on Sphincter No.9.
Inspector Mons.
(Arse) Cracker.
Starfish and Butch.
Life on Arse.
Under-21 Jump Street.
Miami Lice.
Brooklyn 6.9.
LGBT Blue.
Hill Street Flues.
Is it compulsory to be a lezza in the old bill?
I thought it was a boy! These coppers were guilty of wrong think and hate speech, they had to go. What you say is more important than what you do.
Private conversations at work bugged?
If there was proof they failed to do their job or discriminated against suspects or victims based on race, gender or sexuality there’s a case to answer but I don’t see evidence of that in the story.
She feels she’s done a great thing but we live with a police force who can’t or won’t investigate burglary or car crime and add more crimes to the list of crimes that now simply receive an incident number for your potential insurance claim.
Go for exercise where the police think your breaking lockdown rules and the police seem to be there mob handed, have your home invaded and possessions taken nothing.
Make a social media post someone considers offensive, you can expect a visit, report the theft of a grands worth of exhaust from your motor, incident number.
We stand by and allow this to happen. We should be protesting outside our local police headquarters.
Our so called conservative government keeps allowing the placement of senior police officers that obviously have agendas that are not centred on balanced policing.
The police are now seen as weak by ever larger numbers of the population, this has been underlined by the actions of protesters who have had police officers kneeling before them.
Meanwhile the hardcore criminals have got more violent and more numerous. Ethnic criminals cry racism as soon as they attract police interest. At one time villains feared a real life Jack Reagan would show up and feel their collars now they are more likely to laugh when something like Julian Clarey shows up with a cup of tea and a pre filled complaints form.
Who would be a copper these days? I’ve met some coppers that were complete cunts but I’ve cut them slack because they have to deal with complete cunts all day everyday.
They still do but, as you say, the cunts are now supposedly on their side.
What no playfull banter, dark sarcasm, sexism and racism at work WTF how will i get through the day, thats what the motor trade thrives on and all coming from someone who looks like she,s cival partner to Cressida wears the dick, lesbian dinasoar lickalotapuss, ugly fucks like her is what banter and dark humour is for, or have i been getting it wrong for the last 35 years
Yet another lesbian “dressed in a little brief authority” as Shakespeare would have it.
Old dykes like her and Dick-head must really HATE policeMEN
Stop giving lezzas positions of authority
Maybe it’s a regional thing? I don’t know how gentrified and by turn, how woke-ified Hampshire is. Down here in my little foxhole in South Wales however, the rozzers I worked alongside for nearly 20 years in Safeguarding were overwhelmingly and bluntly un-PC straight-talkers who survived on gallows humour and getting smashed after shift on Fridays. Even the scissorers, of whom there were many.
Another tuppence flicking dyke in charge of a British police force?
Is it compulsory now for senior officers to be kwik fit fitters?
She’ll make a lovely noise, when the Carpet Riders throw her off a multi storey car park.
The silly Scissor Sister.
It’s a great time to be a criminal.
Next to no chance of being caught, thanks to incompetent woke cunts like this.
Fucking useless.
Get To Fuck.
We used to have top coppers like Jimmy Anderton (his cousin was my maths teacher) and John Stalker. Now we’ve got crew cutted fanny friggers who are too minging even for Prisoner Cell Block H.
As RTC might say, this country is well and truly finished.
James Anderton was the last hope for GMP.
They are little better than useless now, thanks to the hierarchy and woke agenda.
Another above inflation increase is on the way in this year’s council tax. Thanks to Andy Burnham.
Another fucking wanker.
Afternoon, Norman.
Via the mayoral precept for policing.
Burnham is currently a worried man, so I hear. Keeping an eye on what has been happening in Liverpool, if you get my drift.
If Burnham does get got (please God), it couldn’t happen to a more deserving cunt.
Afternoon, Jack.
One can imagine the likes of Ronnie and Reggie and the Richardsons crapping themselves over having to go toe to toe with the likes of Pinkney and Cressida Dildo on their cases. The Krays would have conquered the whole of Britain with two useless fishy fingered cunts like those two in charge.
I came here for a fucking shootout…….
Another middle aged, bitter, five foot nothing lesbian that I doubt has ever done a day of actual police work in her life.
Good to see you back, Rigsby.
I bet she has used a set of handcuffs though.
Chaining herself to an animal-research facility whilst at Uni probably.
Used to do some work in a department of the company where I worked with a colleague, there where 4 P Stanley types which we referred to as P1 to P4, when another arrived we noticed that the way he walked his shoes made a noise so we called him flappy P. Perfectly acceptable banter between colleagues ?
To be a real copper you have to be fucking hard nosed unless you are policing a poofters tea party, ‘engaging’ with black stabby cunts and other assorted shite is a none starter.
Watch out for a rise in Anti Semitism after a 400 strong wedding in London at a Jewish school, maybe the Corbynistas were right, they are cunts.
Stamford hill (where else), apparently when the police arrived they scattered, much like the fuckers running across the A10 a normal day then ?
Who you calling big-nose?
You’re not doing so bad yourself – conk-face.
Listen up, you useless virtue signalling ugly cunt, the UK public don’t give a flying fuck about diversity in the police force, all they want to see is criminals brought to justice and punished. And I see the fucking thick cunt describes herself as “half female” which is complete bollocks as she is full-on male (OK, so I’ve twisted the twat’s words a tad!)
How many times do I see Police Interceptors , and they chase a car , find it full of drugs , no insurance , stolen , no ID on any of them.
“They were later released without charge”.
Seriously – what the fuck?
That photo says it all. Another fucking lettuce licker trying desperately to look like the sex she doesn’t want to be. Bitch.
Oh deary deary me. I have a nephew who’s shortly to leave the British Army and join the Hants Police Farce. I’m sure he’s used to bawdy army type shenanigans and being white too, me thinks he’s in for a culture shock. Trained to be shot at and kill the enemy replaced by knee bending, woke virtue signaling and effectively working for this brainless little-boy-lost-looking air head. Cannot wait to take the piss.
ME: So how’s Police training college going?
HIM: Great!
ME: How much time is spent learning to take the knee and bully old ladies?
I have a friend who did a similar thing and it turns out to be quite a shrewd move, IY. Turns out they add the amount of time done in the army to what you do in the police force and when you reach 25 years in total, you are entitled to your pension.
I’ve always thought army and police types have a very strange sort of sense of humour too and this was no different in my friends case.