New Covid Variant

(Given the new lockdown announced today (4th Jan 2021), this nomination is slightly out of date.  But it’s all relevant, so knock yourselves out – DA)

I nominate the “New Covid Variant”, yet more bollocks from the government and medical domesday mongers.

Apparently this one is 70% more infectious that the first little bastard. What’s the betting that an announcement will be made that the new vaccine will be ineffective against it and they’ll have to discover a new vaccine.

Then when a new vaccine comes out there will be another variant announced and another vaccine needed and this will go on and on and on with more lockdowns, tier restrictions, businesses going bust, jobs lost, deaths from non treatment of other illnesses, suicides and the continued fuck up of the economy.

You can just see it happening they must think we are fuckin stupid!
How come this new variant has only decided to infect us in old Blighty?
The whole thing stinks like a steaming hot turd.

Nominated by: DLP 

and another one of a similar nature from Everyonesacunt 

The stupidity of world leaders/governments.

The latest headlines from all media outlets “new strain of COVID-19 found in south east England. (migrants? sorry gimmigrants).

Followed by things like France close border with Britain, (good keep your fucking migrants cunts. Europe consider travel ban on Brits. New virus strain could be in NI already!! America fears new COVID strain could be heading their way. For fucks sake, give me strength!!

Of course it’s coming your fucking way numb nuts it probably came our way from you. There are probably dozens of strains of COVID-19 out there you daft self important yet totally unimportant mother fucking cunts. I bet chunky take away land has hundreds of variations (double cunts).

I completely despair the western world’s population are led by cunt’s so stupid it really is beyond comprehension. Cunts fucking useless stupid cunts.

…and kind of related in a related-kinda-way, from Fuglyucker 

A pox on your house cunting for plebs in Cardiff shopping in droves with no masks trying to save a few quid.

Don’t these stupid fuck monkeys realise its cunts like them keeping Covid going, meaning we are going to be locked down for extra weeks, months, who fucking knows how long!

I wouldn’t mind so much if it was only these cock wombles that die of Covid , but its usually these strokers that survive and kill others and if we are in lock down over the summer thats another biking season fucked… wear masks you cunts if you cant stay in doors…..cunts

122 thoughts on “New Covid Variant

  1. A deadly virus so contagious theyve allowed schools and colleges to remain open,
    So deadly you can hop off a plane walk through customs get on a train, bus, tube and dissapear into the population.
    Thats either gross negligence on behalf of the government or something dodgy is happening.
    Either way this country is fucked.

    • Gross negligence… incompetence… what else would you expect from a Johnson administration?

      • You have to feel sorry for Boris, an 80 seat majority in December 19, get Brexit done, he was looking forward to 5 years of telling Labour and the Lib Dem’s to go a fuck themselves and ……


      • With or without the pandemic, Boris was always going to be a disaster. He got that 80 seat majority on the back of people voting against Corbyn and the vain hope of getting something akin to what they voted for in 2016. Some of us have known Boris is a charlatan for years. I have zero sympathy for the cunt, I just wish… better not say what I wish cos it’d be against site rules.

  2. The whole thing is a fucking sham and a disgrace.

    Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!

  3. How does the country afford it ?. The day will come when can no longer borrow our way out of shite the politicians have got us into. I see a bad moon a rising. We’re doomed.

  4. Our government hasn’t covered itself in glory. But I, for one, wouldn’t have their job for a gold clock.
    Never lose sight of the fact that the cunts responsible for all this are the fucking Chinks. Who are likely to get away with it scot free.
    Good morning (Corrected – DA).

  5. I’ve said this before and been attacked for it, but I’ll say it again anyway. The average human being is stupid, selfish and thick as two short planks.

    The stupid selfish cunts who think they are above all the rules, or it’s a conspiracy, or corona virus is a hoax. They’ve brought this new lockdown on the rest of us – and I say the rest of us because they’ll just carry on ignoring it,
    You know the sort of cunts I mean – Cummings, Linda Robson, Rita Ora, that Love Island arsehole in Barbados and the stupid adolescent bitch that lives over the road from me – out every night with her mates, staying over 4 nights a week, and despite the fact that I shopped her to the cops and I know they spoke to her, she carries on anyway.

    I don’t wish death on anyone, but theses fuckers deserve to catch it. I could even make an exception on the death front if it removes them from the gene pool before they breed.

    Fucking idiots the lot of them. Fuck ’em and the horse they rode in on…

    • A good example of this – all supermarkets have hand gel and wipes for trolley/basket handles. How many cunts entering the stores use these (apart from me)? None that I have seen. It fucking well infuriates me how some people are so lasse faire towards their own welfare and that of others.

      Don’t start me on the cunts who don’t bother wearing masks or wear them with their noses peeping out in supermarkets.

      As Dio says, certain people have brought this lockdown on us with their selfish, cuntish behaviour.

      • I was a good boy this morning, wiped my handle down with the ‘disinfectant’ splashed a good dose of hand gel on my hands and even had a second splash on the way out,

        There was one of the in house Tesco shoppers with very nice tight little arse, caught her with full bend over in the bread isle ?

      • How many people have cunters seen who are wearing gloves?
        I’m thinking ATM machines, door handles, hand rails and so on. Unless you wipe your hands and every surface you touch you’re potentially contaminating?
        As for sympathy for this shower of shit in Westminster, none whatsoever, borders open all year, flights aplenty (and while I’m on flights, how come you queue for check in 2 metres apart before sitting on a plane with 150 others?).
        I’m seen more intelligent life in rock pools, arsehole ‘karens’ getting uppity because some sod isn’t wearing a mask outtdoors in the wind and cold, or driving solo in their cars.
        I’m in lockdown but plane loads and dinghy loads of unchecked masses dropping in with a reminder to self isolate on arrival, if you possibly could, thanks awfully.
        What a total bollocks of it all.
        I can’t wait for my HMRC demand to come through, are you having a fucking laugh?

      • The golden rule is: don’t touch your face while you’re out. You never know if you’ve touched an infected surface.

        Then, immediately after you get home, wash your hands thoroughly. And again (if you’re like me) after you’ve put your shopping away.

    • The majority of people have gone along with the rules. They new about the first new variant in late September but school and universities were still open and the spread continued as you’d expect with children mixing in school then at home.

      Public transport still packed, supermarkets jammed packed. I think pointing the finger at a few idiots is misdirection. The government have put the conditions in place to ensure the spread they new would begin in autumn and now scapegoats are being looked for.

      The current situation was predictable and has been widely predicted for months.

      Conspiracy theories may abound but when there are conspiracy theories it’s often driven by the fact the official narrative has large holes in it.

      Blaming the few for at best the incompetence of the government and at worst is the biggest scam ever committed against humanity doesn’t wash with me.

      Build back better, this is seen behind and heard from leaders right accord the world. The question is who knows what about the demolition job that’s been performed on nations to make way for the great reset and the rebuild that’s coming?

    • No attack from me Dioclese, I would add that there is probably a degree of apathy among a large part of the population.

      Is it a hoax or conspiracy, well even the bat shit crazy mob must see that there is a public health crisis even if they don’t agree with the cure.

      Your comment about thick as two short planks, well you only have to look at the Scottish MP (I guess she has probably been nominated) travelling on the train from London to Glasgow knowing she had tested positive for chink flu….. you have to wonder how these thick cunts are allowed to breathe let alone have position of responsibility.

      I just put in the TV while having breakfast, BBC news, with two cunts answering questions from Joe public…..

      One from Maureen ‘I am 77 years old, do I have to stay indoors’

      No dear, get a rope and make a noose, find a tree with a good strong branch and secure rope to branch, stand on a chair and place noose around neck, and finally jump off.

    • Disagree, with you and Paul.

      This is exactly what a witch hunt is.

      You’re attributing blame to people who don’t follow your beliefs without having first proven beyond doubt they are actually guilty of what you accuse them of.

      Asymptomatic transmission is bullshit. Utter bullshit. That, along with PCR testing and mask efficacy, are the three pillars of the phony belief system you subscribe to. Each can be dismantled with science, in the same way the philosophy of the witch hunt could be with the logic inherent in the morality of the religion itself.

      Unless you can prove they got ill, then subsequently infected others, you’re placing guilt at the feet of those who may not be guilty at all. I’ll cunt those you mentioned for other cultural reasons, but on this you’re wrong.

      I haven’t worn a mask in 6 months, washed my hands before or after the supermarket. Even walked through the, admittedly skank, coughing clouds of others. Still not ill. Not even a bloody sniffle.

      Can’t you see what’s happening? This IS medical tyranny. This is no different to the witch trials. You think ‘the science’ is above the religious fever of old, yet have you bothered to examine it for yourself? The priests of yesteryear are the men in white labcoats today.

      We, the public, are being played against each other by the same forces that were operating centuries ago. They’re very good at it, and they’ve outwitted all of us.

      • I don’t even know where to start with this….

        How do you know you’ve never had it? That’s what ‘Asymptomatic’ means, and, I think I can safely say here, that you’ve never been tested, so, you don’t know. All I know is what I’m seeing, every working day. Not what I’ve read on the internet. Rammed ED’s, ambulances queuing. ED’s turning away ambulances with Covid pos pts on as they have no capacity for them. Your mum’s had a cardiac arrest? Crew’s got ROSC and blued her in/HEMS flown? Sorry, no room. Resus is full of Covid pos pts. Think I’m joking/exagerating?

        I think I’ll take note of medical professionals and my own experience and knowledge, (gained through experience), rather than Dave from down the pub who knows someone’s sister who knows someone that works in a care home and might be a nurse. We, and I’m tallking about healthcare/medical professionals, here, find the conspiracy theorists absolutely laughable.

      • And before anyone says ‘You’re just one person’, you really think this is the only forum I use?

      • Yeah we get it. You’re superior because you’re part of the medical establishment, therefore no one outside this can dare question or even hold a contrary opinion to your enlightened perspective – this is the flip side retort you insinuating I’m a Dave or conspiracy theorist.

        You said it yourself. What you can SEE. I’ve said this to you before: You are so blinded by your, understandably, emotional connection to all of this due to your job that you can’t concede that you may be being used for political ends by people who simply don’t care about you or your emotions. It’s scary and disheartening, I get it.

        The data and science is not what you think it is. You’re not being objective and rational enough in regards to it. The NHS is overwhelmed every fucking winter, and the PCR test is giving you a false narrative.

      • Why can’t we be shown a video of these overflowing wards and people dying in corridors. Let an unannounced media crew turn up at a couple of hospitals and be shown round at the problems being faced by the nhs. It will shut up those who dispute it once and for all. After all they can send Kate adie into a war zone with a tin hat they can send her into the Covid ward with a mask and gloves.

      • I cannot improve in this statement : you are the sort of fucking idiot who just proved every word I said.

      • I cannot improve on this statement : you are the sort of fucking idiot who just proved every word I said.

      • @1066

        Probably because they are full of ethnics and that would throw a spanner in the diversity is our strength message.

  6. Already the new variant is in the past because now we have the “don’t give me that Winnie Mandela Crep” South African variant.

    This will drag on until spring when the heat and sunshine will suppress the whole shit show until the winter.

    Remember if you get Corona Virus the survival rate is over 99%, the average age of a patient dying of covid is still older than the national life expectancy.

    I’m not trying to belittle the elderly or say they don’t matter but if the vaccine is so effective (95%) then vaccination of those most at risk should see deaths fall dramatically.

    Watch this space, they will fill it with another scare story, meanwhile millions have their life seriously curtailed and businesses go to the wall.

    • Yeah, but they’ll fuck up the vaccine as well. Saffie Covid’s probably – I say probably – immune to the vaccine, as the vaccines target the spike proteins, and these have changed radically.

      Then there’s the whizzo idea of delaying the second shot to give more people a single shot. Read between the lines; despite ordering zillions of doses from Pfizer, they’ve been arriving in packets of ten a week, and no-one’s yet cracked using liquid N2 to keep them viable.

      And despite ordering squillions of doses from AZ, there’s just a dribble coming through. The AZ one, remember, is only 65% effective if both doses are given, and there is no data on what happens if you delay the second dose; Pfizer even recommend you don’t delay the second shot of their product.

      So, cunters, this is a continuing clusterfuck in which measures known to be ineffective are deployed in order to make it look as if effective measures are being taken. And in which the strategy is changing from minute to minute so that no agency is able to set a coherent schedule.

      This is very, very bad.

      • I agree, the vaccines were produced, tested and approved based on a specific schedule and now for some reason that schedule has been kicked into the long grass.

        It makes a lot of sense to use the Pfizer vaccine in settings where the -70 storage is available (Ultra low freezers or dry ice) and the AZ vaccine shipped to local surgeries and pharmacies and stick to the recommended and approved schedules.

        I did hear that the Kent variant is being tested against the vaccines so I assume the SA one will be tested as well.

      • Can’t disagree with any of your analysis K, it’s a perfect storm.

        I’m way down the priority list for a jab but I’ve been weighing up the risk of having the “cryogenic vaccine”. I’d come to the conclusion, from such data as I can trawl from the Internet, that having two doses of the vaccine to give full efficacy would reduce my mortality risk from 0.07% to 0.007%. Well worth the 5% risk of side effects in my estimation. But a half dose would reduce the benefit to 0.035% with the same side effect risk. I’m not so sure at that level as I can’t find/there isn’t yet data on chronic side effects and it’s likely, with a 5% risk of acute, that there’s a solid risk of catching something life changing.

        I’m glad I’m down the target list a bit and I’m hoping to glean more information on the subject by the time my turn comes up.

        BTW don’t sign a DNR notice if you end up in hospital – WTF would you sign one of those?!

      • Update: there is apparently a worldwide shortage of glass vials to put the vaccines in….

      • My view exactly, SoI. Whoops, haven’t checked my privilege today. Or my systemic racism. Must…prioritise…persons…of…colour….

      • I see Israel were on the Beeb yesterday crowing about there being no lack of crapcines and having already vaccinated 10% of its population?

  7. Boris the snake and SAGE are to blame.I predict riots soon.Push people and they will push back.One long lockdown.Same old Doris.Excuse after excuse.What they wanted all along.Doris is finished.If.If.If.You are a broken record Jellyfish.Throw yourself off a cliff

  8. Who knew how many virologists and epidemiologists we had in this country and what the fuck they did? Suddenly half of them are in this SAGE cuntfuck along with “behavioural scientists” and other head doctors. Now these cunts are directing the traffic in the middle of Batshit City.
    I don’t like the fact that a lot of them seem to have links to the Labour Party and I note that, all over the world, lefties seem to be very keen on drastic lockdown. I also don’t like this lefty shit cunt talk of “re-set”, “remodelling” and “the post covid world.” Combine this with the fact that this shit came directly from the chemical warfare labs of commie China and the only cunt prepared to say that was kicked out in a blatantly bent election and you have a conspiracy theory on your hands. Not saying I believe it……just putting it out there. We’re all entitled to an opinion…..for the time being anyway.

    • And let’s just remember that it was rat faced little cunt Fauci who subcontracted the work he was doing on “gain of function” studies on the SARS virus (basically how to make it more virulent, ie weaponise the bastard) to the Wuhan laboratory along with a cheque for $3,400,000 when the US federal govt told him to fucking pack it in as what he was doing was fucking dangerous! The cunt.

  9. This is more like the remoamer/Islam variant in that it serves them well. All the pubs are closed and Europe tunnel.

    • Isn’t that always the battle cry of the left “never let a good crisis go to waste”.

  10. This time next year China, thanks to its made made virus, is going to be more powerful than the US with its own puppet in the White house. Then were all fucked.

    • China has had fuck all cases since April and only 4634 deaths. It smells fisher than Baldrick’s apple crumble.

    • I reckon China is a paper fucking tiger and a boogy man that could be collapsed within a year. The greater part of it is still a feudal medieval shithole, its population subjugated and demoralised if not actually starving and its economy (such as it is) is geared fixedly to being the supplier of low grade pound shop landfill to the West. Stop buying that shite and they’d soon wake up and smell the Java. How long do we think a chinese built battle tank would last if put into active combat? Half an hour?

      Love how the Japanese response was to kick out the chinese and close their borders to China, they fucking hate ’em; they know what these dirty bastards are really like and would love an opportunity to conduct some ‘unfinished business’, they’d have a lot of Asian countries queuing up behind them to add their weight too.

      And then we have the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop to consider if Pops actually manages to park his commie arse in the Oval Office…

  11. So if it’s the small amount of daft fuckers not wearing masks that are causing the rise in cases it must be a very dangerous virus indeed.
    The amount of people dead up here from it is scary ( north Norfolk QEH) since March we have had just over 190 die with it. Oh wait that’s less than one a day. That can’t be right ? Let’s take the last three months from October that will look scarier. Nope that works out at 6.8 a week.
    192 in-patients in with Covid. Not ill with it just a secondary to their Condition.
    We have an area covering just under 100,000 people. We were in tier 2 then 4 now lockdown.
    Can’t be just us with low figures. Can it?

    • Morning Oncea, morning all,

      I had it explained to me that, as Covid 19 is a “Notifiable Disease”, the best check on what is going on is to follow the numbers of cases logged under the Notifiable Diseases requirements, and published by the ONS on a weekly basis. These figures are “indisputable” because they involve a clinician signing off the diagnosis. The case numbers under this “indisputable” measurement are ridiculously low. In the case of my local NHS Trust the total number for December was 0!!!!

      Of course, this government measure is never quoted by the Government.

      If you want to check out your local Trust take a look here:

      • I may be totally wrong but the data only comes from a specific source and doesn’t include mass testing and hospitals.

      • Hi Sick,

        Top clarify, the mass testing does not confirm that you have or don;t have Covid 19 in a form that is infectious ie

        “PCR detection of viruses is helpful so long as its accuracy can be understood: it offers the capacity to detect RNA in minute quantities, but whether that RNA represents infectious virus may not be clear”

        Source: Centre for Evidence Based Medicine.

        Whereas, the NOIDs info only relates to cases where a clinician views the case as infectious ie the cases we really need to worry about.

        At least that is how it was explained to me.

        Have a nice day!

      • I would say that even if the PCR test was subjective and is purely qualitative the result positive along with 100’s of thousands of people with symptoms specifically associated with Covid 19 would be evidence enough to suggest that it is indeed an accurate test.
        If we only have to worry about a very few actual cases then we wouldn’t be in a situation where there are 20 odd thousand people in hospital with severe or life threatening conditions due to the virus.

        Thank you, and you too, have a nice day.

      • The PCR test is an investigative tool NOT a diagnostic tool.

        From the mouth of the man who invented the fucking thing Dr Kary Mullis (a Nobel Laureate biochemist btw so should know what he’s on about! (hmmm… Bitchute have barred the bite-size one I wanted to link on the spurious grounds that it’s now “potentially illegal” to watch it!)

        Fuck ShitBoot – here’s a half hour one.

      • @Cunty Chops

        I agree PCR isn’t diagnostic, it replicates and when you have enough of stuff you can then identify it.
        If people are showing symptoms of Covid eg a Cough and are tested and let’s say out of a 100,000 maybe 10,000 have corona virus in their system from PCR, it means that 90,000 don’t show any Covid. So we have a cough and a positive test which suggests that they have a Covid infection. If you accept that as being possible then it follows the negative tests who have cough just have a cough and not Covid 19
        I don’t know exactly how many people have had a PCR test in the UK but it is 10’s of millions and the vast majority have been negative.

  12. Yes but ever since I can remember the glorious NHS has been “in crisis”…every fucking year we hear it, EVERY FUCKING YEAR.

    A couple of things here.

    One, you cannot import millions of scrounging EU migrants and then leave services as they are or even cut them…anyone can see that’s a recipe for disaster.

    Two, why not use the BILLIONS that have so far been wasted on Boris and Matt’s mates, a useless tracking system that doesn’t work, paying people to sit at home and make that money work by building more infrastructure to cope.

    Those fucking hospitals they got up were just pure fantasy, pure smoke and mirrors as they are all now sitting on pallets.

    Add in the fact that if I die wanking furiously today I will be added to the covid deaths and you have good reasons why people are just a little dubious.

  13. The world is now banning the British from traveling to their countries because of this new variant.

    We’ll, perhaps it was first found in Britain because of the high test rate and the scientific methods used by our boffins? Call blighty a cunt all you want, but we’re near the top of the tree with shit like that (we came up with one of the vaccines).

    As soon as we told the world about this new variant and how to find it…lo and behold they started finding it everywhere. Pure coincidence.

    But this is a case of ‘Him who smelt it is him who dealt it’ it seems.

    Blighty is being blamed. It may be true though, looking at the utter slurry pit that Khan has turned London into. It’s now like a third world shithole so it could be why this happened.

    Me: Let’s close the borders and ban the Chinese coming here due to this new virus we need to know more about.

    Libtards: That’s racist. Open the borders and hug a coughing Chinaman.

    Me: Hey, they’re banning the British from travelling to their countries because of the Chinese virus.

    Libtards: Well, you can’t blame them really. Better safe than sorry…but refugees are still welcome here!

    Fuck off.

  14. Covid 19 can honestly go fuck itself. I’m am past the point of caring now really and the longer this goes on the more people are going to die from other shite. I am interested to know how many people who usually die from flu haven’t this year due to most cunts (not me) wearing masks and flu not spreading? I am sure Covid 19 has claimed a lot of the old cunts who would normally die of flu anyways so are figures accurate?
    Isn’t Covid part of the flu family? The flu mutates each year and apparently when you get the flu jab it’s for last year’s fucking flu anyways…I’m sure Covid 19 will be the same and all of this celebrating the vaccine is a waste of time.

    • Think of the difference between licking a ladies arse hole and her fanny, and that’s the degree of difference between Flu and Covid 19 ?

      • If tonguing a ladies arsehole gave immunity to Covid 19 would you do it? I rest my case. ?

      • I was merely saying that the body may be the same and both are holes but the structures and textures are different, would I tongue a ladies arsehole, it largely depends on to what the arsehole is attached. ?

    • BWC@ – I am an organising a freedom protest on the 6th across the UK.
      Enough is enough – there is no pandemic, death rates are the same as any other year, empty hospitals (evidence of this from all over England), unused ambulances, Nightingale hospitals empty, unused and in some cases dismantled and removed, people arrested for legally filming in public access areas, infection figures used instead of hospitalisation and fatality figures, frontline NHS staff furloughed and people dying of treatable conditions the NHS refuse to treat.
      This is the biggest con trick played on humankind, the divide and conquer tactic is working very well and as we fight amongst each other the perpetrators sit back, fill their pockets and laugh at us.
      I do not comply, I never will comply and the police have NO LEGAL POWER TO ARREST PEOPLE BREAKING A LOCKDOWN RULE – rules are NOT laws, there can only be an arrest made when there is proof or suspicion of a law being broken and the pigs are illegally arresting people.
      As I believe they will be doing to me soon given the amount of police vehicles driving by my place at 5MPH with coppers staring at my windows is anything to go by.
      The time to fight for freedom IS WHEN YOU HAVE IT!

      • “The time to fight for freedom IS WHEN YOU HAVE IT!”

        Why isn’t that on our fucking stamps? Our currency? carved into oak plaques and fixed in pride of place school assembly hall walls?

      • Biggest scam in history VF.
        Lies lies and more lies.
        Fear porn
        Half truths (at best)

  15. Silver clouds?

    We left the EU and the posh remoaner types with a house in Tuscany won’t be able to travel there easily due to countries starting to ‘ban the Brits’.

    The invaders coming over from France (I think they brought us this fucking new variant, by the way!) can longer come as the Frogs have closed/are closing their border to us, I believe.

    One thing though… won’t this ban stop imported grub and medical supplies coming in at some point?

    Nice one, libtards
    Refugees welcome my arse!

    • “ The invaders coming over from France (I think they brought us this fucking new variant, by the way!) can longer come as the Frogs have closed/are closing their border to us, I believe.”

      Good on you – your glass is over half full with wishful thinking like that?

  16. Interesting statistics for you from the ONS. Between 500,000 to 550,000 people die every year in England and Wales.

    “There were 517,148 deaths registered in England and 33,469 in Wales during the first 11 months (January to November) of 2020” (data released 17 December).

    Ok so still waiting for the December figures on that, but the point is of course that we have not had an annual high mortality yet this is classed as a pandemic!! A pandemic used to be defined with high mortality back in 2009 and then the definition was changed.

    Basically the NHS can’t cope with 3 people who stubbed their toe and we all have to stay inside for a disease that has a median IFR of 1.23% for over 75s and 0,05% for under 75s. (WHO)

    It is absolutely ridiculous that there are only 4,394 acute beds available for a country of 67 million people. The government have had months to try and tackle this. Those new hospitals Boris has pledged can’t come quick enough.

    If and when a real pandemic hits, you know, one where you know people who have died and it is very obvious that we are in a pandemic, then goodness only knows what that would look like.

    • Incredible isn’t it? In a real pandemic you wouldn’t have the Health Secretary Wankcock telling everyone to ‘believe you have it’ and play along. You wouldn’t have media censorship and a one-sided narrative desperately trying to convince everyone there’s a pandemic. You wouldn’t have SAGE openly saying they need to instill more fear to get compliance.

      In a real pandemic it would be self evident. Bodies pilling up. Endless footage of it. Ironically the government would probably down play it to reduce public panic!!

      • It doesn’t even rank in the top 20 of pandemics.

        This includes the Spanish flu and the bubonic plague.

        How many have actually died from it, not with it… ?

        How many positives have recovered?

        They are the numbers that we should be seeing. The ONS data for December shows no great increases in deaths, for the time of year when compared with other years. Yet the bullshit graphs witless and tam van put up at the briefings paints a picture of doom….

      • Absolutely. This is what is so fucking infuriating. The data is publicly accessible, and yet most folks won’t bother to spend one hour examining it for themselves.

        No wonder Hancock can barely hide his demented giggling on every media appearance. The public are so fucking lazy it is embarrassing.

  17. If the vaccine is worth owt then by May or June all the population at risk will have been jabbed and we should have effective herd immunity.
    So we will see if the panto then fucks off.
    I think it will not and we have our hands full.
    Expect the full shitty mess.

    • UT@ – in March we will be told “three weeks to flatten the curve”.
      Just like last March.
      There is no pandemic – the Government are either criminally clueless or criminally culpable.
      And if you see a large gentleman with a red viking beard throwing coppers over a roof tomorrow on the news say “Ooh look Foxys on the telly”!

  18. you want to check the number of flights out of heathrow and gatwick – we are not closed to the world – although they would like us to believe it. Piers Morgan just back from Antigua despite being in tier 4 area – the whole fucking thing is a psyop and the folly is people, even on here, believe it – don’t blame people who don’t wear masks – there are legitimate exemptions – for ALL to use – but no, the stupid are still with us today – so much for being a cunt

    If you want to live your life by permission from hancock and johnson fine – but don’t expect me to do so, they are fucking criminals and are enforcing tyranny and treachery on the british people on behalf of their fucking minders – if you believe them you can enjoy everything they’re gonna chuck at you – stay home and shut the fuck up!

  19. I don’t know what’s more disconcerting/worrying, the current pandemic/lockdown fiasco; or “pay back time” when all this is eventually over with, and the government turns off the furlough-support tap, and goes about its business of taxing everyone and everything until the pips squeak!

    We can expect a deep and prolonged recession of course, but I suspect most of the public sector will be well insulated, and will no doubt be gifted with nice pay rises/bonuses – which some of them may deserve.

    Nevertheless, for everyone else – mostly in the private sector, the recently unemployed, the elderly, kids prevented from an education etc. etc. Well we really have got a nice shitstorm to look forward too!

    And what happens if the dinks or some terrorist organisation decides to inflict the world with another virus?

    Who the fuck needs nuclear weapons, when all you need is a couple of pissed-off scientists, a few test tubes and some bacteria to play with, and off we go again with “Pandemic 2: Judgement Day”

    • Payback time is going to be a double bitch – the Covid cost is going to be doubled by the “climate change bollocks”. Conservative governments, so I had thought, are supposed to be about minimising both the State and taxation. Either that’s wrong or these cunts aren’t Conservatives. Is Boris really Corbyn in a “Mission Impossible mask”?

      • Boris is never happier than when he’s spaffing £££billions of taxpayers money up the wall. See:

        Unbuilt Garden Bridge (£53 million)
        HS2 (£108 billion and rising)
        BRINO bureaucracy (£1.3 billion annually)
        Oneweb (£500 million)
        World beating Test & Trace (£10 billion straight down the shitter)
        Nightingale Hospitals (£346 million. 54 patients treated)
        Dodgy PPE procurements (£15 billion)
        Operation Moonshot (£100 billion)
        Blue Sky Science Agency (£800m)
        Furlough, Lockdown, etc, etc (£400 billion)
        Proposed bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland (currently shelved but estimated cost £20 billion – will end up more like £100 billion if it ever gets the go ahead…)

        Just the tip of the spaff-berg.

  20. Lots of variants out there, stands to reason flu jab changes every year. The country should not have opened up the way it did in the summer. In towns and cities across the land especially seaside ones it was literally part like its your last ever. No rules pubs open no table service amusements open Joe public wandering around the streets eating drinking slobbering over each other etc. What the fuck did our government think ? that it had gone away? No it spread like fucking wild fire. CUNT.

  21. Jellyfish and the Chief Medical Officer are holding a press conference at 5pm. Fuck knows what new shit they have to tell us. Perhaps they are going to shoot each other in the head just to cheer us up.

    • It will be the usual format, lots of blather from Boris and facts, figures and graphs from the boffins.

    • More doom and gloom I expect.

      Johnson likes to compare himself with Churchill but nothing and I mean NOTHING could be further from the truth. I give you an example if both were in charge in WW2

      Churchill…we will take them on the beaches etc, we shall blow them up in the sky, we will NEVER surrender.

      Johnson…argghhh run, the Nazi hordes are coming, they are more advanced than us, they are better than us, they are 12 ft tall and have lasers on their dicks….we must all hide and quiver….RUNNNNNNN. Also, I have now given a fat contract worth $$$$$$$ to a mate to make parachutes for the entire RAF in his garden shed.

      Johnson is a complete CUNT surrounded by a multitude of other cunts.

      I wouldn’t want his job say some…well I fucking would, 150k PA plus unlimited expenses, drink, food, directorships….what a fat useless cunt he is.

    • They change their minds ten times a day and share their most recent thought with the plebs every other day. “Next slide please – oh it’s already up – oh, not that one that’s what we were thinking ten minutes ago (phew, just as well nobody understands our out of focus graphics) – you will obey our every breaking thought you plebs – it’s the science (right oh, I’m off to Necker for the weekend – see if I can sell my old mate some lucrative PPE contracts)”

      • Probably to formally announce how much in scraps Rishi will be paying out to the poor fuckers whose businesses are re-closing.

        Maybe they will also announce the suspension of elections again for 2021. That must be about due.

        Utter cunts.

      • Nah – building on and learning from the recent clusterfucking chicanery of the US elections and the stellar success of Twat ‘n Trace they’ll have a ‘world beating’ internet voting software ready to be rolled out for operation HomeVote… ooooh fuck!! What could possibly go wrong

    • Masks in all environments, including outdoors.

      9pm curfew

      Banning alcohol sales for your own good

      The latest mutant strain of the China flu is resistant to the jab

      One or all the above, take yer pick

  22. I agree with Fuglyucker, there are hordes of selfish thoughtless stupid bastards running around making sure they get what they imagine they need and not giving a fuck about anybody else.

    In the meantime, news came from Israel yesterday that they’ve already vaccinated twelve percent of their population. When asked how they’d managed it, a spokeswoman said that it was probably because of their mentality, they’re used to having a common enemy, sticking together and looking after each other..

    • Israel does have a substantial military and even bigger reserve force in relation to its population so not surprised at all they have been very efficient.

  23. As if the lockdown wasn’t bad enough, now our central heating system has packed up!

    Oh well, just another part of the Grand Conspiracy between every single government in the world, regardless of ideology, and the entire medical profession worldwide I imagine…

    • Lack of investment and preparedness. Now you’ll have to shut yourself in a smaller room to isolate from the threat of the cold.

      Hope you get it fixed soon though 🙂

    • That’s what you get for bad mouthing Boris ?

      Has the pilot light gone out
      Has a fuse gone
      Have you paid the gas bill

    • You don’t have a smart meter do you?

      Apparently the utility companies will be able to control your central heating via the smart meter, especially during peak times, weather you like it or not.

      That’s the rumour anyway

  24. I don’t for a minute think it’s a conspiracy. There is a virus out there that is nasty for those of a certain age or predisposed underlying condition.

    However if the BBC Sky and the like had not been shrilling and shrilling about it every hour of every day, in order to push their lefty communist agenda (they believe they are the true ‘opposition’ in this country), then it would be just another winter NHS crisis, the like of which we have seen for at least the last 15years and regularly mentioned for at least a week, max.

    They’ve been aided and abetted by the medical professionals, teaching unions and other agitators who by fair means or foul just want to do away with nasty evil tories, Brexit voters and straight white males in general.

    • Sounds like a conspiracy to me LdC.
      But is it actually theory?

      Chin up Ruffles, Norman Tebbit says put on another cardigan. May I recommend the beige one with leather elbow patches? ?

      • While I personally doubt there’s any real global conspiracy as such, I do believe it’s possible that certain interested parties are steering events in pursuit of their own ideals, be it financial gain, social engineering goals or just plain control freakery.
        There are always cunts like that and, sadly, there always will be…

  25. I’d just like to offer my thoughts on this as someone who’s had bat flu.
    Me and the good lady were both tested positive in early November despite taking all precautions (she works in a care home and I’m apparently high risk as I’m type 2 diabetic ,60 years old and had a triple bypass 4 years ago) .
    Well, if that’s the fucking best the virus can do , a raised temperature for a couple of days and a tickly cough then good luck to it. I’m off out on the zx12r now to experience some real danger.

  26. social distancing and avoiding public areas is never going to work in an extremely over populated country like Blighty, there’s very little hope of avoiding it. We’re pissing in the wind . Like another post on here said, we will keep getting told there’s a new variant and the current vaccine won’t work.
    Herd immunity is probably the only way through this. The 1918 Spanish flu killed millions then all of a sudden it vanished , they didn’t have any vaccinations back then.
    Sorry to sound like a harsh cunt but we cannot let the economy crash and thousands of peoples lives destroyed to save old people that are dying anyway .
    As of last week Government statistics said that since last March the amount of people under 60 who died of Covid with no underlying health problems is about 450 in the UK. What a momentous fuck up Boris has made.

    • Noticed a bit of a fad for Mask wearing recently, little white paper medical things… BORING.
      Use your imagination,
      Ok your worried, bit timid, OCD maybe, but have to find fun where you can!
      I have full face masks,
      Kendo Nagasaki
      The Zodiac Killer
      Trout mask replica
      And the Cambridge Rapist.
      Come on you mask lovers, go the supermarket as a member of KISS, or if hard up, cut eyeholes in a pillow case for that deep south look.
      Corona is here may as well enjoy it while you can!

  27. Almost every year there id a new strain / variant of the seasonal flu. Polio has mutated as has many other virus’s. Covid will follow the same evolutionary path.

    Next year, and the year after it will still be around. We will have a new Government,m and the members of SAGE will be remembered only in the pages of missing persons.

    The present hysteria will be talked about in pubs, and members of the “Honourable House” will have a collective amnesia of Covhysteria and the wrecking of a country.

    Bojo will of course be engaged in some big top circus somewhere entertaining the afternoon matinees with his “clown” routine.

    Oh! And we will still be trading and doing business with Chyna !

  28. So it’s people’s fault for letting their muzzle slip under their noses or worse still, not wearing one.

    Never heard so much fucking bullshit in all my life.

    Yeah blame the average man in the street because that makes sense doesn’t it. As much sense as masks outdoors in fresh air. Retarded lunacy swallowed by gullible boomers.

    As I’ve said before – if you’re a fucking shithouse then fucking stay indoors and hide away then. You won’t be missed.
    It’s frightened, subservient shithouse cunts that are sleepwalking us into a fucking dystopia.

    Fuck right on off!!!

    • It is bullshit blaming others and utterly divisive. Its a virus, it spreads. Its not even a dangerous virus for most especially when compared to an actual dangerous virus like MERS! There are plenty of scientists saying we should have let it spread amongst the young and keep the at risk indoors. Rather than blame people for their human nature and wanting to have a quality of life, blame the loony tunes in charge who thought they’d have a go at intervening in nature like King Canute crossed with Chairman Mao.

      All this ‘suppress the virus’ bollocks has been to save the 2 beds available in the NHS which are already reserved for health tourists and stab victims.

    • Fuckin hell, our resident van driver Marcus Welby MD will go apeshit if he sees this comment Herman.
      You’re spot on my good man

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