Yet another operative spouting delusions about white people being over 300 years old and knowing them all personally, including their thoughts. Received lots of criticism for her views in the past, for which she doesn’t seem at all interested in addressing (her racial affront had hundreds of critical comments all of which were wiped).
^ That’s right. Targeting anyone and everyone on the planet who’s white. Now if the tables were turned, how soon do you think it would be before she lost her job and had the police knocking on her door? How soon before her social media accounts were all deleted? Where is the accountability?
Nominated by: WEB
Proves herself wrong with the first line?
Chip on the shoulder professional race baiting,
Always looking for a issue, little 4 eyed twat.
Thats a rag they use to wipe shite off lepers in India.
Stick it in Africa for a few months at the hands of some peaceful. She will sooner get things in perspective after being treated like a dog and slurping water from muddy puddles that animals have pissd in.
White people have never been discriminated against? Obviously the good lady is not that interested in history. I am so sick of this shit regarding my amazing privilege and how fucking horrible my forebears were 500 years ago that the only reply I can give to this bandwagon jumping arsewipe is “go take a running fuck at yourself you bigoted cunt”
White people are never discriminated against. “White people are never discriminated against so shut up” . What a mong.
Thing is the cunt is probably part white herself. Fucking laughable. She is a sack of shit.
Never heard of her. She looks more white than black, so doesnt she carry the guilt and privilege of 75% of her forebears?
She seems to have degree in the history of art, so well; qualified. I wonder if she just studied African art? Easy course that.
An art history degree is actually one step below a Sociology degree, it is that worthless.
What just dropped out the back of my dog is rarer and more valuable.
Send her to go play with Boko Harem. She’d like that.
Has this demented hate filled black slag heard of what the Nazis got up to in Poland? And what about the massacre at Oradour-sur-Glane? Where the victims were all white. How many white europeans did Hitler’s forces kill? Larbi is targeting anyone who is white? Not too far away from what Adolf and his mob did to the Jews, eh? She must be very proud of herself, the fucking cunt.
And my grandfather could have told her how the Japanese treated white men in Changi Prison during the war.
And didn’t a load of mainly white punters get blown to pieces by some camelfucker at the Manchester Arena not so long ago?
I wish hell on this evil cunt Larbi and Metro should be closed down permanently for letting this piece of scum spout her vicious shite.
She looks like a 4 be 2 (and if so) you’d think they’d be against the persecution of any race.
Whatever she is, she can fuck off and when she gets there, she can keep on fucking off, the evil anti white cunt.
If she was a front wheel skid she’d have started her piece with “fellow white people”.
Yip. It’s called group identification. You condem a whole group regardless of what the individuals in it are like. The krauts did it, the soviets….you name it. Common practice in dictatorships where they want to find a scapegoat.
She’s one of many turd coloured cunts. Mutts like this are making people who were never racist…..racist.
I’d take her up the arse!
But seriously, these cunts keep on about white privilege, and how racist this country is, and yet they’re still here, enjoying the lifestyle, the money, the freedom etc,
She should fuck off to Africa, and spend 12 months living under genuine oppressions/tyranny with her dar key brothers and sisters. But of course she won’t, for very obvious reasons!
She looks to be about 9 and eats Kinder eggs wholesale.
Fuck off four eyes.
If this four eyed gluebag had to spend time in 1970s Ulster, she would crap herself. She wouldn’t be so fucking cocky about white privilege after that.
I don’t know about a mask or visor. Any hairdresser working on her would need a full hazmat body suit.
African hairdressers sweep the floor at the end of the day and sell the hair, which can be used in making the surface of artificial football pitches.
It’s afro turf….
Yer coat’s over there. Just saying’…
She’s got a smirk like a half blek Ben Elton, another self righteous cunt in my mind…
Some more recent race-baiting from this tart here.
I only got through a few lines, I was starting to feel like throwing up.
Airdrop the cunt into Somalia, if feeling generous give her a parachute. I’d love to see the figures for American blacks applying to migrate to African states, not many I wager.
If America is so racist why are you not leaving?
Because America isn’t so racist and it’s probably the best country in the world or was until lefty cunts and BLM crapped all over it.
If America was racist there wouldn’t be any tans they would be deported ,brown bread or behind razor wire.
In Louisiana when you go to a supermarket it’s invariably staffed by tans. Thick as shit ,mono syllablic and lazy lard arses . They’ve all got a massive inferiority complex . I wouldn’t trust them with the time if day.
Oh yeah and totally humourless.
‘…I’d love to see the figures for American blacks applying to migrate to African states, not many I wager.’
Indeed, and as I’ve said before on here, Africans, on the whole, do not like their ‘black brothers’ from the US and the carribean..and after exposure to the native African, in his natural environment, the majority of the ‘black brothers’ turn tail and head straight back to the US, etc.
The Yanks tried an African ‘resettlement program’ for their slaves way back in the 1800’s
You can see how well that turned out….Wankanda it ain’t…
That’s the problem with believers in the ‘Noble Savage’ mythology nonsense, too much focus on the occasional sparks of ‘Noble’ behaviour blinkers them to the predominantly ‘Savage’ nature of the cunts… e.g. Benin, oooh lovely bronzes….slave trade centre, you say?….schwartzers selling other schwartzers as slaves you say?…but, but, but…look at the lovely bronzes…lovely bronzes… welcome to Benin – the Wankanda of it’s day..
People such as these have nothing of value to say ; it is pointless to listen to them.
She looks like what youd get if Nadia sawalha and Gandhi had a kid.
I bet she knows what black cock tastes like.
Oy Veeeehhh !
I bet she make a good accountant though.
It’s actually worse than I thought,C.B….I just found this……….”Miranda Larbi is a freelance fitness and wellness journalist, and qualified personal trainer. When she’s not finding new vegan places to eat, she can be found training for the next marathon or cycling across London on a Tokyo bike.”
My God…the fucking woman is a monster.
She can’t even rustle up a decent meal for a man. Bloody useless.
What’s needed, in my totally unprofessional opinion, is a nice frock, a proper hairdo, make up, some big massive fake tits (maybe take the specs off and be instantly sexy like ‘Plain Jane’ in Neighbours – although you could see she was just a fit bird with specs anyway). Probably a good scrub with carbolic soap, a thong, high heels and you’d be away.
Not sure what to do about her though, the ugly bint 😉
A mxed race middle class third rate hack from a paper that is so crap that it can’t even be given away, lecturing all the white people in Britain and telling them to ‘shut up’ and know their place?
She needs a fucking slap.
People such as this need to be euthanized.
Another bitch with some fucking made up job. I had no idea who she was and cared less but curiosity overcame me so I had a look and this is her job….
Miranda Larbi is a freelance fitness and wellness journalist, and qualified personal trainer. When she’s not finding new vegan places to eat, she can be found training for the next marathon or cycling across London on a Tokyo bike. What a cunt.
Maybe instead of attacking whitey, blaming whitey, perhaps asking why some black people seem to be able to get on and do a decent job and others don’t, do they have black privilege.
Cunts like Larbi know they can write all this shite because the woke lap it up.
Fitness instructor?
100 yard dash head first into oven.
“And in 2017, over half of the Caucasian population think that they’re the ones being discriminated against. Am I high? Am I missing something here?”
I wonder how many of the 50* bl@ck UK professors teach proper subjects like maths, chemistry, physics etc and how many simply spout räcîst bile under the worthless job creation subject for the otherwise unemployable of “Bl@ck Studies”?
* No indication where she gets those figures from. The lefty Grauniad gives different stats.
It’s also of note that figures for the Russell Group Universities she refers to show that there is no lack of opportunity for BAME students
I haven’t bothered checking (but Larbi probably doesn’t check her facts either so why should I) but I’d bet the student BAME percentages per university are a reasonably accurate reflection of the general population in the areas they are based. Just look how high the student percentages are for BAME in Londonistab yet the further away from there you get the percentage drops.
If the BAME have the opportunities and they don’t make the most of it they only have themselves to blame.
Oops! Sorry, my mistake, I forgot there whîtey is always to blame for everything regardless of whether any truths that may prove otherwise.
She needs a good steak meal, a large quantity of el vino collapso and a long night of rough sex with a giant white cock. All holes filled to refusal, until her pussy resembles a pound of roughly chopped, honey roast ham.
She may then just chill out a bit.
I won’t. You’ve given me the fucking horn, you bounder!
Sorry old chap, didn’t mean to rouse the slow-worm.
Just reminded me of my past experiences with a pent-up woman who markedly changed her persona the morning after an all-nighter with your faithful and humble narrator, Maskinback.
She even had a healthy glow and couldn’t stop smiling and giggling.
He Certainly knows how to treat a lady
This Larbi cunt will probably end up chief of the Metropolitan Police in a decade or so.
Anti-British, hates whites, no qualifications or experience, a vegan twat, a (albeit diluted) BAME cunt, technically a woman.
She’d get the job with her eyes shut. All four of them.
The comment underneath the article about summed it up. If she doesn’t like here fuck off. Watched The Sky at Night, well well fucking wholeness appeared talking about the ISS. Some brown emsle PhD student felt empowered by an all women space walk then blah blah important for black people. Over 50 years been watching that. FUCK THE BBC CUNTS.
WOKENESS!!! FEMALE!! Fucking fingers too bad.
Stopped watching it before Patrick died as it was getting too ‘painful’, you could see him getting progressively weaker and that the BBCunts, in an attempt to try legitimise handing the show to them, were already stacking it with trendy young diverse and woke cunts playing at being astronomers who’d obviously only really ever spent computer time on some remote telescope rather than any serious time behind the eyepiece of an actual telescope (I worked in Universities, and know the type well..far too fucking well as I worked with the cunts..)
It’s amazing that Blacks forget who was selling the honkys the slaves, yep their fellow blacks.
Silly liberal cunt.
This fucking entitled cunt should get a sense of fucking perspective. Constantly whining about how oppressed you are and how all white people who exist must be held accountable for something that a tiny minority did in the past makes you a loathsome, thick fucking cunt. Racism is not a uniquely white phenomenon and all white people are not racists – conversely, only a minority of non whites are racists but they do – contrary to your fucked up view of history – exist. Now ask yourself this, who’s more racist: somebody who’s constantly drawing attention to and accentuating differences in skin colour or some guy who wants the right to live among his own people because he “gets them” and they “get him”, which apparently is not racist if it’s a non white? Get off your fucking high horse you toxic fucking bitch. Racist cunt.
She looks like she just needs a good wash.
In Unkle Terry’s patented gas proof shower?
A two milk, one coffee half baked macaroon