Margaret Ferrier (2)

Ferrier is the feckless SNP bitch who, despite knowing she had the Flu Manchu, still took a train journey from Scotland to Westminster and back again. Yes, this happened several months ago, ( – DA). But I’ve just learned (Monday 4th January) that the ignorant fuck has been arrested and charged by Police Scotland with ‘culpable and reckless conduct’.

I have no doubt that she’ll get the most lenient punishment available, should she even be found guilty, but it’s something. Hopefully, a guilty verdict will prove to be the end of her political career. Scum like her do not deserve to be in parliament. She’s supposed to set an example to others, especially during the times we currently find ourselves in. She has failed to set a good example, and yet she sits for a party that recently hounded an English photographer for being in Scotland, despite knowing that he’d been there since BEFORE the travel restrictions between England and Scotland that their Dear Fuhrer, Shitbag Sturgeon dropped on the country, and therefore COULDN’T get home.

Ferrier is the perfect example of the kind of rotting shite that is the SNP. She is a cunt!

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

44 thoughts on “Margaret Ferrier (2)

    • How dare you – there are millions of wasps, and quite a few bulldogs, who will be disgusted to be described as being as ugly as that.

      • Fair one. Apologies to any animals affected by this cnting. I’m sure there’s a BBC helpline they can ring.

  1. An amoral old Bag…she knew she had the virus and yet chose to go on a Grand Tour of the UK with no regard for the people who she risked infecting. To then refuse to resign and continue to pick up her salary shows eye-popping arrogance.

    Of course,if Johnson hadn’t made an exception for Cummings, far less people would be willing to ignore the risk. He should have set an example,there and then…not that it excuses Cunts like this bitch.

  2. She’s very chic, doesn’t look a day over 600. Seriously though if an MP can’t follow the rules they have enforced on the rest of us they have to go, no ifs no buts.

    • Spot on; you’d think that something so simple would have dawned on her. She is on the way out; try to leave with a little dignity.

  3. Nasty, mealy-mouthed, Scottish, refusing to accept decisions, refusing to resign, unpleasant, and ugly. Though enough about Sturgeon.

    Ahh, the meltdown of everybody last summer when Cummings was the panto villain. Where is the BBC astonishment now? That this Hazel McWitch could be considered hypocritical is a statement of fact; that she could be considered ugly is a statement of opinion; that she is a cunt, is undeniable.

    • Well observed Mr Magnanimous. These fuckers are never held to account over their rampant hypocrisy

  4. In reference to the last nom it looks like she’s just noticed that the smiling woman next to her has dropped her guts, but everyone thinks it’s her.

    • It’s highly intelligent discourse such as this that attracts moi to this esteemed website.

      But on a more serious note, I wouldn’t touch her with a cock I’d found in the street.

  5. Yes she endangered the health and life of so many people. Imagine how many people served her drinks ( on Parliamentary expenses) in that first class railway carriage ( on Parliamentary expenses) . A pity she didn’t infect a load of cunts while she was noshing and pissing it up (on Parliamentary expenses) in the Palace of Westminster. Fuck off and die you EU loving slag.

  6. Fucking freeloading, hypocritical witch.

    This whole lot of jock MPs are a bunch of utter cunts and the sooner they piss off and we build a wall to keep them out the better.

    I was actually disappointed when the turned coward and voted against leaving the UK, I had SOOOOOO hoped they would fuck the fuck off and die in a puke of Buckfast, class A drugs and fast food.

  7. Nothing will come of this I’m sure. And even if she is fined she will probably put it on expenses and let the taxpayer cough up!

    Similarly with Krankie herself, caught without wearing a mask a few days ago. She said she had made a “stupid mistake”, but wants the incident brushed under the carpet.

    Cunts one and all!

  8. This isn’t simply a case of breaking the government’s poorly thought out rules. This is far, far worse. Even the vilified ‘rule breakers’ don’t go out if they know they have Covid. Bring back the witch trials for her.

    • Get what you deserve. They voted the Nazis in, suffer. As Big Yin said GETIFA!! get to fuck in Onglish.

      • I agree, Harry! The SNP are Nazi twats. However, this sort of shit is coming our way and most of us didn’t vote for it.

      • Is that real? The Police act as if they’re terrorists. Mr & Mrs Sweaty are just trying to smoke their crack in peace. Meanwhile down the road Iqbal and Jacinda are building bombs and grooming children, hassle-free.

  9. So let me think, this self important bitch puts 100’s maybe more at risk by travelling 300 miles on public transport knowingly carrying the chunky bat flu. Says and awful lot about her priorities
    ie, (self self self), yet will fully expect the voters to vote for her next time around… What a total cunt she is.

    • I think that she would not be welcome in the Shetland Islands; they are seeking independence from Jockistan.

  10. Cunts like this simply consider themselves above the rest of the population.
    They see the rules as only applying to those beneath them.
    Personally I consider her vermin.
    Gas the cunt and boost national morale!

  11. She should be boiled in a vat of piss and then her head stuck on a spike at the Tower of London as a warning get to others.
    If it was good enough for William Wallace then it is good enough for her.

    • Wallace was sliced into four pieces which were subsequently sent to the four corners of Britain.

    • She doesn’t have to follow the rules because she’s special. I don’t see why some people can’t understand that.

  12. Trip to Liverpool, fitted in a slingshot – TWANG!
    Ferrier across the Mersey..
    Ferrier? Bury her! ?
    As everyone knows, the rich and privileged don”t have to follow the rules.
    Wait while I storm to power and I begin to hand them over to Lord Terry of AGA..

    • Ah, Fiona , probably still claiming to be innocent whilst she stacks shelves at Lidl. I am pretty certain that the management won’t let her anywhere near a till.

      • She like this Ferrier woman kept her arse firmly glued to the green benches until she was forced out.

        I assume that whatever process is available in Scotland will be used to trigger a bi election to get her out of parliament.


  13. A pity she didn’t sit on Blackford’s face. Eeeeeugh! I’ve just done a bit of sick in my mouth.

    (Steady on! It might give Cunstable Cuntbubble the horn again. You know what a degenerate he is! – DA)

  14. Hold on a minute. This woman a member of the Scottish Nazi Party. She can do what she likes. Sieg Heil.

    • If deep fried and served with Irn Bru, they would probably line up for a nosh ?

      Marathon became “Snickers” to fall in line with EU states?

  15. Where did she get that coupon, out of an unlucky bag?
    Looks like she’s smelt one of my particularly unpleasant ones after I cracked another one off after 4 cans of ale and a curry from Pardeep’s curry house.

  16. She is one grim looking bitch.
    One thing that is notable from the SNP members of the house- they are all permanently “angry”, they seem unable to engage in reasonable debate.

    Fackin’ ugly cunts, too.
    I suspect they look at their reflections in the bathroom mirror each morning, and feel an overwhelming sense of disappointment ?

    • Iirc, she was actually suspended by the SNP, and Wee Jimmy called on her to resign her seat. I gather that the bitch is still clinging on tho.

  17. English polis didn’t charge her ( nothing to see here )
    WHY NOT ????
    Offence was committed against the LAW in England
    Was only advisable in Scotland
    So 3/4 months later why then charged by Scottish police ?
    I’m smelling a Krankie Rat here chaps

    • A splendid spot sir; I must admit that the thought had not occurred to me.
      Should the English police have decided not to prosecute her , this must provide an a perfectly sound defence for anyone accused of the same(ish) offence in England.

  18. I haven’t read any replies. Just looking at the photo, she needs her flaps cut off, roasted and made to eat them.

  19. Look at the face on the cunt, looks like a slapped arse, but i think these one rule for the public and a different rule for me bollocks should involve being sacked and 5years of hard labour.
    Not just keeping their head down for 2 weeks and then back to normal, she needs a men worink sign jammed up her arse….the cunt

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