After my recent explanation of poverty (causes) I am going to nominate
So to cut a long story short, we are talking about a company that buys debt, real or imagined in some cases, and it brings me to a time many years ago where I fell out with a company, they were in breach of contract, I told them so, withdrew payment and said, “Then take me to court”, funny enough they did not.
So rock on over 10 years and I receive a mysterious text on my phone.
“Has Covid effected you? if so call this number quoting this reference number”
I did not, in fact I received a few of them, and then a rather officious letter demanding moneys with the same reference number as the Texts.
I then took the time to do a little digging into and discovered that they were a legitimate debt collection firm using some rather underhanded tactics.
Debt (real or imagined) has a statue of limitations to it and a debt must be collected within that period, then it dies…….unless the debtor admits to the debt at a later time and the debt is then reopened.
lowells as a company buys aged debt and then pursues it, in some cases very old debt, they then go about systems of entrapment where by they lure the gullible person into admitting a previous debt and then pursuing it.
So to whit, I have received a number of letters, some of which offer amazing discounts on my imagined debt, others offering easy payment options.
To be honest I have not laughed so much since a company calling its self “Credit And Recovery Services” sent me a letter asking me to make an appointment with them so that a bailiff could remove property from my house (That was an insurance breach of contract, failure to provide an insurance policy by the provider so I stopped my cheque)
Watch out folks, there are some right cunts about!
Nominated by: lord benny(not quite deceased, but close)
They sound like a right set of bastard cunts. Arrange for the double glazing chaps to go around and insist that they don’t take no for an answer. Failing that some religious nut jobs to camp out on their door step.
I had to physically remove a window salesman from my house once after he just would not fucking go. Cunts
Imagine employing those tactics against the elderly (which they do obviously)
In the words of Bachman, Turner Overdrive “You ain’t seen nothing yet!”
When this pandemic is over with, and the mother of all recession kicks in, debt collecting agencies (legit or otherwise) will be knocking on a lot of people’s doors, including the Treasury!
Maybe we can get the EU to bail us out, Techno. Hehe.
They are also bankrupt.
Reminds me of the scouse debt collector cunt on that tv/web series who owned a boxing gym. What a pile of cunt.
Last debt collector cunt who came round my house magically disappeared.
I have no idea what happened to him, honest, your honor.
The chickens are now coming home to roost for a lot of cunts, they’ve lived way beyond their means for years, years ago you might of borrowed to buy a property or land, now it’s borrow for a fucking holiday!!!!, I’ve always said live within your means or get ready for the sheriffs tap on your door, and these cunts such as these who aid and abet them should be fucking had up!!!, bunch of cunts!!!!
Never fear, you’ll always get cunts who will either play the victim card and blame the banks for giving them a credit card/personal loan etc.
If not that you’ll get cunts going for the poverty angle and “oh please GoFundMe, I’m down to my last £30k”
“Poverty is not a crime” you’ll hear from defenders of some of these debtors. No, it isn’t, but taking on debt for something you know you can’t really afford and don’t necessarily need is basic stupidity bordering on fraud.
Unfortunately, these days the deterrant of gaol time for debt applies to a limited number of circumstances only of which fraud is one. However, proving fraud is difficult, time consuming and costly which is the main reason a lot of scrotes know that they can get away with habitually defaulting leaving the rest of us to absorb their debts via higher prices on goods and services.
I’ve no sympathy for these types. It’s bad enough paying council tax, income tax etc so their b@stard offspring can waste an education, get free meals etc without also indirectly funding their flash, unaffordable lifestyles as well.
If debt collectors have to resort to trickery in order to collect outstanding payments then I say good luck to them.
Sneaky fuckers.
“Money is the root of all evil.”
Fucking right it is.
Debt collection will be entering a golden age, lot of people losing their jobs shortly,
Businesses going bust etc.
I can understand how people get into the debt trap, buy a car then made redundant,
Pay for school uniform then the boiler breaks, etc.
Easily done, easy credit, hard payments.
‘neither a borrower or lender be”
My old gran said.
Fuck knows what she was wittering on about I was online gambling so distracted.
Was it my site MNC – Foxy Bingo? ?
It was mate,
They accepted my grans credit card details no problem!
And the details of that bloke who’s wallet was in a locker at the gym.?
LB – there is a six year statute of limitation on debt – if there has been no contact with the alleged creditor for more than this period they have no legal right to chase it.
Lowell are v**in, and well known for this kind of trick – but very easy to deal with if the money is not owed – tell them to issue County Court proceedings or desist their illegal harassment – and quietly inform them when you or they phone that you are recording the call, be polite, be pleasant but stick to your guns and never admit liability if you do not owe it.
Emailing the CEO with a formal complaint and a threat to bounce on social media to expose them is good – it terrifies them, and CC’ing your local MP into the email is also useful. Debt collection agencies have virtually no legal powers and they know this so try to bully and terrify people into paying – any payment made is a de facto admission of liability.
Big red writing on the letter? “PRE COURT DIVISION” written on it? – sound familiar? Fuck them – if you do not owe it email the CEO and insist they back off or issue proceedings – trust me they will not, and further mention you will be charging fees, costs, an hourly charging rate etc.
You will then get a response stating they are dropping action. If you do not owe it do not pay it.
I have done this several times, sending them an invoice usually does the trick.
A quick further addendum – “doorstep debt collectors” have no legal right to enter your property, or your land – they have no remit unless a County Court or High Court judgement has been made against you, and can be legally removed using “proportionate and justifiable force” if deemed necessary.
I had to nip round to my nieces some years ago and assist two big ruffians from her garden who were telling her they were going to enter and remove her stuff.
They were most apologetic – and as it turns out surprisingly good runners! ??
DJ Trump is a master at obtaining huge loans and never paying them back; he has many of them written off as Banks are reluctant (for whatever reason) to take him to court. Cunts to a man, as I am sure that “ordinary people” are made to contribute towards the Banks’ misjudged lendings.
The old saying rings true here.
“If you owe the bank £100k, you are in trouble.
If you owe the bank £100m, it is the bank that’s in trouble”.
Banks lend money that doesn’t exist, there begins the problem.
It’s also incredibly annoying if you live within your means, and try to save for a rainy day, but then face the face that banks give you shit interest rates (0.2%), while offering easy loans/credit to the feckless.
Plus, student loans, that get written off after so many years. It’s like, it doesn’t matter that that the taxpayer will lose out, the cunt couldn’t pay his/her debt after x number of years, so lets just write it off and forget about it.
Seems that being responsible counts for jack shit
Being irresponsible means you get lots of sympathy and write-offs
My only run in with a debt collection agency ended up with an apology from the debt collection agency and an apology from the CEO of EON.
If you are in the right and can prove it don’t fuck around with minions just go straight to the top man.
Speaking of essential borrowing, How would they repossess these
They have bought the debt
So thanks for paying it off for me….
Now fuck off