Lou Lucas

Every little helps in the West Country for a cunting for this greedy brazen ugly old trout, who will charge a 40% mark up plus a £20 “fee” for stockpiling shopping on your behalf:


The old slapper, (42) who describes herself as a “beauty therapist” – presumably decades ago, or else she didn’t take her own advice, has been queuing up at 0400 hours to strip the shelves of Tesco, deserves this cunting more the fact that she excuses her greed and opportunism, by trying to suggest it is some form of public service, for whih she is “risking her life” . Wrong, she is just a money-grubbing old tart, in the pursuit of which she is “risking her life”.

20 years ago, this “beauty therapist” would probably have been offering “massage and modelling” services in her Soho flat – you couldn’t miss it, it was the one with a red light outside.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

52 thoughts on “Lou Lucas

      • Would love to slam into her car , and get her done for driving without due care and attention – due to the visibility being obscured by floor to roof bogroll.

  1. My sweet lord.

    May some eastern mysticism in the form of Khama bite her skinny arse.

    Hallelujah….My sweet lord……..

  2. A absolute cunt.
    As is any of her bottle merchant mardarse customers.
    Id go without rather than line the pockets of this mercenary little cunt.
    Type whod stockpile vaccines?
    Cancer cures?
    Where does profiting from others misfortune end?
    Hope someone robs the mong.

    • I hope Lou Lucas enjoys having her front door kicked in by a baying mob when the shelves start to empty.
      I wonder if she wants to stockpile the novichok Uncle Vlad got me for Christmas?

  3. Beauty Therapist!!! Looks like Andrew Ridgley in a wig.
    Cunts like this cause all the food shortages and should be boiled in a vat of piss.

  4. Would have been shot in the real world. Still blame the thick cunts who buy it off her. Crap in her garden and wipe on her washing. Fuck off vile cunt.

  5. If there was any kind of shortage I’d praise her capitalist spirit.. There isn’t. She will be able to wipe her wobbly Shelley bottom for the rest of her life on her unsold stock.

  6. I particularly liked the line about having 24 bottles of bleach, which will last until February, I assume it’s for that thing on her head, I would say hair but I have seen better groomed mop heads.

  7. This cunt should be in Holloway, the fucking slag.

    This shite is totally pointless anyway. Most people now order online since the bat flu started, or they go to the local Spar or Co-Op. Unless they are computer illiterate or lazy arsed cunts, of course. I bet most of her ‘customers’ are ‘no speaky engerlish’ human filth who shouldn’t be here anyway. I can’t see this rapacious bitch doing it for OAPs or for anyone who genuinely needs it.

    Lock the slag up and throw away the fucking key. Cunt.

    • I will donate 99p for the admin fee

      I hope HMRC have taken note of her little business and will be contacting her for a breakdown of income.

  8. The Beast of Bodmin. May dog help her looking like that….. Can think many punters would be interested.

    Off topic, but…

    More China virus bullshit from Doris shortly, maybe to do with travel restrictions. I wonder if it’ll involve sinking the sand dwelling dinghys in the channel?

  9. People aren’t really panic buying again surely?
    What’s the fucking point? These fuckwits need to escorted out the shop courtesy of a a cattle prod or just tasered for being a gold plated nuclear powered cunt.

  10. Shelve strippers should be taken around the back of Tesco’s, bummed off Elton John and then shot in front of their families.

  11. Off topic but those freedom loving asreholes at YouTube have closed Talk Radios channel.
    For daring to ask too many questions I suppose

    • They put a bird in front of the originally ‘free speech’ platform that is YouTube. The rest is history.

      • It would’ve been one of those temporary bans then.

        The naughty corner.

        They’re on a slippery slope though. It means that YT is watching them and if they say anything non woke, they’ll ban them for good.

  12. Fucking raddled old hag. I hope that people who have read the article would now not give her the satisfaction at any cost – even if they were desperate.

    I hope she ends up with shitloads of stock she can’t shift, although if she stockpiles soap she might want to treat herself to a rare bath or shower, the grubby looking, rancid piece of goat smégma.

    Fuck off.

  13. Do the new restriction rules mean that Londoners can only stab members of their own household?

    • Apparently the peacefully enriched boroughs of londonistabistan is seeing record numbers of knife incidents already this year and it’s only a few days in…

      Not reported on the MSM of course, to many deaths from Covids to hide the real facts,

  14. Reminds me of those preppers you see in Yankeeland.

    What those idiots don’t realise is that if there was a zombie apocalypse/nuclear war, then they might regret putting their huge, well stocked bunkers on national television.

    It’s no good having all that shite unless you can protect yourself from armed gangs. I can imagine some cunt being all smug and within a day he’s got 50 dark keys or Ivans with AK47s, grenades and flame throwers, banging on his door, ready to take him, his wife and kids on with their solitary rifle (if lucky).

  15. The sure fire way to avoid a zombie apocalypse is to tie their shoelaces together before you nail the lid down….

  16. If she’s buying for people in Tier 4, how is she getting stuff to them given that she’s not supposed to travel there?

  17. I wonder if she would be interested in the 500 kg of lettuce and 750 kg of tomato which I bought last March?

    • Fuckin’ hell. There’s been some deaths over 2020/21.
      A great player, even if he played for citeh.

  18. Well the Shanquwas of the world with their explosive bottoms have done wonders for rich people with piles. They have just got to get that money back now by taxing us and not slagging off the whitey, how will the play out.

    • We go on about how tv shows were better in the 70s,
      Im guilty of it as much as anyone.
      Watching a episode of Sykes,
      Starring funny man Eric Sykes and carry on star Hattie Jacques.
      Its fuckin rubbish.
      Sykes is as funny as coughing up blood, and that fat sack of shite Jacques is no better.
      Ive never liked fattie Jacques since I learnt what a cunt she was to John le Mesuirer.
      Shes like a badly upholstered sofa on the screen.
      Not everything was better in the 70s.

      • I recorded several episodes before Christmas and started to watch one. I gave it 10 minutes and deleted the lot. Loved them at the time but Eric irritated me almost from the start.

      • There was an episode on tonight on some channel.
        1972! Nearly fekking 50 years old.
        Some things do not improve with age! ?

  19. The shop where I work, there is a limit on certain items including loo roll. 1 loo roll per customer. If the same person comes back later the same day, they are told they are not allowed more loo roll as it wouldn’t be fair on others unable to get some because of greedy customers.

    No limit on alcohol though for some reason. 🙂

    • I meant 1 package of loo roll like the ones on the shelf in the nomination picture, not a single loo roll.

      When there was no loo roll available, I’d suggest to customers to get some kitchen roll and cut it in half.

  20. The only episode of Sykes that was any good was the Stranger, saved by Peter Sellers, who played a rough cockney.

    All other episodes were a bit pedestrian by comparison.

  21. I’ve got thousands of used sheets that the hideous scrawny hag can buy if she’s that cutting deperate.

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