A gaze-on-it-and-weep, woe-is-me cunting please for vision of lovlieness Ms. Murrell, a psychology student, no less, who has been “crying into her Terry’s Chocolate Orange”, because of lack of support for her course at the Snowflake University:
God knows how the BBC find so many woebegone wimmin to plaster on their news site – it is just surprising she is not a POC.
Why can’t people read books and learn their subject on their own without needing constant support and hand holding these days?. I did, and I am sure most of my fellow cunters did. I remember studying on board ship in a tiny little space, I burnt the midnight oil, and I never expected the Captain to come along and reassure me.
Anybody so unsure of themself should never have started a course in 2019, it was made quite clear they would be in “unprecedented times”, they rushed to do it, and now regret it. I wouldn’t employ them.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
Yet more evidence that this once great nation is fucked.
Terry’s Chocolate Oranges are no longer made in the U.K.; that could have been the straw that broke this camel’s back.
Do they still make the red ones with plain chocolate? You can only get the blue ones where I live in the benighted colonies.
Not a clue I am afraid. Ever since they turned down my appeal for some freebies for the University of Durham Rag Week back in 1973 I have avoided their products. BTW, Scottish and Newcastle were very generous; probably explains why I am now a pisshead.
When did this country become chock a block with these mentally weak arsed mother fuckers that take the social meeja crying everytime they dont get their own way….cowboy the fuck up you chinless wonders your embarrassing us all you cunts
Socialism. The country has punished hard workers with taxes so they delay having families because they can’t afford to and the same government rewards feckles eejits who breed like rabbits. As a result we are now flooded with the eejit /feckles genes.
That is all.
I’m afraid this sort of needy behaviour is just indicative of this spoilt, self-indulgent generation that’s been bred in the last twenty years or so in this country gentlemen.
Quite honestly, I’m sick of hearing about how bad our “young people” have had it worse than everyone else during this Pandemic. Ok it’s bad for everyone during this bollocks, but it’s our oldies I feel sorry for – many dumped into piss stinking care homes to wilt away and no family allowed near for comfort after a lifetime of slogging their twat off.
I think the thing cunts like this only really care about is their own self-importance, and the need to turn every wank situation into a weepy monologue about them for vanity and attention off of like minded morons via toss like Twatter.
It’s very sad and rather pathetic.
God she’s ugly!
Waste of time anyway.
You look like Keira your options are limited.
No matter how hard she studies shes only going to be mopping out shithouses or washing pots hidden in the back.
Chocolate orange dipped in snowflake tears?!
I’ll try that.
I’m not sure if God could be responsible for such an abomination, I reckon her mum pissed off a gypsy.
A malingering porcine dough-faced attention-whore.
Why would you assume shes from up North?
Or are you baiting again?
Try and get your facts checked before posting,
RTC is a busy man and cant go round correcting them all the time…
That was explained perfectly well in the first sentence, it’s not my fault you didn’t understand it.
Best try and seek attention elsewhere rather than keep following me around the forum ?
You’re a disgrace ?
Oh I see the greasy complexion etc, like a northerner right?
Another fact youve made up.
You remind of another poster we had, Robin Bastard,
He had the same charm as you,
Maybe Master Baiter would be a better handle?
Your as always, a disgrace.?
Oh dear, I don’t think you understood my previous reply either so perhaps let me explain it for dummies.
You don’t interest me as you only post drivel, and although you keep following me around like a pointless Jack Russell yapping away at a far superior Rottweiler this is going to be my last reply to you so make the most of it as I think admin are busy enough as it is without petty squabbles to sort out.
In shorter terms, run along son, there’s is a good boy.
(Never fear, the Admins are always here – DA)
Yes I figured you as the ‘superior’ type, like Robin you emit the sense of superiority.
Shame you dont even show it?
Well ill get back to posting drivel, factually correct drivel though,
Not made up facts.
Later luv ♥️
Cool, Miserable is a longtime cunter and quite frankly has contributed far more here and is much more well liked than you. Keep it up and you WILL find yourself going the same way as the aforementioned Robin Bastard.
Oh, and Miserable – you cut it out too. Yes he shouldn’t have made that sort of assumption but you keep rising to it.
Firstly, who are you? If you are an admin identifying yourself would be a good start.
Secondly, unless you are clairvoyant who are you to speak for everyone? Other than that it is just your opinion and comes across as a pretty childish one at that.
The charm and superiority just shines through….
Utter disgrace.
And she’s a fucking munter to boot. I saw this caption against a slightly better picture of her on the article “Ms Murrell said thousands of students could relate to her struggles”
I think we all relating to each others struggles you cunt because we’re all in the same fucking boat – and that aint the one that those cunts from Calais keep using!
Piss off and and get your dildo out, stimulate something else.
Has a face like someone that just broke two corkscrews trying to remove a marrow from their arse.
The endless thousands of useless, weepy, victim cunts like this will only make things better for the good kids with a bit of backbone. They will steam into all the top jobs while the melty, snowflake dross will spend a lifetime on state hand outs.
The lecturer who told her to ‘figure it out’ seems like a sensible sort. The woman is 20 ffs. I don’t know about other cunters, but I had been at work for four years by the time I was 20.
I notice her degree course is psychology, you couldn’t make this shit up!
Rarely been a better time for kids with real mettle to forge ahead.
Typical snowflake generation that has never been challenged whilst growing up, never told no, never told toughen up and always told they are special. Well you’re not, you are just a useless whiney cunt.
I wonder what her subject is? Physics, maths, engineering? Doubtful.
Psychology, you couldn’t make this shit up.
It’s lucky she’s studying psychology, cos as things stand she clearly has zero self awareness or understanding.
If she comes away having learned that she’s a soppy stupid cunt then at least she’ll have something to show for all her hard work.
Social Media & Reality TV Studies, more likely
When looking at universities for my undergrad one of the ones I looked at had a ‘politics’ course that was in actuality more like media studies with a bit of political window dressing. Fair to say I didn’t go there.
The art of Blowjobs
Salad dodger, she should eat less chocolate, exercise more and stop moaning.
Her life would brighten up considerably.
Also, I see Twat Hancock has been told to “isolate” by his phone….let’s all pray it’s nothing too serious.
Wouldn’t it be a shame if he isolated and was never seen or heard from again, I for one would miss his crocodile tears and his cheerful smirking face.
Get well soon Matt, we’re all rooting for you.
I hope his house burns down while he’s isolating in it.
Ironically were he to be burned to a cinder, I have no doubt, his death would be put down as covid.
I would pay good money to smash his skull in, with a toffee hammer.
Which house, he probably has around ten and the chums he’s thrown all the “Test n Trace” and PPE money at can probably lend him a mansion or two.
Meanwhile, all the people he’s helped put out of work and business can now safely starve and die in the knowledge that Saint Matt saved them from the terrors of Covid.
What a absolute cocksucker, sucks cocks.
Life lessons.
Sometimes life isn’t what you expect, sometimes life means you have to find some self reliance and tough it out.
In the middle of a worldwide crises, medical staff run ragged, people dying, livelihoods wrecked……you could reflect on that and count your blessings.
I know you’ve been raised to believe the world revolves around you, I know you believe in safe spaces and hate facts. Well here’s a hate fact, you’re getting a tiny part of reality lessons from the university of life.
Very well said Sixdog.
Millennials and Gen Zs really have had it relatively easy, not least with the added bonus of the internet, social media, mobile phones and things like Messenger. So its not as though they’re completely on their own because they should have friends (real or virtual) via SM for support and advice during the lean times – which is something we never really had back in the day!
So she’s having a tough time. Well guess what, most other people are too, not least those who have lost their jobs, lost their homes, seen their businesses fail, have seen domestic and child abuse rise, along with drug and alcohol consumption.
Mental illness – genuine or otherwise – is another major issue across all demographics. Some are trying to cope the best they can, while others decide that suicide is the only way out.
Whether you agree with the over-reactions of the government (and not just the UK either) with regards shutting the country down is moot, but most everyone from all age groups are getting a bitter taste of the shitend of the Covid stick.
I suppose she’ll be doing a GoFundMe blag, in order for her to cope through all the mental anguish blah blah.
The usual prescription for snowflake cunts like her is:-
2 tablets of #MeToo
1 tablet of Woke
1 tablet of White Privilege Denial
And 3 suppositories of “It’s not my fault. Blame my parents, blame the government, blame the university, blame everyone!”
Quite agree Technocunt.
Still, I’m thoroughly enjoying watching the snowflakes melt under a featherweight of pressure, it warms the cockles of this rancorous old bastards black heart.
They’re not going to repel the invaders swarming ashore as our ancestors once did.
No future for you.
A Royston Vasey nosed cunt….
Yes but local.
I’ll admit I’m not particularly enjoying my postgrad as much as I thought I would, partly because I started a new part time job at a similar time and have realised that line of work is what I really want to do. But you don’t see me publicly complaining about it.
Can’t support this nom. I’ll support cunting the BBC giving airtime to whinging but I have nothing but sympathy for young people at the moment. They have been utterly betrayed by the real snowflakes, their elders. Their elders, who are too rêtarded to see through the fucking charade and think shutting down the entire nation is a proportional response, all the while hiding away and ordering shit online because they are utterly terrified of death despite ruining their own health over the years with their gluttony and hedonism. Fucking cunts.
Children can’t get these formative years back and they’ll carry the damage for the rest of their lives. Anyone making light of that or in support of the measures is a turbo cunt.
Normally I agree with you TBCC but as a young person myself I think the nom does have some merit. As much as I hate the restrictions we knew full well what we were getting ourselves into when we decided to do courses this year, so the woman can’t complain really.
Yeah I get what you’re saying, and you obviously have your head on straight. Unfortunately a lot of 18 year olds are still effectively children and are driven more emotionally, especially the ladies.
There’s fuck all jobs for them too. What can they do? The social aspect is incredibly important. I spoke to two 14 yr old boys yesterday in the park and they sounded so fucking downbeat. They were so happy to talk though, you could see they were starved of social stimulus. Really sad.
If I were 18 again I’d be angry and probably borderline suicidal at this point. I mean I was anyway!
Yeah, it’s pretty fucking shit for us at the moment. I understand wanting to protect our elders but there simply has to be a better way of doing so than this.
TBBC: I have every sympathy for children who ar missing schooling, but my point with this young lady is that she and all the other people who decided to go to university in the autumn of 2020 were advised several times, in no uncertain terms, that university life would be totally different, that there would be little face to face contact and most lectures would be online and contact with tutors by email. Given that, she and so many others decided to go ahead anyway. A year or 2 years delay in your late teens isn’t the end of the world. I was also interested this woman is studying psychology – God help her future patients!
It reminds me of those people who are booking up for summer holidays with EasyJet, RyanAir etc – they must know that there is fuck all chance of an “ordinary” summer holiday this year, but that hasn’t stopped them booking, nor will it stop them complaining when their flights are cancelled, and they hav to isolate on arriving at and leaving thir destinations.
Exactly, it’s happening, we are in various forms of lockdown, there is no point crying about it. just get on with it as best you can.
I think we should thank our lucky stars that it’s not a teacher training degree she’s doing.
The worst part is imagining the next generation after them ? Russia and China must be pissing themselves!
The reason a lot of 18 are effectively still children is because they’ve been mollycoddled and pandered to and demanding to be even more mollycoddled and pander to isn’t going to help them, just make them feel more entitled. If anything this current situation is just what they needed to put them straight.
Agreed Cool, the millennials are now of age where they are the teachers and lecturers, the word “No” is not in their vocab.
LL, The worst part is imagining the next generation after them ? Russia and China must be pissing themselves!
It’s all very well bemoaning young people and telling them to harden up but also completely irrelevant when all the usual avenues of growth and exploration, especially for young men, have been shut off from them and replaced with utter lunacy and fæggotry.
None of them voted or asked to be treated like guinea pigs devoid of the natural channels of growth.
We treat children like shit and then hand them more, then expect them to readjust to our ‘normal’ when they fail to live up to our horseshit definitions of sanity. Fucks sake.
Not just this generation and the next. Infantilisation of the nation’s youth was well underway by the 1990s. Then came Blair….
PS: Cheers Admin for amending one of my earlier posts. ?
TBCC, you say bemoaning young people but their feeling of entitlement are a fact with the person in the nom being a prime example. It is also the softest countries pandering to this sense of entitlement with England being no exemption, I didn’t vote for that either. If someone has a feeling of entitlement then the answer is to break that cycle rather to give in and make them feel more entitled.
Mr Cool, I agree the cycle needs to broken but I place that responsibility on the shoulders of those who created it.
If you don’t train a dog well then shouting at it after the fact achieves nothing. You have to rewire it, and that takes effort and wisdom from a third party. It is very difficult to do on your own.
Not only that but we’ve made it incredibly difficult for kids to reinvent themselves by reducing jobs and opportunities. So not only do we shout at them but don’t offer any real alternatives to them, which is bullshit.
We have sick adults making sick children.
TBCC Your post seems to infer It is no use locking the stable door after the horse has bolted but then the rest of your suggestions imply we should do exactly that.
As for lack of jobs and employment opportunities you can place a great deal of blame on that to modern technology. Before this bad flu started I was in a bank and whilst in the queue and employee asked me if I wanted to use the self-service machine to which I refused. The lady said it’s so much quicker and easier once you start using it you’ll always use it. I said yes but the trouble with that is when I need assistance with something I won’t be able to get any because you’ll all be out of a job. I told an employee in Waitrose at the self-service counter exactly the same thing.
Those just a couple of examples but multiply that as many times as you like with what is happening in this country and there is your no jobs and employment opportunities right in front of you. Whose fault is that? Some of the blame will come from established older business owners and CEOs and some of the blame will rest on the new young go-getters that have these excellent ideas about how to save money on employment wages.
Your generation has grown up with the Internet and loving it. Unfortunately as everything goes online, High street shops have shut, businesses closed, face to face socialising has diminished and this is going to be your future, blaming it all on Covid It’s just the easy way out of a much larger problem.
You don’t have as many sick adults making sick children as you do sick children making sick children.
I agree.
Nothing funny about people having signs of an emotional breakdown, due to lack of support. Particularly children or young adults.
The fact that our generation had been working for four years at her age is more about societal changes than her.
I like counting cuntitude, not victims of it ?
Stop whining you me me cunts. Perhaps a little hardship will do the cunts some good, they might learn to appreciate what they do have and be thankful of it.
Get rid of safe spaces and replace them with a wake up slap. Life can be hard, and you never know what is around the corner. These are the least prepared people in the history of humanity.
I hate that phrase ‘safe space’
Getting all upset because of ‘micro aggression’ (another shit phrase), as you say a fucking slap might do the trick.
If she’s a psychology student surely she could get her psychological problems sorted out by consulting her psychological textbooks.
‘DIY lobotomy for the under 20s’
By Isa knutt.
Or The Sun’s ‘Dear Deidre’ agony aunt column.
Half these cunts with issues have nothing at all, it’s just attention seeking.
Fucking ridiculous.
At university don’t you have to churn out essays? What the fuck has she been doing? Has she been having remote lectures and assignments, if not why not? Why didn’t she contact her tutor or go to the head of the Psychology department and then if still nothing, complain to the Chancellor and/or Students Union.
Why on Earth would she do that, it’s much easier to moan on social media.
What should I do today, write an essay on why Freud says everything relates to sex or make a little video on Twitter crying into a chocolate orange.
Please don’t pull me up on Freud and the sex thing ?
I remember doing Freud in RE at school. The man was an absolute nutcase. If a ‘was-a-cunt’ section of the site existed then he would be among my first nominations.
Shed obviously be better off not going to a religious seminary. £40000 just to learn men can have babies is a really dumb idea.
She missed her calling.
Great career as a beached whale.
No studies required and plenty of fresh air.
Now pull yourself together.
Then Fuck Off.
As a sidenote, chocolate orange products are disgusting and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. ?
General, you speak with the air and authority of an Admin.
Just admit it. You are aren’t you?
To MNC and Coolforcunts, I would say this – You’re both larger than life characters. You probably have much more in common with each other than you realise.
IsAC is a broad church and there’s room for both of you.
(Agreed, but we won’t tolerate personal abuse between cunters who should know better – DA)
I am yes. Although I haven’t been very active in that regard recently due to other commitments.
Wise words BBTC and DA and fine with me.
GTC, if you’re going to leave warnings best to Admin identify yourself otherwise you’re potentially just perceived to somebody else interfering. Especially the way you went about it.
Bertie, General Chiggun@
Your wise words are taken onboard.
A broad church we are indeed, Bertie.
Broader than the Conservative Party, Labour Party, Communist Party, British National Party, COMBINED!
In fact, so broad a church are we that with some cunters I have nothing in common with at all… doubt I’d give the time of day to them in the real world. But that’s life, and anyone who pretends otherwise is just deluding themselves, with the best of intentions of course.
So has stuff been deleted, because i’ve read this twice and can’t see what the fuck is going on? If you’re deleting stuff can’t you delete the back slapping too – keeps it all consistent, either it’s all there or it’s entirely gone with a nice “snipped” kind of vibe. Longtime reader, first time poster. I miss DCI Gene too!
Yeah the conversation between MNC and Cool got deleted by one of the other admins because it was starting to turn really nasty and personal.
Fucking cry baby pig ugly cunt needs to grow up. She probably only went to ‘yooni’ as an easy option and because she didn’t want to actually work for a living. Fuck the BBC for considering this pile of excrement actually worthy of reporting on.
Aw diddums! There was no Covid isolation when I was studying for exams. i was still on my own though for 4-5 fucking hours a night; no trips down the pub – except Saturday. They do NOT know what it means to WORK these days – even for themselves.
Perhaps British Universities need to employ the services of B&W Cunt and his anal wrecking crew?
Any female students needing an emotional boost can receive some “ chocolate (orange) starfish stimulation”.
It should be on the curriculum ?
In my time at uni I had to do 99% of everything myself. The only time I needed guidance was at the start (referencing) and end (how to choose a dissertation topic).
The rest of it?
If someone ‘didn’t get it’, they’d be told to go take good notes during lectures, go to the library and research and to actively take part in debates.
You’re at uni love, not your primary school. At least in your day, you’ve got the internet to help point you in the right direction. Once upon a time, it meant 4 hours in a library doing the equivalent of your 1 minute Google search, just to find good papers and books to look out for.. Research the stuff you need to instead of looking for likes on Arsebook all day, start there.
I’m pleasantly surprised though, that there is still some rigour left by the looks of things.
She is a daft bint…..no support?…wtf is she paying 20 grand for her course..