I am not sure if this fucker has been cunted but if not then Khairi Saadallah deserves the biggest cunting ISAC can offer and the British government are also culpable in what he did.
For anyone who hasn’t seen any news this Cunt has just been sentence to life for the planned murders of 3 Gay men in a Reading park and injuring 3 others.
He was a FAILED asylum seeker from Libya and had served 4 jail sentences for 19 offences so why the fuck was he still in the country, no right to be here and had a violent criminal record.
There has to be a change in the way we handle cunts who are refused asylum and especially the foreign cunts who commit crime. No fucking lawyer sticking their noses in straight out of the country, after this episode no one would give a shit if sending these cunts back to their homelands leads to the being killed.
Nominated by: Sick of it
…and this from Coolforcunts
Khairi Saadallah…the Reading park stabber and the epitome of an “Asylum Seeker!
So in 2012 England welcomes asylum seeker Khasi from Libya. Repaying that gratitude he has been arrested and convicted of various offences including theft and assault between 2013 and 2020 and only recently let out when he went on to commit these murderous knife attacks that killed three and very nearly killed three others. Whilst executing these people Khasi was heard to shout “Allahu Akbar”!
If you want to read the smoke and mirrors of the MSM on this story, there are tales of woe, tales of the elf (mental variety of course), tales of pretty much anything and everything but just not the truth. The truth is as I see it, for every asylum seeker or dinghy rat etc that manages to float to England ??????? the land of milk and honey on their magic carpet, well that is simply just somebody else of that fine religion of peace that is going to try and kill us! The Gays in this instance, however as time has proved there is little discrimination when it comes to killing Whitey.
Khasi was today given a whole life sentence. Wellllll woooopeeee fuckinggg doooo! Fuck knows how many years of the taxpayer paying for this dirty Lebanese terrorist cunt to get counselling for the elf, watch TV, three square meals a day, and probably radicalise some other Akbars before they get out and follow suit.
Fuck off,
Admin, please use this link, I know it’s the BBC however the picture on him, especially the hatred in his eyes ? shows exactly what every asylum seeker and dinghy rat thinks of the indigenous people of England,
Yet another one, another ‘victim of persecution’ who on reality is a murderous extremist cunt.
I’ll be honest here, I accept homosexuals have a right to exist because I want my right to exist protected by law. I don’t like public displays of homosexuality, I don’t believe LBGT parades are anything more than shoving gayness in straight society’s face, but I accept if I want the right to live in freedom I have to believe in and defend the right of gay folk to have freedom of expression within decency laws.
So you backwards goat molesting cunts, if you can’t come here and respect the freedom we grant everyone, including the right to worship who you want don’t fucking come, especially don’t turn up waving a victim card.
I’m not in favour of the death sentence but I am in favour of you spending the rest of your sorry life being arse raped by men with enormous cocks and force fed pork whilst being humiliated by women on a daily basis.
There is no lower life than cunts like this.
‘Diversity is our strength.’ This is total bollocks; no matter how often ‘our betters’ tell us this we simply ain’t going to swallow it.
I am in favour of the death sentence.
For crimes exactly like the one committed by this cunt.
I have to agree Herman, why keep this cunt alive at our expense.
A embarrassment for those approving asylum applications,
He stabbed people and they turned out to be gay!!!
Own goal☹️
Could of been covered over if it was dave Jones factory worker,
Straight father of two,
Hed possibly of culturally offended sad allah or whatever the cunts called.
The evil mental cunt should get justice,
And by justice I mean a nice party with the families of the dead, lovely old oak tree,
A easily moved stepladder,
And 10 ft of hemp,
Made in the Uk obviously.
Good un Sicky !,??
Rope made in the UK, obviously ? ?
I put in another Nom for a channel taxi driver, not on same level of this guy but when a country locks down from months on end to save old codgers (not against saving old codgers) why the fuck do the take risks by allowing any of these cunts come here at all.
When you add up the devastation that has been caused by asylum seekers, failed or otherwise, it’s a national disgrace.
Different to the usual type of gay late nite park stabber,,,, sorry couldn’t resist…. anyway this shit stain scumbag asylum seeker should be made to swim back to the shit hole he came from, I think we have enough fucking asylum seekers now, let alone criminal asylum seeking scum….
A good muslim arrives in paradise, stinking of ale, a sausage rolls sewed into his mouth, and a star of David tattooed on his forehead,
They’re not going to let him in for his 70 virgins are they?
Theres the answer.
Who’d want to go anyway?
Full of stanleys, bet it sticks?
Bit like Bradford but with a couple of palm trees.
First three words… brain does not compute.
The Home Office-not fit for purpose since 1997.
Fuck you very much, Anthony B.liar.
Fuck you!!!!
More like homo-office. Tony ‘sparkles’ more than Lionel fucking Blair. Don’t tell me him and Mangledbum weren’t back-scuttling over the premier desk.
Brexit should have given us new powers to deport these maggots though fuck all is changing including the non-stop invasion of Dinghy rats/future terrorîsts.
This Dirty Durka-Durka should be eating his last few meals on Death Row yet instead he’ll spend a few decades converting soft convicts to Britain-hating muslîms.
A pity the Police didn’t have an armed officer in that Reading park that evening – it might have saved a few lives, and dispatched one who will ponce off this country for the rest of his miserable life, as he has already done for years. Shoot to kill should be the rule for these useless ponces.
I have a deportation plan;
go by their name.
Send him round to Barrymore’s after a dose of rohypnol with his arse cut out of his pajama bottoms.
If this doesn’t make the bummers realise what’s in for them if we keep letting these cunts in, nothing will.
” Diversity is our strength ”
Get To Fuck.
Oh I realise well enough. Let the rest get what’s coming to them, they’re only blocking my shade anyway.
Refill the Tower moat.
Chuck this cunt in.
Release Prince George’s crocodile, also called George.
Proceeds from ticket sales to the British Legion.
At the time it was buried. Mental health issues. It was also reported he had converted to Christianity. The msm are a bunch of cunts . Lying everyday for a living.. It’s all ” part and parcel ” of living in modern Britain. Need different politicians. Cunts all of em.
Yet another incident that exposes the leftie caring sharing world of fairies and unicorns for the fantasy it is. The left love gays and muzzies and honestly believe they can live in perfect harmony. How fucking mad is that? And when they’re folly is exposed, rather than have a sensible debate about it, they smother it in a MSM whitewash and hope nobody noticed. Cunts!
Good job we’ve got hard talking Priti Patel on the case. Oh hang on a minute….
If I had my way this cunt would be chucked into a vat of acid, and the dvd of him thrashing about would be sold to cover the costs of his trial. Blu Ray would be available for posh cunts who like to pay more for their home entertainment.
After his previous offences the cunt should never have been here to commit this crime. Should have been back herding camels in the shithole he came from. Still, at least he was a poor BAME who can be treated for his mental elf issues and not one of those right wing extremists who lurk around every corner. Yes, I do watch the BBC …….an independent and faultless source of information as you all know.
Worse thing they ever did was get shut of Muammar Gaddafi. He was the only one who could keep these savages in order. A bit like a zookeeper with wild animals. Cunt he may have been, but a cunt is needed to control other cunts.
Libya now should simply be nuked.
Is there anyone at all from any part of Africa that we need in the UK?
I can only think of John Kongos and his family as I like their music. For such a large continent that’s a piss poor return.
Heap of shit should be hanged, if our gutless cunts in charge deported the savage bastard after he committed his first crime though those 3 people wouldn’t be dead now.
It is about time that politicians and civil servants who allowed the cunt to murder three people because he was still in the U.K. were held to account for their actions. I mean loss of pensions etc to fund compensation for the families of the victims.
‘ lessons have been learnt ‘ is even more annoying than ‘diversity is our strength ‘.
Maybe the new phrase should be “Diversity lessons have been learnt” ie, it doesn’t fucking work! The peaceful’s can’t even live in peace with the other brand of peaceful’s so what fucking chance have non peaceful’s got.
This piece of dogshit carried out the worst homophobic attack in British history. Not a word from the left and quickly brushed under the carpet. Get fucked.
Once upon a time this evil little cunt would have been shot and the RAF would have bombed whichever ramshackle group of mud huts he came from.
Now it’s just a small price to pay for more diversity.
The UK has no security whatsoever,it’s a free for all.
A disgrace.
This is what mass immigration with no background checks gets you. It’s now come to a point where sickening crimes likes this in the UK don’t surprise me anymore. Complete fools, idiots and nincompoops in charge of the country. “Lessons will be learnt” do me a favour, why does it keep on happening then?? This country has its own homegrown filth, rapists, murderers, thief’s, yet we import some more into the mix? You couldn’t make it up. Priti Patel needs sacking, she is obviously not fit for the job. In fact appoint the local clown college and village idiot, can’t be any worse than the morons in government right now.
It’s about time the carpet kissers were subjected to the mailed fist!!!! If ANY cunt who comes here commits ANY crime immediate deportation. No identity papers Fuck off, tow the bastards back to France. If any mussie commits any terrorist offence close 10 mosques and demolish them. Any mussie no go areas, napalm the fucking place.
It’s about time the government grew a pair any slapped these bastards into line. Any of these human rights lawyers or parole board twats who let criminals out on parole, if they reoffend, your’e going down on the same tariff as the cunt you let out. Lets see how many cunts are given early release then.
While we’re at it bring back the death penalty as well and see if our camel bothering friends fancy being buried in a pigshit coffin.
That comment gets a “Fuck Yeah!” from me.
Had to target gay men didn’t he, I wonder if he could have pulled the same stunt in some working mans club up North.? By the looks of this feeble little specimen he couldn’t knockout a Wank.!
Or a Council Estate Pub on Benefits day?
Ooops! I don’t go in Pubs, haven’t done for years, I forgot they were closed for Lockdown.
Pity the cunt didn’t stab a load of trannies.
Pritti Patel and Border Force should all be boiled in piss for letting this cunt in in the first place.
This country is becoming a safe refuge for dead beats, terrorist, peado’s and criminals that the government need to sort out sharpish or come the revolution, their heads will be on spikes.