Kerry Katona (7)

As we already know Kerry Katona is a cunt, but if she hasn’t been on here before she needs to be nominated.

The talentless, attention-seeking alco slapper sees the opportunity for some attention/sympathy. I strongly suspect there will be a book launch coming up Lilly Mong style.

Anyway this fuck monkey has decided to release a video of herself with a red nose, sniffing and coughing, saying she has Covid. More like a mild cold I suspect, and she is now crying because she didn’t get the sympathy she was expecting.

Instead everyone thinks she is taking the piss and it’s all bollocks and a bit of attention seeking. Well Kerry you live by the sword you die by the sword, nobody believes a word of it and even in the unlikely event that it’s true nobody gives a fuck….

Nominated by: Fuglyucker 

(Update: turns out she did test positive for Covid. But we kept the nom because she’s still a bit of a z-lister cunt  – DA )

40 thoughts on “Kerry Katona (7)

  1. She does live by the Pork Sword. Maybe just me but the scouse accent on a fit scouse bird gives me the horn. By the way Kerry, Covid doesn’t give you a runny nose. Take a lemsip and shut your pie hole.

  2. She didn’t look that bad when she was younger, dunno how many kids she’s got but her pum pum must be like a bucket of squid.
    I buy her a hoodie to wear whilst I gave her one up the arse from behind and she should be grateful.
    She no doubt caused a massive mutation to Covid whilst it was trying it’s best to get the fuck away from her.
    Go fuck yourselves.

  3. As conspiracy theories go, some welly top fanny skank publicising her positive Covid test for mongs on Twitter isn’t exactly up there with the Mafia knocking off JFK or the moon landings being faked.

  4. I get this bitch mixed up with that cunt with half a nose from coke abuse. Both cunts anyway.

  5. She was the face of Turkey twizzlers 96-97
    And miss Lard for the lard advertising board.
    Shes a accomplished savvy business woman not just a sex icon!
    And sing! Can she sing?

    No. She fuckin cant.

  6. I’m still waiting for my apology since December 2019 Xmas, after a serving of her dodgy prawn ring gave me a nasty bout of Katonavirus.

  7. Six previous cuntings say she’s a confirmed cunt.

    I can imagine the doctor breaking the news, “Sorry Corona, you’ve tested positive Kerry Katona infection. We will do what we can but your outlook doesn’t look good.”

    Can you imagine the mutated nasty fucking virus that can survive that?

  8. What was that song from those slappers, you can lick my hole again…. Something like that anyway, even the other tarts in the band decided Kerry should rearrange 2 words to make a well know endearment… Off fuck…

    • Was that the famous You can tongue my hole again? Watch out B&WC will be firing up the trusty Beemer to satisfy these Ladies? I say ladies advisedly though.
      B&WC dont forget to strap a scaffold plank to your arse so you dont fall in these mingers stench trench.

  9. It’s funny how the likes of this bindipper, ulrika and Daniella Westbrook seem to have morphed into Zelda from the Terrahawks.

  10. As a resident of Warrington, I would like to say I did not have sex with that woman – I might have been the only one who didn’t mind.

  11. She was worth a poke when she was 17/18-went downhill very rapidly after that.
    Wasn’t she the “face” of Iceland chav food for a while?
    Re the Zelda from Terrahawks comment-bullseye!!!

  12. Same boat as that Gay who says he’s an It and put a photo on Twatter of itself having a cry because Bat AIDS made him upset and that.
    Gas the fuckers.

  13. Must have a minge like a vandalised sofa lying on a dump somewhere.

    She can fuck off

  14. She reminds me of that other media attention seeking whore Stacey Solomon. both are so self-obsessed they think we want to know about every fart they let off. Every bloke they open their legs for, and both have zero talent and look like an elephants arse

  15. Most celebs do this thing where they reveal ‘their heartache’ or ‘struggle’ with something, be it drugs, a medical condition or some loss. Do fuck off, privileged cunts.

    • Katie Price has something coming up on the BBC next week about increasing Harvey’s residential care because he is too much to handle. No doubt a fair chunk of the programme will be devoted to her ‘struggle’, a low blow using your kids to stay relevant.

    • I’m not going to click on that link Cuntologist, I will just take your word for it! Mainly because I don’t care how Kerry Kuntona lost weight, but more importantly I don’t care what her jelly moulded, invertebrate body would look like now, after she has lost said weight! As I said earlier, simply just revolting ?

  16. I though this Z-List shitehawk was dead.
    Wouldn’t go near it even if you paid me.
    About as sexy as Jill Biden with her teeth out.

  17. Their are flies that hover around steaming dog shit that have more dignity and self respect than Kerry Kuntona and Katie Cut-Price.

  18. Only fit for a Bukakke porn now, lookin like she’s seen some winters, I bet Pat Jennings could fist her and she’d not feel a thing.!

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