Liverpool’s Joe Anderson and Our Friends in The North
For an old cunt like Yours Truly who has had a relationship with the construction industry, it’s happy days are here again and back to the ‘70s. Then political corruption and back handers reached dizzying heights. Large brown paper parcels stuffed with cash left in station khazis for retrieval by bent plod, bent developers and bent politicians. All expenses paid holidays to Torremolinos or Call Girls and Shampoo (what we called Champagne in those comb over days) in exchange for Planning Permission etcetera etcetera and all managed by Enforcers disposing of Awkward Cunts face down in concrete and propping up motorways all over Brum and Newcastle. T Dan Smith and Reggie Maudling ring any bells?
Fast Forward to the Covid ‘20s and Livverpoool takes centre stage. Joe Anderson the Labour Mayor has “stepped aside” (how we love that phrase) following serious allegations of fraud, theft and intimidation in relation to vastly overpriced capital projects. We refer interested parties to the link below so that they may read for themselves and make their own judgements with regards to these matters (as me brief advises) there-bye keeping ISAC’s nose clean and Yours Truly is able to refrain from having to write “allegations” every second sentence.
We are further advised that we may describe Mr Anderson as a slap head pig faced Liverpoool cunt, our defence residing in the truth of the statement.
We always like to close on a gag or in this case Kharma. One of the alleged miscreants is a Mr Elliot Lawless.
Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke
No doubt the old bill are as corrupt as the ones in Rotherham so he wont be arrested. Common purpose is much worse than the masons.
What a “slap head pig faced Liverpool cunt”
He’s got an OBE, 80k salary and it isn’t enough? Socialism at its finest.
Another endorsement of the honours system, no?
He has the look of a “cunt with an unhealthy interest in young persons” about him.
The nom photo looks like he is perving on the neighbours ??
Sir Limply-every industry is bent. Every fucking one?
Poor old Joe.
Doing what his nature intended,
All his mates doing the same,
An he gets stick for it.
Be that Degsy hes bad influence!
Ironic really, bet gipsy fingered Joe has called out the greed and capitalism of the tories.
The dodgy fat cunt.
I would just love to see dear old Degsy do some prison time.
Happy New Year.
Scouser therefore cunt.
Northerner = hirsute flasher or sociopathic gentleman farmer.
Hopefully his big fat flabby arse will be well used in prison….if he ever gets there.
Just look at that fat jock cunt, I was soooooo hoping to see him in pokey.
A corrupt politician filling his pockets full of money?
Who would have thought that could happen?
Can’t really support this. He’s clearly a victim.
Aren’t they all ?
I doubt if can maintain his pie habit on only £80k a year.
At least he’s got his modelling career to fall back on.
I’m sure that I saw the fat cunt on xHamster a couple of years ago.
Why do the cunts always ” deny any wrong doing” ? They should should say they were acting normally, which they are the thieving corrupt bastards.
Either that, Harry, or there has been a “misunderstanding” ,like Hazel Blears with her mortgage and Harry Cohen with his sunken bath.
Fucking heel, Hazel Blears ! What an appalling hypocritical ginger-pubed dyke cunt. I cant believe that it’s been over 6 years since the rancid haddock-fannied bitch was last nominated here.
Back in the 70s this sort of brown envelope shit was normal, even for central government – remember the PSA? However, the 70s were still much better in almost every other way. Maybe Mr Anderson is just being nostalgic.
Joe Anderson, Liverpool, anything else to add ?
He’s a walking talking pork pie.
And a crook.
The AIDS diet is best for this evil cunt.
Anderson – the typical fat corrupt minor public official who thinks he is above the law. It is time scum like this was thrown out of public life and humiliated rather than to just quietly be allowed to “step aside”.
This man and many of his former and current colleagues, has wrought havoc amongst some of the most vulnerable people in his city.
Not exactly a reign of terror, although Degsy came close. Another cunt who has a very well feathered nest.
Anyone speaking out against the fascist ,Marxist doctrine, back in the eighties, got a very rough ride.
After the riots, conditions were ripe for corrupt scallywags. Government and private money was pouring in. Did a lot of work there and there was a real buzz about the place.
Same old story though, the politico’s didn’t give a fuck about the people, and fortunes were made.
Liverpool gets a bad press and indeed, there are many cunts there,but lots of good folk too.
Had some memorable shags, Liverpool ladies fuck like demented rabbits on speed.
Especially the Catholic ones.
Beautifully disgraceful.
Good afternoon.
The breadth of experience and knowledge available on this site is impressive.
Chances are, you have some scaly offspring ?
When you see banging them, did you tell them to “calm down, calm down!!”.
Did you ever lose your wallet?
Etc, etc, etc…
Scally ☺️
Scaly if you ever knobbed a lady with hereditary psoriasis ?
I didn’t want them to calm down,General. Quite the opposite.
I never lost my wallet, but spent a small fortune on food.
One was particularly fond of all day breakfasts, even at 2 am.
No potential offspring have broken cover.
It’s all good.
Dey don’t doo dat doh doo dey doh?
Corpulent, pie-scoffer – the only real use for him would be to impale him, Vlad style, with a 1″ solid, sharpened steel bar up his shitter and through his mouth. slide a ripe Bramley over the bar and into his gob. Set Unkle Terry’s oven to 180 degrees C and bake the fat cunt for 12 hours.
Don’t forget to turn him occasionally and baste the greedy, fat fucker with his own juices.
Then tell Rashford not to worry, we have enough pork to feed the poverty-stricken, Scaaaase kids throughout the lockdown.
Indeed,I am at your service.
This is why I hate socialists. They stand on principles like honesty and fairness, and use highly divisive language as they set the have-nots against the haves, but once in a position of power, they crack on with the troughing. Remember the expenses scandal of 2008/9? Most people don’t, and most of those that do will only remember it for some toff claiming for a duck house on his moat, yet The principled left were up to their necks in it, flipping homes to maximise the amount they could steal from the taxpayer. Many claimed for money they weren’t entitled to, but escaped prosecution if they gave it back. Anyone in real life would have been banged up, yet these cunts got away with it, and carried on without shame.
Then there are the tier one cunts, who spent a lifetime in politics rallying against the House of Lords and calling for its abolition, yet joined without hesitation when the opportunity arises. Kinnock, Prescott, Hain etc, take a bow you hypocrites.
Then there are the crooked cunts like this scouse mouth breather, shitting on the very people that put him where he is. And, this was only the other day, and it’s already off the radar, imagine if it was Rees Mog, or Farage doing something similar? You would never hear the end of it.
When cunts run the media, their cunt mates get a free pass?
Animal Farm Joe’s one of the pigs
? Hey Joe (said now)
Where you going to wobble to now?
Where you going to wobble to?
Hey Joe (I said)
Where you going to wobble to now? ?
Ah! The mob! The heady days of Bowers in Pink Lane, The Sibbets, T Dan and the Quadrini’s. Interestingly, at the bottom of Bath Lane was a Club called Change Is. Owned by Bob Monkhouse, and next door to a Bass Charrington Pub ( the Waterloo ) Shootings? Yep! Bung ? Yep! Graft and exploitation. Westgate Road.
And from 67 onwards more buildings went up in Newcastle than you could shake a stick at. Nowadays? Camel Cunts, Little girls and a “noo Breed Of Brish ” far greedier, far more destructive….
Happy New Year Everybody.
Council corruption still exists, shock horror. And on a similar scale. Tower Hamlets, Liverpool, Manchester (allegedly, m’lud). It hasn’t gone away. It’s endemic.
He’s called Joe and he’s Labour. Thought ‘Brookside’ was a reality show. CUNT.
Beating one to death in public would set an example.
I am available for a reasonable price..
Joe is indeed a fat cunt and I hope he gets what he deserves if found guilty, never liked the hypocrital labour tit sucking cunt,
I am from Liverpool born and bred I can whole heartedly say “calm down calm down you raciest cunts”
Great to see we’ve started 2021 as per any month with quality cuntings of the finest order. Not that 2020 hasn’t provided enough fucking ammo for us all
NOT to stereotype, but every scouser I met was I thieving cunt, and I met quite a few over the years, “ watch your tools lads there’s scousers abaaaaht” said many fucking time’s
As there’s one rule for the establishment and another rule for us plebs you can guarantee that this corrupt fat cunt will never see the inside of a prison cell.