For those of you can’t stomach reading The Guardian, this is about some curry-muncher who gradually lost the use of her native language as she grew up in this Country.When lockdown hit she found that when she phoned her Mother,they couldn’t understand each other. One spoke in English,the other in some tandoori-patois.
Now if the writer has grown up in this Country,gone to school,got a job on a national paper etc.,the family must have been here 30 odd years….why can’t the old bag of a Mother speak English? How much must it has cost in translators as the auld bitch wheeled herself from the benefits office to the housing office to the Doctors etc?
Immigrants should be given a year to learn English…if they don’t,they should be put on the next banana-boat home. It is thoroughly disrespectful to the host Country not to learn the native shows that they have no intention of assimilating and prefer to live as if they were still in CurryLand while enjoying all the benefits provided by the host Country.
Someone should go round to the old bag’s (council-funded,no doubt) house and serve her with a deportation order….I bet she’d fucking learn English quick enough then.
Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
Good nom. There are already enough indigenous cunts who don’t speak English (particularly up North) without fucking gimmigrants adding to their number.
Up North, in Gods own county they speak proper English ?
I can remember years ago I worked with a bloke who was pulling out what was left of his hair trying to stop his kids from using thee and thine.
What did he do when they asked for a pigeon loft for Christmas?
And a whippet
What’s that you say Dick? . . .. . . . .
“Howay, man, marra, let’s gan doon the pub for some beltas scran.”
Not to mention those incoherent SNP cunts who are now demanding £4 billion compo from the English taxpayer for “being taken out of the EU against our will.”
No doubt the compo will only be distributed to the 60% of Scots who voted Remain.
They know key words, always have:
Social security
I vote labour
I asylum seek
I have two words of the queens for them:
You forgot the biggy:
I think this nom could apply anywhere Herr Fiddler, if you can’t communicate with the lion share of the population in most countries, your totally fucked, but good old Blighty folds to any “effnik” whim, “of course we’ll translate your tax bill into Shona, Mr Winston Umbongo”, bunch of cunts!!!!
They have tax bills? That is news to me.
It’s optional for dar quays and dingy demons to pay though as taxation is Waaaayyyccciiiiissssttttt!!!
Getting them doesn’t mean paying them.
Every time I see an old crone waddling around in a burkha in east London, I aways ask myself. “How the fuck did you get to live here.Who the fuck let you in and what possible good are you doing the country” I never have the answer.
ET almost had the same problem ?
I agree with this nom, or, to put it into plain English: “fit in or fuck off”.
Still, lack of communication skills keeps the gimmigrant owned sweatshops staffed.
When in Rome do as the Romans. It’s an old adage but true today as ever it was.
Cunt just realised I made a comment without swearing. That’s better.
Why I always wear a toga.
And eat dormice.
Do you drink fruit juice lined with lead?
I don’t care if they speak English or not. It’s the amount of cunts here that pisses me off, the large amount that come and then set up enclaves where there’s no need to speak English is the problem.
One this that really gets my goat (so to speak) is the number of schools which serve halal meat if they have a proportion of effnick students. Whilst I eat meat I do not approve of barbaric slaughter of animals.
I would make schools declare if they use halal meat and give parents a link to a website which shows this evil practice.
This is one that makes my piss steam, Guzzi.
Halal slaughter has no place in a modern world. You only have to Google footage in UK slaughter houses who practice this heinous method to see that it is wrong on all levels.
Fuck DEFRA to hell for permitting this stone-age practice in the UK.
Exactly. They’re fucking barbarians. Truss them up and ship em out. The have no place here and more of them the more divided we become. All this shit about unity through diversity. What a lot of old wank.
That ad for the army where all the white British soldiers are looking over at the effnick praying and the ad says “this is belonging ” . Ffs talk about double think and newspeak.
Would you want one of them watching your back in a fire fight? Thought not.
DEFRA? Those tossers?
They officially know feck all about the illegal abbatoirs these cunts run..the same way a certain animal charity officially knows nothing..
I’m out of touch on this, maybe one of our more agriculturally minded cunters will know better, but I do seem to recall figures from a few years back showing a constant increase in the old sheep rustling incidents on farms surrounding (or within easy travel distance by van of) the more ‘ethnically challenged’ areas of the land..of course, they didn’t say that outright, just showed a map with the active rustling areas in red..
The only animals that should be killed by halal slaughter are halal butchers themselves.
The majority, if not all, of New Zealand’s lamb is Halal. Halal does allow for stunning, Kosher doesn’t. I’ve seen horrific behaviour from these abattoirs.
Fuck religious slaughter. So some cunt with a daft hat and excessive facial hair mumbles some old bollocks is just ridiculous.
Fucking right. Who cares whether they speako the lingo or not? Just fuck off out of my country you cunts! The odd w*g here and there is an interesting novelty providing an insight to different cultures but millions of the fuckers p*ncing and committing crimes is taking the piss. Especially that cunt Suckdick Khunt.
It begs the question as to how these people function in this country.
If you can’t understand the very basics, like road signs, warning signs and simple government forms, then you are of no use to the country. In fact, you would be a burden and a liability.
When I moved to Scandinavia in my 20’s, I had to go to night school to learn the lingo.
It took 6 months to be at conversational level and another 3 months after that, I was sitting my exams.
I always worked to support myself and never took a penny in welfare.
The very least you can do when relocating to another country is learn the lingo, immerse yourself in the traditions and culture and pay your own way.
Anything less is an insult to your hosts.
I smiled at the thought of Dick reading the Guardian. I know it’s not the first choice of rag for most on here but on the other hand it is an excellent source of offensive woke crap which provide excellent cunting material.
As one who lives in London, the Guardian is perfect for identifying progressive twats. They are the ones who read the Guardian on the Tube.
I get incensed at the sheer number of ‘alternative’ language sheets on Goverment websites or enclosed with letters, the same with anything to do with Councils, but my biggest piss boiler pre covid, were the 36+ language flags on the check-in screen at the GP surgery. They say learning English is really hard. Bollocks, I didn’t have any issue, and unlike these twats that use ‘gendered’ letters and other wierd symbols, its a doddle. Assimilate or fuck off.
Going to have to call you up on a technical error in your nom title, Dick. An immigrant who does not even try to learn the native tongue is not an immigrant, but a leech, a parasite, a cheap sponge.
I can’t imagine living permanently among a population and being outclassed by a three-year olds vocabulary skills. How embarrassing, and isolating. You’d feel like a rat.
Rats are unaware of their status.
It’s fair to say the country is in a right mess.
The burden of pandering to Goat Bummers and assorted Dinghy Savages certainly is a drain.
It could be argued that they should be told to Fuck Off.
Personally I imagine oven is best.
Bernard Manning used to have a routine.
burbleburblefutfutfut Social Security burblefutfutfut Benefits burble burblefutfutfut Family Allowance burbleburble.futfut.
You had to be there.
He had an even better routine about the Yorkshire couple on holiday in Spain;
‘Has’t tha any Bisto?”
‘Fook off, you Spanish cunt’
Most come to England to carry on with their existing lives and customs but with benefits. Why learn the lingo if you have no intention of any integration apart from free housing, schooling, medical care and so on. Every piece of government advice, benefit form ad infinitum is available in hundreds of different languages and if that is not good enough free translators 24/7 365 days a year. There is no need to speak English in England, not a requirement for a happy life on the nash. If the multitude of offspring learn some that’s great form filling is faster. Let us not forget the charidees mostly government funded entirely that have sprung up to assist those who want to be English without being English. How useful is a British passport when one has insulted a local dignitary when on holiday in your shithole of birth. The consulate will be there like a flash with a translator if the consul staff cannot speak umbongo untumper or poppudum ganaz. If in one year of arriving a person does not have enough English to function in what’s left of our society and they have no valid reason not to the door should be shown.
I’m considering moving to Poland as Mrs Fistula is Polish, it’s a beautiful country that will not let Peacefuls in.
I am learning the language as it’s good manners and respectful.
But it seems i’ve chosen a language which is one of the hardest in the world ,More difficult than Japanese, at least Japanese has no masculine and feminine plus there all short words.
The first thing i learnt in Polish was ( poproszę piwo ) which translates as “Beer Please “ priorities first you see.
Fenton, I *think* with Polish, if you make a lot of buzzing noises you’re halfway there… ?
Morning Cuntlestiltskin,
It’s almost impossible for us to get our tongues round those Polish words
Here’s an example
No , it’s sshhhhh. All words end with this sound. Beershhhh. Cigaresshhhhh…see.
Perhaps Japanese easier to speak but not sure whether this also applies for the written language Fenton.
Japan has two separate alphabets, each containing 51 characters. In addition there is an additional sets of characters of approximately 6,000 characters. Mrs Stroker is at level 4th (out of 10 levels) which is high school level. During lockdown working towards 5th level, testing only in done in person in Japan. No exams online to avoid any cheating.
Some of the characters are so intricate I suspect that it is nearly impossible to learn every single one. Also, most characters have more than one meaning, so you have to be aware oft how to use each character in a sentence having the definition required.
Here are some more.
If I had a lifetime to learn pretty confident I wouldn’t be able to.
Try learning it in Cyrillic.
Should have been a reply to Fenton.
‘More difficult than Japanese, at least Japanese has no masculine and feminine‘
Ah, let me tell a story about an old workmate, he learned Japanese from his then girlfriend and became fairly proficient in the spoken language.
Many years later, went on Holiday to Japan, started speaking in Japanese at every available opportunity, and after a couple of days of getting strange looks, realised something was wrong..eventually asked someone at the hotel what the problen was, who explained that yes, ok, his Japanese was fine for a foreigner but…the issue was that he spoke Japanese the way a woman would, and coming from a hairy 6ft+ gaijin…
Just something to watch out for if you’re learning, get a teacher of the right sex.
And obviously all natural-born English folk would have to be exempt for life from any reciprocal tit-for-tat conditions in their chosen country of residence.
Imagine the ferry-loads of ‘Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun’ being sent home because all they have managed after 25 years in Benidorm is “Grathias” and ” Dos Cervezos, por favor”
And God help anyone who has bought a second home in Wales. Fucking gibberish.
There was one on look north Leeds, a woman who has lived here for decades and the story was about her not understanding what was going on with chinky flu because she didn’t speak English
They got a swift email expressing my opinion.
Silly cunt should have learnt signing then, just like the other 11 folks worldwide who use it to stay abreast of wuflu.
Not only that, most of our Eastern European friends take to shouting at each other at every given opportunity. Noisy, inconsiderate cunts.
Also reminds me of one of my sons ex badminton training colleagues Muslim mother. Once complained to me about attracting looks and comments when out and about when wearing her religious clothing. Suggested in order to counteract the unwanted attention she should perhaps consider adopting western style dress. Responded by saying “I don’t see why I should have to”.
Fuck off.
Immigrants see no need to learn English because they have no intention of integrating with the locals. They get all the social interaction they need within their own community. I’m sure the Spanish have similar feelings about Brits who move to the Costa del Sol.
Most immigrants have absolutely no reason to as most local authorities give out information in a variety of languages thereby making it far too easy for them. Should be in English only.
The English in Spain dont get to scrounge off the Spanish state though.
No English? Learn it in six months or state benefits stopped.
Integrate, contribute or fuck off.
Vote Fox!
Integrate, contribute or fuck off. Can we paint that on the side of your election battle bus? I’d say don’t drive it through East London so as not to get stabbed, but most of the locals wouldn’t be able to read it anyway.
But you’d get my vote. ??
BS@ – You may indeed! ?? Now standing as an independent candidate as all the parties are the same – talk a good fight and do bugger all.
This is one of my top five piss boilers. People who have lived here forever and contributed throughout can’t get to see their GPs or have to sell the family home to pay for care but rock up on a South Coast beach and all this is free, my son.
It’s when we get patients coming in for operations but can’t speak the language and it makes you wonder how on earth they have worked to contribute sufficient amounts to pay for this that really piss me off. Of course the answer is that they haven’t and for that reason they can fuck right off.
Leaflets and application forms and translator people for lots of languages. I’m disappointed there is none for Klingon immigrants.
I´ve spent most of my life in non-English-speaking countries and always made an effort to pick up the language, especially when I got involved with a local girl. English is not my wife´s mother tongue although she speaks it perfectly but I have to communicate in her language with the rest of her family.
I also don´t understand men – or women – who don´t make any attempt to learn their spouse´s language. I bet Trump doesn´t know a word of Czech or Slovene, the languages of two of his wives.
As for the nom, English is an easy language to pick up the basics so there is no excuse not to speak it. Most English nouns are basically neuter, the definite article does not change for gender or number or position, nor do adjectives, and the indefinite article only changes from “a” to “an” in obvious cases where the noun begins with a vowel. That´s why enormous progress can be made quickly although it does get more difficult.
Most better educated cunts in the rest of the world speak and understand basic English, it’s mainly a legacy of our reign of terror from when the sun never set on the British Empire.
In fact English is the most widely spoken (and the fastest spreading) world language today, with over 1.1 billion native and second-language users worldwide.
Understanding a smattering of the language is another reason why so many immigrants head for our shores, despite the UK being the most racist country in the world EVER!
Bunch of bloody racists.
Good nom Dick.
That picture above?
7people who should of been in grenfell.
immigrants who can’t speak english?, I’ve been in parts of the country where their children, born here, can barely speak it.
It’s not all of them, as examples I’ve worked alongside Indians who still had traces of the old country accent, but whose children were pure ‘Sarth London’, and the Indian lass who sounded like a better educated Maggie Thatcher, but for each of these, I could counter with people born here, but you’d swear by listening to them they were straight from the Punjab, and that’s where they learned the language, not the bloody comprehensive down the road.
I’ve heard people say the Pakistanis are bad for this, maybe so, but would have to say that I do know one chap, parents from Lahore, brought up in Coventry, worked in Scotland for a while, he now has a very Scottish accent, even when speaking Punjabi.
Immigration cards at airports. At Brisbane and Melbourne there’s about 45 different versions of the same thing. All in different languages. The message that Oz has easy benefit payments and is easy to get into has spread far and wide.
A friend of mine told me about when he was a medical student at a famous hospital in W2. He was attending an outpatient clinic held by one of the consultants.
This gnarled old chink woman came in with her younger daughter acting as interpreter.
The daughter said,” I come with her because she no speak English”.
The consultation went as follows,
Consultant: “What brings you here to see us?”
Daughter to mother, “yong ching hwau lee fook?”
Mother, “Yang”
Daughter to consultant, “She say it hurtee when she goes toilet”
Consultant: “What, do you mean ,is it when she passes urine or opens her bowels?”
Daughter,”I don’t unnerstand”
Consultant,”How long have you been living here?”
Daughter,”2 year”
Consultant, “Bout time you fucking learnt to speak English”. (Rolls eyes and looks at students ,”Talk about veterinary medicine mmmfh?”
Sisterrrr !
You couldn’t fucking make it up and this was in 1975.
Most of the cunts know exactly what they are doing. They go into the store my cousin manages, and the fuckers (usually of the Parking Stan Lee variety) do the ‘No Speaky Engerlish’ shite in order to play dumb and get things cheaper. All this ‘I give you five pound’ for something that’s worth 20 quid, pretending not to ‘understand’ the prices. They bank on staff getting sick of it and letting the smelly toerags have their way. But my cousin is a tough bird, and she just tells them to pay up or fuck off.
I once had a car that I had on Autotrader for £10k, a Parking Stanley phoned me up and said “I give you Four thousand, you accept , good deal”
Was genuinely surprised when I said no
What a cunt
My second wife was Greek Cypriot and born here. Her parents cam over in the 50’s and still had only a very basic grasp of English. I could speak as much Greek as they could English and I’d only been learning it on and off for two years. Lazy cunts.
Very belatedly please allow me to add to the title of this excellent cunting – “and English natives who don’t learn English”.
No, I’m not talking about regional accents. I was listening to someone with a monumental Essex drone yesterday, and she was a model of articulacy beside the pronunciation of the little girls paid good money by Radio 4 et al to present their miserable programmes. These gabble, and are apparently unable to open their mouths for vowels- distinguish ‘new’ from ‘knee’ if you can – and in most other respects have adopted a special-needs six-year-old, or ‘thix-yuh-ewl’ as their elocution teacher. The letter ‘t’ has been the subject of a vigorous campaign of extermination, except as a component of a lithp, and in some mouths can otherwise be en’irely abthen’. The letter ‘r’ is also an endangered species, being supplanted by the cutesy ‘w’
True, this may partly be due to the influence of our immigrant benefactors on our formerly sturdy island race: the African tongue generally being too large even for its enormous mouth, but this is not the whole story, and I blame New Labour and the efforts of Oxford PPE graduates Blair and the Milibands to ge’ down wiv da yoof some years ago. Add to that the dumbed-down culture we are now enjoying, in which someone who has spent a lifetime perfecting his or her communication skills is regarded as a posh twat whose opinions, taking as they do more than five seconds to comprehend, are not only irrelevant but risible.
Don’t get me started on the debased vocabulary of the current broadcasting classes, either. Lowest-common-denominator, affected, narcissistic, vapid and trivial cunts.