An “och aye the cunt” for Scottish Justice Minister Humza Yousaf if ye ken. This oily little turd, who I suspect is Scottish in the same way that Mohammed Farah is English, has “Tweeted” (yes, that media tool of the tools) to Priti Patel:“Once he leaves office, if Trump tries to come to the UK the Home Sec. should give serious consideration to denying him entry”.
The basis of this is that the Home Secretary “has the power if an applicant’s presence is not conducive to the public good.”
If that is true, why did she not use that power to send back thousands of dinghy riders, or to finally get rid of the Jamaican rapists, drug dealers and murderers?. Furthermore, perhaps this power could be retrospectively applied to Yousef’s parents as they have obviously produced a complete cunt who is good for no-one. Or how about the Asian grooming gangs? Anything to say on that Mr Yusuf?.
The Jocks make me laugh – can you imagine them ever having someone English in that position? But it’s ok to have a cunt whose family has recently arrived on these shores and then starts throwing his weight around demanding people are banned. Unfortunately, that’s how they act – you can take the boy out of Pakistan, but you can’t take Pakistan out of the boy.
So, fuck off you plastic Scot and take the whining, moaning minny Sturgeon with you and go and set up camp on Anthrax Island.
Nominated by: Lord Cuntingford
As long as you push the independence agenda it’s fine. I don’t think the SNP would remain in power long after Scotland leaves the U.K.
Scotland, their own worst enemy. End off!
Scotland’s clans were always warring: The Campbells fighting the McDonalds, the McVities versus the Dougals, the Mackintoshes versus the Yousafs.
Wait a minute, there’s a BBC series in this.
Mrs.Mackintosh: Och, ye’re always fighting wi ma bairn, wee Yousaf.
Yousaf: Hello please. I am not liking that he stole our family crest – Great Great Grandfather Yousaf in his best kilt, shagging a goat.
Mrs.Mackintosh: Will ye no have a piece of freshly-baked pigeon, deep-fried in Heroin?
Yousaf: Och, Allåh be praised. Is it halal?
Haha made me laugh out loud, good one captain!
MvVities certainly takes the biscuit!!!
Another non person shooting its mouth off. 74 million people voted for Trump, how many voted for this cunt?
The uk should deny entry to the constant stream of D ark fellows from france. And to all peaceful s. Just in case they are not peaceful cunts Fuck off you peaceful looking jock twat
Scottish ✅
Private school ✅
University ‘politician’ ✅
‘Charity’ work ✅
Follower of the youngest and most aggressive of the Abrahamic delusions ✅
Hates English people ✅
Hates white people ✅
SNP ✅✅✅✅✅✅
The cuntitude is strong with this one.
Time to resurrect the border reivers up in Northumbria, Dick.
Random thought #6…
Sturgeons days might be numbered. She’s in trouble due to misleading parliament over Soapy Salmond.
Yousaf is a well know cunt who doesn’t give a fuck about the Scots or Scotland or Britain. Like all sandpit dwellers all he cares about is wrecking countries in the west and islamifying them.
He is a rancid, manky,unclean ,filthy,greasy,devious little drab who, I’ll wager, reeks of curry sauce and BO. They all do.
If only he would take a hiking trip up the highlands , get caught in a white out and freeze. It would be a blessing to all. If he took Blackford and the rest of the SNP and they mysteriously vanished in a blizzard many would party endlessly, me included.
Oily little cunt.
Sad fact is that SNP supporters hate the English so much they are prepared to take their country down the road of utter destruction.
This is true so do not let them tell you otherwise.
They seem to be okay with the Germans who tried to enslave us all twice last century.
Strange that isn’t it?!
Not surprising considering the SNP were sympathetic to Hitler and the Nazis during WWII
No wonder they’re so enamoured of the Fourth Reich.
Yip . Nazi bitch.
Given a choice between humza and another weirdo with a name starting with H I’d take the German one over the Scottish Justice (?) Minister too.
…. and the Fourth Industrial Revolution too
If he’s anything like the peaceful folk in our state and federal parliaments it won’t be long until it’s noticed he’s accepting “gifts” from the CCP.
I hope it’s fucking covid.
UC, i’ve been watching the story with interest. Sturgeons excuse of not remembering a meeting at her house with Alex Salmond is hilarious and I can’t see how this is going to wash in the enquiry. Even the most politically motivated thick come is going to cringe when that gets read out.
Ahhh yes, when you think of the great Scots through history…Robert The Bruce, Robert Burns, William Wallace and of course who could forget that born in the Scottish Highlands hero of all Scots….Humza Yousaf.
I wonder what the family tartan is? probably crossed broadswords with an onion bhaji rampant with the historic date of 1983.
A TRUE die hard, fuck the English Scot….who happens to be kind of shifty Asian.
Glasgee and Dundee vote the Scotch Nazi party into power. Nuff said.
“Yousaf was educated at Hutchesons’ Grammar School, an independent school in Glasgow, where he took Modern Studies.”
I got a B in Higher Modern Studies. It doesn’t make me the fucking Cabinet Secretary For Justice. What a cunt. It’s like having our own male version mini Abbott.
I hope the SNP implode before they get another independence referendum. People still can’t see through them. You’d think 2000 dead OAPs from Covid in care homes would turn the tide, old people being given DNR forms in hospitals, highest drug death rates in Europe. It’s pure shite in Scotland but nobody complains to the Scottish Parliament about it. I bet this is what it was like in Nazi Germany.
How do you like the Islamic tartan?
Perhaps him falling into a crevasse would be the best thing for him?
On fire.
Maybe he has forgotten that Trumps mother is a Scott unlike his fucking P*ki parents
A P*ki with a Scottish accent is still a fucking P*ki
Bullet, sewer, done.
SMP – Stinky manky Pàki.
He’s as Scottish as a Japanese bloke in a Chinese restaurant in Bangalore.
He’s the cunt who kept spitting out the word ‘white’ in a racist rant recently, like we’re a fucking disease. Horrible bastard who broke the law going this but as usual, nothing is said or done.
Trump’s more welcome to visit the UK to most (real) Britons than this cunt ever will be.
All these cunts have given us is grooming (rape) gangs, tax avoidance scams, car insurance shunting scams, terrorism, postal vote fraud, benefit dependence, turning our towns and cities into the third world and overpriced shitty little shops taking advantage of covid at every fucking opportunity. Fuck them all, we never asked for any of the cunts in the first place.
Enoch had huge public support (over 80%) and he was shamefully ignored and then vilified.
So fuck it, it’s what most people think and if people cant handle it, fuck them too!
We were never asked.
Rant over.
Who would you rather have in the UK, Donald Trump or the Abedi brothers (and other ‘asylum seekers’)
This cunt (token P*ki in the SNP) needs to fuck off, if he thinks the Home Secretary is going to refuse Trump entry to the UK he is raving mad.
Is that backward shithole still part of the UK? I thought they’d fucked off already into their world of independent bankruptcy!
Didn’t he used to be called Cat Stevens?
They call ’em Hamiltons up there, as in Hamilton accies (academicals).
Och aye butt butt ding ding.
Ha ha, I was just about to post that – the Cat Stevens bit.
Still is Yusuf Islam actually, but he’s rolled back a lot on the Islamic shit, has dropped the word Islam from his concert billings, just bills himself as Yusuf now. Even denies he supported the fatwa on Rushdie.
Even Humza Yousaf’s peaceful deputy – Amaff Maheed is supposed to have a drug problem.
Perhaps, then, he is always “off maheed”
Got it! I’ll get your coat, too.
Send him back to France.Dirty water rat.
Bertie, I have a drug problem.
I’m supposed to swallow them with water but I keep putting them up my bottom.
Afternoon Spoons.
Is that for real or is it all innuendo?
No, it’s in his arso. He said so. Ipso facto.
Sturgeon’s hairstyle hasn’t changed during the lockdowns.
She must be trimming it herself.
I think she just orders one from here:
or the lady she is living with (allegedly).
much to the concern of her so called husband Peter Murrell, who is the Chief Executive Officer of the SNP allegedly
this guy is a chief amongst cunts – insipid, neo-fascist scum
Saw this snakes venomous rant on YT about top jobs in Scotland being too white.
What a fucking hateful, shifty, dirty looking fucker he is. Piggybacking this cancerous woke agenda for his own gain and too see his dream of removing whites from their own country.
His cuntishness is literally weapons grade.
Scotchland is 97 % white. How anyone in their “parliament” can keep a straight face when this cunt holds forth is beyond me.
A curried haggis, neeps n’ tatties curse be upon the sewer rat.
I cannot believe the whitest people on earth (Jocks), will tolerate being racially abused by a parking-Stanley.
Sturgeon needs a swimming lesson in Loch Ness, with 50kg strapped to her back?
He’s the one spewing the Hate Crime Bill. Anything ‘wrong’ you say in your house is a crime. Is Alexa going to be mandatory then in all Scottish households and any whiff of anti-Covid, anti-trans, anti-BAME etc will be reported to the thought police? I can’t even be bothered to see if the Hate Crime Bill has passed, they are such cunts and reading about such cuntishness changes my brain waves from Zen to Piss Boiled in an instant.
He can fuck off and fuck off some more, you know the drill.