Apparently someone called HRVY, who appears to be related to Beaker from The Muppets, was on a fascinating social experiment for the digital age called ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ this year. Allegedly this is actually what he calls himself, because he ‘thinks it sounds cool’:

The Mirror is equally deserving of a cunting here for describing this bastardisation of an already pretty wanky name as ‘adorable’.

What kind of gurning, masturbating chimpanzee thinks removing the vowels from his name makes him anything other than a TTL WNKR?

Nominated by: Gloria Stitz

88 thoughts on “HRVY

  1. They reckon that David Hasselhoff is finally going to change his surname to just ‘Hoff.’

    Apparently he can’t be bothered with the hassel anymore….

  2. In this world of doubtful employment for school leavers hrvy can always find work in a funfair, say keep a goldfish in his mouth and have punters pay to toss hoops over his bobble head to win or perhaps stand in at the coconut shy…… I’d pay for repeated goes on the latter, fuck the prizes.

    • Hahaha?
      Made me chuckle that Cuntle,?

      Vowels are useless anyway, the kids right.
      Alright owls and birds of prey eat them as the majority of their diet, but basically vermin.
      Msrbl nrthrn cnt.?

  3. When the little twat’s 15 minutes are up, I foresee a glorious future polishing knobs in public toilets and trading hand jobs for crack late at night on Hampstead heath.

    • Either this Lady Di-lookalike has Scoliosis or she’ll soon be identifying as one of those neck bangle-wearers in Afreeka.

    • Surgeons had to remove a chocolate bar from his hind quarters.

      Some said it was a sex game gone wrong…..
      Others said it was a careless wispa.

  4. George William Russell also known as A E was a literary light in the Dublin of the 20/30s. He helped many writers out including James Joyce.
    In Ulysses Joyce expressed indebtedness to him with a pun-
    A E I O U.

    • Why was he known as A E?
      That Ulysses is fuckin rubbish Miles.
      I started to read it thinking it was greek mythology, but just some boring paddy cunt whining.
      Jason and the Argonauts is much better.

      • Jason and the Argonauts are cool, hur hur…

        James Joyce, on the other hand, could barely construct a coherent sentence.

        In one of his most famous works, Finnegans Wake, he even left the apostrophe out of the title! Pretty basic stuff.

        And he had a girl’s name.

        ? Evening Miserable.

      • Evening Ruff.
        Read that too, not one single mention of finnegans chinnagan, poor old Michael finnegan.
        To be honest was hoping it was about leprechauns, but no…

      • Lord save is from Irish literature and Irish drama. James Joyce is shitty, unreadable shit that just keeps going on and on relentlessly, like perpetual diarrhoea. It’s for kids who still listen to burn-your-bedroom, indie music. It’s wanky, literary diarrhoea for stooodents, pretentious cunts, and the Oirish.

  5. His hair looks like a throwback to George Michael with a face that belongs in Area 51.

    Two words….


  6. Chps n grvy.

    Works ok? Perfectly understandable.
    Time saving too!
    Well done that long necked boy!

  7. “Social meeja star.”

    Chip Licker used the term ‘Shambling Dross’ to describe the people who buy expensive designer trainers in an earlier post and HRVY is an extension of the dross class.

    All he has to do is make video of himself and post it on the internet and hope enough of the dross will view his output and subscribe to his channel, the shambling dross can do all this without getting out of their pits.

    The internet is making celebrities out of morons because they attract large numbers of dross class morons to view their content and the ads embedded in it. Throw some sweat shop baubles at the cunts and they become influencers.

    This would all be very well if it remained in its bottom of the barrel eco system but the mainstream traditional media, namely terrestrial TV and the press is desperate for a piece of the action so publicises these self obsessed children to the wider public. It used to be soap stars were the bottom of the sleb food chain but now we have social meeeja stars to take that spot.

    Some of these cunts have given us a laugh along the way.

    Shambling Dross?

  8. So this cunt is world famous?????

    HRVY’s real name is Harvey Leigh Cantwell. The popstar has over a billion combined streams to his name and a social following of over 10 million globally.

    He has sold out two UK and European tours and has shared the stage with Jonas Blue at Smooth’s sister station Capital’s Summertime Ball and Jingle Bell Ball.

  9. Surely he’s not that famous. Like many here, I hadn’t heard of this fella until now. He’ll probably go the same way as many popstars of his generation. Justin Bieber for instance. Where is he now?
    I try not to mention JB too often just in case like Beetlejuice. You say his name three times, our Krav Darth of ISAC might appear.

  10. R v or as the yanks like say recreational vehicle. I think more Rancid vagina Ie cunt

  11. So much for the lockdown. The roads were chock-a-block with cunts in motors this afternoon while I was out getting another bottle of Baileys. One of the many pleasures of the first lockdown was you could cross the road without having to stop, look and listen, or look left and right then left again. In fact, by the time it was lifted I’d forgotten what a motor vehicle looked like!

    • In the interests of gender balance, Channel 4 will be launching a TV show about a woman with a massive uncontrollable vagina. The lead role has been given to Katie Price.

      • I have heard that the jumbo jet is still awaiting clearance to leave Katie price’s vagina, and so is lord lucan and shergar

  12. Desperate to become famous for doin fuckall worthwhile, why not try eating your own shit whilst tossing your self off over old Jim’l Fix it videos.!

  13. His head looks like a toilet brush that is covered in a mixture of bleach, piss and shit.

  14. Attention covid19 we have a client for you who wants infected sharpish.
    Talk about a fucked up world? Send the faggoty creep to Moscow see how it gets on there .

  15. I see we are being asked to stand on our doorsteps tomorrow at 8pm for a round of applause for…….. whom?…….i’m not sure to be honest. I’ll be interested to see how many cunts round here go in for this virtue signalling all these months later.

    • At least it’s a sort of change. Until another Chicken Floyd George cops it and the apes rise up again.

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