Graham Norton deserves a nomination. For years we’ve had to endure this cunt on BBC One with his dire chat show. And on Radio Two, where he was duller than a polished potato. This precious little shitflake has been whingeing that part of the reason he quit his radio show, was because he didn’t like that the BBC regularly publishes a list of the salaries of its top earners, including Norton. Normally, I wouldn’t give a fuck because I’m legally licence free. However, the BBC is primarily funded by licence payers, which means, and this is something Norton seems to not understand, the licence payer has a fucking right to know what the BBC is paying Prima Donnas like him.
Norton is typical of the type that the BBC considers ‘talent’, arrogant, far left, possessed of an over-inflated sense of their own importance and superiority and lacking any respect for the people who pay his overblown salary. The answer for Graham is simple. If he doesn’t like his REAL employers, licence payers, knowing how much they pay him, he can fuck off to a commercial broadcaster, of which there are many. I doubt he will do that though, so he’ll just keep whingeing and showing us all what an utter cunt he is.
(Link to story provided by NA)
Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw
Give Alan Shearer the job Give Alan Shearer the job Give Alan Shearer the job
They gave him the job & look what happened A Smug arrogant twat I wouldn’t pay him in washers BBC must be nuts paying him anything fucking totally useless has been??