(Just a quick heads up for late arrivals – it all kicked off on Capitol Hill this morning (7/01/21) as news reports will tell you. But please don’t derail this or subsequent nominations discussing it at length.
An emergency cunting nomination is being processed and will go live soon. Thanks – DA)
The woke retards.
Imagine being so woke that you think you are the ultimate arbiter of everything. Imagine being so woke, that you come up with a new term to describe an entire ethnic group, without actually being a member of that group, in the name of inclusion and equality. And then imagine being so woke that you actually take offense when that group gets offended by the new description you’ve created for them, and tells you where to shove it.
Well, that’s what’s happened in US. A few years back, some white, woke spaz decided that the words ‘Latino’ and ‘Latina’, being gender specific, were offensive and non-inclusive, so they came up with a new descriptor. That descriptor was: ‘LatinX’. Yes, someone actually used up brain power to create that. Being an arrogant, self superior cunt, this anonymous, white, puddle of piss, didn’t bother to consult the Hispanic community, they just announced that LatinX was how Hispanic people were be to known from this point on. How is that not considered racist?
For the past few years, the Hispanic community have been complaining about the woke’s use of this term, considering it highly offensive, not least because actually adopting it as the official descriptor would mean making major changes (and one woke cunt recently demanded it happen) to the Spanish/Hispanic language. Things have become a little more heated recently, and the woke have taken great offence at the lack of gratitude from the Hispanic community. How dare they be offended by their new ethnic title? Don’t they know that some woke wank shaft literally spent seconds thinking it up? They should be grateful to their white saviours for making them more inclusive and equal.
This is the woke in a nutshell. So entitled. So arrogant. So full of their own importance. So fucking racist and hypocritical. Because even though they always preach tolerance and inclusion, they never practice it.
Nomimated by: Quick Draw McGraw
…and there’s more, this time from Hard Brexit Cunt
As these genitals have probably banned the word “cunt”, I am giving a non-binary, gender-neutral, politically-correct genitalling to Rep. Emanuel Cleaver and the Democrats.
The Democrats have passed a ban on the use of words such as “he” and “she”, “man”, “woman”, “father”, “mother”, “aunt”, “uncle”, etc. in the US House of Representatives.
This ridiculous state of affairs reached its nadir when Rep Emanuel Cleaver ended a prayer with “Amen and “A-women”, being totally unaware that the word “amen” has nothing to do with the masculine sex and simply means “so be it”.
Any sensible Speaker would have thrown this proposal out of the door but the Speaker of the House of Representatives is the vile bitch Nancy Pelosi. Rumour has it that when she asked her plastic surgeon for a bumlift he lifted her bum on top of her shoulders.
Well I am not going to follow their stupid rules and will close this cunting by saying that the Democrats are a bunch of cunts.
Looks like that decomposing piece of old dogshit Pelosi is going to be allowed to carry on as Speaker. Fuck me, she is going to last longer than our very own cunt, Bercow, at this rate.
As long as Soros keeps supplying her with babies blood and replacement organs she’ll be around forever.
Apparently this is the same for BAME.
The blacks hate the Asians. The Asians (muslims) don’t like being lumped in with the blacks because they believe that blacks are below them.
The Multi Ethnics don’t want to be identified alongside the blacks and muslims because they think that both groups are below them.
I love it when left wing woke bullshit backfires and the leftards start to turn on each other, with their pets fanning the flames.
They have one thing in common-thees are cunts and none of those groups bring “anything to the table” in white, western, democracies??
Differences explained………
Latinos in America are mainly south American, mexican, etc
So Catholic, quite conservative in outlook,
And proud of their heritage,
Lots work : blue collar’ jobs.
They wont like being patronised by trannies and green haired bumboys.
I don’t blame them.
Maybe they should treat this word as a racist word and use it as weapon to fight back?
Went to Venezuela once for work. Certainly a colour hierarchy there – white of Spanish descent at the top, blacks at the bottom (due to the fact they were slaves I assume) – everyone else in-between depending on colour (white to black in descending order).
I’d usually say we are the victims of our own silence but I’m tired and when wokeness is pushed at us daily in a tsunami of right think media it’s impossible not to think like the dinosaurs we are looking extinction in the face.
The New York Times published an article stating that free speech is harmful to democracy, it’s not unexpected from the left these days but it is profound that a world renowned newspaper in a nation founded by revolutionaries who wanted to establish a system of democracy where it was accepted that all men were born equal and free speech was a cornerstone of freedom now brazenly wants to destroy the freedom their nation was built on.
Back to brexit, what ludicrous theatre it has been when it becomes more obvious by the day that centralised power on a global scale is where we are headed.
‘You will own nothing but you will be happy.’
What a bunch of genitals.
Presumably Edmund Cleaver is an ordained Christian minister:
“And dare I ask, oh Lord, peace even in this chamber now and evermore, We ask it in the name of the monotheistic god, Brahma, and god known by many names by many different faiths. Amen and awoman.”
Congress should have been stormed immediately after that.
Miles – your musings should be made to carry a trigger warning.
Yes Miles, he’s a Methodist pastor. Methodists are Christians, in case you’re not aware.
So should restaurants be compelled to have a womenu and a menu? What about the trannies?
I thought that I had better womention it before the Brain Police arrive at my door step.
Frank Zappa predicted this half a century ago.
What will you do when when the label comes off… and the plastic’s all melted and the chrome is too soft?
You’re gonna DIE!
How convenient for the globalists that just when they are getting their arses kicked by Brexit and Trump along comes Charlie Chan’s Revenge to clear the path for them.
Clearly i’m a “conspiracy theorist”…….meaning “nutter” so i’m just waiting for the vaccination cure. It would be a shame if I snuffed it before they got round to me.
I suppose the logical outcome is that any word with “man”/”men” has to have a feminine or neutral alternative.
arguewomxnt. How about person/perdaughter. The possibilities are endless. What fun.
Female contains ‘male’.
Woman contains ‘man’.
Lady contains ‘lad’.
Person contains ‘son’.
Girl contains no reference to the male sex.
But I would not be surprised if females on the woke left take offence to being called girls.
they do – have done for years
Woke equals broke the society of the future generations is broke, sorry fucked.
Well they wanted it didn’t they?
Mincing fags like hrvy, “mental health issues” used as an excuse caveat, gender bollocks.
Generation snowflake are too thick to realise they’re being used.
Gen X.
It will be interesting to see just how fucked up the world gets before the “woke” generation wake up and realise that they are Fucked!
10 million jaws hitting the floor at the same time will be off the Richter scale. Hopefully I’ll still be around to see it.
Pansy cunts.
Yorkshire Tea
Screw fix
Any cunting sofa manufacturer with a mix raced couple
A short list of woke fuckers that no longer receive any of my hard earned. I’m sure cunters have more.
If Bovril and Hollands pies go on that list im surrendering.
Im sorry, but some things are beyond the pale.
Will there be a boycott of your beard oils if they start advertising a bloke with a pair of tits using their products Miserable?
I’ll have to start making my own LL.
Bit of Diesel, lefty tears, musk of Akita, drop of whisky, essence of spite, a drop of racism…
Sealed with a swear word?
Vote with your wallet – it’s the only vote that counts…
Marxist values include the right of all people to share in the know nothing, thick as pig shit standards of these woke cunts. If I had my way the cunts would all be put in a time machine and transported back to Pol Pot’s Cambodia and see how the cry baby fuckers liked that.
Probably not in line with this thread but I HAD to say something as I came across this article on Auntie Beeb this morning:
While this dude is raising money through his actions, which is commendable, this ‘Iook at me’ cunt is something special isn’t he. Dressing up in costumes for business and work calls – fuck me – he will be wearing his mum’s knickers next, this is all where it starts! Probably has some kinky fetish that will only get worse as more people give him the attention he yearns.
Now, if I were to do something towards a good cause (apart from bringing the family up) I wouldn’t be seeking attention from the nation, I believe I am more humble than this. If you’re going to do something, just do it and shut the fuck up. Don’t do it because you have a personality defect and need the world to know.
We’ve already seen a few cunts get knighthoods and other honours so far – this one is definitely in for the running.
Cunt probably goes around with his chap in his hand feeling his big balls every day.
Whose up for the clap tonight?
I clicked on that link and on the right-hand side of that page was a link saying “Prince Harry surprises mum on Zoom call”. I didn’t know the Duke of Hewitt was into online seances.
No, she’s still on holiday in Paris with Dodi isn’t she?
I’m sure they all mean well.
Gas every last one of them.
‘Awoman’ rather than Amen to that, as some Democunt in the House of Representatives said the other day after a so called prayer, all for the sake of gender neutrality. Fucking lunacy.
Amen Awoman hahaha…yes I heard this yesterday.
Just laugh at the idiocy. The so called minister doesn’t even know that Amen means let it be.
Haha what a thick cunt.
One of my favourite TV shows is “The Wire”, which is about drug crime in Baltimore , and how the police and the justice system deal with it.
Thing is though, it’s also about black people, most of whom go around calling each other “n1ggers”.
I just wonder how the TV censors will deal with that should it be broadcast again? If they cut out the “N” word black viewers might be offended because they might argue “It’s part of our culture, and we’re entitled!”
Whereas, if they don’t censor the “N” words black viewers (and libtard whites) will be offended because its racist.
As for all this he/she pronoun shite: will libtards be offended by this, especially feminists? And perhaps even gays.
Woke will eat itself eventually.
I remember Kanye West (I think) had a song called “Niggas in Paris”, what would be the outcome if I,as a whitey decided to cover it? Would I be allowed? Should I be allowed?
If I was I’d be discriminating against the whole BLM wokey shite brigade.
If I wasn’t then it would be me who’s being discriminated against!
I have no real compulsion to either use the word or sing the song, I’d just love some one to challenge it!
Open a shop and on day one, advertise everything is half price for the dark keys and you’ll be in the media as some kind of hero. Might even get an MBE.
Day two, offer the same for the white customers and your shop will be burned to the ground, you’ll be arrested and vilified by the media and the politicians.
It’s perfectly legal and acceptable (in the media/job applications/uni places) to discriminate openly against one race only. White people.
Anti-whiteism is very real and quite a few honkies need to fucking wake up to it quickly. Before we’re all put in fucking trains with no seats.
What’s so hilarious about ‘wokers’ is that they simply can’t perceive how utterly, insanely ludicrous they appear.
What’s so frightening is how much traction they’re gaining.
It’s like some kind of mass hysteria. Funny and scary at the same time.
I know Ron, in a relatively short space of time society has regressed beyond parody.
Anti woke revolution
Gays will be referred to as Bum Boys
Lesbians will be referred to as Rug Munchers
Trans as Deranged degenerates
The Left as Cunts
BAME as P*ki or N*gger
Not quite. The BBC must be referred to as a bunch of traitor bastards.
Wokeism is an illness.
Cured with an axe.
Zyklon B and a free communal shower.
Far more efficient.
We just need an enormous island where we can put all these fuckers.
And bomb them. ??☠
I always recommend white phosphorus for such emergencies as it is both racist and against the Geneva Convention.
@Vernon,12.15pm. Don’t you farken dare, we’ve got enough of your rubbish.
The whole fucking world is trying it’s hardest to go lefty woke at break neck speed. What the fuck is going on?
It’s like a bad fucking dream!
Hang on am I hearing this right ? Someone was allowed to come up with a name for an ethnic group without actually being a member of that group? Is that not the very definition of being a racist? I’m not allowed to use any of my special words these days! Think I’m being discriminated against! In the words of Tim Minchin, “only a GINGER can all another GINGER GINGER” so true. I do love an anagram?
What makes this even worse is that Rep Emmanuel (“Manny the Cunt”) Cleaver is an ordained Methodist minister. He should know better than to try to get Woke with a prayer. Unless, of course, he’s moved from worshiping God to worshiping the cunt-of-all-cunts in America — Nancy Pelosicunt. What a horrible and despicable fucking shrew of a cunt!