Debbie Hicks, a known anti-lockdown protester (which is lawful under English law), was recently arrested by the local Stasi, for filming evidential proof that her local hospital was virtually empty, despite the local trust’s (yeah right), narrative.
She then posted this evidence on social media and was subsequently arrested.
The manner she was arrested is in the video below, along with a clip from the hospital.
Now, I have not visited this hospital so can not vouch for the validity of her claims. However, the manner in which the police are treating people, using public order offences, is nothing short of a national disgrace.
A concise discussion from the team on “The Lotus-Eaters” is worth a watch, here:
Welcome to 2021.
Expect to see more of the same.
A lot more.
Nominated by: Cuntfinder General
I too arrested simply for filming in the gynaecological ward and staff showers at Stepping Hill Hospital.
MNC@ – It was not for the filming – they thought you were an escaped bear! ?
I had similar scurrilous and occasionally unfounded accusations when I was a handyman at a Ladies college! ?
Unmitigated cads and rotters!
Said I was naked in the paper!
Bloody liars!
I was wearing my mack and go-go boots.
Fuck yeeeeeeh that zoom lens comes in real handy.
Yep – this is the one. Arrested, humiliated, threatened, detained, gaslighted, denied legal rights and protocols – this has all the hallmarks of an SS interrogation – and Debbie Hicks broke no law.
The “police” are illegally enforcing rules – rules are NOT laws, the police have no legal remit and this hateful hive mentality is spreading.
Check it out – Debbie Hicks, Brandnewtube.
Coming soon to everywhere.
Sorry to have to correct you Mr Fox, but as many may not have noticed, Boris signed into law permission for the police to kick in your front door, enter your property without a warrant and detain without further reason any persons therein.
With the added insult that the police can physically restrain you and forcibly inject you with the ‘vaccine’ if they so wish.
This came into effect two weeks back.
Much as I do admire Debbie Hicks’ tenacity for the truth, she was barking up the wrong tree with this one. For the simple reason nobody is going to be allowed anywhere near the locked down infectious diseases wards. Who in their right mind would want to get inside one anyway?
As I have had the batflu and survived largely unscathed, I wouldn’t want to give it to anyone else because I can see how it could wipe out anyone with an impaired immune system. Selfishness on my part could easily end as a bereavement for someone else. I may be a cunt, but I aint that kind of cunt.
There IS something going on that the government ARE hiding from us amd Covid is just a convenient cover story.
Perhaps Debbie’s time would be better spent looking into the social credit system and universal basic income if she wants the truth.
When did the old bill become an arm of the state. Filming in hospitals is illegal apparently. Who made that law up. Was it ever discussed anywhere. Who voted for it in a parliament. The state is a cunt. Wait untill they have adopted the new (Thanks to their man made virus) Chinese “social credit system”. It’s just around the corner.
If filming in hospitals is illegal (it is not BTW – they are public access areas and unless DPA rules are being broken people filming in them is legal, engaging in obvious sensitivity of course) then how come our “overwhelmed” NHS Frontline staff are not all arrested for filming TikTok dance routines in clearly empty hospitals? Are they sending the goon squads around for all the MSM reporters filming in hospitals?
There is no “deadly pandemic” and we are being lied to.
And they know that we are on to them, so they are tightening the screw.
We are turning into a Stasi state.Big Brother is watching us.Thanks all to the Jellyfish and the SAGE party
“Over to Zubaida Haque, SAGE adviser, for her “expert analysis”..
Well, she does have a qualification in art you know!
Old Bill always go for easy targets, make their stats/league tables look good.
Take on BLM/ER mob, totally different kettle of tadpoles – too shit scared to offend anyone, so they all get a pass.
Presumably there has never been a better time to be a serial killer. While the Fatso Force is busy on this shit and patrolling the internet, wannabe Ted Bundy types are luring MILFs to their doom. Similarly, if you want to organise a Brinks-Mat style raid, fill your boots. There is fuck all chance of getting caught.
But, whatever you do, don’t have anyone round for tea or you will almost certainly feel the long knee of the law on your neck, you granny murdering bastard.
Lest we forget it was Glos plod that let Fred West rampage through the three counties regions for 20+ years. They did sweet fuck about reports that Fred and his Mrs were wrong ‘uns. Rumours that police visitors to Cromwell Street weren’t required to pay for sexual favours may have some truth behind them. For reasons best known to themselves Glos plod deleted a whole load of Fred’s home videos sight unseen. Who knows what nefarious activities they might have revealed?
Debbie Hicks is still a massive daft cunt though.
And they are Filthy chavs.
Motorway cops pull over a p@ki driving a Transit with his family sitting in the back.
Cop says, “You do realise the limit is 70.”
P@ki turns round and says, “Did you hear that, four of you have to get out”…..
Debbie has a ‘trout pout’and is friends with that loon bag Piers Corbyn, so im slightly apprehensive.
Footage shows empty corridors and wards so how is it upsetting patients?
Good nom CG,
Just not decided one way or another about this,
Why arrest her?
For filming or for anti lockdown posts?
All a bit odd.
She does come across as a bit of a “Karen”, but what they did to her was illegal and wrong.
No. She was bang out of order being in a closed part of a hospital making a f*cking nuisance of herself. Pity plod didn’t chuck her down a flight of stairs then give her a good kicking so she had a valid reason to be in the hospital in the middle of the night.
As PM says elsewhere in this thread, this silly cow is a political activist. She has previous form for being a leftie cnut having tried, and failed, to use the Manchester Arena bombing for political gain
She’s a Corbynista cnut who is inspired by a French marxist philosopher. What fool would give credence to anything she has to say?
Arrested to deter others following suit.
Social media has been awash with videos of empty hospitals, empty vivid testing stations etc, for months.
It fucking stinks?
People (white people) arrested for resisting the narrative and lawful protests.
People (non white), rioting because if foreign criminals, climate change bollocks or farming in India, no arrests made, even supported by those same police Farces.
Arrested for filming in a hospital.
Arrested for telling a joke on social media.
Arrested for flying an inoffensive plane banner over a football ground.
Britain is closer to Hitler’s Germany now than it ever was.
Why the fuck did my granddad and his mates even bother?
You’ll be arrested for having a wank next!
(Which I suppose means IsaC will be go quiet for a few weeks!)
Aaagh! I will get life, and I am far too handsome for prison, my boyish good looks will send those sex starved felons wild – those booty bandits will be passing me around like the last rollup! ??♂️
You are Owen Jones, and I claim my £5
Tattered wet and flaccid by the end of it. The roll-up I mean.
I remember when they tried the fucking porn tax. Thankfully it was disbanded.
Come on, she filmed out patients at the weekend at night. Fanatics of any description are cunts.
Agreed HTB – fanatics who arrest people for breaking no law are cunts.
And plenty of films from all days and all hours showing clearly empty hospitals all over England.
Not too many of the Nightingale hospitals though – they seem to be mysteriously being dismantled and removed – we need Derek Acorah, diseased and deceased on this – “What’s thar I can see in the ectewplasm – a disappearing 4000 bed ospidul, ey, ey, waht’s goin on over thur?”..
I’m fucking sick of people yammering on about “fascist pigs” and such shite…they wouldn’t have had to act like the “stasi” if this stupid bitch hadn’t taken it on herself to wander around a hospital without a mask filming to try and back up her ridiculous claims that the hospital was empty. Those wards might have been,but the hospital said that they were actually treating 200 odd Coid patients….they won’t have been lying. She told two hospital workers that she wasn’t in the mood to listen to this “bullshit”…well,I’m in no fucking mood to listen to stupid,entitled bitches like her who seem to believe that the virus doesn’t exist…it fucking well does and hospital workers have better things to do than deal with Cunts like her.
As for the “Stasi Pigs”…I just don’t fucking get it…people scream if they don’t act and scream if they do…what are they meant to do in this case? were they meant to arrest her?..what method should they have used that wouldn’t offend either the “soft Pigs” brigade or the “stasi Pigs” brigade? Filming in hospitals is illegal without express permission…it is not some recently dreamed-up part of a “conspiracy” involving thousands pf covid-sufferers,health-care professionals and “the Establishment” to hoodwink the population with a “made-up” health crisis. Besides,if I was in hospital I wouldn’t want some Cunt wandering around filming me without my permission.
Fuck’s Sake, I’ve written on here that I like my “conspiracy” theories but lately we seem to be getting swamped with election “conspiracies” and “covid” conspiracies to a degree that makes “Flat Earth” believers appear quite sane.
Apparently she is a “Labour Activist”, so enough said, probably.
She does have some pouty lips that have probably been in contact with more helmets than Barry Sheene…
Labour Activist…. the plod should have given her a good kicking just for that. ?
Sorry Dick, the virus does not exist except on paper. For the same reasons HIV does not exist either, that much maligned blighter that supposedly cripples the bumders we all know and cherrish here on ISAC.
Sounds ludicrous. But it’s true. The methodology of virology is often, well, fraudulent quite frankly. They use the term ‘isolation’ to refer to obtaining the virus from a sample, but it’s not what you imagine that to mean and is a bastardisation of the word.
They can not, and have never been able to isolate viral particles directly from a sample from a patient. It is always passed into a cell culture to supposedly multiply it, and that’s where the fraud begins.
What it comes down to is scale. You need electron microscopes and indirect methods to work with particles that small. That’s where the error has arisen from.
Chunky….I admit that I know Fuck All about viruses…bugger all… but I do know that people are dying of something….it’s not all just some hoax as I’m concerned.
Of course. No one is disputing the deaths and people falling ill, just the causative factor/s and what it is they’re actually suffering from.
The human element doesn’t change, in terms of compassion, but the political side does most definitely. If it were realized this is a combination of misattributed flu deaths, amongst other things, I really doubt the public would accept the destruction of their country!
Let’s not forget there are thousands who will die as a direct result of lockdown and ‘Save the NHS’. Plus the psychological damage, especially to children.
@ Chunky ..I quite agree with you about the fallout and what I see as over-reaction and bad’s more these types (this woman wandering around denying that there is any crisis) that boil my piss.
Do they honestly believe that it is all just a conspiracy and the hospitals are actually empty?..fucking mad and dangerous as far as I’m concerned.
I should probably explain….I doubted just how serious this “pandemic” was until I recently was forced to admit that I was wrong.
I can admit that. I don’t just blindly refuse to accept evidence that is as plain as the nose on my face.
You took the words right off my keyboard ?
BCC maybe you are being blinded by science? I mean paradoxically you know all about the virus ‘on paper’. But ignore all the evidence (yes tv interviews, Vallance , Whitty, data from around the world) for it being in people’s bodies.
Sounds a bit harsher than I intend
Miles, none of the things you listed prove that people have the virus though, this is the point! Furthermore, the PCR method (It’s NOT a test) does NOT prove people have a virus inside them either, that’s not what it does.
Every patient labelled as CV19 is assumed to have the virus, by use of PCR and a cluster of symptoms. But neither of those actually prove the presence of a virus in the person.
The only proof is to isolate the virus directly from the patient, which they do not do except on rare occasion and only then with their cell culture method which is fraud.
The scientific method is key to this fraud. TV appearances and political propaganda by the government are utterly irrelevant and not admissible as evidence.
Although PCR is a valuable technique, it does have limitations. Because PCR is a highly sensitive technique, any form of contamination of the sample by even trace amounts of DNA can produce misleading results (Bolognia et al, 2008; Smith & Osborn, 2009). In addition, in order to design primers for PCR, some prior sequence data is needed. Therefore, PCR can only be used to identify the presence or absence of a known pathogen or gene. Another limitation is that the primers used for PCR can anneal non-specifically to sequences that are similar, but not completely identical to target DNA. In addition, incorrect nucleotides can be incorporated into the PCR sequence by the DNA polymerase, albeit at a very low rate.
PCR testing is not accurate.
Asymptomatic or not infected at all.
You decide?
I think her main crime was to try and tell the truth.
A bit like Tommy Robinson there. The worst crime you can commit at present is to try and upset the brainwashing being forced upon us by the establishment.
Whoever they are.
Tommy Robinson was done for contempt of court, the actual p*ki crimes were proven without his intervention.
He is a bit of a liability to himself because of his aggressive manner although what he said was true
This woman was just creating mischief for no fucking reason, filming an empty corridor isn’t evidence of anything other than an empty corridor, I am sure if she gets the chinky flu and ends up on Oxygen she will repent.
Hospital coridoors are empty at the moment most of the time. Especially at night. The fact that she is pushing the bullshit hoax narrative evaporates any sympathy I might have had for her treatment. Fuck her.
“Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated
are confident they are acting on their own free will.”
I don’t remember who said this but it was some cunt like Rio Ferdinand or Joey Goebbels.
Think it was me?
I said on here im not having the vaccine and im not,
But not because I believe coronavirus is a hoax,
I believe its real,
And dangerous to frail, elderly types,
I think if anything i should have had it by now, working in different houses every day,
Some people are asymptomatic,
And im not physically frail.
Im not having the vaccine because I think it was rushed and im naturally suspicious of anything our government says.
That being said,
I think chink flu is real and anyone sickly offered the vaccine should take it.
Hedging their bets so to speak.
Yes why not, Leslie Miserable. I’d have the vaccine although my constitution is like titanium. Actually, I don’t know anybody who’s died of the Chînky Flu. Nor do I know anybody who’s died ‘with’ the Chînky Flu. In fact, nobody I know has even had it.
Afternoon Cap,
no I don’t know anyone whos had it or died from it either.
Had a customer, fit, young, active, said hed had it,
But nobody who’s died.
I never go by the book. These rookies are fuckin pussy caaawk suckaaas. Had I been called to see her. I would have got a hand job and done a line of coke off her tits, then left. Job fuckin done you sons a bitches.
This nanny state shithole country needs a huge fucking enema. The rain needs to wash the shit and filth off the streets.
“You’re just like the rest of them…you’re in a hell and you’re gunna die in a hell…get your hands off of me….all women are cold and distant, they’re like a union…suck on this” BANG.
You talkin to me?
Bad Lieu, that made me snort with laughter!?
Lol. Good afternoon MNC.
Afternoon mate,
You dont half look like Harvey Keitel!
Why you crying in your avatar?
Dont cry near Bobby deNiro!
Doesnt take much to set him off blubbering!
Baddie, do you pronounce your name “LEF-tenant” or the wrong way like “LOO- tenant”?
Not a popular view I know but I liked you best when you were Nicholas Cage.
“Shoot him again. His soul is still dancing.” BANG!
Quite rightly arrested. Now they need to do the same for Extinction Rebellion and anyone with a BLM banner in the UK .
These people are all inciting violence or courses of action that will harm society and thus need to be distinguished from those that are merely stupid cunts (such as remoaners).
You simply can’t have freedom for anyone to do whatever the fuck they want. Or maybe you think that Jack the Ripper had a perfect right to protest against prostitutes in his own endearing fashion and that parking stanleys have a right to groom children?
Lines need to be drawn.
It is a well known fact that Jack the Ripper was a SJW whose nefarious activities were designed to cast a lurid light on the appalling conditions in the East End in pursuit of social reform.
Jack the Ripper’s true identity was George Bernard Shaw, a socialist agitator and scribbler of some sort.
Exploiting pre-existing class tensions, he committed the murders as a means of shaming the existing government, blaming his penchant for preversion and crime in the East End on the poor living conditions, a result of the government’s neglect of the area, much like Marcus Rashford today is exploiting feckless greedy irresponsible parents to knock the current Brexit government.
Shaw’s (Jack’s) criticisms and rhetoric were most clearly epitomised in his letter, ‘Blood Money to Whitechapel’ which appeared in The Star newspaper on 24 September 1888. In this letter Jack the Ripper (Shaw) accused the West End of only showing sympathy because of the publicity surrounding the Whitechapel atrocities. He claimed the murderer (himself) was a ‘reforming genius’.
Shaw’s murders did more to convince the authorities to invest in improvements to the East End than unabated pressure through the more orthodox methods of public pressure and acts such as the Poor Law had achieved in the previous fifty years.
In fact it was wholly due to Jack’s (Shaw’s) dastardly deeds that the process of reform gained a momentum that would continue inexorably into the twentieth century and in doing so make him a social justice warrior, folk hero par excellence!
Ugh! ?
Could you please provide a link so I am able to verify that?
Ugh? ?
Could you please provide a link so I can verify that? ?
Your aware that some will take that as gospel?
Book burnings and toppling of Bernard shaw statues, although Pygmalion is about falling in love with a statue isnt it?
Id pity him but someone told me he was a serial killer…?
Oh ye of little faith, Bertie.
Thank you muchly. ?
Pygmalion is an anagram of ‘I am the ripper’, FACT!
Meanwhile NHS wants immunity from prosecution during the pandemic.
But surely thats just being prudent?
If dealing with something new and a unintentional decision cost lives, but you were trying to do what you thought was the best course of action?
Then mass sued.
Not saying anything one way or another, but surely thatd be sensible legal advice covid or not?
I’d of thought that it would be difficult to bring a lawsuit during a pandemic MNC. But if a doctor or nurse is negligent when administering medicine or your surgeon is under the influence during surgery the pandemic has duck all to do with that. If it’s your wife or kid that’s dead due to negligence and you’re told sorry no recourse due to the pandemic I doubt you’d shrug your shoulders and thing ‘well it was during the pandemic, fair enough.’
We have soldier now past retirement age being pursued for what happened in the middle of a riot 50 years ago. If their is provable malpractice there has to be legal recourse.
I strongly believe that this is being called for so the NHS can make death panel decisions without fear of prosecution, your nana was 87 so we chose to focus on the 55 year old next to her, that’s pragmatic and hard as it is to stomach understandable if the NHS is overwhelmed.
Blanket immunity is another thing altogether.
This cunting is not about Covid 19.
It was about the treatment of the British public, trying to protect their rights under Article 10 of the human right act, an act paid for with the blood of millions of our ancestors.
Years to achieve those rights, taken away in weeks by a corrupt ruling class, using as an excuse, a type of cold virus, less dangerous to 99.75% of the population than “Other” recent “pandemics”.
The treatment of people using their unalienable right of protest, by a Police farce which has become politicised, against the remit by which it was originally planned by men like Peel.
Policing by consent.
Policing to protect the public.
Arresting or detaining only those whose behaviour is likely to cause injury or loss.
It’s funny how how Human Rights suddenly becomes relevant when it suits yet goes down the sh!tter when it comes to illegal immos and assorted frêäks claiming asylum.
As I’ve posted above, its simple, she effectively broke UK law (most probably for the sole reason of trying to discredit the government for which they do not need any assistance).
It has f*ck all to do with Human Rights.
She deserves to be fined the max allowable.
Can you clarify your link between human rights, minis and assorted freaks?
As an activist, I am sure she does care about the human rights of of “immos &assorted freaks” equally.
If you were aiming it at me specifically, are you suggesting hypocrisy?
Please clarify?
Are all the NHS frontline staff making TikTok dance routines in empty hospitals breaking the law?
Are journalist filming in hospitals and on hospital grounds breaking the law?
There is no law against filming in public access areas.
CG, Please don’t treat my comment as a personal attack. I suggest you re-read through many of the previous posts by protagonists of both pro and anti covid measures to see what real personal attacks look like.
Also, don’t say I accused you of hypocrisy. I just found it suprising that on this site, not known for being supportive of the HRA when it comes to asylum seekers and the like, that the Act was quoted in defence of a different type of law breaker (which , whether you like it or not, she was).
Article 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998 refers to freedom of expression but comes with conditions and restrictions (including matters related to public health) as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society. The UK 2008 legislation I referred to which restricts her access rights to the hospital is perfectly legal under the UK / ECHR / United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights interpretations. Hicks was discovered at night in a closed hospital department. It is not, and by no stretch of the imagination could it ever be, a public area when the department is closed. She met none of the required criteria for being there lawfully at the time she was found so was rightfully arrested by the police when they were called. She wasn’t arrested for spouting anti-lockdown or other covid b*llocks. At no point as far as has been ascertained was she arrested for, or has ever been prevented from, expressing her opinions.
She has the right to protest but the middle of the night in a closed hospital department is not the time or place to do it.
Therefore, I repeat, the HRA has no bearing on the arrest of the silly cöw nor does her arrest demonstrate any erosion of unalienable rights whatsoever.
Vernon, as for the Tik-Tok routine, yes, some of the publicity has been negative and they made themselves look like complete tîts, but no they weren’t breaking the law. The hospital is their place of work so of course they had the right to be there unlike Hicks. As long as they had their managers approval and broke no H&S laws putting their colleagues or patients at risk then they are in the clear.
I think you’ll also find that a journalist, or anyone else for that matter, could film at the hospital but only with the approval of the relevant administrator. Hicks didn’t have it.
Just because a place is accessable or used by the public does not mean photography is allowed. Have you never seen the warning signs at some museums / art galleries or at airports where security screening takes place prohibiting photography or use of cam recording equipment? I’m also sure that you need council permission to do certain kinds of photography (such as wedding photos) in public parks so I think you’ll find that, yes, there are laws / bylaws prohibiting photography in some public places.
So a member of the public, questioning the narrative is an act of treason then?
CG@ – Sir Robert Peel worded the police act very carefully – the police serve by and with the consent of the people – not the State, not the Government and not the Crown.
This was done specifically to prevent rogue Governments and leaders using the police as their own force of bullies and thugs.
As if that would ever happen..
Precisely Vernon.
It could never happen.
Could it?
Treason? The crime of attacking a state authority to which one owes allegiance (wikip definition). Where did you pull that ridiculous idea from? Link please to show that is what she has been charged with.
I hope the coppers do come to forcibly give me the vaccine.
In the words of a great Field Marshall:
“There will be no more retreat.All plans for retreat are to be burned at once.Here we will stand and fight,if we cannot stay here alive then let us stay here dead.”
Ram it all up your arse.
Then Fuck Off.
Loads of hokum, lies, misinformation and propaganda going on around the “virus”
Can anyone actually tell me a figure of how many people have died from Covid, not fucking died with it or within seven months of a dodgy test result but actually caught it, had it and conked out from it?
Fucking falling off a ladder or or croaked in an RTA does not count ffs.
One of the reasons I have so much difficulty around this is all the bullshit.
I have still NOT changed my mind, in the 70s and 80s when I grew up this would not have happened and EVERY year since i can remember the precious NHS have been “at breaking point” during the Winter.
A few less corrupt deals, a few less expensive train lines and a bit more investment where it’s need for fucks sake.
Fuck me…FUCK ME
Cure for coronavirus?
Turn off the TV.
We have a bit of a running joke to see how long before the BBC mention Covid or Covid related matters when you turn on one of their channels.
I’m not kidding, on the Radio 4 or 5 it’s normally within ten seconds.
The BBC are loving it, the presenters are like filthy pigs rolling in shit when it come to reporting it.
A curse on their scabby cabbage heads.
Yup any news or current affair 10 seconds max. It’s a self serving whirlpool of endlessly repeated credulity-as-virtue imagery designed for one purpose.
Media now is extreme competition for eyes and ears who seem to think the public’s only interest is wuflu (perhaps it is) in which case I am not one of the public.
Same with 9/11, bin Laden didn’t bother with publicity, he knew the media would do all that for him in spades. He knew that they would carry the message of terror and drive it into the hearts of all westerners. He knew the media would go into utter overdrive, which they did, performing their part in the play to perfection.
Today the powers that be are again exploiting that instinct if the media, but with the overdub of message control.
Turn it off to save your sanity
My dad was in the Covid ward just before Christmas. He took a turn for the worst, and the hospital phoned us and said to basically come and say goodbye, as it looked like he wouldn’t last the night. When we got there, we walked through the corridors, and the place seemed empty. Then we got to the Covid ward, and it was a different story. And fucking grim too. I saw a few sights there I hope to forget one day.
So, I could have made a little film of walking around those empty corridors, empty because there is strictly no visitors, and I could have put it on YouTube like a cunt, and mongs would be showing it to other mongs as proof that there is no crisis.
There is a fucking tinfoil hat cunt in work, and he was banging on about the empty hospitals, scamdemic etc, and my mate said what I had seen with my own eyes, no agenda. He said ‘don’t listen to him, he watches mainstream media’
Nope, he’d rather believe shit from cunt calling themselves ‘Lone Wolf 75’, some sad 30 something cunt still living with mum and dad, making bullshit videos in his bedroom that even sadder cunts cite as evidence.
I hope all those cunts get Covid, but two things, it’s unlikely, as they are usually friendless loners who have no contact with anyone to catch it, and, if they did catch it, they would think they had been targeted for telling the ‘truth’
Fuck off.
My daughter was a trauma nurse, I day was because her wards now medical to cope with the amount of medical patients displaced to make way for ‘covid’ patients.
Hospitals are always on the verge of being overwhelmed this time of year. I think most people believe there is a virus and most realise at this moment it’s particularly dangerous to the old and infirm. You also have to admit some of the questions being asked are pertinent.
Is it sensible to destroy the economy and suffer all the other incalculable effects of the lockdown on the country when the average age of a covid fatality is still slightly older than the national average life expectancy?
Meanwhile in Norway.
I’m only saying what I saw with my own eyes. There are lots of things that don’t add up, but having cunts like her wandering around hospitals isn’t going to help. My job relies on an open economy, so at the moment, my job prospects are very worrying, and I want answers as much as the next person. Unfortunately these loonies are helping shut down any reasonable discussion. A couple of months ago, I was fairly sceptical, but now I know a few people who have had it, from feeling rough as fuck to dying with it, I have to accept that there is something, and it’s worse than just flu.
It’s amazing Gutstick isn’t it, how people’s views are slowly changing?
You also have to remember that the lockdown interventions are suppressing flu infections as well as Covid so the fact they are becoming overwhelmed is pretty much all Covid
Good point Mr Sick.
“My daughter was a trauma nurse, I day was because her wards now medical to cope with the amount of medical patients displaced to make way for ‘covid’ patients.”
Que? Please translate.
She is a stupid cunt for going into a hospital during ‘this’. She could have flown a drone around the hospital windows. No need to go inside and hard to be caught. Unless the hospital in question has privacy glass, then no. Once she got in, she didn’t even open a door to get into a ward – is she thick? Its like breaking into a bank, not bothering with the vault and just filming the foyer.
Daily Hate Mail printed a story yesterday claiming that whilst some hospitals are truly fucked, 4/5ths of them aren’t. She needn’t have bothered.
I have worked every day since this started, I have been to the shops just as I would and I have followed all the rules on contact and masks.
I refuse to keep smothering my hands with that gel shit because I already had good hygiene standards, I was taught them as a child.
I do not wear a tin foil hat and I do not go along with all the Bill Gates, 5G and World Elite garbage. People who have been affected will always think differently be it covid, cancer, heart disease or any number of things that can knock you off your perch.
As far as my experience goes, nobody I know has been affected by the virus but I know plenty who now don’t have jobs. All the usual tit swingers at work have been off for tests, isolation etc etc…I could have listed the names before they did it.
And before people give me the X-Files treatment I give you a quote from the WHO website itself for a bit of balance.
“””” Tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year “”””
“Tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year”
Yeah but most of these are Chinese.
Pretty much the same as you Spanky.
Some interesting news about Covid19 and vaccination. The Grauniad reports that 72% of black people will not have the jab.
I am struggling to work out how this is whitey’s fault – though obviously I know it is our fault. .
And the consequences ??
It was reported yesterday that people with a ‘south Asian’ background are being put off having the vaccines because they are being told there are pork and alcohol in them.
That is actually quite funny?
I bet David Lammy had a friend that died from Pork & alcohol abuse?
It’s white conspiracy theorists like Piers Corbyn and David Icke that are to blame.
Black people are 10 times more gullible than white people. For example, their mindless adherence to Christianity.
And those that follow a similar delusion are confusing the vaccines with Pork Normandy. Mmmm, I’d have that pumped into me.
White people who are taken in by these conspiracy nutters are actually black people born in the wrong colour body.
Sorry to be an off topic-cunt but I got this off ONS and sorted the deaths on biggest to smallest and picked the top 10, so here we have the top 10 years for mortality for England and Wales. Anyone know what the fuck was happening in 1976? Was it the drought that killed all these people? 1979 a bad year as well. Less people in the country as well in those years.
Year Number of deaths
1918 611,861
2020 608,002
1976 598,516
1979 593,019
1972 591,889
1985 590,734
1891 587,925
1900 587,830
1973 587,478
1978 585,901
There were 20% excess deaths in 1976 due to a heatwave that resulted in the second highest average temperatures ever in the UK.
I was 27 then and had less nooky than anyone in history.
Thanks BBTC, thought it was the heat. I remember it, was wee at the time. Seem to remember the govt ‘Save water, bath with a friend’ campaign too. Sounds strange now!
That explains the massive increase in the “birth-rate” in 1977-a Jubilee in every sense?
I had no idea you were in your ninth decade. Percy needs to learn more respect.
Bloody cheek General – check your maths!
Bertie would be 70yr CG?
27 in 1976 = born 1949
= 9 decades✔️
Bertie I was 6yrs old, remember we went to Southport,
I complained I got bitten off a ladybird.
My dad told me off for being mard and telling lies.
But he was wrong!
Ladybirds do bite!
Right about me being mard though.?
The little cunts can carry quite a bite Mis!
In the summer just gone, a load of wasps turned up and built a nest where the eaves overhang.
About a week later, thousands more turned up.
House swarming party….
She should go to the hospital I work in, we are full of covid19 patients, and if she thinks this is fake she needs her head examined the leftie twat
I am afraid that I’m losing faith with this board.
I expect a lot of thumbs down in response to this post.
I recently had a medical episode that necessitated me being in the A&E / Resus department at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth.-During my stay there the place was absolutely fucking heaving.Cunts in cubicles next to me were being worked-on by loads of staff because they had “arrested “ and all I could hear from the exhausted dedicated staff was “that’s enough now,they’re gone” Most of the patients were there as a result of their poor lifestyle i.e. eating filthy junk food from places like Babas in Crownhill, ingesting massive amounts of cheap cider purchased from the Co-Op in Crownhill and smoking too many Mayfair purchased from the Co-op in Crownhill.
All this before we consider what fucking substances they’ve purchased from their local Corsa-driving dealer operating from the car park in ( you’ve guessed it ) Crownhill and their sedentary lifestyles.
While I’m lying there thinking what a burden all these benefits-claiming pieces of shit are placing on the NHS, my peace is interrupted by an almost ceaseless noise of the Air Ambulance helicopters landing on the helipad just outside.
This hospital which happens to be the Major Trauma unit covering everywhere west of Bristol is absolutely heaving.
I ended up having to stay in for nearly 72 hours to get an “urgent” CT Scan because the department was so busy dealing with patients with life-threatening multiple injuries and shitty chavs who’d stabbed each other or had bashed each other over the head.
There seems to be an overriding feeling on here that Sars-Cov-2 is a trivial illness and that we should all refuse to wear masks because being advised to wear them is a symbol of succumbing to “ government control” I’m sure that the family members of those who’ve died of Sars-Cov-2 think that the whole thing is a fucking hoax.
Well adon’t want to inhale the filthy droplets from some filthy Sars-Cov-2 – infected piece of shit walking around my local supermarket wearing a lanyard and saying that “I’m exempt “.
That’s no different from some cunt prancing around saying what gender they’ve decided to declare themselves.You would be the first to condemn such degenerate pieces of filth.
The fact that no doctor in the UK or in European countries will provide these selfish arrogant fukups with a letter/certificate of exemption is simply because there is no recognised medical reason for not wearing a mask. If you’re too ill to wear one, you’re obviously too ill to go out.
Before you label me a bigot I appreciate that it might be difficult for example trying to get an autistic child to put on a mask. In that case why would the parent want to expose their child to the virus?
As I lie here struggling to fucking breathe, the only thing that keeps me going is the hope that I might pull through and that if I do and I encounter some arrogant lefty four-eyed middle-aged “anti-masker” cunt I will happily smash their fucking smug face in.
Fuck off.
PS: I don’t think that cunts bother to wash their hands any more.
Don’t punch them, just lick them. David Icke and Piers Corbyn says it doesn’t exist, so they won’t mind. And if they die, the collective IQ of planet earth goes up.
THIS is a Coincidence theory:
“The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by Glaxosmithkline who (by coincidence) owns Pfizer! (the one who produces the vaccine for the virus that (by coincidence) started in the biological laboratory in Wuhan, which (by coincidence) was funded by Dr. Fauci who is (by coincidence) promoting the vaccine!
“GlaxoSmithKline (by coincidence) is managed by Black Rock finances who (by coincidence) manages the finances of the Open Foundation Company (Soros Foundation) which (by coincidence) serves the French AXA!
“By coincidence Soros owns the German company Winterthur which (by coincidence) built the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the German Allianz which (by coincidence) has Vanguard as a shareholder which (by coincidence) is a shareholder of Black Rock, which (by coincidence) controls the central banks and manages about one third of the global investment capital.
“Black Rock (by coincidence) is also a major shareholder of MICROSOFT, the property of Bill Gates, who (by coincidence) is a shareholder of Pfizer (which–you remember? is selling the miracle vaccine) and (by coincidence) is currently the first sponsor of WHO ! So now you understand how a dead bat sold in a wet market in China infected the ENTIRE PLANET
GSK own Pfizer, when did that happen ?
A coincidence?? And look at the coincidental date of publication.