George Harrison

Provoked by the Nom about Billy Eilish and her rendition of ‘Something’.

Yes something about ‘Something’
I never liked. Just something.
Something in the way he moves. Or moved. Creepy.
Nor do I like ‘Here Comes The Sun’ either. It’s that religion thing.

‘My Sweet Lord’ struck the wrong chord for me. (By the way did he nick the tune off The Chiffons? Plagiarism by one of the Fab Four?) Well, I thought Lord referred to Jesus. But no it’s Krishna or Hare Rama (whoever he is).

Slight digression. Just watched a netflix six hour series telling the story of The Bhagwan. That cult that set itself up in Oregon. Horrible. Weird as fuck. All the devotees smiling inanely. Like free sex, jumping up and down. All about ‘liberating yourself’.

Yes the connection –George went in for jumping up and down in his ‘Natural Law’ party didn’t he? And the smiling inanely. Like a permanent lightheadedness they have. Like they are brainwashed, their minds captured by something. I have a quote from Chesterton, something like ‘beneath those ancient eastern esoteric religion there is a terrible levity’. Yes a terrible levity.

George had it. There is footage of him playing hide and seek in the grounds of his mansion, weirdly. Just odd.

What was that other thing? Why is it or why was it that hippies then and young people today have the assumption that spirituality is only to be found in the sacred writings of ancient India? What about your own Western tradition? Christianity. Why don’t you explore that?

John, Paul and Ringo had a healthy skepticism when visiting the gurus on their trips to India I think. John certainly wasn’t fooled.

But George stayed with it. And all that effort learning the sitar with Ravi Shanka but did it really add anything to the music of The Beatles?

To be fair to him he did revert to traditional rock and pop in later years.
But kept the stupid spirituality.

I hate that amorphous mysticism of the East where there is no truth. I heard some Hindu guru say ‘we are come comfortable with contradiction’.

I remember once being in an Asian taxi (referring back to Chesterton’s ‘terrible levity’) on the dash beside a Laughing Bhudda a smiling Mickey Mouse.

Back to George.Yes, that was another thing. One of his beliefs was ALL religion is a manifestation of the Divine. And we are to treat ALL religions with the deepest of respect. OK then well why did you finance Life of Brian where the crucified Christ was ridiculed…?

I remember when he died. The press release-‘He was conscious of God when he died’..:mmm…not terrified of or at peace with but conscious of God.
Well, we’ll all be conscious of God when we die. Standing before THE JUDGEMENT SEAT.

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

134 thoughts on “George Harrison

  1. Great nom Miles!?
    George was a daft hippy fuck wasnt he?
    He bought the manor house for the Hari Krishna movement to use as their british HQ.
    He was attacked and stabbed by some bloke, but I think the bloke was provoked by Harrison and his sitar playing and quasi mystical bullshit?
    I was the judge id of let that bloke walk with maybe 2 points on his license.
    Fined Harrison a few grand for outraging public decency.

    That thing about the Bhagwan I watched it too!
    Should win a award, armed guards, collecting rolls royces,
    Intimidation, murder.
    Glassy eyed Californian hippies working in the fields…
    Thick as fuck.?

    • Ps
      You dont have to mention Chesterton in every nom.
      Hes going to see his arse sooner or later and sue you for copyright infringement.?

      • We really don’t know how lucky we are Miserable to have grown up in the sane Western CHRISTIAN tradition of the West.

        Which we are casting aside.

    • That’s brought back some amusing memories of the antics of Bhagwhan and Sheila, at least they only ripped off rich morons rather than fill the catacombs with reichsgeld and wrecked altar boys.

  2. Norman and others just happened to be saying similar stuff on a thread only the other night I noticed.
    So I am confident many will agree with me.
    I have the usual suspects in mind though.

  3. Why pick on George? He was a talented, spiritual guy with a gsoh. He took part in The Rutles parody of the fab four and was an all round good bloke.

    My Sweet Lord was hypnotic and just happened to share a chord sequence with He’s So Fine. On that basis millions of songs are copies of other songs. Everything Oasis did was derivative but nobody sued them.

    Initially, he was the most successful of the Ex Beatles when they went solo. He invented Live Aid 15 years before Geldof.

    And he may have been the third force in the world’s best band but he was a great singer songwriter and guitarist.

    Something is a wonderful love song and not a bit creepy. It’s not his fault if lesser artists feck it up.

    Honestly, there are plenty of real cunts to cunt why waste time and effort on one of the good guys?

  4. The Life of Brian, one of the most hilarious films of all time. Except for the alien spaceship part, bloody Monty Python mentalit!

    • It was so good, it’d never be made now. The religious zealots, from all cults, would have a meltdown.

      That was George in the crowd, wasn’t it?

      “You’re all individuals! You’ll all different”
      “I’m not.”

      • Pity the cunts self-censored the final release, for fear of annoying one bunch of sky fairy worshippers…

        Ah, can’t find it, but the original script for the scene had, ISTR bits in it about rounding up non-jews and putting them in camps out in the desert…it’s been close on 38 years since I last saw my copy of the script (some b’stard stole it..), so my memory might be at fault..

        I like the film, I saw it when it first came out at my local cinema, who showed it despite the local religious looney brigades attempts to have it banned, but have always thought the Pythons were two-faced cunts for pulling that scene..

      • I watched a documentary about the film ages ago and a lot of the scenes were cut because they didn’t think American audience would get it.

  5. George was a very talented musician and writer. If you want to look for weirdos try John.
    Life of Brian ridiculed many things but only the hypocritically piously inclined such as Mary Whitehouse didnt see the joke. It was fun. A word that is not allowed by the guilt of certain religions and adherents.

  6. Related. This was put up a while ago but there were no comments.
    I don’t know what happened.

    I hope Admin doesn’t mind.


    That nom about ‘Wasps’ has got me thinking. I woud hate to be a wasp. Or any insect. Then it occurred to me there are millions upon millions of people who DO believe that we humans can turn into insects.
    It is a central belief in Hinduism, Buddhism. If you don’t act well and ‘gain merit’ in this life you run the risk of being reincarnated into a lower form of life. You could end up as a cockroach!.
    But I have nothing in common with a cockroach. I dont know about a cockroachy carry on. I am unfamiliar with cockroach culture. I know they live under fridges in Kebab shops but what is that to do with me?
    Remember the belief is that you, yes you, dear Cunter are in the body of a cockroach. You still have the same consciousness, the same personality, your memories are the same. But you’re a cockroach now. It’s a horrible idea.
    Gregor Samsa in Kafka’s ‘The Metamorphosis’ finds himself turned into a huge insect one morning waking up. The insect is not stipulated. The whole book is just one long description if him coming to terms with his metamorphosis. What makes it so disturbing is that it is Gregor Samsa as an insect.
    Kind of a trendy religion Buddhism isn’t it? The Western converts are usually a bit precious, a bit superior I find.
    Yes because that’s what’s never mentioned at dinner parties when Buddhism is discussed. Its all about ‘meditation’ and ’emptying your mind’. But reincarnation is just a central part of Buddhist belief as Hindu belief. A constant cycle of death and rebirth until you escape by reaching Nirvana.
    You know we a have a ding dong on here about religion but I think we could all agree that this tennent of Eastern belief system is very strange.
    Really for me Eastern religion is so alien to us in England.
    To end controversially (as is my wont) but yes with our Christian heritage we are actually closer (in belief not culture) to Islam. They believe in one God. They believe when you die you either go to heaven or hell. They believe in a final judgement.
    I prefer that belief to those Eastern religions like Buddhism and Hinduism with reincarnation at they heart.
    But of course Christianity is our natural home.

    Nominated by Miles Plastic

      • If this reincarnation bagwash is real…..
        Can I come back as Chrisitna Hendricks’ loofah?
        Or how about Salma Hayek’s bra?

    • One religion cunting a rival religion. Quelle fucking surprise. I’m not surprised it was binned.

      Btw, “Natural” is a very odd word to use in connection with Christianity, a religion that flies in the face of Nature.

      And nothing natural about a supernatural, omnipotent being that creates the world in 6 days, then gets a ghost to have sex with someone else’s wife to procreate a bastard son.

      If anything, Paganism is “our natural home”, not the foreign, ruling class serving mumbo-jumbo belief system known as Christianity, imported from the Middle East and imposed on Britain by a foreign colonial power around 600AD.

      The only way you could only think it’s “natural” is if you were unfortunate enough to be indoctrinated into it as a defenceless child.

      On the subject of reincarnation, if I believe in any sort of afterlife it would be reincarnation every time. Compared to going to Heaven /Hell it strikes me as a most credible concept – not necessarily the “being reborn as an insect” stereotype, but more a living the same life over and over again making (often) tiny yet potentially far reaching changes along the way until the individual spirit gets it right.

      But to what end I haven’t the foggiest. Becoming the square root of infinity perhaps?

      “You know we a have a ding dong on here about religion but I think we could all agree that this belief system is very strange.”

      Not me Miles, obviously! ?

      Unless you’re suggesting all religious beliefs are “very strange”?

      Certainly not as strange as many Christian beliefs, and more grown up compared to the genophobic, misogynistic beliefs in a virgin births, holy ghosts or resurrections.

      If you’re looking to cunt something Hindus believe, try Predestination. That offers up a far more worthy target.

      Ah… time for tea and milk chocolate digestives!

      Be seeing you. ?

      • There’s no keeping these folk down Ruff. Just when you think they’ve been squashed, they bounce back up with a vengeance..
        This site is becoming a news sheet for The Watchtower.

        Religion is like a dick…

        there’s no problem until you start wagging it in people’s faces.

      • Religion is religion. Sigh…. somewhere to stick all the idiots who cant be fucked to contribute to the greater good. Im agnostic and the only benefit to marriage i see is actually being a decent person who shares joint responsibilty with their wives. They don’t argue however they expect someone else to look after them. Its been bastardised. I do however go once a year at Christmas. I leave me phone at home too.

    • That’s an incorrect description of reincarnation. Karma is built up not only throughout this life but previous lives. The main emphasis is on right thought, speech and action. What is so repellant about the notion of positive thought and action towards all other beings? Surely that’s the foundation
      of all religion? Although I can’t think of many occasions in world history where Buddhists were declaring Jihad or a crusade on non believers.

      By the way, their belief is you supposedly have no knowledge of your former life; if you came back as a cockroach for example. No more than you can remember your previous lives during this life.

      Regarding Christianity (and all other Abrahamic faiths in fact); the majority of is a plagiarised/retelling of the stories/metaphors/teachings of the original religions of the East. They’ve just been adapted to make it more relevant to cultures they arose from.

      About George Harrison, the man was an excellent musician/song writer, the humblest of the four Beatles, and did a lot of philanthropy work throughout his life. He found peace in Hinduism, who are we to deny anyone that? He made mistakes in his life (like banging Ringo’s Mrs), but haven’t we all made mistakes the geezer was only human (he without sin cast the first stone).

      The lyrics for the first half of the song “my sweet lord” reference Christianity by the way, so he did continue to support the religion of his heritage.

      • Cheers RTC, yes and no. I’ve been lurking for about two years but thought I’d take the plunge and finally get involved.

      • ‘By the way, their belief is you supposedly have no knowledge of your former life; if you came back as a cockroach for example’

        No, I don’t think that is right. I mean you are supposedly trying to progress yourself in the spiritual realm. So all it means if you find yourself in the body of a cockroach you haven’t gained merit in your life in fact you have led a morally bad life. Why else would you be turned into one? I am sure that is the belief. It is you as a cockroach.

      • The “punishment“ aspect of being reborn is the fact that you’re unable to break the cycle of reincarnation and suffering (as life is suffering) so you’re trapped perpetually until you learn and begin to break the cycle

      • Does a cockroach regard itself as inferior or subservient to humans? Maybe the cockroach Buddhist mama tells her cockroachettes to behave in this life or “you’ll come back as one of THOSE”.

    • Reincarnation used to be part of the belief systems of a number of the various early christian ‘sects’, then the centrist mafiosos In Rome & Constantinople took over, declared these sects and their beliefs to be heretical and waged jihad against just can’t leverage control of people who believe in reincarnation with your tales and sermons about eternal damnation and hellfire..

      If you want to see a moderately amusing can of worms about eastern influences on early christianity that the established churches would rather not have anyone look at, let alone open, search on jesus, missing years, India and have a laugh…marvel at professed experts who rage against those who have the temerity to write quasi-historical fictions which contradict the narratives of the quasi-historical fictions they’re experts in…no, despite living in an area geographically close to, and with trade links and routes to India, no way Jesus could have gone there…we wont even mention the decidedly unjewish teachings he might have then come back with…the first bloody hippy on the guru trail….Yahweh with just a hint or two of Trimurti anyone?, no, not possible, never happened…sure, he could raise from the dead the occasional stiff, turn water into wine, but travel to India?…

      …but when it comes to the old Lost tribes of Israel in the Americas?, well….the LDS, ISTR adopted that one (originally, Smith had them come to Britain, but ever the astute conman, he modified it when it became more politically expedient for the Americas to be the Lost tribes final holiday destination of their wanderings), the LDS now have money and influence, may Moroni bless their snazzy magic undergarments!, so we’ll not say too much about that nonsense now…

      The great (and for some, profitable) thing about religion is that you can make up any old shit, and someone, somewhere will believe in it, I say great, maybe I meant depressing…

  7. Good nom Miles. Dead right about dreary George Harrison and keep crusading for Christianity and the Holy Grail. Arise Sir Miles!

  8. Seeing as two people die every second I’m guessing there’s a bit of queue at this judgement seat thing….

  9. It’s not ok to look at Indian fairy stories, but perfectly ok to explore the middle eastern fairy stories that the west fell for in its infancy. Hilarious.

      • You were right Miles!
        Certainly winning them over with this one!
        Hehehe ?

      • No, I’m pointing out the hypocrisy of slating someone for believing a religion from a far flung corner of the earth, yet defending a religion from a far flung corner of the earth.

  10. OT but I’m just watching yesterday’s episode of Beat the Chasers and I reckon the 2nd contestant is MNC. He’s about 7’3″, head shaved to the wood with a big beard and he’s clearly putting on a Brummie accent!

  11. George Harrison has never really appeared on my radar – he was with the Beatles, then took a load of drugs and went hippy.
    From his mansion, counting his money.
    On other news, I am making coat hooks – waxed teak/oak backing boards with cast iron hooks with ceramic tops – they look beautiful and I just got my first order!
    (The online business is once again shot thanks to the bastard so cash in hand, thanks Boris you CUNT! ?)

  12. Is this another parody cunting?

    It’s hard to imagine anyone less deserving of a cunting. Then again I suppose if you fear those who dare to think for themselves and follow their own path, there’s a certain twisted logic to it.

    Absolute cunt, no doubt about it. ?

    • All religions are fairy tales you say.

      So George decides to go for the most bizarre fairy tale of them all (Hinduism) and you say that shows he’s thinking for himself.

      You’re not really anti religion, you’re anti the Christian religion.

      • It’s almost an insult to fairy tales to label religion ‘fairy tales.’ One is a sinister, creepy concept to frighten children and the simple-minded using horribly simplistic good & bad clichés, and the other is fairy tales.

        George was alright. He was as hypocritical as the next bloke, never took it too seriously and wrote about a dozen good Beatles songs as well as many good solo ones. Ironically he wrote ‘Taxman’ complaining about government taxes; that must’ve been before he transcended the material plane.

        “Heyy maan, that’s an interesting haircut. Whaddya call it?”

        However, G.K.Chesterton is a mincing, catholic cunt.

      • Miles-how can you openly be an anti-Semite AND call yourself a Christian?
        Sure a contradiction?
        And very, very hypocritical.

        Good old Abraham and his religions-causing wars & holocausts got millennia ?

  13. Oi Miles, I used to have an imaginary friend but the cunt told me to fuck off.
    And he nicked ten bob out of my Mum’s purse.

  14. Miles@
    Serial killer George gets 10 years off his sentence for “while my guitar gently weeps’
    A cracking tune.
    But a year added back on for wearing sandals.

    • Clapton’s guitar solo and Macca’s bass make that track into an epic. And it was a great tune, I agree.

      Another cracker and overlooked gem is Sour Milk Sea. Jackie Lomax on vocals, Clapton on lead, Harrison on rhythm, Macca on bass and piano and Starr on drums.

    • While my Guitar is a great song but he gets the 10 years back for the words. Only worsened (is that a word?) by the words to Badge, another great song.

      ‘I told you bout our kid, now he’s married to Mabel’

      (Saved by the riff)

      • Badge is indeed a great song, one of my favourites!
        Im willing to let George off with 12 months suspended sentence, for Badge.

  15. I was never a fan of the Beatles, all a bunch of cunts one way or the other. Shame Charles Sobhraj didn’t get hold of them on the hippy trail.

  16. Some of George’s stuff was pretty decent. His Cloud Nine album in 87 was good. But the mystical shit grated, I have to say. His only tour in 1974 was a disaster. Harrison insisted that there be a big part of the set for Indian musicians and that’s not what fans paid for or wanted to see. His attitude over his wife and his mate Eric Clapton was also strange. He just acted like he wasn’t arsed in losing a beautiful woman like Boyd. Also, after his ‘conversion’ to whatever eastern religion it was he thought he was on a ‘higher level’ and he froze Pattie out of his life and he shagged around, and that’s why she eventually went with Clapton, who didn’t treat her too well either. Harrison didn’t seem to give a shit about doing it with a mate’s wife either. Ringo’s first wife, Maureen was one of George’s conquests. Yet all the while he was preaching about being good to his fellow man and karma. A bit fucking rich that, eh?

    Harrison’s position in the Beatles is also something he always whined about. Both Lennon and McCartney helped him with ‘Taxman’. John supplying some good lines in the lyrics and Paul with both that bassline and the guitar solo. Yet he resented them both. But McCartney was the one he resented the most. Which is strange because Macca – for all his faults – always gave the Beatles 100% and he always played on Harrison’s tracks and did his best on them. The bass on ‘Something’ is the best part of the record. Also, Paul wasn’t the one who disrupted and fucked up everything by bringing in Yoko Fucking Ono and Allen Klein. But then George is seen having tea with them and playing on the hate Macca tune ‘How Do You Sleep’. I know Macca can be a cunt, but I’m surprised that he spoke to disloyal little bastard again after that. If it wasn’t for McCartney pushing for him, Harrison wouldn’t even have been a Beatle. Harrison sided with Lennon, Ono and Klein against McCartney, and that was a dirty thing to do. Macca may have been a bossy cunt in the studio, but the kicking he got – musically and legally – from his so called mates was well out of order. They were absolute cunts to him and Harrison played a major part in that. Just like he did in the sacking of Pete Best.

    As for the trip to India? It was John and George who stayed for the whole trip. Lennon left disillusioned, but he bought it right until near the end. It was McCartney who wasn’t fooled. When he was there he remembered himself thinking about Apple and the next record. He also discovered that Apple employee, Dennis O’ Dell had the same ‘unique mantra’ that Macca himself had and he sussed it was a big fuck off swizz. It was McCartney who saw through both the Maharishi and Klein, but not that his mates thanked him for it. For all the cuntish things he has done in his solo years, Macca wasn’t the biggest cunt while the Beatles were functioning. That award goes to John – for inflicting Yoko Fucking Ono on every poor cunt – and George – for all that pompous mysticism crap and perpetually whinging about being in the biggest band in the world.

    • You’re letting off McCartney rather lightly, Norm. A cunt so obsessed with making money that the other three called him BeatleHead. A cunt who wrote ‘Give Ireland Back To The Irish’ decades before virtue-signalling was invented. A cunt who would go on to infest the world with Pipes If Peace, We All Stand Together, Mull Of Kuntyre, and TWO songs with chîld-fucker Jackson.

      • I agree, Captain, that Macca as a solo artist was a cunt of epic proportions. But he was dedicated to the Beatles as a band, probably more than the other three put together. And the way the other three banded together with Klein (who was chosen because Yoko liked him) and fucked Macca off was snide. He came up with Pepper, Magical Mystery Tour, Let It Be and Abbey Road. And as demanding as he could be, there would not be half as many Beatles albums as there are without him. As an actual Beatle, I think he was shafted. But spot on about the solo stuff. Frog Chorus, Weirdo Jacko and that Irish crap. Live and Let Die was OK, mind.

      • As normal Norm (normal Norm-sounds like a good name for an anti-covid band?), very inciteful and concise.

        I would add this:
        Macca was by far the best musician in the Beatles.
        Was he pushed or did he jump?
        Of course he was pushed.

        Live & Let die-my favourite Bond Theme.
        Re the whole Clapton-George-Patti ménage e trips-they were all as guilty as each other.
        The only one I have met is Ringo- he is a funny bloke.
        His wife however, is a cunt.
        That is all I am going to say about that?

  17. Excellent nom.,Miles.
    If you say that Harrison is a Cunt….that’s good enough for me.

    • PS….Admin,is there any reason for my Tommy Pilling pick not winning Deadpool ?

      • I’ve being deprived of my victory,RTC…people will be wanting to congratulate me on such a tasteful selection.

        It’s a disgrace.

      • A travesty Fiddler, you just want to nip in and nominate his other half now don’t you?

      • LOL….I hadn’t thought of that but you’re right…could be a good selection.

      • Dick, it could be because TP pegged it on the 1st and the Deadpool nom was on the 3rd. First rule of DP is to pick a cnut you think will conk out next. Key word is will. In this case TP had already conked out so possibly that’s why Admin have ignored your claim. However, news of TP’s death didn t come out as far as I can tell until after the DP was open so I can’t see why your claim should be refused.
        A precedent for allowing your claim was set when GTC (cad, bounder and all round rotter) was shamelessly allowed a win 6 or 7 months ago with the American actress Naya Rivera who had clearly already drowned before he amended his original DP noms to include her.
        Bertie suspected something was afoot when you first made your claim. Definitely a whiff of Roland Rat if your claim has indeed been refused and not just overlooked.
        I’d sue for psychological damages, hurt feelings etc if I were you, Dick.
        Justice for the Nortumberland one.

      • Maybe Tommy Pilling is following the same fate as Tanya Roberts. One minute they say Tanya’s dead, the next she’s alive, then dead again. No fucking idea what’s going on. Maybe Tommy is alive and admin is waiting for some confirmation????

      • Exactly Dickie. This award is so prestigious some cunters will go to any lengths to claim it.

      • To liven things up winners can claim a weekend Airbnb experience at Fiddler Towers (caravan in the top field) or a Miserable removal package deal (within ten miles of Stockport)

  18. Isn’t it strange that those people seeking “enlightenment” invariably travel to somewhere far away and generally “East” looking for mysticism? Why do we not get pestered by similar nutters coming the other way?
    Looking for a “Fountain of Youth” but would be better off looking for the “Fountain of Growing Up”.

    • Mr Angry-I take it you have never visited Stonehenge, Silbury hill, Avebury henge and particularly Glastonbury tor.
      Hundred of thousands of people visit, seeking spiritual enlightenment.
      As a nipper, I watched the summer solstice from the top of Silbyry Hill, over the fence and up?

  19. It’s hard for anyone under 60+ to imagine how big and important The Beatles were to people way back when. They were young men who were overloaded with fame and fortune and nobody knew what the boundaries were then.

    They blasted away all the solo stars, outclassed all their rivals and took pop music into a new dimension.

    Of course there were disputes and hypocrisy but ask yourself how anyone could deal with what they created?

    They were far from perfect but what they achieved was incredible and unrepeatable.

    • Important to people? They were part of the moral degradation that began in earnest in the late 50’s and really got into its stride in the 60’s.

      If people enjoy their music that’s a good thing but to elevate them or any other human being to the god like status some believe they are due is inherently a bad thing.

      They wrote some good pop songs but the blind adulation given to them is a nostalgia driven marketing dream.

      Teenagers idolising pop stars is bad enough but grown adults doing it is frankly embarrassing.

      • Baby boomers mate. They all think their particular slice of history is the best one in the loaf. Unfortunately for them their brand of cultural art has no real permanence and it will fade out of significance, along with the rest of their cultural garbage, in the next few decades.

        Their slice of history is now just trash on the ground of a parking lot outside the stadium. The floodlights are off, the band and fans gone, and all that is left is bits of trash and the cold empty silence of an impending night.

      • Ha ha ha ?
        Surely you fucking jest.
        I know more musicians, people who work in the industry (no names/no packdrill) , than Marriane-fucking-faithful and they all revere the Beatles.
        Their records still outsell most modern bands.

        The Beatles
        Michael Jackson
        Led Zeppelin
        And others…
        Will be revered as long as Homo Sapiens like popular mysuc?

      • Another six months of lockdowns will sort the crybaby, weak as piss millennials out. Still, Sam Smith will be able to help them out a bit by crying on his doorstep again, which should make them all feel better about opening up about their mental elf. Perhaps Justin Beaver and Billy Eyelash Will perform a charity song with all proceeds going for extra tissues to wipe away all the tears. Funny thing is, no one will even remember their names in ten years, whooossshhhh.

      • @ TBCC 6:08pm.

        I wasn’t going to dignify that bullshit comment with a reply, but I couldn’t stop myself.

      • Aw, spectre of death getting closer is it, old man?

        I like some of the Beatles. But they are overrated and definitely exalted way higher than they should be. I’ll allow the scousers a pass on the worship, but beyond that they’re just another act.

        The only band more overrated than the Beatles are the Rolling Stones.

      • Your old man would be ashamed of you Chunky!
        I never saw your threatened nomination for Baby Boomers?
        In the words of Basil Brush “Boom, Boom.”

      • Don’t care what my old man thinks. He’s just like you lot and only death will humble his ego it seems. I suspect that will be true for a lot of boomers. Even in old age you seem to lack the humility to see the world doesn’t revolve around or give a shit about you or your cultural gifts.

        I decided the nom was a waste of time. Death will give you all the helping hand that you need, the mirror you desperately need but refuse to look in.

      • Chunky@
        You really hate baby boomers dont you?
        Im Gen X, much cooler than boomers or you millenials.
        Why are you so angry at them?
        I dont get it.
        As far as I can see we owe them quite a bit.

      • My nephews and nieces and next door neighbour’s 16 year old son would be ashamed of him.

        Fortunately not all millennials are cultural philistines.

      • Tbbc, those last two saccharine profound platitudes would have just about passed the originality test if you managed to pen them like you hadn’t plagiarised them from a clumsy subtitled Hentai film, you even failed that.

        As it stands you just come across like a foot stamping millennial sulking teenager angry at the world that you’re not getting your own way. Welcome to hard times.

        Tissue crybaby ?

      • PNG the Fab Four woulda loved it! Perform all their music on a log drum and string of shells. Everyone would show up there’s effall else to do but listen to shorty preachers.

        Plenty of mysticism on Papua New Guinea, easy to get a job as a sorcerer or witch setting spells on people whose goods or success the jealous client is envious of.

        Works both ways but, as these magic people are regularly captured by deranged mobs and beaten to death.

  20. Eat 5 dried grams of magic mushrooms in silent darkness alone and find God! Organised religion is the work of Satan.

      • RTC you are The Dude from The Big Lebowski and I claim my 1983 Limited Edition Knight-Rider Duvet cover and Pillow cases set.

      • I know nothing of this Knight Rider guff, but spookily I discovered an ace crop of psilocybin mushrooms in Christchurch Park, Ipswich, in 1983…

      • I found some out for a wander back in October. Had great fun with them in the 80s once or twice, but I think there are a few doors in my mind that are best kept closed these days.

  21. George was a good guitar player. So why did he insist that fucking slide guitar sound was on every record he did after 1973? The lad could play, no doubt about it, but almost every track from the mid 70s onwards had this guitar on it that sounded like music from Spongebob Squarepants.

    To be fair though, his guitar solo was the only good bit from the crappy cash-in grave robbery that was ‘Free As A Bird’.

  22. Miles, you’re using Harrison as a stalking horse to shoot down the Eastern religions you and your daddy, Chesterton, so despise. A poorly-concealed bit of sermonising, from, not merely Christianity, but the most florid, idolatrous and dogmatic version of that tragic religion.

    I’ve noticed that at least in High Anglicanism, similar to your own sect, God as such doesn’t get much of a look in. It’s based mainly on a romanticised Jesus, and even more mainly on the power-hungry proselytiser Paul’s gloss on the very few recorded words of Jesus. There is a reason for this, and that is that Christianity is a personality cult, which developed a couple of centuries after Christ got nailed up, in effect for blasphemy against Judaism.

    The surviving and most credibly authentic teachings of Jesus point to a perception of the world which does not necessarily need an afterlife, and a universal ‘Father’ who is everybody’s, not just nor exclusively Jesus’. (Bear in mind that the legend of Christ’s divine parentage was concocted to accord with pre-existing Jewish prophecies)

    That Christ was influenced by Gnosticism is inescapable.It was inevitable in that geographical context, indeed. And I am inclined to agree with some that the Christian message, truly transmitted, would have resembled a more thoughtful and less doctrinaire Eastern theology than one which requires a lavishly housed Pontiff, almost incalculable wealth, a theoretically celibate priesthood (perhaps a nod to the Ishtar/Cybele cult there!) and row on row of crudely painted dollies each with their own feast day and fake relics.

    Oh, and Father fucking Brown.

  23. I’m more in to goddess worship. I keep waking up with my head between Caroline Langrishe’s thighs. Or Emma Atkins’ (Charity Dingle’s). Haven’t watched Merde-dale for ages, but the memory kinda lingers..
    Sorry for lowering the tone and all that…

    • I think you have probably raised the tone from the proselytising bullshit that kicked it off.

      • I think there was a nom about that sneaky proselytising lark recently.

        Perhaps it’s bizarro world because I’ve just been on Christian website trying start a thread about cunting Lou Lucas and they told me to fuck off! Charming. I’ll stick here with Is-a-church from now on that’s for sure.

    • Oh yes! Wasn’t Carole the posh Totty on that antiques thing with the bloke from Deadwood and the bird from Downton?

      Emma Atkins has rather gone to seed I’m afraid; and ‘tips the velvet’ by all accounts. Pity

      • Caroline Langrishe was in a version of Scrooge on TV the other night. The one with George .C. Scott in it.

        She’s a very tasty bird.

        A Morecambe and Wise Christmas special was also on. They had a jazz singer on, name of Marian Montgomery. Very sexy indeed.

  24. I’ll give George the benefit of the doubt.

    Musically the first two, arguably three sides of ATMP must be up there with Band on the Run and the Plastic Ono Band.

    Leaving aside the Beatles……Didn’t he finance the Python films ? Concert for Bangladesh? Important member of the Wilburys? At least he lived here and paid his taxes unlike Messrs Lennon and Starr.

    He may have been suckered by loony tunes Eastern mysticism but he can afford to drop a few million and it’s a convenient cover for guilt-free shagging around.

  25. Ffs can’t the ex pope just fucking die ?
    I’ve never ever won the deadpool
    Either him or
    Salmond ……… you get the pic

    • With you all the way, CC. You could add Margaret Ferrier, the idiot, SNP, Covid super spreader, to your list. She’s also a C.U.N.T. (completely useless no-good twat)

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