Fact Checkers

Yes, your views are instantly ‘discredited’ if it was ‘fact checked’ by some woke bastard.

In other words, ‘I have checked if there is any truth in this with my incredibly biased lense, and I will only ‘fact check’ people who aren’t honky hating commie cunts. To save time, everything said by Farage/Trump/etc is bollocks. Anything said by Biden, Owen Jones, leftist wimminz or any dark key is bob on, me old mucker.’

Best known fact checker cunts include Snopes (libtards), The Guardian (nope, no bias here) and the BBC (give me fucking strength).

These cunts are so unreliable that I think the opposite of every fucking thing they say.

Who checks the fact checker cunts, anyway? Discredited because you say so?

Go fuck yourselves and come on your own faces afterwards!

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks 

…and speaking of Facebook, here’s one from Just a bloke

Facebook- what started a a way to keep in touch and share what you are having for lunch has become something far more sinister and cuntish.

Remember Derek and Clive ? I am in the D+C appreciation page and have just had a 3 day ban for using the word ‘ Cunt ‘. If you like D+C the absurdity of that will be obvious.

Almost as bad as their refusal to allow coverage of Hunter Biden’s laptop while letting Iran post that the Holocaust never happened

Facebook – bunch of Cunts.

…and this from Everyonesacunt 

Big tech companies and censorship

A major issue of censorship by the so called big tech giants Google Apple Amazon Twitter and Facebook is raising an ugly head above the rights of the individual to free speech.

Accounts are now being perminantly suspended by people working for social media sites acting as De facto gods of allowable speech against the idea of De jure, lawful free speech in a free society.

A further development towards a liberal socialist totalitarian regime appears that big tech companies are now refusing to list social media apps “parler” for example that still permit free speech without censorship.

These appear to be very very dark days and possibly a prerequisite to a sinister future life whereby you have no free speech at all except that : what is permitted by the De facto unseen government of free speech. A quite scary ? though.



42 thoughts on “Fact Checkers

  1. Had a few run ins with these whining fuckflakes on FB when the US election vote counting was clearly being rigged.

    All they do is post something stupid and then wait to get torn apart by people posting actual facts.

    Their response? ‘Link? ‘, ‘Got a link?’, ‘This needs a link or it isn’t true’.

    Go and find your own links you lazy cunts!

    All links were duly provided, which made them STFU. Although I have a feeling what they were really after was cancelling anyone with a fact based opinion which differed from their own.

    (You got a link? lol – DA)

    • This extends to ‘Where’s your peer reviewed source?’ too. As if the world of science composed of equally fallible humans could be incorruptible.

      What it all boils down to is intellectual laziness in not wanting to do any real thinking, and intellectual cowardice in wanting someone else to do your thinking for you but also to sing you lullabies about how we are so certain of our reality.

      ‘Factchecking’ is corporatism imposing its narrative of reality on the public and acting as the source of truth. Anyone who defers to them is a fucking top shelf moron and should turn in their humanity card immediately.

  2. The worst “fact checkers” are Full Fact. What a pile of public funded charidee cuntery. A whole load of lefty arsehole geeks, shitting out ideological faeces for brainless cunts to swallow by the ladle-full, at our fucking expense.

    “Full Fact fights bad information.
    We’re a team of independent fact checkers and campaigners who find, expose and counter the harm it does.”

    Your information ‘bad’, our campaigners’ information ‘good’, fuck off.

  3. Indeed they are a very sinister group of actors.
    Their approval of all things woke (demented) and gagging of much centrist or slightly conservative thought dies not bode well for those who use their all conquering platforms.
    I wonder how long it will be before they deploy drones to neutralise the unwelcome as they try to shout “Fuck your Cunt Google!” from the top of the nearest multi storey car park?
    Anyhow they are despicable cowards and vermin to boot.

  4. I just served a 30day ban on an RN FB page for posting a cartoon of Tigger tied to a post telling 3 KKK members they’ve got the wrong guy. Wtf is wrong with that? Bunch o’cunts.

  5. One of the biggest “fact checker” faggots was weedy little Chris Mason who appeared on a daily basis on Wireless 4 to “Fact check” every aspect of Brexit (a staunch Remainer of course) who was rewarded for his biased efforts with the chairmanship of Wireless 4s Any Questions?, where he fawns to the left, snarls to the right, and, unlike every other presenter in the shows 70+ history, doesn’t even have to travel round the country every week – his over-used arse is parked in Broadcasting House.

    • Sounds like he’s related to that now-sacked economist Ch4 Trot, Paul Mason….. Dave Spart himself.

      They’re not all bad:-
      James – just possibly the UKs greatest export to Hollywood
      Jackie – legendary New York comedian
      Dave – Traffic Guitarist
      Nick – Floyd drummer

      Note the two cunts are under 50 and the four greats are either 6ft under or very nearly so. Which actually pinpoints the entire issue…

  6. Scary times. Free speech has never been so at risk.
    The left are a bunch of bullying Nazi cunts trying to tell us how to think.

  7. Fact checkers?….another word for censors and we all know who is getting censored.

    Er…..actually it’s two words and that’s a fucking fact! Unless the libtards say otherwise, obviously.

    • How can they ‘fact check’ an opinion, until the actual truth is found it is reasonable to suggest that a lab could be an alternative source of chinky flu

      • It’s who was doing the fact checking that is laughable. Someone with connection to Wuhan Lab ffs.

  8. Fact Checkers?
    Who fact checks the fact checkers then?
    These cunts are as reliable as Channel 4 News when it comes to being woke and having the correct socially acceptable opinion.

    Pile of wank.

    • I like them ? Hilariously enough though if you have cause to fact check them back at any point they go into meltdown ? Fragile egos it seems ?

  9. Had to change my fantasy football team name now more than half a dozen times. They don’t like never bend knee Utd etc. Even taken to swearing in foreign languages curtesy of translate. Even that has been spotted by the woke patrol. Currently called em names in Chinese. Not been spotted yet.

  10. Men can get pregnant and have periods.
    Being fat is healthy.
    All white people are privileged (yes even those ones on benefits living in tower blocks) and they’re all racist whether overtly or unconsciously.
    Russia interferes in all elections and is the world’s puppet master, even to 90 old Doris who never goes on Facebook.
    Nation state bad.
    Responsibility and self-reliance bad. Needing support good.

    Amen and Awoman to the new undisputable facts.

  11. Say men cannot have a baby and your off the platform. Say Biden is senile and your off the platform.Fact checkers facts are bollocks

  12. I don’t do Facebook, or any other social media to be honest. I’m an old git and don’t have many friends, but those that I do have, I keep in touch with. Used to be in person, but now mostly telephone – I hate that fucking zoom/skype shit as well. Mind you, reminds me of Question Time, where one of the audience (specially selected for wokeness) who, after one of the panel had sussed his shit argument about immigration, said something like “ok right. Now you’re using facts and figures”. What a cunt.

    I hope this last bastion of free speech, the ISAC website, keeps going.

  13. I remember that website Friends Reunited. That was fun. Then came websites of a similar nature shortly after.

    Then face book. That was fun for a time but then it got weird. I closed my account ages ago.

    • Spoons:

      Friends re-united was a platform for people to brag about their successes-virtually impossible to “fact check”?
      I had a comically, self deprecating profile-thing is, I had 3x women messaging me:

      -1x ex-girlfriend from when I was 17
      -2x girls from school
      All basically inviting me to “meet up” and “catch up” .
      The naughty minxes.*
      I was quite relieved when it was taken down?

      *Of course I didn’t-I might be a cunt, I am not fucking cunt?

  14. Facts are facts but can also be manipulated, for example if you take the UK as a whole then grooming isn’t disproportionately carried out by P Stanley men but if you look more selectively it is a fact that in certain areas it certainly is. It’s just a manipulation and a ‘fact checker’ looking at the UK data would say it isn’t true the there is a problem with P Stanley grooming gangs.

    Truth isn’t real unless you are willing to look at the data and understand what is contained in the data.

  15. Dont go on Facebook, Twitter or any other forums, just ISAC.
    So not aware of ‘fact checkers’.
    Would say though if going on a site where you know theres leftwing types, watch what you say,
    They are going to try and discredit you,
    So stick strictly to proven facts.
    Dont rely on politicians facts too much, their all bullshitting cunts, left or right.

    * Jack the Cunter
    Good to see your well mate!?

      • Hi CG,
        Still looking?
        I found a place on Rightmove,
        Fuckin Ideal and affordable,
        But the missus works in education and going into a merger so we have to see if shes still got the same role in March?
        Hope its still on the market then, straight out the door into my beloved peak District ?

      • One thing the “pandemic” has affirmed for me, is that as I age, I feel less connected to humanity and more connected to nature.
        I want to live in an even more rural environment, with more land & the ability to go more self sufficient. Bin my own technology and unplug from the fucking matrix.
        I have an open mind re location, looking more likely to be within England’s green and pleasant lands, thanks to the current fuckwits making it up as they go along……
        Properties were selling fast last Summer-5 which had been on my radar for almost a year (expensive compared to the average price in the areas), sold within a week of the lockdown lifting / stamp duty holiday.☹️

  16. The facts have to fit the narrative! Whatever that means…. came off facefuck after the referendum, blood pressure going through the roof. Lost most of my mates from the 70s, still thats their loss. All cunts, since cunts use facefuck..

    • Best thing I ever did in my 63 years , was to smash to smithereens all my hard-drives and computers , throw my CD’s away , ditch the TV , and to stop glancing at the headlines when visiting the garage for petrol.

      Buy an iPad and start again. Use only websites that will raise the consciousness – not debase it.

  17. Fuck me A Cunt who Cunts this is bang on like someone I work with.

    She’s deffo WOKE, a Labour Party cocksucker and vegan – if it wasn’t for the fact my colleague shagged her (probably made him sign a disclaimer, waiver or GDPR piece of paper) I would have said she was a lezzer.

    Now, I’m a modern man, ain’t nothing wrong with the above, each to their own, free of speech, first amendment (get one knee you cunt) BUT what gripes me is you can’t even open your mouth without her having an opinion on and oh guess what, it is always some put down on how I am wrong, and that’s just such a male meat eating attitude, rah, rah, Rasputin – fuck off!

    I never push my meat on anyone (unless the wife is up for it) but fuck me this one never shuts the fuck up about being vegan and her leftie way of life, fucking lives and breathes it, thinks she’s a bit special – needs a good cucumber in both holes and a twisty one at that!

  18. I had the pleasure to turn on LBC Radio yesterday and heard James O’Brian spouting his usual rubbish. How about James O’Brian calling normal white people Nazi’s when defending Muslims maybe he should do some research about Muslim Nazis https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/muslim-waffen-ss-13th-division-1943/ dont worry James O Brian we know you voted for Ode De Joy so how about get on your Hugo Boss. Don’t comment on things you know nothing about you biased peice of shit shutting down free speech.

    We know also James O’Brian you have a problem with real nationalism James with your hatered of the elected leader of Trump.

    Had to turn it off because his facts were as wild as a Giiger meter in Chernobyl.

    • The one time I tuned in to JOB this year – he was claiming not to go on about Brexit.
      Despite having called this government a brexit-government just 3 minutes earlier.
      What a fucking idiot.

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