Election Fraud.

No not in the US but in Uganda.

President Museveni has just won his sixth term in office, beating opponent Bobi Wine (?) by taking 58% of the vote saying “it the most cheating free election weve had!”

Mr Wine didn’t comment as he was under house arrest with armed soldiers surrounding his home.

Musaveni has election posters everywhere of him wearing a massive white hat and looks like a elderly Kid Creole.

Today, democracy died☹️. And this from the country that gave us statesmen like Idi Amin?

I’m guessing Bobi Wine has a ‘accident’,
This is no way to carry on. Political cheating and elderly men benefitting,

Wouldn’t happen in the west.


Nominated by: Miserable Northern Cunt

49 thoughts on “Election Fraud.

  1. From the reports I watched Miserable it seemed this young rapper Mr Wine sojourn into politics was a veritable baptism of fire- dodging bullets, roadside bombs, getting arrested, tortured, released, arrested again. I don’t know where he is now.
    I suppose we’ve got to be thankful that we live in a peaceable democracy.

  2. Why would any despot regard democracy as anything after remoan and American Trump derangement.

  3. Great nom.

    What I found particularly interesting about the Uganda election was the fact that Twitter complained that they among other social media companies were censored during the lead up.


      • Just proves that Twitter, as well as being overtly woke, censoring bastards themselves, they certainly don’t have much of a sense of humour either.

  4. Everyone with a brain cell knows the US election was stolen. Even before it happened right before TV viewers’ eyes, we had videos such as a Demonrat witch going to old people’s houses and bribing them to circle ‘D’, and one of Ilhan Omar’s ‘keys boasting about how he was going from old folks’ home to old folks’ home harvesting blank ballots.

    The 2020 election was blatantly stolen in front of our eyes, and we did nothing. Remember that when Anal Schwab finally comes out and officially announces that you own nothing and you’re happy.

    • Klaus Schwabstika of the WEF.

      Where’s 007 when you need him.

      Ziss pandemic rrreprezentz a rrrare but narrow vindow of opportunity to rreflect, rrreimagine and rrreset our vorld!!!

      Carrying on stroking your white fluffy cat and please fuck off Klaus.

      • HJ you are fast becoming my #1 ‘board buddy’, as in someone who ‘gets it’.

        Went to both local Tesco and Sainsbury yesterday and was the only one in each not doing the zombie-mask thing.

        Felt like I was on an alien planet. Again.

  5. Why do these thick cunts have elections in the first place?
    It’s a fucking mystery to me.
    Due to fact they all savages,they go mental if they don’t win and set fire to everything whilst toting China’s finest AK47 homage.
    What a load of shit.
    However you vote for you always get a monkey.

  6. Does it matter, none of these thick cunts could run a bath anyway, Africa where fuck all changes, literally.!

  7. Has Marcus Rashford commented, he seems to stick his large proboscis into everything else.
    Maybe he should pop over to Umbongo land and sort them out.

    They are all cunts!

      • Couldn’t score against an under par Arsenal in a season when Arsenals form has varied from shit to more shit.

        Ole still hasn’t beaten Arsenal as a manager yet, everyone else has.

        Can’t blame Marcus alone Norman, let’s be honest if a few other teams were not also misfiring United would be 6th or 7th.

        Only city can save us from another Liverpool title now.

      • I had him in my fantasy team as well. Bummer. Bamford also turned into prime Shearer right after I transferred him out.

    • Where was St Marxist Rashford in 1984 when the Ethiopians were starving? Why didn’t he save his fellow blacks from starvation and us whiteys from the sanctified preaching and record-flogging of the great unwashed Bob Geldof?

      Surely he could have arranged a few Packi Fried Chiggun joints to be opened to feed the starving masses in Ethiopia. Only £2.99 for two pieces of greasy fried chiggun with fries and a Coke.

  8. When Africans are left to their own devices without interference by the white devils everything is wonderful.

    Black votes matter!

  9. I strongly suspected voter fraud when I wasn’t reelected to my Rugby Club committee…I was in the process of arranging a legal challenge and setting fire to the clubhouse when it was explained to me that the actual reason that I lost the election was because I was a mental Cunt.

  10. I hope no cynical, unpatriotic, mean cunt has got Captain Tom in the deadpool. Poor old bugger just admitted to hospital with breathing difficulties and been diagnosed with coronavirus. ?

    Ps, Fuck Uganda.

    • The papers have “pray for Captain Tom ” as a headline.

      The bloke is 100 years old FFS.

      Yeah pray for him. get him another 40 years

  11. African democracy is based on the principle of One Man, One Vote – literally one man casts the vote.

  12. Yeah it can’t happen in the West……..except for Peterborough, Tower Hamlets, Pennsylvania, Georgia etc etc.

  13. Great nomination Mis?

    I always liked the man from Del Monti adverts.
    Uganda-home of the presidential gameshow, “Who are we having for dinner?”

    They believe consuming your enemies, makes you stronger.
    Dirty fucking savages.

    One of Idi Arrmin’s biggest fans is race baiting youtuber, Sa Ra Gavey: check out the “meets Tommy Robinson” videos, the second is a Q&A from audience members. Thick-as-pigshit.
    He wants to replace Churchill with Idi?

    • Evening CG,
      Idi was the golden age of Ugandan politics,
      Cannibalism, feeding people to crocodiles etc.
      My grandad thought Idi Amin the funniest man on telly during the 70s?
      Hed howl with laughter at Idi on the news, tears rolling down his face, he struggled to get his breath at all the medals& brocade on Idis uniform.

      Idi, thanks for all the laughs ?

      • It makes David Cameron’s pig fucking exploits and drinking peasants blood at Oxford look quite tame by comparison. Nothing says maverick politician like a few political rivals heads in the fridge.

      • Idi had been in the army unlike fucking jug eared Charlie boy with his fucking medals.

  14. and you just know that Bobi Wine and his whole entire opposition party (plus all their families, dogs, goats, cats, chickens, giraffe’s etc) will flee to the UK as asylum seekers now they have ‘lost’ the election.

    Give it 18 months and newly granted British citizen Mr Bobi Wine will be standing as a Labour MP candidate in a by-election near you soon, bringing all that democratic election experience from Uganda with him……..

    • I think Bobi’s days are numbered, ive nabbed him in my Deadpool.
      Probably blow his own head off with a rifle or chuck hisself into a river full of crocodiles.
      They’ve a high rate of suicide in Uganda, occasionally running themselves over and hacking themselves to pieces.
      Cheer up Uganda
      Wear a big hat and smile!!?

  15. Afrikunts are good at election rigging, it about the only thing they do well other than gëñöćïdè against whitey, bunch of cunts!!!!

  16. Museveni looks like Adolf fell asleep at the tanning solarium, must’ve gotten tired of eating vegetarian empanadas for the past 75 years.

  17. Maybe Lammy and Henry are right. Africa doesn’t need any white saviours as they are doing fine on their own.
    Let the fuckers get on with it so long as the cunts don’t want to come here.

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