Dr Zubaida Haque. This SAGE clown is currently calling for the whole of England to be unnecessarily plunged in to Tier 4. Stupid bitch. I’d never heard of her before, so I did a Google search. I couldn’t find anything to suggest that she had any qualifications in epidemiology or virology, or was even a medical doctor, but I did find this:
“Dr Zubaida Haque is the former Deputy Director of the Runnymede Trust. Zubaida has a strong research and policy background in ethnicity and inequality within education, employment, housing, health, poverty, and criminal justice areas. She has also written widely on race and crime, citizenship and integration issues. Zubaida has worked for several government departments, think tanks and universities and has participated in several national panels and commissions, including two Government-sponsored reviews of riots in Britain”.
Is it any wonder that the UK is in such a shitty state, when SAGE has unqualified gobshites like this telling the already authoritarian governement to put even MORE restrictions on our freedom and human rights? And she’s not the only one. SAGE is infested with woke shit houses, many of whom are Labour party members, and either are or were activists or candidates for elected office.
We do NOT need more lockdowns. We need to start to returning to normality. The albino walrus really needs to grow a spine and start telling SAGE, and the Two Ronnies of Doom, that their services will soon no longer be required. And Haque, can go fuck herself with a lit stick of dynamite.
(More here – NA)
Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw
Good old SAGE, spent nearly 11 months crying wolf, and now no cunt wants to listen to you, and your wild predictions, reap what you sow, bunch of cunts!!!
Professor of
Knowledge of
Subtle ?
I raise you:
I see what you did there.
I probably would mind if I were of the hetero persuasion.
“modelling” is bollox when applied, as it is to both China pox (500 000 predicted dead) or climate change. All cunts with ulterior motives.
SC: Just the other day (Friday) on Wireless 4 (where else>) with due pomp the Today announceress spoke to a “Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology” – surely that just means an epidemiologist who thinks he is Mystic Mg?
Mystic mong
The cunts will be putting shutters over our doors before they are finished, maybe the can invite some CCP advisers over to assist them getting the clampdown right.
Meanwhile medical staff are refusing the vaccines in much higher numbers.
The lockdown is beginning to look permanent, maybe the economy is still recoverable so they are going to make sure it’s totally dead before they allow us out of our homes to pick wild plants and hunt rats to survive on.
Is that true that more medical staff are refusing the vaccine? Hadn’t heard that. Have you got any other info?
I read an article which I’ll try and find.
If you knew two people who have died from Covid and one who is completely dibilitated 6 months after recovering from it like I do, then you wouldn’t be spouting such total shite about the ‘unnecessary lockdown’
I’m guessing you’re of a younger persuasion and get your ‘facts’ from social media?
You also seem to be a bit of a racist…
Racism? On this site?
Say it ain’t so!
Morning Mr Cunt Engine?
Morning CG…how goes it? Enjoying yet another lockdown?!
Everyone is racist (John Barnes on QT).
I knew this was coming, so no surprise whatsoever.
I had to take my poor old Dad to the Royal London for his mesothelioma scan this week. Many of you wouldn’t be spouting conspiracy theory if you saw the platoon of ambulances parked haphazardly in front, at the side and wherever else they could near the building or several streets away, bringing Covid patients in for (hopefully) a ventilator.
Utter fucking carnage.
Really, I’m married to a black woman and am quarter black, but I’m racist? Yeah, ok.
Quarterback? For the 49ers????
Seriously QDM: I hope the Gods smiled down on you and blessed you with the right 25%??
Dio – I remember when the virus first arrived, you had different views.
I recall you regarding COVID as nothing more than a little local flu.
I wish I could pull up some comments from last Spring.
I, of course, pointed out how serious the situation could possibly become. ?
Yours, Nostradamus
I think changing one’s mind should be made a capital offence.
Then again…
Afternoon Bertie, me old mucker. ?
? Afternoon Ruff.
Miles would probably say that changing your mind is a cardinal sin!
Mrs B and I often differ on things but after a long discussion she usually changes her mind and agrees that I was right.
Mrs B is clearly possessed of superior wisdom! ?
I for one find that hard to swallow.
I suspect Bertie does what I do.
Has a long hard think while washing the pots then creeps too missus B shamelessly!!
It’s all pretty academic really Miserable, considering Percy wears the trousers in Bertie’s home.
Evening fellas. Lockdown has put a tremendous strain on marriages but mine is stronger than ever.
Just the other morning, I woke up to my beautiful and loving wife holding a pillow tightly over my face to protect me from the coronavirus.
And that’s the problem. A friend died from cancer this week but I have yet to meet anybody who knows anybody who has tested positive. It makes it more difficult to take it as seriously.
If I knew two people who had died of it, chances are I’d be an MSM reporter.
Even worse might be on the cards – the return of the Queen of New Labour:
Nigel Farage suggested this believe it or not.
??? not Sir Nigel walks on water?!!
No, I have real trouble believing that Sir Nigel would endorse anything that Satan’s envoy on earth said.
As for Teflon Tony repairing his reputation, he would first need to accept that kicking off an illegal war which resulted in the deaths of over a million innocent Iraqi civilians and the rise of ISIS was in fact wrong and that he should be in the Hague answering war crime charges.
Here you go OB.
From his own mouth.
Odin, Farage did indeed nominate B-liar, it’s on his YouTube channel recently.
As S Fiddly says below, either do it properly or not at all but I fear this fuckery has gone on too long now.
There will always be corona bogies and they will mutate.
Finally, fuck this mudslime clown and her Christmas cracker joke Qualifications
Well Sixdog, I can only assume that statement is a bit tongue in cheek.
Like making Blair middle east peace envoy.
Regardless of the deaths and all the bullshit it’s really about the ‘R’ number, nothing more noting less. If the ‘R’ numbers is below 1 then the cunts are bullshitting, if it’s more than 1 then it’s by how much? Most of the ‘Woke’ exagerate to promote the naritive. Do parents still tell the story of ‘Chicken Little’ where the sky was falling on his head?
Welcome to the Femisist world fellow cunters!
Sorry but the R number is meaningless. Firstly the testing is flawed to hell and secondly if you test 1000 people and they’re all positive what have you proved? Nothing . It’s useless information. All that counts is the actual death rate. If we are all infected but all healthy with no or minimal symptoms so what?
Keep the vulnerable isolated , the fit and healthy get on with life. Mix with people,catch the virus,build immunity…the end. It’s what happens with viruses,they kill the weak so isolate them. Those with healthy immune systems will cope. Even Whitty said that in the beginning but for some reason the cunts are now pushing the panic button . Why? Statistically this virus just isn’t that dangerous.
Right now that’s sorted open the pubs ,fill the stadiums again and get on with it.
Forward men. Fortify yourselves and stiffen the sinews.
Oh yeah one more thing, she’s a useless cunt and should be on the scrap heap. Another non job parasite living off the tax payers gravy train.
Fucking mutt.
Sounds like another cunt qualified I one thing but is quoted in the press if her opinion suits a narrative. Much use as a celebrity cunt spouting their opinion on twatter.
She is a fellow of the royal society of arts ?
I saw her doing an interview, first sentence was BAME, after that I stopped listening.
Tier 4, fuck I thought we were in Tier 5 now.
If they are going to have a “lockdown”…have a proper lockdown. No more Z-list “celebs” flying in out of the Country,no more “business-meeting” lunches,no more Police ignoring the rules and gathering in cafes for sit-down breakfasts,no more religious meetings etc.
Either say “Fuck it…we’ve lost control,it’s herd-immunity now” or lock-down properly and get a proper vaccination system implemented starting with key-workers and the vulnerable.
Correct sir 100% correct.
Sir Fiddler:
I came across this clip on Youtube-I hope that tele-fork farmer is your good self:
Viruses in the begining of the mutation are fairly random in who they kill but the goal is survival so the ones that kill the host don’t last long but the one that continues to infect without having a high morbility are the viruses that are sucesful and continue to circulate. The supid cunts are on a hiding to know where as there are and alway will be infectous carriers that have no symptoms.
I am so interested in the actions of these poorly educated snowflake woke cunts dealing with this. Risk adverse and where truth, whishful thinking and logic are blured.
Such interesting time fellow cunters where History has no value including asking us old cunts.
My nephew went to University and attained a BSc in ‘Salad Studies.’
He’s got lettuce after his name….
Hang on a minute, why does Zebedee Doodah have a picture of BoZo in the frame?
Never heard of her, Quick image search reveals a lot of smirking photos.
The thinking mans Priti Patel, looks like she would enjoy a good cunting but with less lard.
SAGE are unelected. We can’t find out how many of them are Communists, Socialist Worker or Momentum members, have links to big pharma or Bill Needle Gates himself!
Empirically Covid doesn’t kill everyone and has a risk profile – these are the people who should be paid to stay in. Anyone living with someone in the risk category should also stay in. This is fair and is for the greater good, rather than trash the economy, ruin businesses, cancel essential treatments and have police checking on why an old dear is taking a breather on a park bench. There is still no impact assessment on the damage being done by the current strategy.
The government have had since last March to increase NHS capacity and have done very little on that. Tier 5 means ‘material risk NHS is overwhelmed’. There are only a 4394 critical care beds according to the Daily Mail – too low. London is now in emergency, so the Nightingales should be open and perhaps staffed by Defence medics.
Agree with other posters that the R number is fallacious. There are serious concerns over the tests and if they are, as Professor of Evidence Based Medicine at Oxford, Carl Heneghan says, detecting old virus, the common cold and giving false positives, they are the erroneous stick being used to keep us indoors.
Half of SAGE are fully paid up Commie Party members, their ‘medial’ credentials extend to being ‘Behavioural Experts’, and or have massive shares in Big Pharma.
And FUCK the ‘R number’ right up its shitty arsehole. If there was only one phrase that could trigger me to shoot on sight, it would be that one. Meaningless pseudo-scientific piece of tosswank.
I’m not sure shielding the vulnerable can be realistically achieved. My dad went into a care home back in July last year, and I only saw him on three occasions, half an hour outside, until they stopped all visiting back in September. At the beginning of December he was admitted to hospital with Covid symptoms, and after three tests, he was positive on the third. It hit him quite hard, and as he was 80, and suffering from the latter stages of Alzheimer’s, we thought it was the end. At one point, they thought he wouldn’t last the night, so they allowed us into the Covid ward to see him, for which I am extremely grateful. At this point, he was no longer suffering from Covid, but they couldn’t move him from there because he was so frail. That was three weeks ago, and now he is well enough to be moved to a different hospital where they are trying to rehabilitate him to return to his care home, but we aren’t holding out much hope.
So, now that I have had some experience, has it changed my outlook on the pandemic? Yes and no.
Between my family’s experience, my friends mother dying from it three days after testing positive, several friends I know have had it, with varying severity, I know it is definitely real. But, I can’t agree with the lockdowns. My dad’s care home staff didn’t catch it partying or going to pubs. They caught it no doubt from their kids. The reason cases rose that stopped me seeing my dad occurred not when the pubs opened in July, but when the schools went back in September. That these experts were saying children were of low risk of catching it, or spreading it, shows how stupid the official advice has been. Kids won’t listen, and cunt parents are still taking their bastard offspring shopping, no masks, letting the little shits run around and grabbing things after their hands have been in their dirty mouths. The same cunts I see moaning about people not following the rules, and advocating stronger lockdowns are the same cunts moaning about the schools closing! Thick as fuck.
Also, it took three tests to diagnose my dad, so for all the talk of false positives, how many false negatives are there? And they go back to work, or school, still contagious. However, ultimately the NHS is paid for by taxpayers, so if we are to really save the NHS, we need people working, and paying that tax.
As I’ve said before, I’m in no rush to have the vaccine, whatever one I end up offered. I think the testing phase was way too short, you couldn’t get a shampoo on the market in the time they have put several vaccines into mass use. Perhaps by the time I’m forced to have it, because it will be mandatory to have it if you want to have any form of existence, any flaws will have already appeared and hopefully corrected.
But what I do despise is cunts telling me that if I didn’t have the vaccine, I should be barred from the NHS, a service I have paid for, and not used, for nearly forty years. And usually, the cunts decreeing this think nothing of smoking twenty a day, from a pack that has tumours pictured on it, with big letters saying smoking kills. Or drinking a bottle of gin a night, or being fat as fuck from living on takeaways. Fuck off, you hypocrites.
One of the most rational and empirically sound posts I’ve seen on the entire saga GJ.
Ultimately, whatever ‘it’ is and where/how it came to be, it’s a coronavirus. We’ve always had them, we’ll always have them. Sadly some are deadlier than others. This one falls into the latter camp if you have existing health vulnerabilities.
However, what it doesn’t carry is the ability to lock entire countries and economies up for an entire year, make the general population wander around in muzzles looking exactly like cattle waiting to get into the feeding pen, and mandate that those healthier than even Anneka fucking Rice have to get shady as shit poison injected into them in order to be allowed the privilege of doing anything ever again.
If there is owt worse than a mouthy P.Aki it must be a mouthy know it all commie P.Aki cunt.
Stick your modelling theorem up your hairy arse.
It’s bitches like this who make me suspicious. All over the world lefties have been screaming for massive lockdown right from the kick off. Of course, economic collapse would suit them nicely. Re-set—rebuild—New World Order anyone?
It will be interesting to see what Uncle Joe does, especially as he spent most of the election campaign hiding in his basement. Of course he knew he was going to win anyway so you have to take that into consideration.
This cunt isn’t a member of SAGE, she is one of the Independent SAGE cunts
Just google her with name and Guardian, she writes a load of shit about…. you can guess
A fucking non entity with a platform because she is a P*ki
you can add Christina Pagel, mathemetician, to the overbearing list of 201 Sage nutters as well as Susan Michie, British communist party member, Jeremy Farrer, John Edmunds, David Halpern, a nasty piece of shit, Peter Horby, the list seems endless and very few have ANY medical training whatsoever – they are all part of the dictatorship, invited in by Cameron, May and Johnson to destroy our way of life and attain the NWO with thanks to the UN, tony bliar, george soros and billboy gates – they are all globalists
Zubaida can’t be all that bad. In the photo, she’s captured Boris and is keeping him in a tank in her office.
“Doctor” Zubaida Haque has no qualifications in epidemiology or virology, and appears to have no medical qualifications whatsoever.
But very well qualified in snide, sly racism and raking money in for her greedy charlatan self. Chris Whitty, paid by the WHO, Patrick Vallance with hundreds of thousands of Pounds worth of shares in the very same pharmaceutical corporation which is hawking the rNA slop they are calling a vaccine, health minister Nadim Zahawi setting up a company on the sly in his Wifes name to rake money in from this misery, billions of Pounds worth of contracts handed out without tender, due diligence or any kind of accountability whatsoever by the potato in a wig. Rishi Sunak handing over billions to tax dodgers, crooks and fraudsters with no accountability as three million people (I am one of them) who have had no financial help whatsoever for almost a year go to the wall – people killing themselves because they have lost everything and been destroyed is pretty serious in my opinion but not a word from the MSM.
There is no “deadly pandemic” – we are being lied to. COVID – Certification Of Virally Infectious Death – WHO designation, now removed from their records and Google but the evidence grabbed before they did this.
Coronavirus – a blanket term for every cold and influenza virus.
Death rates in 2020 no higher than any other year, and actually lower than some previous years in the last decade. Nightingale hospitals empty, unused, dismantled and removed. Now in excess of a hundred films of hospitals empty or massively underused. And members of the public legally filming being arrested, dragged out of their homes and illegally detained, targeted, gaslighted and threatened. (Debbie Hicks, Brandnewtube video testimony) “Overwhelmed” Frontline NHS staff with time to perform TikTok dance videos in clearly empty hospitals. Frontline NHS staff on furlough. Sky news “reporters” doing live reports alleging the ambulance service is at breaking point – in front of bays of parked up ambulances. Police arresting Women for the crime of drinking coffee in public then having a piggy pie break completely breaking the regulations they have just been arresting people for then trying to bully, harass and intimidate the people legally filming and catching the sly little bullies out. Rules, regulations and guidelines are NOT law and the police have NO legal right to arrest and unlawfully detain people for breaking them.
MSM screaming in joy as they bellow out todays fear script of “infection and death rates” but never mentioning inpatient numbers or the reason for admission or cause of death. Crematoriums and funeral homes reporting they are no more busy than usual. Fake Twitter profiles of alleged “NHS Doctors” giving daily propaganda reports but mysteriously silent when I ask the questions which would prove they are lying – not one single response. People dying in droves of treatable conditions the NHS refuse to treat them for but we are still ordered to clap like gurning seals for these agents of State sponsored murder.
I have spent months now gathering information and evidence under freedom of information requests, HMRC data and ONS data.
I am part of a group called KBF (well worth looking into) which comprises experts who have been silenced and investigators who are being victimised and persecuted for simply asking for the truth (It also has thick people like me on there! ?) and the remit is to bring “experts” and the Government to account for their evil lies and power grab and when it starts getting to Courts of law the “experts” and ministers will be required to stand in a dock and try and refute the by now mountain of evidence amassed – and if they lie they will be nailed. The facts do not fit the narrative, and I got so sick of being lied to I decided to do something about it.
There is no deadly pandemic, there never was and the people are victims of the biggest con trick played on humankind.
Kayak Bass Fishing ?
Keithley breakdancing family?
I didn’t think anyone else had heard about it MNC ?
Did a bit of Colombo work Sicky.
Turns out Foxy is Yorkshire’s answer to Mr Motivator!!
Legwarmers, tennis sweatbands, and teaches people ‘the Robot’ and ‘the Caterpillar’.
“Ee come on now pop thy body,
Thats right grand, champion,
Thees smashed it!!”?
North Yorkshire Brek Dance Champ nine years running
Simply brilliant Vernon Fox. Thank goodness someone else has got the cahoonies to call this charade out for what it is.
NO-ONE is ‘excessively’ dying. Everyone can see this fact around them. Yet the majority would rather kow-tow to the narrative that just say “Do you know what, this is all bullshit”, rather than DARE be seen as ‘unpopular’ or contrary.
Top comment VF
Brilliant analysis of this whole virus/lockdown saga.
Genuinely sincere condolences to anybody who has suffered personally, has lost or seen loved ones seriously ill due to or with Covid 19.
Locking down healthy populations by way of a de facto surveillance police state for something that will affect very very few of them, is a crime against humanity.
I see that cunt Hancock has been defending the pigs who nabbed those two women in Leicestershire. Usual guff about obeying the rules to save “our” NHS. What a supercilious little prick. Perhaps if this country wasn’t flooded with immigrants on £9/hr, they may be able to pay their way and the NHS would be fit for purpose. Cunt makes my blood boil.
And you can pretty much guarantee that once this is over for covid, they will be using the same techniques to “save the planet from climate change”.
I have a fantasy that the wonderful Sir Desmond Swayne sorts out a Tory coup, sacks Mad Hancock and consigns the rest of the cabinet to the backbenches as well.
With no prospect of elections this March and May, we really are being fucked over.
Apparently some cunts have already asked for climate lockdowns.
Locked room.Hand grenade.All of the SAGE party.
That would turn SAGE into stuffing!
Dreadful – off now! ?
Add the Cabinet.
Would be interesting to know what qualifications she holds that enable her to sit on such an august group. Apart from gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs etc
She does appear to be a Fellow of Royal Society of Arts and hold degrees from Manchester, Oxford and Cambridge but unable to find out what subjects. My fears for this country have been reduced now I know our best brains are involved and my spirits further lifted to read in a msm article that the amazing Tony (the cunt) Blair has offered his counsel as he thinks that leadership is lacking in the governments current floundering. Say hello to doomsday just got to help my mate saddle up.
So she’s got a strong background in effnishitty and inequalidee…
That’ll be really handy for the next Piper Alpha blowout.
I wonder if ethnicity and inequality might replace the well-known topic of Ugandan Discussions…