Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Deserves a cunting, the Director General of the useless WHO has been banging on about Vaccine Nationalism, he said…

‘ “Vaccine nationalism will prolong the pandemic, not shorten it,” Tedros told a WHO briefing in Geneva, without mentioning any specific countries.

“If and when we have an effective vaccine, we must also use it effectively … In other words, the first priority must be to vaccinate some people in all countries, rather than all people in some countries,” he said, adding that priority should be given to healthcare workers, the elderly and those with underlying conditions.“

So once we have vaccinated the few we should be donating the vaccine to shit holes, well you can fuck right off, our scientists have said we need to vaccinate 70 to 80% to beat the virus.

This cunt should fuck off back to Ethiopia and keep his head down before the claims of genocide catch up with him (article in the times regarding his possible involvement with Ethiopian security forces).




Nominated by: Sick of it

51 thoughts on “Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

  1. After almost a year of BAME whining, self-pitying manufactured victimhood over Covid, it was inevitable this was going to happen over the vaccine rollout.

    After WHO’s pathetic kowtowing to the rinky dinks this cunt has lost all credibility to lecture nations on how they administer the vaccine, well western ones anyway, since the UK, USA and ze Germans developed the most effective ones.

    • Know what they say,
      Long name small cock.

      We should pay for all the deadbeats and 3rd world countries first?
      Before our own people?
      Id never listen to the advice of someone who looks like a shortsighted Lionel Richie,
      And the WHO to me is still
      The Ox

      * Id do a link with Baba ORiley
      But cant.
      So youll have to hum it.

      • Mama’s got a squeeze box
        She wears on her chest
        And when Daddy comes home
        He never gets no rest.

  2. A foreign cunt trying to p*nce more money off us to pay for foreign cunts to be saved from the disease that foreign cunts unleashed on us in the first place! Yeah that makes sense.
    The British come first and this cunt and his mates can fuck right off.

    • Yeah.
      Give £3 a month afternoon TV shite – aimed at depriving old-ladies of their pensions.
      The only Jab these cunts should be given , is a bayonet in the side of their dinghy mid-channel.

  3. Is there any credible evidence at all this blek fella isn’t a completely corrupt Yellow Peril cocksucking stooge?
    Keep talking cunt,nobody with half a brain gives a fuck.

  4. Seems like a suntanned version of our very own, dearTony Blair.

    Seemingly a “great guy” with a big, shit-eating smile, providing us with his “war on Covid” pearls of wisdom, but concealing a murderous underbelly.

    Simply a lunatic.

  5. He looks a right shifty cunt.
    In the picture he looks like he’s just farted and is pretending that it wasn’t him.

  6. He said lockdowns don’t work.Doris is an idiot listening to the SAGE party.Send all of these pricks to Unkle Terry’s oven please

  7. I’ve always believed in charity beginning at home, and when you hear of the countless deaths in care homes and hospitals in our own country, we need to look after our own people first – then, and only then, be a do-gooder like Sleepy Joe

  8. Hair sniffing China Joe was signing an Executive Order to reinstate US payments to the WHO, what a total cunt.That means this Dr Gerbil wanker will be expecting Americunt support for his dribblings. Fuck him, fuck the WHO, fuck Biden, fuck our useless government’s useless vaccine programme, fuck BLM, fuck Friday.

    • Anyone who follows the agenda gets cash. Comply and you will be paid. Dopy cunt Biden seems to be following the exact same script as us. I’m still waiting for the science that shows wearing a thin paper mask reduces transmission rates.

      In other news, apparently , uk death figures in 2020 not much different from any other year.

      • Morning your Lordship, Have you been reading the same shit that I have? According to the Telegraph the useless Government is thinking of giving a flat rate £500 to any cunt who tests positive! What can possibly go wrong? Cunts will be getting infected as a nice little earner. What utter madness.

        Fuck them all to hell.

      • Very much like the gays that want to get ‘pozzed-up’ at Hampstead Heath.
        Fast track to benefits , gravy-train cunts.

  9. Yeah, day One, dopey bollocks Biden bungs a load of taxpayers dollars to this bunch of commie bastards. Meanwhile a bunch of Antifa cunts are wandering around Portland, unhindered, smashing fucking windows, including the HQ of the Biden/Harris campaign. Great start Joe. Still, as long as you and your corrupt family are stinking rich that’s all that matters innit?
    You cunt.
    (I wish MSM would report on this shit, but of course they won’t. Doesn’t suit their narrative – DA)

    • I liked that bit where they were kicking a Biden punchbag and holding the banner saying, ‘Fuck Biden.’

      Antifa is only an “idea” though. Psh.

    • Indeed. When the red necks descended on Capitol Hill, their behaviour was restricted to the political target, and there was little damage caused in the grand scheme of things.
      Antifa and the other cunts quite happily smash and trash, rob and loot whatever is in front of them. Are police studying images of those skum, and rounding them up? Fuck no.

  10. I’d like to see his house(s), bank account and cars etc

    Let’s see how much dirty stinky cash this cunt has made out of being the head of a worthless organisation, plenty I bet.

  11. WHO the fuck does tedious think he is ? , who made this utter cunt the world’s morale compass? , his organisation comes out of this pandemic with absolutely no credibility whatsoever.
    I saw sir Patrick valance get ambushed on sky tv the other morning regarding the BAME issue , he told them that the biggest factors were age and underlying health issues and that had already been taking into account , but don’t expect this to disappear anytime soon as the MSM are looking for a new angle to undermine the vaccination roll out and this covers off two of their favourite pastimes, pandering to BLM and attacking absolutely everything the government does.

    (Now that MSM have successfully greased the wheels getting Biden elected, they’re going to focus their attention getting on this government’s back again, with the hope of bringing about a Vote of No Confidence, and possibly even an early election. Which could bring about a potential Lib-Lab coalition, resulting in another Woke government alongside Biden’s – DA)

    • Absolutely spot on ……..
      Doesn’t matter how much Biden fucks up the MSM will smooth it over , with Twitter Facebook etc etc deciding on what constitutes free speech, CNN trying to get fox news removed from American TV screens , the Washington post being virtually gagged on the Hunter Biden story and the libertards already attacking the yet to air GB news we are in worryingly dark times ……..

    • Thanks, DA. Mention of the Lib Dem cunts has just made the worst Friday morning imaginable even more appalling!

    • Good luck to anyone winning a Vote of No Confidence while the Government has an absolute majority of 80…

      • Absolutely!

        But we live in strange and unfamiliar times.

        Not for the first time have PMs called snap elections despite there been no need for one legally.

      • Unlike in days gone by, the PM can now only call a snap election if two-thirds of the House of Commons vote for it.

        This is due to the Fixed Term Parliaments Act of 2011 which remains in force today despite the Tories pledge to repeal it in their last manifesto.

      • A draft bill to repeal the 2011 Fixed-term Parliament Act was published 01/12/20. Whether it is successful is another matter, however the current government are at least trying to make good on their manifesto pledge and scrap it.

      • Labour pledged to repeal the FTPA in their manifesto too.

        All pretty academic really because Johnson would likely lose election if it was called today, so not in his interests to pursue repeal as things stand.

      • I don’t think it is unusual for more than one party to make similar pledges on their manifesto. I don’t think it’s unusual for most of those pledges never to see the light of day again either but as stated at least in this instance it has.

        Now the FTPA is a draft bill I think it has a good chance of being completed. The timescale on this is anyone’s guess given the current situation.

        Theoretically If a general election was called it most likely wouldn’t matter who was prime minister, or from which party come to that, they would probably be in for the chop as this shit is unprecedented, in my lifetime anyway, and none of these messers would’ve been any better at handling it than the others.

        If people think Boris is bad imagine Starmer in charge. Every time I hear him he’s gleefully boasting about how he would’ve done it different, AFTER the fact. He is basically the Harry Enfield character “ooooh you don’t wanna do it like that, you wanna do it like this”, but with a posher voice!

  12. This is why he’s a cunt and the W.H.O are cunts also

    On 18 October 2017, Tedros announced that he had chosen President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe to serve as a WHO Goodwill Ambassador.
    Later reversed due to pressure. Well fuck me.

    Peng Liyuan, (a Chinese opera singer) is a goodwill ambassador for the World Health Organisation.

    Its a massive co incidence but Peng Liyuan is married to the current General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and President Xi Jinping. Peng is referred to as the “Chinese First Lady” by Chinese media


    Well I fucking never!!!

    Cant understand why this cunt wont ‘call out’ China for being the cunts they are

    And old Trump looks at this and says ‘Fuck This’ were not going to fund this shit unless these other fuckers stick their hands 9in their pockets

    Fucking Congo fair play pay more then China

    Old sleepy Joe will reverse this and he’s a cunt as well

    Contributors…to the WHO Have a look. Your piss will boil


  13. Good Morning

    Trumps letter last year to the WHO summed up the situation well. The link is below, you will have to scroll down a bit.


    I don’t know whether Gaybraces was involved in genocide in Ethiopia but the incompetence and lack of fortitude of the WHO under his leadership has led to hundreds of thousands of avoidable deaths.


  14. I couldn’t give a fuck. We spend billions on foreign aid helping failed states. They haven’t advanced one bit and show no gratitude.
    Fuck this whining little cunt. His rat hole country is bought and paid for by the chinks. Anything they want from the WHO he will oblige.
    Corrupt devious cunt.

  15. This cunt let the rinky dinks travel all over the world by advising world governments not to ban them traveling all over the world for Rinkydink New Year.

    What a fucking bell end. Has his pants around his ankles and his gaping ringpiece pointed towards Winnie the Pooh 24/7.

  16. By definition there is no vaccine available.

    According to figures the worst effected countries are developed countries.


    The UN and WHO are using the pandemic to push world socialism. I don’t think anyone can argue the point that the pandemic has been politicised.

  17. The WHO. This is the organisation who said, in an absolute dereliction of their sole duty, “there’s nothing to see here move on” when the Chinky Flu first broke out.

    A veritable cabal of (unts and this one’s at the head of it?

    • Quite a lot of people said ‘nothing to see here move on’ in the early days. Including Nazi Piglosi on 24 February 2020, dancing about in Chinatown in San Fran-sicko thronged by an eager crowd, no masks, no social distancing, proclaiming that things were being done ‘safely’ and that people needn’t be put off visiting there by reports of a new kung floo.

      Fast forward to about 1min 20 if you want to avoid the first 80 seconds of emetic fawning by the ‘news’ anchors:


      “We want to be vigilant about what might be on the ho… uh, what is out there in other places”

      Not a bad bit of pre-cognisance for at the time pushing 80, NanXi.

      • Edit, silly cunt me, the video’s already time-stamped to where she lets slip, so actually should rewind a few seconds for the ‘reveal’.

  18. Talking of things MSM won’t report… within literal hours of the Pedodent’s inaugaration farce, and Xiden re-instating their federal funding, the WHO issued advice that PCR testing is being amplified by too many cycles and is returning a high rate of false positives.

    No connection between the two, obviously.

    And I’m oh so sure those of you who still have the Buggering Bairns Cult saw them give it ample coverage here in the UK. Since I don’t have access to any MSM, is it fair for me to assume that Wanksock has given a responding statement?

  19. Why aren’t Panorama (the great truth giver) doing an investigation into the WHO, I guess that it’s not really their sort of news.

    All I have heard for this bunch of useless twats was Test, Test, Test…… not exactly a world beating statement.

    A message the WHO, if you want a vaccine for the shit holes, go and get your own.


  20. I bet this cunt was relatively cheap to buy out, a couple of palaces, and the promise of Chinese intelligence reports on his genocide made to disappear.
    Cunts, the lot of them.

  21. Corona virus is fake and gay some cunter here try to please tell me otherwise. I don’t believe its a deadly as they say it is. It might sound conspiracy theorist to say this but hear me out first. Why in the freaking cunting fuck are we at with this wu flu? because according to WHO fucktard Anthony Faugci says the virus is never ever going away and we will have to take a vaccine once twice a year and mask mandate for the next decade or two

    Is this fucking mystery liquid vaccine a cure or a preventive? Also why is there 20 different fucking ones if its so effective This is something the vaccine shills and experts can’t plainly fucking answer “well its both” they say fuck right off its either or not both ffs you shrimp brained teacher pet cunts. I feel like its just a big joke the elites are having on us while they fill their pockets and give themselves congratulatory pats on the back I dunno anymore honestly

    • Ask yourself why, within literally hours of the fauxnaguration of Pedodent Xiden; WHO has advised we are running tests at false positive rates and a diagnosis now should also have clinical confirmation; therapeutics are suddenly on the medicinal menu; and Demon-Rat states have been falling over each other to be the first in line to start opening up again – restaurant restrictions being lifted all over the shop, and kids back to school literally the day of the fauxnaguration. I suspect then you’ll be ready to hedge your bets on a more decisive answer.

  22. Typical W0g, thick as a breeze block and twice as ugly, can only be trusted to tub his woman then fuck off to his next sow.! Papa was a rollin stone!!

  23. I would sooner Vaccinate a rotten potato than use it on a useless specimen from some sub Saharan shit hole, when are we going to wake up to these dumb creatures and let them succumb to their own failings?

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