Democracy Under Siege (When it Suits)

Donald trump.

I was a fan. I liked what he said, “clear the swamp “ get rid of career politicians and civil servants that are corrupt and just pigs ? with their noses in the trough. Many are just that.

“ Make America ?? great.” Put your country first be a patriot. I liked that I wish the uk ?? had politicians that wanted us to be great instead of the pile of shit we have bending their knees and saying how bad we are and wicked in the past.

Yes i liked trump. I also believe he loved his country and had 3 very good years and was a good president for those years. However, last nights sad events in the capital of the USA should not have happened and trump could have stopped them. I know we had the libtards riots in the summer and they were worse but trump to me now lacks class

He is a fucking sore loser and that makes him cunt.
A classless clueless crazy clumsy cunt.

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt 

…and also from Coolforcunts 

Hypocrites are cunts!

I must say I enjoyed watching it all kick off on the Capitol Hill last night 06/01/21 and in the early hours and went to bed with a warm glowing feeling, although that might of been the booze as well.

What did I awake too? A mass of what can only be described as some of the biggest hypocrites in the world all condemning the actions of “Trump supportersl”. Keir Starmer, Angela Rayner, Lisa Nandy, Ian Blackford, Wee Jimmy Sfurgeon, these are just some among the usual suspects

But why are they hypocrites for condemning a baying mob you may ask? Because they all were spitting out faux outrage about this being an shocking attack on democracy….yes, DEMOCRACY. Anyone remember Brexit and the Scottish vote for independence! Democracy, but only when it suits them, indeed!

Fuck off!

100 thoughts on “Democracy Under Siege (When it Suits)

  1. One suspects had it been BLM fanatics attacking Capitol Hill when Trump was about to be made president, it would have been somewhat justified by the usual MSM mob!

    • ?? the outrage.
      Dont remember that when mobs were looting and statues being toppled?
      No, then it was the birth of a justified attack against a racist society.
      Media hypocrites.
      I liked Trump he made me laugh, I agreed with what he was saying, plus the man made me laugh, win-win.
      Bit dissatisfied with the riots,
      Should of put more effort in.
      Donald must be the loneliest man on the planet right now?
      All those judas fucks who were around him, they wont take his calls now,
      “Well, I barely knew him’..
      “I never agreed with him on”…
      ‘i never met him’…
      Cowardly fuckers.

    • I don’t know,I’d have thought that an armed mob storming such an event wouldn’t have gone down well with anyone bar the most partisan of observers.

      PS…I have no idea whether Trump was cheated or not…but I hope that someone is keeping him well away from the nuclear button.

      • Hehe?
        Surprised hes not pressed it already!
        America will be boring without him,
        To be honest till Trump I didn’t realise it was a real place.

    • Techno@ – it was Antifa posing as Trump supporters who arranged this – and had it not been for the fact that the Proud Boys got a tip off the pipe bomb Antifa had set would have caused carnage.
      Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys, was arrested for setting fire to an Antifa flag and during the arrest had ammunition planted on him (allegedly) to frame him – where the fuck were the arrests when Antifa were burning American flags?
      Ashley Babbit, a Woman and USAF veteran was executed in cold blood by a cop for the crime of breaking a window (the footage is horrific – it is clear cut targeted murder) – all she wanted to do was protest at the most blatant theft of democracy in 200 years, and was murdered for it.
      I do not see groups of screeching jigaboo bastards rioting and burning over this.
      This was clear, planned and premeditated in every way – and if they can bring down an American President who won by a landslide then everyone needs to worry.
      As Trump said – they’re not after me – they’re after YOU – I’m just in the way.
      America burns as China rubs its dirty little hands and smirks at the coup.

      • Very well said!
        There was no fire setting, no looting, no firearms being carried and they were virtually let in the building.

        Nothing compared remotely with the carnage of the rioting that swept the democratic shit holes after that drug dealing violent Floyd cunt was aprehended and died under restraint.
        (I wouldn’t have taken my knee off the cunts neck either, the fucking size of him!) I digress!

        That was the most corrupt election I have seen outside of Africa – and I was in Guinea Equatorial when their cunt dictator got 96% of the vote. About equivalent to what that POS Biden picked up to push him over the line in the swing states when they started the count again after sending the observers home.

        It fucking stinks and MSM say there’s no evidence. There’s a ton of it but it doesn’t fit their agenda. Take a look you cunts.

        Xi must be delighted the pressure is now off. Back to business as usual.

        Donald isn’t a diplomat but he loves his country and seemed sincere. I expect he’d speak much like us on a night out You can’t say that about politicians in general because they are snivelling, gutless, two faced, self serving cunts.

        I have a gut feeling that things have taken a turn very much for the worse.

      • It’s like shovelling shit against the tide – The dam was always gonna break sooner or later with these leftist cunts.

  2. Any semblance of democracy in the UK died in March 2020
    We live in a transitional authoritarian/ police state/ dictatorship
    The compliant have created a situation whereby the elite parasites can now do what they like
    Lockdown is killing us
    There is no law other than Covid Law
    Welcome to the new world order
    There is no way out

    • Correct! These are the inevitable consequences of living in Mandelcunt’s “post democratic” age.

    • Willing to bet more people have died because of lockdown measures than have died “of” not “with” Con-a-virus.
      Democracy completely discarded through artificially created fear.

  3. Why are the MSM not labelling this as a mostly peaceful protest?

    There have been mostly peaceful protests involving arson, murder, looting and general fuckwittery going on for months across America.

    So how is this any different?

    Can’t wait for civil war 2.0 to break out and seeing all the leftards getting their arses handed to them by a well trained and well equiped militia wearing MAGA hats.

    Who would have thought that rigging an election could have such serious consequences.

    • Good job the police were there to help out!

      Would have been interesting what would have happened (and still might) had the Dumocrats insisted on defunding the police across all 50 states after the slight misunderstanding with a police officer and a bloke called George a few months ago!

  4. After four years of looting, rioting, and smashing statues by Antifa terrorists and racist BLM cunts, the media has suddenly starting clutching their pearls with am-dram amazement at some violence.

  5. There’s now no doubt that the British branch of the deep state have been party to the subversion in the USA – it’s what they’ve been doing all over the planet. Equally, has democrcay ever really existed in the USA?
    The fuss at the Capitol was no more than that, a planned psyop to give credibility to the hypocritical Democrat coup.
    The peoples of the world now have very little chance to be free
    The peoples of the world are being killed in the name of saving lives
    Those complying with the tyranny, which could include a family member or neighbour or busy-body might not know what they are doing – they are assisting the parasites in this global coup
    Say goodbye to FREEDOM

    • I said goodbye to freedom many years ago. I was calling it an open prison 40 years ago. I’m 64.

      We live in a police state.

      They’re the ones with sub machine guns BTW, just in case we gather in numbers brandishing our cutlery.

  6. Donald has proper fucked himself now.

    Anyhow,democracy is a cunt.

    If it ever worked for us is debatable but it does no more, with certainty.

    A masquerade ball where everyone is a Robber Baron.


    • Democracy is a chimera Unkle T.
      Greatest hoax (prior to covid) ever perpetrated on a people.

      I’d gas the fuckers I really would!

      What say you?

  7. I bet Sleepy Joe shat in his pants yesterday – probably hiding behind Ms. Harris skirts

    (By order of Sleepy Joe – No gender pronouns allowed, on pain of death or Nancy Pelosi sitting on your face – whichever is the worst – DA)

    • Nancy Pelosi could be a necrophiliac and would sit on your face if you are dead or alive. Now that is the worst of all worlds.

    • I was watching the MSM footage last night and I said to the missus “the ought to rip that Nancy Pelosi plaque off the archway and smash it to bits. In the next frame shown they had done just that ?

  8. Loved the politicians shitting their pants. Tear gas in the Rotunda, windows broken.
    Least somewhere the flame of fuck you burns bright.

  9. I can’t comment, constantly fucking moderated.

    (We’re on it – DA)

  10. Hopefully when the country realises the govt has fucked us in the arse with repeated failed lockdowns, something similar will happen here.

    Meanwhile I noticed Caroline, I will not respect the democratic Brexit vote, has quickly announced this an attack on democracy. It’s when bell ends like Lucas won’t accept democracy that you end up with situations like last night. A lot of people need to do a lot of growing up and accept the systems we have in place to enact democracy and accept the results win or lose. The first people who need to set the lead are the politicians themselves.

  11. The footage on MSM, so cannot be disputed showed most people weren’t violent, they broke through and then just occupied the place.
    Was Trump responsible, not really, it was a protest, less violent than BLM and it is the right of every citizen to protest (well that’s what we were told when BLM were on the streets)

    There was probably some fraud during the election, no idea how much but the courts were never going to rule that there was because the consequences would have been catastrophic. What was so astonishing was the amount of support for Trump, I am sure the Democunts were expecting to win on a landslide.

    I saw a brief interview with one of the protesters, he was very clear ‘this country was built on revolution’ , there could be more to come.

    On the Peston show last night, the Warsi woman, who obviously knows everything about everything ….. the protesters were Far Right ?

  12. Unmodded – happy days!
    (no idea, but WordPress are on my list when I storm to power, just got the washing up to do first! ?)
    Apologies for gumming up the works Admin – forgive me, for I know not what I have typed! ??‍♂️

  13. Absolutely sickening, all the usual wankers coming out with all the shite they should’ve condemned BLM and Antifa with all through the summer, when they were burning looting etc. Instead we had the police remove barriers, supporters who I’m sure had a fair few infiltrators in (see link) “storming” the building. A female veteran losing her life and all because the corrupt system of the USA would not give them their day in court. Democrats …this is on you.

  14. Like I said I liked Trump. But he is the President of the USA not a fucking degenerate fucking riotous cunt right or left. I already stated that the libtards were far worse during the summer but people; Trump supporters lost their lives and he could have stopped that.!! Sadly it’s time for him to fuck off stop being a narcissistic cunt and get behind the next GOP challenger.

  15. Back last year, the fucking BBC were reporting the burn loot murder gang and the statue toppling cunts as being engaged in ‘affirmative action’
    No such language today.

    • I’d suggest you refund the BBC if you haven’t done so already – the only vote that counts is one you make with your wallet.

  16. Democracy is sacred – it is the world’s best hope. Otherwise we’d end up like Russia or China where there is no real freedom. Storming the seat of power is the ultimate act of anarchy.

    Watching the Trump zombie army of thugs smashing their way in reminded me of a lynching scene from an old western when the crooked sheriff looked on. No one in their right mind could call this a peaceful protest.

    How would we feel if the remainers or BLM had tried to break into parliament? A lot on here would be calling on the army to shoot them down. I think that for once the US cops acted with restraint.

    Trump is a sore loser whose ego won’t allow him to accept defeat. He whipped the mob up and urged them to march on Capitol hill. He doesn’t give a hoot for America or Americans or democracy or law and order.

    It’s like the last days of Hitler except that the only bunker Trump has is on the golf course.

    A bloody madman.

    • Antifa were among those cunts yesterday.
      Because of their blind hatred of Trump, I don’t think people understand how bad things are going to get.

  17. The US was founded by people who rebelled against authority, the US constitution expects the people to fight enemies foreign and domestic.

    The difference between BLM and the Patriots in Washington is that the Antifa\BLM mobs destroyed poor communities. The patriots went direct to the seat of power. Trump is not leading this, he’s not even the catalyst, he is a focal point where those who have been disenfranchised by the left wing establishment for decades and gather to speak their truth.

    What happened last night could have been avoided by granting the audit of contested state elections as requested. It would have been completed by Inauguration Day.

    • Exac 6 DV if the election was fair there would be an audit not point blank refusal.
      The truth doesn’t fear investigation. So many things are hidden and to try to expose them is considered criminal. Democracy may not be perfect but Communism never worked. Ever.

      • I agree gentlemen. I would like to think a full audit by an independent third party would have shut both sides up and then everyone could of moved on

      • I thought that and said so on another forum. It was pointed out to me that the US law is that you are innocent until proven guilty so the onus is on the accuser to prove wrong doing. That’s obviously a bit difficult if the accused holds all the cards though. No need for the Feds to shoot the protesters though – they weren’t storming the place with assault rifles. (Anyone watched “Money Heist”?! !!).

  18. Back in Blighty, free laptops for the great unwashed and ……

    Drum Roll…….

    It’s back…….

    Clap for Heroes ?????

    • And the police cunts are to intervene if they suspect citizens of the heinous crimes of dawdling or sitting on park benches.

      These are the fuckwitted frontline heroes that we are supposed to clap? Lardy wankers.

    • The ‘Clap for Heroes’ is just a gesture, a virtue signalling prop. It means nothing.

      When that scum, Saint Chicken Floyd George was offed and BLM became the latest woke toy, people stopped doing the ‘clapping’ and they didn’t give a fuck They cared more about looking good eulogising a woman threatening gun toting black criminal than they did about the NHS, its staff, or any Covid dead. They were more concerned with defacing monuments and calling the likes of Colson, Rhodes, Dickens (of all people) and Churchill racist.

      Now these cunts have ‘decided’ they want to ‘clap’ again and act like they are bothered? Pull the other one. It’s got bells on, you self serving cunts.

      Typical woke and quintessential liberals. Only when it suits them and when they can get something out of it. Pure filth.

    • FFS!

      Anyone see Hancock turning up for a media opportunity at a surgery to extol the virtues of his vaccine roll out abd they didn’t have any?!

  19. Georgia, which has been Republican for donkeys years elects Biden. Then the demoncunts manage to overturn two Senate seats in Georgia by the slimmest of margins thus giving them control of all three branches of government. Is anybody except the MSM buying this shit?
    Trump gets the biggest vote for a candidate in history but still gets topped by a doddery old halfwit who can barely string a coherent sentence together. Do me a favour. Such blatant daylight robbery is bound to have consequences.

    • Wrong. Biden got the biggest vote in US history. Trump came second. And if the idiot hadn’t made that stupid speech in Georgia his candidates might have held off the Democrats in the Senate vote.

      And by the way it is called swing voting. That’s why seats change hands. Remember the red wall in the uk election? They were all labour seats which had never turned blue until then.

      Patriots, storming their own government’s base in an attempt to stop the certification of a valid result? That is treason.

      Take the keys off the madman before he blows the White House (or some other place) up.

    • I think some cunts just want to roll over and let the cheating cunts tickle their bellies
      I’d hate to go to war with some on here
      The Don was robbed, the American people were robbed the world was robbed.
      Bring on the revolution.

  20. Anyone in this country who says ‘Yeah yeah, voter fraud, go get ’em Big Don!’ is viewing what is happening in the States as pure entertainment. But there is a serious side to all this. However disappointed, humiliated and angry he feels at being rejected by the American electorate, there can be no excuse for his actions culminating in his incitement to riot.

    Even worse than dividing his own nation, he has put his country at risk by refusing to co-operate with the incoming administration regarding national security. If the Russians or anyone else were going to make a move, with the US leadership in chaos, it would be now.

    There is now no chance of him returning to fight for re-election in four years time. The Republican party will see him as a liability, in just four years he has managed to lose the White House and both houses of congress. He has also left himself open to prosecution and all kinds of civil lawsuits. If he pleads not guilty by reason of mental defect, he may have some chance of avoiding punishment.

    • Trump has well and truly fucked the Republican Party. At least for the foreseeable future. The Democunts must be secretly rubbing their hands with glee!

      If Trump, or any member of his family want to stand for President in the future, it will have to be as an independent. Which is what he should have stood as first time around.

      Besides, Trump is about as Republican as Johnson is a Conservative, and neither of them give a fuck about anyone else but themselves.

  21. According the the Guardian this protest was ‘White privilege on display”. I can’t wait for their shitrag far left site to fold! Fucking begging bowl out for contributions, fuck off!

    Ashley Babbit a white 14 year USAF veteran shot dead when a cop/security service shot into a crowd who were retreating once guns had seen to be drawn. Will we see worldwide knee taking enforced on all our sports stars whilst giving a fist salute, nope, white lives don’t matter, it is as simple as that.

    If you have the stomach watch the video, it doesn’t make pretty viewing I can tell you that.

    Fuck off!

    • The Grauniad cunts fail to mention the proud boys leader is a black Cuban. Ticks two boxes for the price of one and has zero white privelige.
      The snidy skint fuckers.

      • I thought he looked a bit swarthy ?

        Kudos to one Richard Barnett, who it would seem got into the speaker, Nancy Pelosi’s office and left her a note on an envelope calling her an “expletive”. Guesses as to what that expletive is on an envelope ?

  22. Facebook and Twitter have now banned trump. Well sorry you can’t do that as they’re suppressing freedom of speech. They’re supposed to be non news outlets but are clearly partisan and rapidly left wing Democrats party, labour ,anti Brexit, pro eu cunts.

  23. If there was nothing to hide why refuse an audit? Trump would have been proven wrong, some may not of accepted that but the majority would.

    Why would a judge rule that data from voting machines could not be erased and then overturn his own ruling 12 hours later?

    Why would you even want to erase voting data when it was clear the election was being contested?

    Why were bags of votes hidden under tables? Why are there 1200 witnesses to electoral issues that have been refused the opportunity to offer their evidence in court? Why have states been able to go against their own constitutions in the run up to the election?

    If this was a free and fair election why not demonstrate that to the 79% of republican voters who believe they’ve been robbed of their vote.

    It’s hard to believe some on here are willing to accept Biden won legitimately because the media say so.

    • It’s not hard, even on here many are too pussy to confront the painful reality that conspiracies and catastrophes happen. Everyone is so accustomed to a life of uninterrupted pleasure without consequence that they’ll point blank deny anything that may jeopardise it, even when it’s right in their face.

      In short, they take freedom for granted and they don’t, won’t understand the value of it until it is forcibly taken from them. Sometimes trauma is the only way people learn.

      • Trouble is a large proportion of the population seem to be willing to give up freedom if they think the government will make them safe.

      • Was it Stalin who ripped the feathers from a live chicken then fed it corn?

        He told the onlookers it was a demonstration of no matter how poorly you look after the people they will follow you for crumbs.

        We are not far removed from that chicken right now.

      • We are basically at the door now of what conspiracy theorists have been warning about for decades. The New World Order.

        The middle and upper classes, who are so used to buying their way out of problems (organic vs industrial food, escape to the country, private schools, or just getting loaded etc) are going to find themselves up shit creek with everyone else very soon when the floor falls out of the economy and they foist the new economic order on us.

        We will be brought down to where most of the world is. Back to serfdom.

    • Spot on, SV.
      When “the Authorities” deny an investigation, as far as I am concerned it stinks of a cover-up; particularly, as you point out, an investigation might still have led to a narrow Dem victory.

      It ain’t over yet, I am sure…

    • The Yanks have a long history of rigged elections. Sometimes the “loser” accepts it (like Kennedy v Nixon) and sometimes they contest it (lke Bush Jnr v Gore). It’s gone to a whole new level now though (maybe Biden should have had the Mob sort it ought for him – Trump wouldn’t have riled against it then ?).

  24. Every single media outlet hates him.
    BLM hates him
    Antifa hate him
    Stinky rebellion hate him
    Every leftie who ever had a soy latte hates him.
    More than they hated any serial killer or child murderer.
    Says a lot that everyone I despise in society hates him.
    Makes me like him all the more.

    • #MeToo

      Puzzles me how when someone who we at least have some common ground with people suddenly run and hide behind the establishment skirt.

      What did he say or do none of us wouldn’t have said or done?

      Priti Patel can duck right off while we are at it.

      Donald Trump’s comments “directly led” to his supporters storming Congress and clashing with police, Home Secretary Priti Patel has said.

      Didn’t have much to say when BLM and Antifa were rioting both sides of the pond in the summer did you?

      Fucking useless Home Secretary, may be worse then May.

    • It’s like Jarvis Cocker sang “cunts rule the world”. The “cunts” don’t like it of someone else has a go…

  25. I wonder if there was unrest elsewhere other than at the Congress, and by that I mean was there any Walmart stores stripped of TVs and flash trainers, or little Korean corner shops ransacked and burned down? Did a load of other cunts use it as an excuse to go fucking robbing and rampaging?
    Genuine question, I’ve been in work all day. Someone has to pay for all the furlough going on, the government, the emergency services etc.

  26. I see Priti Patel has stuck her oar in with a comment you would expect from the likes of Owen Jones, not a ‘Conservative’.

    I hope Trump turns up in a tank and declares himself supreme leader.

    At least the yankeedoodles aren’t taking any more leftist shit. An incident like this has been on the cards.

    But hey, it was a ‘mostly peaceful’ protest chaps, stop stressing.

  27. I haven’t seen the video of the shooting, but I heard a sound clip on the radio and there was a suggestion that it might have been accidental / a negligent discharge (ND) that dropped the silly cunt on her jolly day out.

    That kicks off a chorus of ‘Active Shooter! Active Shooter!’ – even though it was one of their own that fired it – and sends them all into a higher level of panic.

    The other three fatalities were fatties that died of heart attacks.

    Wait until Chump gets his own TV Network and makes the movie – then we’ll see what really happened. Twat.

  28. Note to American cunts. Antifa has done 6 billion dollars of damage with 32 dead. Go fuck yourselves. That is all.

  29. The 6th Day of January 2021.

    The day when Democracy, in its real sense, died?

  30. It’s all double standards. USA will now tear itself apart with Biden in charge as civil unrest will increase. Land of the Free? My arse!

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