Deb Haarland and Native Americans

The Senate Wokes up. Deb Haarland, a Native American (or maybe I’m a Dutchman) straight out of Central Casting, is Biden’s new Interior Minister. Bugger me – Scalping and the Blood Eagle (look it up cunts) come to the White House. Will it change politics in America? Smart money has it “No way”. Politics is plenty tough enough on The Hill and The Woke Waryers (yank for warriors) will soon be wasted on dodgy alcohol.

What has happened to the noble savage of yester-year, those brave leaders that pow wowed eye to eye with John Wayne? The feared tribes of the Indian Nation that topped Custer? Now squalid peddlers of booze and drugs (excluding Cher who is allegedly a user of…) and, for their chief earner, gambling and posting out fake prize draws and horoscopes out of the vast Casino sheds built on their tribal lands. They are not subject to US law re taxes you see and have special policing arrangements (what is Cherokee for payola?).

America looks forward to a new dawn, an economy refigured and based on gaming (didn’t Gordon Brown try that one in the ‘90s?) once arrangements have been finalised with the Men of Business in Detroit and Las Vegas. Looking forward to limo-ing on down to see Cher and Tony Bennett playing the Cherokee Sands on The Strip.

Breaking News Mob Boss Tony Gambino has been hospitalised minus his hair and with his ribs ripped out of his chest and a tomahawk between his eyes. “It was a massacre” say police. Smoke was seen on the Hollywood Hills.

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke

(Excellent nomination, Sir Limply, as well as providing all the links to back it up – DA)

42 thoughts on “Deb Haarland and Native Americans

  1. Shouldnt she be called Hot and Cold Running Water or 2 Dogs Fucking or something? Haarland more of an Amsterdam pusher’s name.

  2. Fuck Native Americans. They have rights rained down upon them even though they’re all former Russians. I’m a native Englishman and have fewer rights then the Pakîs, Oogas, and Dooshkas who came recently.


    • Couldn’t have put it better myself, Captain.
      We are second – or even third – class citizens in our own country.
      Whatever they want, they get.

  3. Joe Buy-In is setting out his stall with meaningless appointments based on race, gender etc, the fact that Laughing Stock here needs a leather clad fire hazard like Cher to fight your corner says it all.

    • Laughing Stock proud owner of casino won from Laughing Gravy in um game of who have biggest eagle feather. Hoy-yaaaa….

  4. C’mon Joe, you can do better than that, fill your government with native Americans, step aside as let a Native American become president.

    No fucking chance, you’ll indulge in tokenism and use Native Americans the same as you use blacks, for votes and virtue signalling points.

    How fucking dumb are democrat voters? Joe Is a racist, his voting record demonstrates it. Joe Biden gives not one fuck about anyone, his son Hunter should be the end of Joe. The old cunt occasionally has lucid moments.

    • Cunts just won’t stay on the reservation. Send in Big John and the 7th Cavalry. That’ll learn ’em.

  5. That troll would require um heap big peace pipe stuffed full of herbs to bear looking at for more than a minute. Me want fire water to rinse um eyes.
    It’s not Ian Astbury in his back garden perchance?

  6. Spot on Sir LS. Ideas of treating people as equals are totally undermined by this sort of stunt. Black and Native American “leaders” are generally so corrupt that they exploit these handouts from whitey liars like Biden for personal gain. Meanwhile, the poor fuckers they say they represent remain dirt poor and addicted to drink and drugs. Black Lives Matter? Fuck off.

  7. Off road a mo but why is the trial of a piece of murdering scum who killed in Reading in the name of Jihad, hidden away on the BBC regional news?
    Light some candles and sing a fucking Manc Rutles song. Nothing to see here.

  8. I think we need an all ports eed weather warning for London.
    Stop press, hold the important news. London, the cess pit capital has a dusting of snow. Blitz spirit everyone I’m sure you can get through this. It’ll be tough. Canada and Alaska has fee of snow each year but they do just fine.

  9. It’s like that Kiwi Shergar look-alike putting some tattooed Maori in charge of something. Virtue signalling at its finest. Silly cunts.

  10. Give them some Gatling gun to learn them.
    I thought evil White Man stole their lands?
    So how come they are building casinos?
    I smell 11 tons of bison shit.
    Native Americans?
    Fuck Off.

  11. I’ve been to a lot of reservations and you see these casinos out in the middle of nowhere with a hotel and a petrol station alongside. The next nearest building is 60 miles away. Weird.
    The Indian is no friend of whitey, trust me. They hate us and they hate each other. There’s nothing a Crow hates more than a Lakota Sioux and vice versa. They are blood enemies going back centuries and would happily wipe each other off the face of the earth. The Indians are not the peace loving environmentalists portrayed by Hollywoke. Dances with Wolves would have had his cock cut off and stuffed in his mouth. “Save the last bullet for yourself “ as they used to say on the Plains.

    • Read the book ‘Scalp Dance’ if you’re interested in non fiction and ‘Blood Meridian’ for fiction.
      Good reads.

  12. What has happened to the General, has gone to the Little Bighorn for a final last stand.

  13. All Bidens doing here is giving a member of an aggrieved native community, an opportunity to push for more recognition, restitution and ‘rights’ for her people through race baiting etc. We’ve seen it here with Lammy, Flabbot etc. That sort of shit just drags a country down. The reason is the general inherent mentality of the perceived oppressed and aggrieved. The Red Indians had three thousand miles of land to fuck around playing with arrows without doing anything really constructive there for years and whitey spoilt it all for them. Tough. The country was put to better use for all including them so what is all this woke bollocks about? What’s Biden aiming to prove here, that eventually America could have a cunt Indian Chief/Chiefess as President?
    That should set them back about 400 years or so eh, and give China the keys to the world?

  14. I remember that absurd fad in the 90s. Those ‘Sacred Spirit’ and ‘Moods’ CDs that cunts – both pretentious celebrities and pretentious ‘ordinary’ cunts alike – used to lap up. It was basically just crap and money for old rope off gullible cunts. These albums consisted of some shitty ‘ambient’ dance beats with some cunt wailing incoherently ‘Ay-Yye-Ahh-Ay-Aye-Ahh’ over and fucking over. Like that bollocks those Enigma cunts came out with. I remember several of my then girlfriend’s mates (who were cunts) going all fake Ab Fab ‘spiritual’ and actually listening to this crap. Of course, most of them did it because it was pretentious and trendy at the time and it didn’t last. But fucking hell, what a load of wank,

    • I also remember at the time that screeching misandrist harridan, Alanis Cuntisette claiming she went to an Indian reservation and how the experience ‘took her back’ and how she ‘felt the spirits and the vibes and how she was there as one of them’. What a pretentious proto-woke bitch. Pass the fucking sick bucket, eh?

    • And that was when hippie cunts started making weird assemblies out of rubbish which they called dreamcatchers. Confused me – were they the same thing as a wanksock?

      • It was a growth industry in the 90s, Komodo. Shops appeared everywhere selling this shit. Dreamcatchers, candles, the aforementioned ‘spiritual’ CDs, books on native american ‘wisdom’, videos of ‘shamanic drumming’ (for fuck’s sake), and other over-priced garbage like that. I remember one such shop on Church Street in Manchester. Sort of woke before woke went mainstream and global. This place made out that all these Indian chappies were decent peace loving types. No mention of tomahawks, scalping, tribal feuds and other nastiness. It’s like the cunts who now say ‘They weren’t Germans, they were Nazis’. The Nazis were fucking German and the Germans loved the Nazis and adored Hitler. No doubt about it. I hate revisionist history, especially woke revisionist history.

      • Then they became head shops. or wargaming* rooms Have to wonder if they’re getting government support for being, in the loosest possible sense, retail businesses.

        *Toy soldiers

  15. This one at least does have native blood. Unlike Elizabeth Warren (Fauxcahontas, or Liarwatha if you prefer), who despite having spent forty years claiming she had native American heritage (Cherokee and Delaware) found when tested, that in fact, she had less native blood in her than the moon. I find that hilarious, because she only took the test to shut Donald Trump up. What isn’t so hilarious, is that she got into Harvard law school on a scholarship intended solely for native Americans.

    • The closest “fauxacohontas “ ever got to a reservation was booking a table at her local restaurant, America’s always been a place where strange things happen but I’ve got a feeling the Biden and kamaltoe harris administration could top the lot , look for lots more woke driven appointments and all the shite that will bring , the expression “ frying pan into the fire” may be a thought that crosses many American minds over the coming months.

      • Didn’t Wokeahontas take some ancestry test that showed she was something like 1/600 native American or “white” to everyone else. Hasn’t she heard black is the hot victimhood trend right now, native American is so 19th century.

      • “ wokeahontas “ fashioned her whole education and career on that !! It opened so many doors , Although a first class cunt I’ve got a grudging respect, even now the old bint just brazens it out , in for a penny ……

      • Yes Quizzers, it never ceases to amaze me the lengths US politicians will go to score woke points with minority groups. Rees Mogg as a 5th generation Bangladeshi or Magic Grandpa the lost Islington Rasta just wouldn’t work here.

  16. Carry On Cowboy is a great portrayal of the ‘Injuns’.
    Big Heap, Little Heap and some squaw with big tits.

  17. When I lived in America for a short time, I went to view a property on an Indian reservation that was for rent.
    When the owner showed me around, I said, “I like it. Does it come with running water?”

    “Fuck off” He replied. “Get your own wife.”

  18. Never heard of the cunt.

    Does she believe in the Native American tradition of the skin walkers I wonder.

  19. Not sure about commenting on this other than we have a few of our own token, corrupt, troughing octoroon native politicians. Just as bad as all of the others, Skip, wøg or CCP agent.

    • I like red indians.
      As a committed racist, they get a pass off me.
      Cant handle their drink like but no ones perfect.
      I like how hippy cunts think theyre dead wise???
      And dead spiritual ?
      They were hunters, fighting men, and respected strenth and bravery!
      Theyd scalp the hippy cunts and bury them upto the neck in a ants nest.
      Only have one song too,
      I like that!
      Easy to remember the lyrics.
      Hiya hiya hi hi hi hey….

  20. I remember that ‘native american princess’ who was married to Fit Finlay on World of Sport’s wrestling. She was a crazy bitch. Princess Paula, I think she was called.

    • Jesus Norman, not heard that name in years!?
      Used to go Belle Vue with my grandad to watch the wrestling as a kid.
      Hed get overexcited by it and want to fight the villians!
      ‘yer dirty bleeder!!’

  21. Fuck the pedo redskins, how can they be natives of yankyland when DNA proves the cunts walked there from Mongolia, lazy scrounging redchinks more like

  22. I wonder if any Native Americans move into white / black areas of cities the locals say something like “ look at this, Indians moving in across the street, as red as the ace of fucking diamonds “.

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