
It seems that we have lost the ability to have a reasonable debate these days, and nothing illustrates this better than the Coronavirus catastrophe. And there will be little argument that it is a catastrophe, either from the virus, or the reaction to it.

Over the last ten years, politics has become an even more polarising subject than ever, mostly due to the internet, and the millennial bellends that have happily replaced a real balanced social life with the hollow online existence, where after a few clicks, you can find an army of cunts who will echo your uninformed opinions, or can fill up your empty head with any facts you like, with research from the hallowed halls of the university of YouTube.

In the U.K. it was the Brexit referendum that kickstarted the hate for the opposing argument, the USA followed with their election featuring the ultimate pantomime baddie, Donald Trump. Since then, there has been nothing like a reasonable debate about anything, from politicians and the public. Just hate and indifference.

And then came Covid.

Now there is little else discussed, anywhere. And, everyone has their own view, and fuck everyone else who disagrees. From the rabid calling for anyone meeting someone outside their ‘bubble’ to be executed, to conspiracy nutbags convinced that Bill Gates wants to put a chip in their head, there is no escape.

I seem to be in the middle. I find myself arguing against the pro mask, pro vaccine fascists one minute, then arguing against the anti mask, anti vaccine crazies the next.

With so many conflicting facts and evidence, it’s difficult to actually have an informed opinion, so most people have gone to an extreme, one way or another. I hate wearing a mask, and wouldn’t if I had a choice, so when I see people not wearing them in the supermarket, I should be cheering them on inside, but every time, it’s always some scrote or roider who I wish would get it anyway.

Then there is the potential cure.

Ah yes, the vaccine. Or should I say vaccines, as there are several, and I think some people think they get a choice. Again, there is no middle ground in whether to have one. From the pro vaccine faction, anyone who doesn’t think it’s a good idea should be murdered, to the anti faction, who think their DNA is being harvested and they are being made infertile, there is no reasoned debate.

Do I do what others have and put aside any doubts I have that the companies developing and supplying the vaccines have no legal responsibility for any adverse effects, and the testing phase was a fraction of what is usually required for a drug or treatment. Or, do I sit in front of a computer at 3am, watching YouTube videos on how big pharma, George Soros, and the Freemasons are out to get me? Sorry, neither appeal to me.

Hopefully, by the time it gets that I have to have a vaccine passport to leave the house they will have maybe sorted out which one has the least side effects and mortality rate. Then, the argument will be ‘died of the vaccine, or with the vaccine?’

Whatever happens, I hope one day that humanity can have an opinion without hating those that have a different one.

Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye

114 thoughts on “Covidmania

  1. Viruses come along all the time. 1968 was the last one with 80 000 dead. No one gave a crap. A made made one comes along and………………….

  2. “Whatever happens, I hope one day that humanity can have an opinion without hating those that have a different one”

    brilliant, thank you

    • There are just a few cunters on the site who need to heed these wise words!

  3. BBC and SKY have been falling over each other today, reporting that Covid deaths have gone over the 100,000 mark. Earlier James O’Shithead was having multiple orgasms, saying the UK has the worst Covid death and infection rates in the world… EVER!

    • Nice to know we still lead the world in some things!
      Covidmania is similar to Beatlemania,
      Shortness of breath, hysterical girls, but no chasing Ringo with scissors.
      Those sheep have the right idea, masks on in crowded areas.
      The pics like a muslim sexual fantasy-70 virgins for ewe Ali.

      • Ps
        Great nom Japseye!
        Like you, I didnt know what to make of it all,
        Thought it was just hysterics at first, dont now,
        But not a science geek or a tinfoiler.
        Just staying as far away from others as I can.

      • A bit worried about “The freemasons out to get me” comment. What has that rule flouting, maskless cad and bounder , B&W got planned I wonder?

      • Evening LL , they get a lot of finger pointing and conspiracy theories aimed at them the Freemasons dont they?
        I think its unwarranted!
        Worst ive heard of them doing is rimming wimmins arseholes!!
        Hardly sinister!!

      • The freemasons have been out to get me ever since i took a drunken shit outside the Masonic Temple front door in Brighton back in 1976…

      • I make most of my presumptions from an old episode of ‘The Simpsons’ Miserable. B&W would say he knows nuffink abaaaht any debauchery or conspiracies.

      • He told a poor girl near me its cultural!
        How they propose in Jamaica!
        She never saw him again.
        Aye how I get informed on current affairs too!?

    • But take a look at the governments own stats and there is clearly a downward trend. I don’t get it. Excellent cunting though Gutstick. I was saying exact same to Lady C this morning about the inability for anyone to have an adult discussion about anything from the NHS to schools and immigration.

    • I’ve done a cunting on JOB ruff tuff, but I think it must of been binned?

      I just had a quick look at the queue, Capt. No, not binned. It’s scheduled to go live on the site in the next few days. Of course, for certain considerations it could go live almost immediately. Used notes and non-sequential serial numbers please. Ta – NA

      • Not necessarily Capt. It’s probably in the queue, which I imagine is pretty long right now. Noms can take up to a month to appear.

    • That’s something that is really annoying RTC, the likes of Sky and the BBC seem to actually take pleasure in announcing stuff like that, the fucking BBC have a Panorama special all ready and waiting to ‘celebrate’ the milestone 100, 000 on tonight at 8.30

      That is all on top of the constant barrage of ‘sperts’ they roll out just to fucking confuse everybody, I am sure if they just banged out the public health message then compliance and infections would have been lower, I know that is pure speculation but there is some logic there.

      • Precisely, SOI.

        There was a “medical correspondent” on the BBC earlier this evening, hyping up the “milestone figure”, saying that NO-ONE predicted a year ago that the figure might be as high as 100,000 deaths a year on.

        Really? Has he conveniently forgotten the BBC’s favourite professor of epidemiology, Neal Ferguson, who predicted the figure could reach 500,000? (Admittedly that was a worst case scenario if nothing was done to counteract the virus).

        Either way, the MSM are revelling in it.

      • It’s amazing that 99,000 doesn’t get a mention but 100,000 is a big news day, worldwide we will be at 100 million cases soon, if we aren’t there already, expect another panorama special.

    • Blah blah. What they mean is covid19 has appeared on 100k death certificates . Doesn’t mean they died specifically of covid19.
      Devious deception, misleading language all used to scare the shit our of people and hey presto we fall into line.
      Fuck off Johnson, Hancock et al’re lying cunts.

      • Falling into line to what end exactly? To wreck the economy? Or Maybe a cunning plan to deliver the sunlit uplands we were promised post Brexit…

  4. A right good cunting G J. Life would be more pleasant if the need to declare war on differing opinions was done away with. Problem is thanks to our media saturated existence many many people grow their ego’s and make a few Bob on the side by declaring war on those who disagree with the supposed accepted norm or the influences norm. The time will come when these persons will hear nothing but the gnashing of teeth and moans of despair I dearly hope I’m around to see the day when a differing opinion does not equal loss of home, job, etc. This sort of cuntish behaviour will bring grief to those who practice at the alter of fuckwittery. Anyone not agreeing will be pilloried on YouTube, Twat tock, spitter and so on and branded a transphobic twin denial islamphope so there with bells on

  5. And for fuck sake everyone, please try and keep it civil. Too many of these threads have descended into bitching and personal insults recently.

    (Endorsed. We will be watching with interest -DA)

  6. Great cunting GJ

    100+ years later, we are still lions led by donkeys

    Social Justice Warriors are cunts

    • Not sure there are many lions left in this country. The majority seems to have been cowed by the MSM fear factories and online pish.
      Sad really.

  7. At first I thought that I wasn’t going to be able to agree with your cunting japseye but you have made your point well. Good cunting. To avoid discussion and freedom of opinion is not only wrong but fundamentally extremely dangerous.

    These days I just can’t listen to the COVID-19 news blasts anymore.

    I believe it to be real, knowing lots of people who have had it and I wear a mask in shops because Mrs Ecunt works for a supermarket chain and I would probably hurt severely anyone who was rude or made her feel uncomfortable when serving 100’s of cunts every day.

    Unlike GP’s who still refuse to see anyone where I live. Wankers.

    That said I believe in personal freedoms are essential and that the right to express them as vital to a civilized free society.

    PS our governments actions since the start of chunky disease even
    taking into account the unknowns about it has been woeful. Cunts almost as bad as those cunts that want debate silenced.

    • Many GPs undertake phone consults only at the moment as otherwise imagine the scenario. A GP surgery with two GPs and two Registrars working. A couple of Covid 19 carrying patients turn up at surgery. They successfully pass the virus to one GP and one Reg in the consulting rooms. That’s two Doctors out of the practice laid up.

      The practice would then need to be closed and phone consults only using the remaining one GP and the one Registrar. Patient queues grow even longer; Registrar needs to refer complicated cases to GP. Patients moan that they can’t get an appointment. Yadda, yadda, hairy arseholes.

      Phone consults are not such a bad idea now, are they?

      Fact – UK GPs arranged 25 million appointments in November. That’s equivalent to about 1/3 UK population seen in one month. Lazy bastards, aren’t they?

      • I see where you’re coming from Paul but at present, it’s difficult to see how hospital doctors can’t regard them as anything other than wimps.

      • PS I think your wife gets a very different and inferior deal as a salaried GP compared to a partnership in a surgery.

      • Hi Paul, we have been here before sir. I’m sure you wife works very hard and is dedicated to her profession.

        The cunts here, they failed ofsted by the way haven’t seen a fucking patient since March 2020.

        They are pointless useless cunts. Ask the local hospital staff. Phone consultations. Fucking hell they have phoned me last year 2020 , (the receptionists), to tell me to phone them back the day after to make an appointment.

        I am not making this shit up. Obviously I told them to go away a lie down until the stoopidity goes away. Or words to that effect.

  8. Mutual and self loathing is the way ahead for the leftist globalist cunts that see the virus as an opportunity to destroy liberal democracy, nation states. and free market forces. Getting rid of The Donald was an imperative. Now, with voices of reason drowned out or being stamped out by the paramilitary police force, it is full on project fear from craven politicos and MSM.

    The yellow fuckers will keep this up for years as they fear the wrath to come when the full extent of the destruction becomes apparent. US, Dutch and Danish rioting is our best hope as no one seems up for it here.

  9. ‘Coronavirus’ is a generic term for a genus of flu-like viruses that encompass the common cold to the deadly flu.

    ‘COVID-19’ is supposedly a ‘coronavirus’. To what greater or lesser extent it is comparatively deadly, has yet to be scientifically isolated and confirmed.

    Have a look at the OFFICIAL STATISTICS as to exactly how many CLINICALLY active recorded cases there were in the second week of January 2021. You may be shocked, but, how can I say this any simpler, these are the official, government-recorded and published figures.

    You need to scroll down to near the bottom by the way.

    With about 300 active cases in the first two weeks of 2021, and a scientifically and medically factual 99% survival rate, plus the average death age being 82 whereas the current life expectancy is 81, I will not be letting an unknown list of ingredients puncture my arm anytime soon, but that’s just me.

    • Nope, it’s me as well. I simply have no faith in the time-frame and necessarily minimal testing that had been carried out.

      • My little pussy is going to the VET tomorrow for his annual booster jab, he doesn’t want to go but fuck him… I am in charge ?

  10. PS This is a great nom, GJ. While I happen believe the above to be the case, and that the noose of state oppression is being tightened around all our necks, I would not wish to try to impose this view on fellow cunters. They may well see things differently. Whether they are actually allowed to express them anywhere other than on ISaC is another matter, and is contingent upon the whim of the Government and its agencies, apparently.

  11. I think we’ll find that comparative death rates with other countries will not bear scrutiny when everything’s analysed.
    Methods of working out causes of deaths will vary greatly and either over exaggeration or under exaggeration from government sources will have been used by all governments – with the exception of China of course!

      • Not yet Mis.
        I’m expecting it anytime soon.
        In theory I should have received it before your mum and dad as Blunt comes before Miserable in the alphabet. ??

      • Good evening MNC, I did some research and I found an article in Pink News, there is an interesting side effect of the jab. Apparently if you are ‘sitting on the fence’ about coming out taking the jab will give you the confidence to take the leap ?

      • Then im not having it Sicky.
        Im not homosexual!
        I wish!
        No, what I have is a romantic abnormality so shocking it must be hidden at all costs from the public eye.
        Its why im barred from SeaWorld.

      • MNC, I see you are going through the denial stage ???

        Don’t worry the fish fetish won’t last ?

      • I don’t know why Mis but Sick seems to have you down as a repressed quayer.
        I can’t understand where he’s picked this up!

      • Oh theres a rumour going round the Blue Oyster bar where I pole dance, Sicky believes those little bitches.
        I only dance to put food on the table Bertie!!

  12. From everything I’ve read and heard over the last year, I believe that Australia and New Zealand have been reporting factually correct numbers of CLINICAL cases and any subsequent deaths. That doesn’t alter my observation and opinion that they’ve acted like psychopathically despotic megalomaniacs in response to it, but if you want a comparison of ‘pandemic’ scale, they’re quite useful in that regard.

  13. The survival rate is 99.4%, even if you’re in a high risk group. The average age of a covid fatality is still slightly older than the national life expectancy. The vaccines are not vaccines by definition, they don’t give immunity, they don’t prevent people from catching or spreading Covid. There are a lot of legitimate questions surrounding this and much else regarding government’s handling of the crises.

    On the flip side the government would have been slaughtered if the hospitals were saturated and people were left to die at home because all the hospitals and the emergency hospitals were chock full and mortuaries were unable to accept any more bodies. It’s a fine line being prepared for a crises but not spending millions year on year that is ultimately wasted.

    There are lots of people suffering, either due to illness or loss due to covid or financially due to the economy, kids missing school and the other hidden impacts of lockdown. People on either side of the debate have valid points to argue.

    There are as yet undiscovered impacts of this crises none of us are aware of, hard times ahead.

    Like Brexit this has become an issue where people on either side of the debate seem to think it’s ok to be cunts to those who have an opposing view. If everyone who disagrees with us is a cunt we all become cunts by default.

    We have to do better, we have to find common ground and we have to get back to being fine with the fact someone has a different opinion.

    • “We have to do better, we have to find common ground and we have to get back to being fine with the fact someone has a different opinion.”
      Good luck with that one.
      We’ve not managed to reach that point with Brexit after 4 years.

      • It’s a choice Bernie, I’ve spoken to remain voters who’ve accepted it’s over and moved on others who don’t speak about it and some who call me a nazi for voting leave. The best discussion I had was my sister in laws friend who said she respected the result of the democratic referendum but would seek to democratically rejoin the EU and continue to push for a vote to do so in the future, she was not however going to cease living or enjoying her life in the meantime and would adapt to the current reality.

      • Sixdog@
        Your a very level headed and calm chap arent you?
        Not everyone can listen to opposing views fairly.
        Kudos to you.?

    • @MNC

      Nothing Is black and white in life except BW&C. I’ve been volatile at times in life MNC and it’s never ended well. Live and let live and all that. I’m hitting 55 in a few months and I’d like to live in as much peace as possible but the outlook right now isn’t looking peachy. Hey ho, you keep getting up until you can’t stand no more.

      There’s usually something to raise my spirits even on a bleak day.

      Conor McGregor TKO’d on his arse has kept me grinning for a couple of days now.

      Back to punching old men in the pub when they ain’t looking then Conor?

      • Your right Six,
        I wish I had more restraint occasionally ☹️
        But we are who we are I suppose?
        Hope that reincarnation is bollocks?
        If I come back as a fish,
        I always take the bait!?

  14. As per usual we wouldn’t have the polarization that we do if the media would actually do their fucking job properly and report both points of view. Instead we have a singular narrative which is born out of an incestuous relationship between the medical establishment, politicians, and the MSM.

    Call me cynical, but when not only is no dissenting opinion allowed but any contrary opinion at all (‘you covidiot!/anti-vaxxer!’) then I automatically assume the purveyors of said narrative are lying scumbags with an ulterior motive.

    The trio of scum mentioned above have repeatedly tried to sell mass hysteria over viral epidemics on numerous occasions, followed by their products and solutions, which inevitably violate our health, wallet, and freedoms.

    I hold ‘wacky’ opinions on vaccines and viral theory, but it only appears that way because the debate is so one sided it makes Soviet communist propaganda seem balanced and educational! There never has been an open, honest debate on the science.. and again I ask, why do you think that is exactly?

  15. Any day now I’m expecting Boris to do what he’s been threatening for some time –
    and that’s to offer illegal immigrants an amnesty and the chance to be vaccinated.
    This will all be done in the pretence of protecting the rest of the nation from COVID and also to reduce the spread of the virus amongst these poor folk.
    We also need to replace those of working age who’ve died by diligent hard working individuals.
    Remember . . . . . .

    • If that happens Bertie will you change your name ?

      The boffins say that a 70 to 80% take up (I assume they mean of adults) will be sufficient to beat the virus so hopefully that number will be achieved without worrying about the fucking illegals ?

      • Sick – I’m just about to investigate my family tree. I know my father was a bastard but I’ll keep you posted if any skeletons leap out the cupboard.

  16. Oh don’t joke about it. ‘Build Back Better’ is all that it’s about, pure and simple. Parroted by pretty much every ‘Western’ leader across the globe, and conspicuously absent everywhere else. The conspirators in chief being Justine Castreau, Soros Johnson, Assinda Fuckhern, and now of course, Pedodent Xobama Biden.

    Notice how CHY-NA couldn’t give a fuck and are plowing ahead with their belt road project to connect Asia and Africa, which they’ve spent the last couple of decades quietly buying up all of. They’ll have to shift their 3 billion state-bots somewhere once the Three Gorges Dam finally fucks it I guess.

  17. Excellent nom GJ, I find it hard to add anything to you excellent analysis.

    From a personal point of view

    I wear a mask when I go shopping, not because I want to wear one and I am naturally inclined to rebel against mandatory rules however this particular rule doesn’t seem worth rebelling against.
    I will take the vaccine, I have no worries about taking it, the same way I have no worries about taking the flu vaccine or an aspirin.

    • Agreed, good nom Gutstick. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion and I’ll take notice of them even when they differ from mine. But if people say something like ‘There’s no such thing as covid, I’ve just been out and I didn’t see no piles of dead bodies’, that’s not an opinion, that’s just stupid. If it’s meant as a joke that’s ok, but if it’s not then there’s something wrong with them. Most people have something to say that’s worth listening to, but websites like this inevitably attract some who make meaningless noise to get attention.

      • There is valid scepticism and then there is invalid nonsense, I fully understand worries about the vaccine, not the Bill Gates nano chip or whatever but some people are genuinely worried which isn’t helped by the looney tunes.

  18. For me the worst aspect of Covidmania has been the complete lack of balanced reporting from – you guessed it – the BBC. The other TV stations are similarly guilty but these days every 30 min BBC News Broadcast fronted by Mr Happy Huw Edwards invariably comprises at least 20 mins of the identical story they have reported for the last 10 months.

    In contrast the newspapers have maintained a sense of proportion with no more than 10-15% of their daily content afflicted in this way.

    I do appreciate Covid is indeed the defining story of 20/21. But the mindset has developed now that NOTHING else matters.

    I’m awaiting the day when Edwards imparts those immortal words…..”And in other news; reports are reaching us that a
    motor accident involving friends of Oprah Winfrey has occurred in a tunnel near Los Angeles…. “

  19. The quality of journalism that has lead us all to this point is a fucking disgrace.
    A set of cunts.

  20. Benign. Can be used medically can’t it? A benign tumour say.

    I am thinking of the conspiracy theorists on here.

    When I look at Chris Whitty I think he has a benign face.

    Maybe Vallance has a more suspect face. But he comes across once again as benignly trying to help the situation.

    Jonathan Van Tam as well. Benignly explaining with his charts and metaphors.

    But I have got it completely wrong. They are not benign. They are in fact malign.

    They are peddling all this out of sheer malignancy.

    • I have a benign, some years ago I was referred to ear, nose and throat by my dentist, I had a biopsy on my tongue but all was fine, it’s just benign keratosis

      Chris and Pat are just doing a job.

    • If I’m honest, since I found out that my tumour is benign, it’s grown on me quite a bit….

  21. If the country wasn’t divided and completely on it’s arse before this covid shit show, then in the words of the late Kenneth Wolstenholme ‘it is now!’

  22. If you want a different story, (we) Indians are r!oting in Dehli over the price of onions. There’s actually a lot more to it than the idiotic comment I’ve just made but if you have Sky, go to 510. Btw it’s it’s Republic Day, when Indian independence was declared … which is I was born in Norf Lahndan.

    • Happy Republic Day, Dark key cunt. My missus (she of Indian descent) knew nothing abaaaaht it. Shame on her.

  23. Just to add my $0.02….both my parents are in their 80s and both have had the ‘rona jabs and boosters. Bit of soreness at the injection site, but both were fine. Not pro or anti me, just reporting the facts.

    There’s much substance to this nom. I’d add that normally rational and objective people (like me) can have an adverse reaction to others taking an extreme position. Here in the US, we’ve had 4 years of non-stop shit slinging at Trump for everything he’s done, said, thought, etc. Like him or loathe him, no president deserves what he and his family have been put through and to see the MSM cheering on, encouraging and adding to the vitriol is an absolute disgrace and a complete dereliction of duty as far as balanced and objective news reporting goes. Consequently, I want very bad things to happen to any and all Democrats. Especially Pelosi and Schumer. It’s hard not to be that way when much of what you hold dear is pissed on by these cunts on a daily basis and in plain view and nothing is said or done about it. Total contempt, disrespect, inconsideration and a lack of human decency are now OK and accepted.

    We live in bizarro world now. Up is down. Right is wrong. Deviant behaviour is normal. Minority will supersedes that of the majority. The list goes on. Our world and our lives within it are forever changed because of what’s happened in recent years. None of it good. The rubicon has been crossed.

    • Not to sound patronising, excellent post once again Imitation. I always look forward to your views from across the pond.

  24. Animal rights people will be killing themselves and others whom have been vaccinated. Probably.

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