It seems that we have lost the ability to have a reasonable debate these days, and nothing illustrates this better than the Coronavirus catastrophe. And there will be little argument that it is a catastrophe, either from the virus, or the reaction to it.
Over the last ten years, politics has become an even more polarising subject than ever, mostly due to the internet, and the millennial bellends that have happily replaced a real balanced social life with the hollow online existence, where after a few clicks, you can find an army of cunts who will echo your uninformed opinions, or can fill up your empty head with any facts you like, with research from the hallowed halls of the university of YouTube.
In the U.K. it was the Brexit referendum that kickstarted the hate for the opposing argument, the USA followed with their election featuring the ultimate pantomime baddie, Donald Trump. Since then, there has been nothing like a reasonable debate about anything, from politicians and the public. Just hate and indifference.
And then came Covid.
Now there is little else discussed, anywhere. And, everyone has their own view, and fuck everyone else who disagrees. From the rabid calling for anyone meeting someone outside their ‘bubble’ to be executed, to conspiracy nutbags convinced that Bill Gates wants to put a chip in their head, there is no escape.
I seem to be in the middle. I find myself arguing against the pro mask, pro vaccine fascists one minute, then arguing against the anti mask, anti vaccine crazies the next.
With so many conflicting facts and evidence, it’s difficult to actually have an informed opinion, so most people have gone to an extreme, one way or another. I hate wearing a mask, and wouldn’t if I had a choice, so when I see people not wearing them in the supermarket, I should be cheering them on inside, but every time, it’s always some scrote or roider who I wish would get it anyway.
Then there is the potential cure.
Ah yes, the vaccine. Or should I say vaccines, as there are several, and I think some people think they get a choice. Again, there is no middle ground in whether to have one. From the pro vaccine faction, anyone who doesn’t think it’s a good idea should be murdered, to the anti faction, who think their DNA is being harvested and they are being made infertile, there is no reasoned debate.
Do I do what others have and put aside any doubts I have that the companies developing and supplying the vaccines have no legal responsibility for any adverse effects, and the testing phase was a fraction of what is usually required for a drug or treatment. Or, do I sit in front of a computer at 3am, watching YouTube videos on how big pharma, George Soros, and the Freemasons are out to get me? Sorry, neither appeal to me.
Hopefully, by the time it gets that I have to have a vaccine passport to leave the house they will have maybe sorted out which one has the least side effects and mortality rate. Then, the argument will be ‘died of the vaccine, or with the vaccine?’
Whatever happens, I hope one day that humanity can have an opinion without hating those that have a different one.
Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye
Daily Politics on BBC 2 earlier today- that very, very nice respectful Labour MP Chris Bryant accused our fantastic Ipswich MP Tom Hunt of “living in cloud cuckoo land” for having the audacity to have an opinion on Covid different to his own.
Fucking wanker.
All too often the left wing brigade when on the defensive resort to cheap and unwarranted insults instead of engaging in rational debate.
mrs mcfuck had the vacine weeks ago, mrs mcf- because i`m a key worker and work in a care home
me-Nope its because Boris took my advice.
mrs mcf- you told Boris to give it to me first
me- no, i told him try it on the mongs first to see if there are any side effects
Don’t get me wrong, every death from Covid (apart from Peter Sutcliffe) is very sad. But I don’t buy that the actual death rate is 100,000. People who had cancer, diabetes, heart problems etc. The lone cause of death is not Covid in many instances. Perhaps 30 to 40,000? The same with the daily figure on positive tests. My friend had to isolate for two weeks with no symptoms. He was told he would be counted as having Covid even without a test? How can that be right. Same again, you can probably halve the daily figure. I don’t know whether it’s gross incompetence or scaremongering, either way it’s wrong.
You’re all a frightful shower of despicable shitehawks.
There you go Adminge, somebody had to say it.! ?
(Thank you – DA)
All i have to say is how anybody believes and thinks that the vacuous cunt matt hancock should order everybody to live their lives according to what he says and agrees with him must be as thick as shit and i have no sympathy for them – he doubtedly is cunt of the decade – what does that say about a bulk of the population – what a load of fucking fuckwits
Absolutely. This whole debacle really has highlighted the divide between those who possess basic awareness and intelligence, and those who don’t.
People would rather trust the media and government over ones own instincts and perceptions. Not only does that make one a lazy whore of a cunt, but also an utter failure of a human being.
We’re just circling the drain.
If this Cuntfest wasn’t rammed down our throats every hour of every day by the msm scaremongers cunts would be non the wiser
Bored now.Far too long “lockdown”.We ARE in one continuous lockdown Bojo.Do us all a favour and RESIGN.Handycock,Crisp Shitty,Patrick Unbalanced,Van Tampax and all of SAGE jump off a cliff.What they wanted all along.Control the sheep.Push people and they push back.TWATS
Whoever said one person cannot change the world never are an undercooked bat
Time to have a little innocent fun with the appalling Covid Death totals. We nominate a final total at the end of say the next three months or six months and then on to the next one. My punt is 200000.
We could have a nice tasteful ever upward ticking meter. A kind of Beat The Clock with Brucie. Winner to receive a Brucie Bonus.
Good evening, old cock. I do hope your ‘ nieces ‘ are looking after you. Bringing your shopping and giving you a cheery wave through the window.
I’m sure they won’t desert you in your hour of need.
Don’t forget to turn the Bentley over every few days and let it idle.
And easy on the Scotch.
As for the death totals, the way they’re adding ’em up, quarter of a mil, in six months. I want my prize money in gold, the paper stuff will be worth less than bog roll shortly.
Chin chin.
Government this, SAGE that, NHS this, BBC that…
How many times does anyone need to see it in black and white.
Since 19 March 2020, ‘COVID 19’ was de-classified from being a ‘high consequence infectious disease’.
THERE. In BLACK AND WHITE. But still a year later people go on about it as if there’s something worth debating over.
Wall to wall bollocks
‘They’ are more than taking the piss!
Same old same old scaremongering. Now orange Man has been deposed, out of the woodwork comes the Hydroxychloroquine news:
American Journal of Medicine no less.
Bbbbbut, my vaccine, my precious vaccine, except it isn’t a vaccine and you can still get infected and still spread the lurgy:
Sorry for the double link extra work Admin.
(No problem – DA)
You DA and NA have been too busy flirting with me, the site’s only currently self-avowed gay conservative. What did happen to Krav?
If I remember rightly Krav got banned because he apparently posted several comments that overstepped the mark. Dunno what he said though.
Piled on top of this excellent cunting is the sheer hypocrisy and ambiguous “rules” avidly enforced by swaggering, tooled up, black clad thugs masquerading as police.
Close the windows save energy, open the windows let the virus out. Go out to exercise, stay home away from others. What next, make it illegal to go out in the rain incase the virus let out from the open windows, washes over us.
Don’t forget cunters….. Stay Home: Protect the NHS: Die Alone.
Forget, keep safe… More like, Keep SANE.