Another obesity cunting from me. Cosmopolitan magazine’s cover is simply dangerous, especially given the current times. Just look at the cover! Are they serious?
The ethos behind this is to make obese women feel positive because they hate themselves due to all the skinny gorgeous women that appear on these magazines.
I can tell all the obese out there that we accept that you are obese but you are storing up trouble for your health, so do something about it. If you let it fester you are facing Diabetes and early death. Fighting off infectious disease is massively hindered by your rolls of flab. It is simply wrong that Cosmo tries to tell people that ‘health is whatever you want it to be’.
Just went onto the cosmo website and it is full of woke BLM shit, how the Capitol was stormed (yeah nobody opened the barricade.)
What a pile of cunt this magazine is.
Nominated by: Cuntolgogist
Christ. Don’t open that link if you feel a bit queasy after a skinful on a Friday night.
There’s a difference between being a bit overweight and obesity. But this is taking the piss.
A comparison of Trumpy to someone other than the usual…
I’d never of guessed Harvey Price was so flexible !
Good grief you’re right, Stinky.
I thought it was The Flabbott at first. Cosmetically whitèned and with trick photograpy.
Thar! She blows!
Fetch me my harpoon!
Science denialism, pure and simple. Never to be countenanced if pertaining to climate change or other fashionable causes, but instantly adopted if it comes wreathed in wokeness.
May as well argue the earth is flat as argue this orb is healthy.
So the Blek Beast is flexible and that equals health?
I love this sort of shit.
Only the woke buy into it so as not to cause offence or a Twatter war.
Keep up the cakes you stupid bullshitting
My question is where do these fucks get all the money to buy that amount of food?
I couldn’t afford to buy that much grub.
Are they all chubster millionaires?
It’s the quality of the food. All greasy take aways, KFC bucket meals and deep fried everything.
You can guarantee that land whale is a world class salad dodger and brushes its teeth with lard to reach that level of obesity.
That’s the flying lady for the new PC Rolls Royce, it’s bigger than a Hummer and comes in one colour….black. It has had a few teething problems as this emblem keeps falling off the mount at the front and denting the bonnet. A spokesman for Rolls Royce said they will persist with it for fear of being sued or the factory burnt down.
The healthy bird pictured used to be the housekeeper in Tom & Jerry, she is at the pinnacle of physical fitness,
A athletic sphere shape.
Leotard upholstered by DFS.
Healthy my arse.Fat lump.Loose some weight you fat hippo.What does she have for breakfast?Two Colonels family fun buckets?I would be ashamed if I was as fat as her.
Leave her alone, she’s probably got a lovely personality. She’s not the kind of bird you’d be able take home take home to meet your parents though. Just getting her from A to B would be a challenge. She’d snap the tail-lift on a Luton van.
Great nom Cunto!
She (if it identifies as a she) is well on the way to being one of those cunts that you see in documentaries that need walls removing from their house in order to get their corpse out. Bet Cosmo is filled to bursting with key questions of the day such as – Is Fat is “the New Black”? “Does my bum look small in this?”
Getting bargain buckets and Greggs deliverooed is clearly the new jogging. Do women about town still read Cosmo on the tube? I’m guessing not so much.
I bet she’s jolly.
Fatties are always jolly.
Their many chins wobble like an out of control Chivers jelly when they laugh.
Keep taking the lard supplements.
And …… be happy.
Good morning.
The black fatties seem to fall into two distinct categories: Jolly or Snappy.
The jolly ones are probably daydreaming about a large hamburger, a roasted meal, a turkey, cake, an oily bowl of pasta, doughnuts, and a large Nando’s. That’s just their lunch.
The Snappy ones have a permanent attitude like you’ve kicked their cat. These ones are fat. Not chubby or podgy but proper, no apologising, sweating, stinking, what-are-you-looking-at Fat.
Early graves for both.
Excuse the extraneous “is” in above posting, it is fucking early and I need my coffee.
Does it carry a face sitting safety warning ?
Do you really think it needs to??
After seeing Cuntstables comment below, yes. ?
Hello cuntopolitan. Could you be any more transparent cunts? For decades you’ve helped contribute to women’s self image problems by using borderline anorexic models. In a desperate attempt to appear woke you dump skeletors sisters and put obese women on the cover, hence encouraging another unhealthy eating disorder and then pretending obesity isn’t a threat to health.
The fashion industry has a lot to answer for.
I just looked in your website. It’s like woke central. Have a look cunters, it’s all there.
Kamala Harris, Biden should be holding conservatives accountable, BLM.
Fat woke cunts matter?
All well and good being flexible in younger years, but those leg joints will be flogged to death having excess stress due to the weight they carry. Also massive lateral stresses at the hip joints where the thigh bones are pushed apart by enveloping flab.
Yeah, real fucking healthy.
This nom should have been narrated by Queequeg.
On behalf of Pegleg.
Morning cunters.
Not even Sir Mix Alot would touch that
No wonder there are so many young hefferlumps waddling about.
This is healthy.
The biggest surprise here is that they’re using a dark key for this. It’s usually the honkies that get this treatment (so they can kill more of us off, despite honkies being less than 10% of the world’s population.)
I think somebody is due a bollocking at ‘Cosmo’ soon.
Being morbidly obese massively increases your chances of dying younger from heart disease, cancer and all kinds if nasty shite. It can practically make you disabled when it comes to simple tasks like walking or getting in the car.
Silly cunts.
There is no way that is real. The human leg couldn’t support the weight of that on its own. They probably digitally removed the steel cables supporting her.
So eating like a fucking pig and being susceptible to diabetes is healthy now? Better to let the tubbies clog up hospitals with their many ailments, from chafing to coronaries, and reinforce the ambulances to cart their wobbly arses after knocking the front of their houses down to get them out.
Ironic that they use that skinny junkie looking faux pimp Snoop dog on the just eat advert, they should get that porker Lizzo to do it.
Having been to the states several times, believe me it’s real.
As for the cover model, oh blimey Big Mike doesn’t scrub up so well after a haircut does he.
That picture has given me the horn.
Some meanie has put a bucket of chicken just out of Abbott’s reach, they’ll pay dearly when she rips one.
She’s not too far gone? looks like an Eskimo woman fattened up before winter by her summer diet of seal blubber. After her hibernation she’ll be down to B&W tonguing weight.
And in the Neolithic weren’t their love Venus carvings shaped like this? Enough to give a 15,000 BC Hunter (and Cunstabbubble) the horn and whatever else they got up to then, Not found yet on Neolithic explicit cave drawings…
And to Cosmo, their chosen new direction is presumably in search of market share, the girls could never be as slim as the models in the old version so maybe just stopped buying it, and here with a big publicity splurge Cosmo is trying to pick up the fat and Afro chicks. That’s business good luck to them, Although it seems rather boring although safe, to go in the wokey direction like everyone else.
So for me they’re only cunts for being woke.
Very astute TS.
Funny if you do a search for ‘Cosmopolitan magazine 1990’ and look at the images its all pretty white models like Cyndy Crawford, same for ‘Cosmopolitan magazine 2001’ and ‘Cosmopolitan magazine 2010’. If you then do a search for ‘Cosmopolitan magazine 2020’, its a lot more diverse and this is on Jan 2020’s cover:
That defo does NOT give me the ‘orn, and I DO NOT want to tongue it.
However, we have our own diversity here at ISAC, and I am sure others may disagree… In the true spirit of exploration, they may be gone for some time!!
This is a wank mag for birds.
It would appear there are only fat black wimmin about? Still Darwinism in action, let the fat lazy bastards die young. Tough shit.
I see Grace Jones has let herself go.
Feed them cake and Covid, it will thin out the population a bit.
The only thing healthy about her is her appetite.
Y’all shouldn’t give fat people such a hard time. They have a lot on their plate already.
I’ll get my keys.
I’ll get yer Stetson.