Coon Cheese

The Aussie cheese brand, which has been around for over 80 years, has decided to change its name after pressure from the usual mob.

My first thought was, ‘Well probably fair enough if they named way back when in such a way for a laugh,’ but it seems that is not the case.

Coon was just the surname of the original boss of the firm. Basically, you can’t name your company after yourself now if it offends some dull cunt.

I hear they’re now going to name it after one of the original owner’s nephews, a Mr. Biglips McJigaboooo.

God knows how this nom will work in WordPress, my apologies in advance, admin.

(Indeed. Please use your appalling imaginations when using the “c” word if you don’t want your comment to end up in the MQ – DA)

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks 

62 thoughts on “Coon Cheese

  1. C oon cheese ?. Is that a title of a blow job film about a housewife and her desire for the B. Lack mans cock foreskin scrapping’s on porn hub??

  2. Well I thought the Aussies still had a backbone.
    It seems not,at least in the realm of cheese products.
    Change the name then but replace the company logo with a picture of St George de Floyd-Vermine dressed as a cow.
    Being chased by a Belgian with a shotgun.
    A set of cunts right there.

    • Its owned by Saputo who bought the name but are Majority owned Canadians. Lesson in not to sell offshore. Shouldnt have let it go

  3. There was a tonne of shite here about Australia Day yesterday. Personally, I don’t give a fuck either way. The obvious compromise seems to me to keep the day for those that want it and have another day for those that don’t. But, as I say, I really don’t give a fuck. Even after 16 years, most convicts call me a ‘Pommy bastard.’

    If things like dates on calendars, pronouns and the names of cheese give you ‘trauma’ then you need to be having a long conversation with yourself. And, as Aesop knew, just because you don’t like something, it doesn’t mean other people can’t enjoy it.

    Random thought #9…

  4. You just know that when the company concerned quotes “company values”, they are just a gigantic pile of cuntwaffle.

    The founder’s name was C??n. What next, BLM persecution of people who share that surname and similar derivatives?

    Fuck off.

  5. It’s political correctness gone mad.

    I suffered the same problem when my range of tinned-pies…”Foxchaser’s Meaty Delights” hit the shelves…they came in various delicious flavours- “Larry the Lamb”, “Percy the Pigeon”,”Colin the Cockerel”,”Rupert the Rabbit” etc..all marketed with a photo on the tin of me dressed in my Hunting finery holding an example of the filling by it’s cold,dead neck. I wouldn’t care but I even tried to placate the Vegan lobby with a “Tasteless Tofu Tinned-Turd” version but the buggers were having none of it.

    PS..Do Sooties even eat cheese ? I had no idea that they bothered with anything that didn’t come with a picture of an elderly,cotton-plantation owning,hideously white Colonel on the greasy box.

      • Morning Rob.

        I was glad when they took the picture of “Uncle Ben” off the rice packets…I was physically sick several times in Tesco’s when I was confronted with his sooty face leering at me from the shelves…,PTSD it was…. flashbacks to Rorke’s Drift probably.

        Morning All.

      • Morning Mr F, hoe goes it?
        If they had to pop a black person’s face on some rice, who should it be? To my mind, the only decent darkie I can think of is Floella Benjamin.

      • The bloke who said ‘Fried onion rings’ in the early 80s Bird’s Eye Steakhouse grill advert wins it for me.

        Sensation performance.

      • That’s Baroness Benjamin to you, thank you very much.

        A fucking baroness for being upstaged every week by Little Ted and Hamble. Personally, I couldn’t sleep at night knowing if I’d got an advantage by being patronised off do-gooding honkies. Actually, who an I kidding. I’d have had me face on the flag by now if I could get away with it.

        Back to the Baroness.

        Shall we look through the square window? How about fuck off and put the Ant Hill mob on already (I would say in my formative years).

        I wonder if any of the honkies on Playschool were knighted and given places in the Lord’s? They’re all shelve stacking alcoholics now like that rainbow cunt (Geoffrey was it?) “Fuck you, you honky twat!”, it seems.

        Where’s Humpty’s knighthood? It’s a fucking disgrace is what it is!

      • Geoffrey Hayes lost his battle with the bottle in 2018. Mind you if my tv career highlight was with a zip mouthed gob shite, a camp pink hippo, a limp wristed ‘bear’ and 3 dope smoking hippy swingers, then I’d be on the booze first thing every morning.

      • I’ve heard that a brand called ‘Nacho cheese’ is very popular amongst the dark keys. When stocks run low in the shops and they are fighting over the last packs it’s all you can hear being said in the dairy isle.

      • Morning Mr F. He didn’t even look like a ‘Ben’. I wonder how it all started for him ? He probably dug up a lamp and wished for a vice racket.

      • If they must put a domesticated Dark-key on the packet I suppose they could use that one in the cripple-chariot who is always on the telly these days..I can’t imagine that he has ever successfully mugged anyone.

    • That Colonel always looked a bit KKK to me.

      I always imagined him enticing the dark keys into his eatery, and then the doors would slam shut, a huge evil hillbilly Bobby Sue Junior the third ‘yeeeeeeeeehaaaa!’ would be let out, along with a ‘Roscooooooooe Peeeeeee Coltryaaaane’ style cackle, as the hoods went on and the lynchings began.

      Or maybe they just bought chiggun and fucked off?

      • Indeed, CB…that devious, clearly racist Colonel has achieved his Klān aims and bumped off thousands of moon crickets, enslaving them into consumption of his filthy processed chiggun.

  6. Time for a rebrand for the Goon cheese – I proudly present SAMBO cheese, and we could even invent a dance for the TV ads – The Sambo Samba – Edmundo Ros lives!

    • Talbot brought out a model called the Samba. Surprised the BLM lot are not all over this, demanding the few remaining Froggie cars to be put in the crusher.

      Remember the old Auston A30/A35s from the 1950s/1960s? They hada chrome badge on the bootlid that proudly stated “Austin of England”. How frightfully white privilege and utterly colonial.

      • I had a grey A35 when I came out of the Navy!. Remember all those things we used to buy for the house and garden with “Empire Made” stamped on them proudly usually in red white and blue – I assume Angela Rayner and her clique would be hyperventilating if they come across that

  7. Just go out of business and crawl into a hole today or change your family name to cunt

  8. Remember the days of ‘That’s Life’ when Doc Cox used to show us things like biscuits from Belgium called ‘Shitty Crack’ and the like? Oh bring those days back.

    • I had to educate a dark key on a site during a break the other week. He thought Rich Tea was a rapper.

  9. A few years ago I was at a dinner to celebrate a significant anniversary, at a well known institution (will not reveal any more details for obvious reasons?).
    There were plenty of dignitaries present, including my MP and his predecessor (both senior cabinet ministers).
    A speech was given by a senior member of staff at this organisation, a man who obviously enjoyed the sound of his own voice and it was dragging on and on..
    He turned to a colleague who was retiring and said something like:
    “…….and of course indulge your passions for music and your beloved Maine Coon (cat). What’s his name again?”

    At which point I yelled, from the back of the room:

    The place was in uproar-every single person, laughing, including the “top” table?.

    95% white, maybe an Indian gent, mostly upper class cunts, mostly pissed up.
    It just proves that most of the virtue signalling is totally insincere?

    • I do a half decent Bernard Manning impression. A few years back I was sitting at a table with a few woke twats.

      I told them the true story of when Big Bernard was performing at his club. There was a dark fella in the front row.

      Manning: Ere, fuckin’ ell. We’ve got a darkie in. Fuckin’ ell lad, you’re brave I’ll give you that. What’s your name son?

      Dark bloke: Derek

      Manning: Derek ey? Are you havin’ good night?

      Derek: Yes.

      Manning: Are y’ enjoyin’ yersel?

      Derek: Yes.

      Manning; Beats swingin’ through fuckin’ trees dunnit?

      I told them the story putting on Manning’s voice and you know what? Every single one of the cunts burst out laughing at the ‘punchline’.

      Of course, they tried winding it back as soon as they could. One bird denied she laughed and I said, “I can smell your pissy knickers from here, don’t give me you didn’t laugh. You massive nazi.”

  10. These cunts are offended because they want to be offended. They see ‘racism’ in everything because they want racism in everything. If it is there, they will milk it. If it isn’t there, they will just invent it. They want to keep it alive and it defines them as the virtue signaling mealy mouthed rent a cause attention seeking scum that they are.

    Offended by everything and to blame for nothing, that’s them. BLM my fucking British arse.

    • Nail head hammer. When I grew up in the 80s and 90s, ‘racism’ wasn’t a thing. We all got along. Most people were ‘white’ where I lived, but some people were ‘brown’ and or other shades. No-one disrespected each other, we all just got on with it. The main shop in our village was taken on by what we used to call the ‘Parkies’… purely because that’s where they were probably from. They were perfectly decent, respectful and friendly people.

  11. Is the well known writer and punk era journalist, Caroline C*on going to have to change her name now?

    And what about them furry fellows that live in America and have striped tales?
    Are they going to be called Racs now?

    Absolute madness. Death to the left.

  12. “ I hear they’re now going to name it after one of the original owner’s nephews, a Mr. Biglips McJigaboooo.”
    Fucking made me spit out my cheese and marmite sandwich all over the office laughing.

  13. Why not just rebrand it to something more memorable and appealing to a broader demographic; I suggest “Cock” cheese. One has to wonder what cunt had too little to worry about and decided his cheese might cause offence to snowflake cunts.

  14. Was pleasantly surprised by the Mandalorian. I expected the usual Disney woke drivel, but it was good. Like Sergio Leone and John Ford directing Star Wars. Shitloads of brawls and gunfights and the comeback of the legendary Boba Fett. When Fett cracks Stormtroopers like eggs it’s one of the best bits.

    And it isn’t overloaded with token BAMEs either. Apollo from Rocky is in it, so that’s perfectly acceptable.

      • Was well pleased with it, MNC. Nice one.

        And that tough latina bird who is Mando’s sidekick strangely gives me the horn.

      • Yeah, she had the same effect on me!
        Wouldn’t of thought she’s my type, but little miserable had ideas of his own!
        Shes had a brush with the US lefties herself Norm!
        Someone tried to make her agree over the use of pronouns.
        She refused.
        A shitload of hatemail and calls for her to be fired!
        She still refused.??

  15. I don’t have a problem with black people never had. I bet its the white people doing this. Or Muslims because they don’t like blacks.

    • They don’t like anyone that isn’t one of them. The second biggest threat to the human race.

  16. In the Farsi Language they use the word koon. It means arse. Maybe all Persians should have an arse ectomy to avoid causing offence?

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