Comedy chat shows

Comedy chat shows and their hosts are a load of cunts.

When I was younger I remember when a chat show was just two or maybe three people talking. There was a presenter and one or two guests. The quality of these shows sometimes varied, but on the whole they were done by people who could do their job properly and keep a serious conversation going with insightful and interesting questions. Presenters like David Frost, Gay Byrne, Michael Parkinson, and Terry Wogan come to mind. They weren’t without humour, but it as subtle and there was a time and a place for it.

Now? We have the abomination that is the comedy chat show. Some loudmouthed ‘look at me’ cunt who has very little to no conversation skills who wants to get as much attention as the celebrity guest they are ‘interviewing’. This type of twat always has to think they are a comedian and that every appearance and every show has to be funny.

They can’t have a serious conversation with a guest and stupid pranks, quizzes and childish games are rife. Numerous props are used as well as gimmicks and a simple one to one talk is beyond their grasp and capabilities. Then there is every question being made into a ‘joke’ or an innuendo. Graham Norton with his ‘ribald humour’ and Jonathan ‘cunt’ Woss interrupting everyone and his smutty probing with every female guest he has on.

Both these two clowns are heavily reliant on props and every show has to be some sort of big joke. Can anybody imagine either Norton or Woss interviewing past greats like Richard Burton, Jimmy Stewart, Matt Busby, Audrey Hepburn, Bill Shankly, Michael Caine, John Wayne and Bette Davis? They would think the idea of those two pricks hosting a serious chat show would be a joke, and they’d be right.

Comedy (decent comedy, that is) is all well and good. But it has no place on a chat show. One never saw David Frost or Melvyn Bragg playing for laughs or saying to some female star ‘Coowor! I can see your knickers fwom ‘ere!’. Woss and Norton (and others like Alan Carr) are cunts who have ruined what was once a fine art on television.

Nominated by: Norman 

46 thoughts on “Comedy chat shows

  1. Im with you on this Norman!
    No smiling
    No joking
    No trying to be friendly.
    Come on
    State your name
    Then fuck off

  2. I hope some loudmouth call Wossie one day to shout ‘i fucked your granddaughter’ and see how funny he finds it. Wanker.

    • He’ll be lucky to have one, have you seen his daughter? If you haven’t seen her, have a look at London on google earth, there’s two large round structures, one is the millennium dome, the other is that fat cunt in a hot tub.

  3. I can’t stick that Jonathan Woss. A gum-flapping, lecherous, supercillious, superficial cunt of the first order. As suggested by Steaming Helmet above, hopefully someone will call him to let him know that they had splashed their load all over his granddaughter’s arse and belly.

    You never know, it may yet happen with his chunky daughter and by the looks of it, she may do it just to fuck off the floppy-haired, speech-impeded old cuntbubble. I do hope so.

    ps, great COTY header page above by Admin, many thanks to you all. A very professional spread!

    • Wossys daughter was on here recently, a big piece!!
      Be a comfortable ride,
      Fiddler was infatuated!♥️
      Sure Johnathon would be happy to know a much older northern farmer was eating fray Bentos puddings from between the thighs of his little angel?!?

      • The image still haunts me. She was in a bikini ‘showing off’ her flab. Eurrgh.

        Proud to be fat type. Sully cunt. Being as fat as she is should not be celebrated as it’s an obvious health risk, the stupid blob.

      • And she’s called Honey Kinney lol.

        Her knickers are made by Alfred McCalpine, I believe.

      • TT MNC@ – Sir Fiddler was just thinking of the reduction in heating costs – no need to burn servants with that huge wobbly beast to get wrapped around – with the added bonus of sweets and pies falling out when the creature is shaken!

  4. I agree with this nom. Today’s chat show hosts are a load of egotistical, loudmouth, uncouth, unfunny twats.

    However, I’ve never liked the genre and the likes of Parky, Wogan et al were arse lickers to the stars who only ever came on to flog their latest movie, book, record or ego.

    The best and least sychophantic were Clive Anderson, Clive James and dear old queen Russel Harty who got thumped by Grace Jones and Emu.

    I’d live to see someone, anyone, sock Woss in his smug face.

    That would be top tv.

  5. It’s mostly because now a days, the guests on these shows are celebrities, very rarely decent actors, philanthropists or intellectuals. It’s cunts like Joey Essex who can barely string a sentence together. There couldn’t be a decent conversation because the guests are unable to have one. Plus, the unfortunate way of things is that most of the population are so fucking thick they’d be bored at a decent deep dive with someone with something interesting to say. Which is why chat shows are now hosted by like minded dick heads like Woss and Gayham. Devoid of any intellectual conversation, it’s resorted to innuendo and the like. Unfortunately, anyone who wants an intelligent brand of TV is no longer catered for. Which is why I don’t watch the box of shite.

  6. Parkinson. I’ve got an issue with because he was sycophantic. But still if you look on YouTube all the interesting clips from stars of the past are from Parky. He would get out of the way to let the guest tell their story.
    Also if the guests were there they often got into s conversation. Unheard if now
    An example from memory John Betjeman, Kenneth Williams talking about modern architecture.

    David Frost would lull the politicians into a false sense if security then hit them with direct difficult question. He fid that with Zgirden Briwn. And The Nixon interviews are an example of this fine art.

    Wogan. I liked Tel. Still from the old school of getting out of the way. And interesting questions. Not the usual ones. A different take.

    Melvyn Bragg. Yes he would get an interesting discussion going. And in depth. I remember watching his interviews with Olivier. We got the whole story.

    Carr, Ross, Norton. It’s all hysterical.

    • I had a long and interesting chat with Mr Bragg, in the Brewery arts centre in Kendal, late 80’s.
      Charming man, no cunt?

  7. Keith fucking Lemon is another one (yes, I know it’s a character).

    The cunt who plays him used to do some deliberately bad dark key impersonations.

    Made his millions. Built his mansions.

    Then apologised, therefore stopping others from making edgy /risque comedy.

    Notice he did it after making his cash.

    I think he said sorry because he feared the woke brigade would come for his career after his blacking up acts. Now, he’s fucked up the potential careers of all comedy writers while making sure ‘I’m alright Jack.’

    Now he just kisses the arse of ‘celebs’ and makes a twat of himself. For millions.

    • Now you’ve hit a nerve. The stumpy little lump Lemon wants liquid cement poured down his gob.
      I can’t abide the little fucker. Even trailers of his show have me racing for the idiot box and hitting the mute button.
      As for woss I can’t even look at his picture never mind watch his abortion of a show.

  8. Chat shows ain’t chat shows anymore, the guests usually have a film, book or vagina scented candle they are keen to flog.

    But the gentle humours always been there, Oliver Reed, Freddie Star caused chaos, emu attacked Parky.

    What’s changed is Woss only has one joke, Norton is a typical arse bandit entertainer, it’s all about bum sex jokes.

    You don’t need to be able to change gears to more serious subjects if you’re just helping someone do some marketing.

    • That’d be the best chat show host:

      – Good evening DJ Fuckflap. What tat are you flogging?
      DJ FUCKFLAP: New song, “Sunset Love Lorry” It’s great. Buy it.
      -Okay, now tell us some shagging stories.

  9. Imagine if Woss, Carr or Norton had been around in the days of Face To Face, and for some reason John Freeman wasn’t available and one of that trio had to interview the easily annoyed Evelyn Waugh. Norton and Carr would be crying after the experience, and Woss would be speechless (which would be an improvement):

    • There is a Face to Face interview with no other than Carl Jung from 1959. Norton would ask Jung why he shagged his patients!

  10. Woss, Baddiel, Russel Brand… etc… what’s to like? Cunts regardless of their media role. I’ve put them in the same boat in the hope that it is sunk in mid-channel by a ferry steaming over it.

  11. Stop encouraging these cunts, Norman. Fucking freak shows for the brain dead, full time sofa cunts while they stuff themselves with Greggs and McDonalds that has been deliverooed. The whole audience for this shit could be incinerated and it would make fuck all difference.

    • Agreed. And I read the cunt is possibly returning to these shores in 2021. That alone makes 2021 a cunt and thats without any other shit happening.

  12. Of course that huge narcissistic sweating heap of gone off lard, James Corden is a master at this sort of ‘But… But it’s funny’ crap.

    This vast and sycophantic human slug and his Late Late Show (title nicked wholesale from RTE) and his vomit inducing Carpool Karaoke are two of the biggest piles of steaming turd on television. Corden and Paul McCartney doing Carpool was pure fingers down the throat stuff. When Corden ‘cries’ after ‘singing’ Let It Be, you’ll wish you had a loaded revolver to shoot the telly with. And the ‘ordinary blokes’go into a Liverpool pub bit is most sickening.

    Did I say, I don’t like James Corden?

    • Norm:
      Was that the one when Macca went back to his house, now a museum?
      The cunt said it was the first time he had ever been back to that street, since he left.
      Says it all.
      I despise Cordon-wobbly, sweaty, talentless fucking weeble?

      • So keen is he for popularity, James Corden would crawl through sewers of fresh excrement, dance on broken glass, then drink the stale vomit of a recently-deceased leper, the talentless, sycophantic, unctuous cunt.

    • Happy New Year B&W?

      Did you dodge the covid squad and get “aaaaht & abaaaht” last night?

  13. Well cunted Norm:

    I remember those wonderful interviews that Parky did-Kenneth Williams, Freddie Starr & Mo. Ali?

    Chat shows have always been a sales pitch for the latest film, book, album etc, but the subtle use of humour by skilled interviewers was a joy to watch.
    I enjoyed Tony Wilson’s efforts back in the day.

    Norton’s career is built on his sexuality and his camp persona.
    If that is a presenters strongest characteristic, then you know your off to a bad start.

    Await the future:

    David Lammy, Femi and other assorted white hating cuuns?

  14. Anything to do with ‘comedy’ on British TV is LEFT WING MARXIST SHIT.

  15. Talk show? = Self centred pretentious luvvie drivel show. They can all fuck off. Happy New Cunting !!!

  16. Did anyone have Mark Eden in the dead pool?
    Marco Polo in Hartnell’s Doctor Who and the infamous Alan Bradley from Coronation Street.

  17. Cuntybollocks beat me to it with that infantile colonic polyp Keith Lemon. This festering dingleberry on the arse of showbiz is about as funny as a malignant melanoma, the intellect of a tapeworm, crass, boorish, crude, grubby and stupid; a cunt of the first order who I make a concerted effort to avoid. Why anyone apart from pathetic publicity whores would agree to be within 25 light years of this insipid-voiced shite-hound amazes me. Short of a massive and I mean a massive fee, I’d go nowhere near the cunt without packing a Kalashnikov.

  18. What makes me laugh is the fact that the slimy Ross fuck wiv his floppy Oscar-Wilde hairstyle thinks that he actually looks attractive.Thinks that he’s some kind of fop /dandy whatevever these terms mean.
    Look in the mirror you narcissistic cunt.(I bet you do!) You really are an ugly cunt, you look like a moray eel in drag.
    With you and your hideous “edgy” wife, no wonder your daughter is such a fuck-up. BBW my arse!

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