Tonight, Matthew, I’d like to nominate Annemarie Plas of ‘Clap for our Carers’.
Fresh from running the 3.20 at Kempton, this prime nag emerged on Tuesday to announce that the beloved seal-a-thon was making a return, in news about as welcome as Rolf Harris in a branch of Mothercare.
“We” – she pronounced to Twitter – “are bringing back the 8pm applause”. Are we, love? Are we really? Since when were you made Boris Johnson’s representative on earth?
Surprisingly, after the cult that developed around the event last time, this went down with the people of Twitter like a cup of cold sick. The right called it virtue signalling bollocks, the left called it patronising and facile. The centre didn’t get the memo and Keir “Max Headroom” Starmer was pictured on his doorstep banging his hands together like a plummy-mouthed orangutan.
Now, I had a good flick through her Twitter replies and I thought the debate was surprisingly good-natured, with hardly any crazies, just a lot of fairly direct criticism.
Imagine my surprise then to read in various papers that Annemarie received “personal abuse” in the replies to her post that “put her family at risk”. No you didn’t, flower, people just disagreed with you on social media. You came across as an arrogant, publicity-hungry virtue signaller and you were rightly told to get back in your box.
Apparently we were all supposed to be devastated that Plas – our Queen of Claps – was no longer going to publicise the event. HOW WILL WE COPE never hearing her name on Channel 4 again, or never having Radio 4 drowned out of a Thursday evening by wastes of semen beating seven shades of shit out of their saucepans? We’ll never again see supposedly exhausted doctors and nurses cavorting outside rip-off glass-‘n’-aluminium PFI hospitals for photo ops.
My point is, a 37-year-old woman really should be able to tell the difference between criticism and being ‘abused’ by Nasty Men On The Internet.
Nobody, for example, called you a cunt. And, thanks to this august site, I would like to rectify that today.
…and another, this time from Spanky Mc Spank
Clap for Heroes is a cunt.
I cannot foresee why anyone in the correct state of mind would bring this horrible, patronising dead dog of a ritual back…really, it beggars belief.
After so many months of government lies, media spin and propaganda regarding vaccines I find very little to clap about.
I will clap from the highest, hell, I might even grab a saucepan and break out the family silver spoons if Boris, Hancock and all the other liars get tortured, strung up and spat on.
I also REFUSE to clap any cunt who is paid for doing a job, from the lowest toilet cleaner to the highest paid consultant. You choose that career, so fuck the fuck off and do it.
Clapp for Heroes? like someone buried a turd and someone else dug it up….it still smells like shit.
…and this from Quick Draw McGraw
Annemarie Plas and her ‘Clap for the NHS’ sideshow. Yes, it’s back. Started back during the first lockdown, by the above named, entirely too smug, Annemarie Plas, this utter seal show has been brought back as ‘Clap for Heroes’. For fuck’s sake. Is she trying for an MBE or something? Because this is not the way to get one.
Happily though, it doesn’t seem to be quite the popular thing it was a few months back. On announcing it on Twitter, Plas was told that it was neither wanted nor required. Even the NHS are calling it unnecessary. Surely, if the people that you claim to be clapping for say ‘thanks, but no thanks. We’d rather just get on with our job without a fuss’, then you would call it off. But no, Plas and her demented followers are carrying on regardless, which makes me wonder if she really is doing this for the NHS, or whether she’s using it for a bit of publicity?
Equally happily, it’s first round, last Thursday (7th January) did not see a very large uptake of clowns, keen to virtue signal. Hopefully, this also means that we won’t be seeing the applause Nazis taking to social media to out those who didn’t take part, as happened to the young mother, who was doxxed by a number of her fascist neighbours for not clapping. The fact she was caring for her sick child at the time was irrelevant. Fuck the child’s health, she didn’t clap the NHS, bitch must pay.
Typically for a member of the Leftwaffe, she got a bit upset that the vast majority of the replies she received on Twitter were telling her that a second round of clapping/sauce pan banging (or school bell ringing in front of the media if your name is Jeremy Corbyn) was not wanted. She’s now trying to play the victim, because although the majority of replies she got were actually quite polite, there were a definite minority of people who were less than polite. I didn’t see any, but she’s claiming that she received death threats. I can’t say for sure, but I think she’s using the old lefty trick of exaggeration there. Either way, she’s a publicity seeking cunt.
“Keir “Max Headroom” Starmer was pictured on his doorstep banging his hands together like a plummy-mouthed orangutan.”
Outstanding squire, and the other support noms are a lesson in erudite virtuosity.
On topic.
Yes. Cunt-to-the-max and as per fucking usual, a fragile snowflake.
I am surprised the cunt wasn’t down on one knee at the same time.
Sucking his neighbour’s cock , whilst ‘clapping’ his bollocks to extract more spunk , more like.
What a fucking snowflake, she was all yippee last time but now she is getting negativity she doesn’t want to know.
If you want to stand on your doorstep and clap, crack on, but just leave the rest of us alone.
The title ‘Founder of Clap for Heroes’, did this cunt invent clapping ?
‘Look at me everyone, i’m clapping our NHS heroes because i’m so so virtuous and kind can’t you see’?
No love you’re a cunt.
I always dislike the term “heroes” because as far as I concerned heroism is action on the battlefield, or a fireman going into a blazing building to rescue a life, or a policeman facing possible death by single-handed trying to stop a mob of protesters or armed criminals. It most certainly is not standing on your doorstep even on a winter Thursday evening, bashing you saucepans or clapping although you were part of the forced audience on Strictly Come Mincing. That is self-advertisement and virtue signalling, NOT “heroism” in even the loosest sense.
“Clap for heroes”, sounds like another insidious plot of the Koala King. The Chlamydia ridden bastard should send his fellow demon eyed tree monsters to China to skullfuck them whilst they sleep.
WTF is it? All the cunts went out on a nice summer evening, they ain’t going out during storm Chistoph are they. Anyway it’s old hat now, like trying to bring back checked flares with turn ups. Fuck off back in your box.
What do you mean ‘bring back checked flares with turnups’ ? The fuckers have only just reached North Lincs. And I do look smart.
with solid wooden boots to go. Ouch imagine getting clumped with one of them
The press has fuck all to write about other than the same daily droll every day, I am convinced that because these me, me, me cunts are all over FaceCunt and Twitshag journalists are picking up on this mundane shite and writing about it.
She’s also probably got bored of fingering herself, having sat on her hand for so long it goes numb so when she does plays with herself and closes her eyes she can imagine some greasy twat fucking her that she picked up in the local kebab shop….ah those we’re the day she reminisces…
The only clap I wanna see is if I ever got my hands on the gorgeous bit titted blonde across the road who goes jogging in such tight leggings I can see two perfect lamb chops every day, fuck Veganaury!
Why does Covid never seem to get to the real cunts? like this one?
It’s always poor wheezing 98 year old Doris or 82 year (40 a day) Fag ash Lil who seem to cop it but not self serving, self congratulating dried up dog shit like this specimen.
I fucking HATED this ritual first time round, city streets were like something out of Silent Hill with all the brain washed NHS deadites banging their saucepans and cutlery…funny that they had any as most eat out of takeaway wrappers and pizza boxes.
If anyone is still doing this you are indeed a prize winning, gold plated, super size cunt of cunts and may you be run over by a drunk Asian in an Aldi.
Fresh from running the 3.20 at Kempton. Fucking classic.
Get the cunt a carrot.
Ridden hard , and put away wet!
Fear not little people. I’m sure someone somewhere will think of an exciting new way to virtue signal over the NHS. Some gimmick like emptying a bucket of piss over your head for example.
Wellll, If you want to reward my hazardous service, I would like to have a mount on the lady at one of the nursing homes i deliver to. She’s got an awesome rack on her.
Here endeth the lech for today.
Piss Bucket for Heroes.
Has a nice ring to it.
Any look at me cunt who disturbs my evening by banging on pots and pans in the street will get the said equipment shoved up their arse sideways.
Oh, and where were the these happy clappers after May last year and the demise of Saint Chicken Floyd George and the rise of the BLM craze? Nowhere to be seen, that’s where. Because they’d found a new toy and a new way to get attention. They put a sambeaux woman threatening drugged up housebreaking criminal above the NHS workers and the Covid dead. These cunts aren’t fooling me and they never did. Virtue signalling sacks of shite.
All ethnic stab-victims get a round of applause from me at the telly.
Clap for the NHS or Clap for “Heroes”?
The choice is like standing in a tank of piss with someone threatening to shit on your head…do you go under and take a mouthful of piss or let some cunt shit on your head?
If Hancock sadly left us I would go into my street naked with my best saucepan and silver spoons and bang it like a demented brain damaged seal from dusk to dawn.
I will only clap for the clappers who are clapping for people who have the clap.
It’s a difficult dilemma to consider.
When indulging in scat-sex , I generally piss up their arse first.
This conveniently removes any decision making as to the liquid/solid consistence of what the gaping mouth will encounter first – although in my experience , it’s usually brown piss.
Hope that helps.
She should, instead, get down on her knees and suck cock for heroes/charidee.
A pound a gobble seems like a reasonable financial outlay?
Not if you’d seen the picture of her in the original BBC article it wouldn’t! Mad eyed looking thing that would probably bite your todger off and when you collapsed screaming in agony stick it in your eye.
Just checked her pics on Google and in some she does appear to have a fit bod and a firm pair of titties.
Sad cunt I am.
Gnashers like Shergar and the jawline of Ted Kennedy.
Or, “A Guinea a gobble.”
Alliteration is the last refuge of the scoundrel…
But, but…our intellectual colossus of a statesman/PM says there ‘is nothing wrong with being woke’! Or perhaps he is a mammoth sized fuck-witted cunt. Lets’ all get out there and clap. Never mind the burning wreckage of our economy, It is obviously safe in the hands of the party of business. Fuck off.
Sadly he is the latter.
Sadly he is a Latte.
There , fixed that for ya.
Fair play to anybody who persues a career in the NHS or in the emergency services generally as these people can often be worth their weight in gold and I very much doubt I could ever do it.
It is still an individuals personal career choice at the end of the day though and the clapping and hero worshipping of state sponsored idols is Orwellian.
A bit like everything fucking else these days.
Next we’ll have the unemployed clapping those that have a job ffs.
Where does it end?
Will benefits be scaled on the clap o meter?
I almost joined in once during the last lockdown, I went to clap but almost hit my very expensive Omega watch and slightly stretched my Aquascutum suit.
Go fuck yourselves.
Anyone remember the Austin Allegro Vanden Plas?
Same Plas, different hurdy-gurdy. Talking of which, check out this minor classic from 1991 by the lesser-spotted Butthole Surfers.
Quality where it counts most. What Donovan would have made of it I cannot imagine.
A hearty round of applause for the brave gentleman that gives this loony a length.
Other than that,Fuck Off.
Apparently, not all is as it seems. Annemarie, self-styled “little ole me yoga teacher” is, allegedly, employed in a senior job for a Dutch PR firm. I have to say allegedly, as it seems it has been removed from most of the internet, and she is going to great pains to deny it.
Looks like many other ‘modern’ middle class mother’s…vegan, dresses in orange corduroy skirts brown shoes and a white fluffy hat (to try and have an identity), belongs to 300 WhatsApp groups, and is a cunt.
These soulless, personality free cunts are all the same and move into cities like London and Bristol and kill the vibe, drive up house prices, offer nothing apart from supporting Johnny and his vegan fucking sandwich shop. They need to fuck off to wherever they came from.
I’d rather fuck a chav bitch wearing a tracksuit and trainers.
Go fuck yourselves.
Never a truer word said. Bravo!
Nothing beats a filthy drugged-up slut with a potty-mouth.
Some sugar for Shergar please.My God she can open beer bottles with those teeth.Was she dunked in the ugly pond?
excellent nom – my worry is who the fuck gave this tart a voice – cunts!!!!!!
10 seconds into the clap for NHS was enough for me, we used to get a text from the old bat next door to remind it was time to go out to the garden to clap like fucking performing seals, it was bollocks and now Plas cunt wants us to do it again, no happening , fuck you and the horse you come in on……..fuck off attention seeking fuckmonkey
I hope you blocked the meddling old cow.
Get a burner phone , and send her some cumshot compilations.
That should keep her busy for a while.
Cheeky fucking cow, I would’ve told her to go fuck herself on a barbed wire fence post.
Wasn’t even an original idea, it’s something she’s copied from her homeland. People seem to love these virtual signalling displays these days. She’s managed to get in the limelight.
Changing your FB picture to commemorate terror victims, clapping on your doorstep, I ain’t doing that shit.
Lastly the cunts and their precocious spawn that play guitar and sing for their neighbours whilst live streaming in the hope Louise Minching can gush about them on BBC cuntfeast, them people need a good cunting. Stop and think about it you cunts, any catastrophe or disaster and you find a way to make it all about you in your middle class suburban boxes.
Toyah can fuck off.
All this me me me shit is really tiresome.
Rancid old ragbag.
What makes her think I’d be happy clapping for the NHS when I can’t even see a GP?
True though.
Well aha can fuck off back there and annoy the chinny, drug addled, cheese with holes eating, windmill living, bicycle obsessed, no mountainous region, clog wearing fucking cunts!
……and breeeeeeaaaathe!
Don’t forget ‘animal-fucking’.
……and another thing:
If they ever remake of “On The Buses”, this goofy cunt is a shoe-in for the role Olive.
Instead of putting babies potty on Stan’s head, she could put a saucepan on him instead, make him stand on the doorstep every fucking Thursday and twat the pan with a laddle, whilst saying something pithy, like:
“Aaaaaarthur, I think Stan doesn’t appreciate our brave NHS Heroes☹️“
Silly bitch?
She can go fuck herself
The whole clap for the NHS has proven to be most unpopular regardless of an individuals political leanings.
My memorable experience of it all earlier, was during early summer when a group of women at the bottom of my street made it a regular excuse to get the deckchairs and Prosecco out. Dirty looks for taking the dog for a walk past at such a hallowed time, followed by trying to ignore the cackles and avoid the hugging merriment on the journey home.
It’s clearly a sickly women thing so bitches leave!. As Clarence Bodiger would say.
Piss on them.
It’s the only thing they understand.