First a link form The Guardian ( I know, I know, but I’d urge you to read it…
This describes one small aspect of the treatment of The Uighurs…concentration camps, forced sterilisation, mass murder etc also being reported. It’s no better than the Nazi treatment of the Jews… a holocaust.
As for anyone who says “Just Muzzas, Fuck them” should consider that there’ll have been a few people in occupied Countries in the War who thought “Just Jews,Fuck them” until the Nazis started coming for them too… China in the future may or may not “occupy” Countries but they will certainly make the most of the economic and social meltdown caused by the very virus that they (accidentally, my arse) unleashed on the World to spread their malign influence.
The Chinese, much like the Nazis, consider themselves superior beings and have no qualms about how they advance their aim of World domination. It is time that every Country set aside their differences and put a stop to China and its puppet, North Korea, before they unleash God knows what on the rest of the World.
Nominated by Dick Fiddler
…and this from Technocunt
What a bunch of duplicitous cunts they really are!
There was an article in today’s Telegraph (see below, but paywalled unfortunately), suggesting how lightly the Chinese have got off with the Dink Virus causing so much death, misery and financial hardship across the world.
The article also made special mention to the World Health Organisation, and its softly softly approach to ciritcising the Chinese for the 90+ million infections and 2+ million deaths.
This is made even more galling when the article suggests: –
Quote – “The WHO’s head, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, got his job through China’s backing and appears reluctant to criticise. When he visited Beijing at the end of January last year, his organisation’s statement praised the regime for “the transparency they have demonstrated”.
Moreover, the article goes onto say that the CCP has tightened down on social media along with any form of protest and/or negativity towards the government’s handling of the pandemic.
Quote – “The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has strengthened its interior control. Infectious disease, like war, always seems to justify totalitarianism. Covid has given the CCP an excuse to lock up its critics, shut down independent human activity and extend its surveillance so widely that the word “privacy” becomes obsolete. The recent Covid death of one person in China was news, which implies China’s methods worked, compared with those of the muddly old West.”
Strangely, although not surprisingly, the libtards in the West, along with the Extinction Rebellion twats, and Saint Greta of Cuntbergs, have all been rather quiet taking potshots at China and its appalling history on human rights abuses, slavery, totalitarianism, child abuse, animal abuse, pollution and a shitload of other things that these two-faced libtards are quick to jump on here in the West, but seem to be shit-scared of ruffling any feathers in China, probably because they don’t want to be seen as racist!
The article ends on a rather ironic note:-
Quote – “No discussion of totalitarianism is complete without mention of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. People forget the end. Freedom is defeated. The hero, Winston Smith, stares up, “gin-sodden”, at the huge poster of the great leader, and gives in. The last line is “He loved Big Brother”. It could happen here, and now.”
Moreover, it is now a “Time to Heal” claim the Democrats now that Sleepy Joe is going to be the new president. So I guess that means China gets a free pass too, and the global disaster that was Covid 2019/20/21… can now be conveniently swept under the fucking carpet!
Putin has already said he can envisage a military alliance between China and Russia.
This would dwarf the size of the US.
Grab these stats . . . . . .
US total fighting force – 1.8 million
China/ Russia force – 4.5 million
US nuclear warheads – 5800
Chussia – 6670
In contrast, the US does lead in hardware areas of ships, aircraft and attack helicopters.
Despite this, the US does lead in total expenditure where America’s is more than double that of Chussia.
USA being $732 billion per year
Chussia being $302 per year.
How many warheads does one need?
That should be $302 billion a year!
It doesn’t matter if you have fewer warheads; the secret is to deliver them first ,to the right place.
China has been carrying out a stealth war with the West for years, force of arms is irrelevant when they manufacture everything we need to wage war anyway. Most of the parts for the USAs most advanced fighter jets are made in China and are thus likely compromised, as is the propellant used in its missiles etc etc. Add in all the Wall street money that’s forever trapped in China and you realize they all ready have us by the balls, alliance or not.
One of the good things Trump did was kick these fuckers into touch and was hard on Chinese imports and trade deals.
Biden is going to allow the USA to get fucked by China as he is a corrupt little fucker.
Chyna is too big to fuck with ? Not if you all gang up together its not. But that is the problem, leaders shit scared of their economies, their place at the feeding trough, and a distinct lack of moral fibre.
Good cunting Dick.We need to do unto others what they would (will ) do to us, but get the first kick in the knackers. That’ll get their attention for sure.
Let Sleepy Joe Biden / IRA Lover sort things out with the Chinks and their Kung Flu.Joe will also sort all the other related problems. The Democrats will sort it all out don’t worry ??
Bomb China.Nuke the Yellow Peril
The Chinks and the peacefuls deserve each other. The Yanks are going to get both. We already have the cunts and their apologists in our midst so we are fucked. Good job I don’t live in America…..i’d be armed to the teeth with my sweaty finger on the trigger!
As it is i’ve got a Stanley knife so stay the fuck away from me.
Yours sincerely,
One of those cunts who has been affected by the well known mental elf. ?
If we ripped the band aid off now and decoupled from China ASAP we might have half a chance, however the West seems quite content with funding the modern equivalent of Nazi Germany in return for access to cheap iPhones and Nike trainers.
Shortsighted Wall Street cunts have happily pumped all our pension funds into supporting building projects in China that are literal ghost towns, the prices artificially inflated by the CCP to keep the bubble from popping. You could move every cunt in the U.S into these towns and still have spare apartments after.
Companies that invest in China can’t repatriate any funds, so fucking McDonalds and Starbucks are simply generating profit over there for the CCP, who in turn pump all that money into expanding their military and dominating emerging tech fields.
Obama gave the go ahead for building Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear reactors in China and now the cunts have reversed engineered, allowing them to build completely silent nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers (The first one is coming into service soon!).
I could go on, but in short the Cunts have capitalized on our greed and want for profit and are using it to fund their own military ascendancy. Trump had the balls to at least start addressing the issue but now we’ve establishment crony cunts in power once again, who would rather focus on the matters of gender identity and melanin count (while they themselves continue to get rich off of Chinese bribes) rather than the evil regime that could give two shits about your choice of gender or race.