The company I work for needs a nomination.
They regularly send cunty woke related emails and the latest one features a guide on how we can show our ‘allyship’ (eh??) with our LGBT and transgender colleagues. We don’t actually have any in our office.
One of the things they suggest we do is to amend our email sign-off, to include our preferred pronoun.
Well here’s mine – Straight bloke, not woke, fuck off.
Nominated by: mystic maven
If the worst thing that has happened to you today is that someone used the ‘wrong’ pronoun, then you’ve had a good day.
My pronouns are ‘fuck off’ and ‘fuck you.’
Tell you what, if people dress ambiguously then their fucking lookout. I suggest they take a photo of their actual genitalia and wear it on a hat, then I’ll decide which pronoun to use based on that image.
And if it’s an inside out cock then the owner is still
a fucking BLOKE
The woke…..they need a poke…..with a red hot iron right up their arseholes…. and fuck off at the same time. Wankers.
Just been looking at a photograph of Dr Rachel Divine. Biden’s pick for some top office. Yes I bet that’s a made up name. Like a drag Queen’s name. Miss Divine.
Anyway, he/she was there in the photigraph with a grouo of people. And it occurred to me that this is ‘The Emporer’s New Clothes’ in reverse.
Meaning in the fairy-tail everyone can see he is not wearing any clothes at all. BUT NOBODY IS SAYING ANYTNHING. In the photograph everyone can see he is wearing women’s clothes BUT NOBODY IS SAYING ANYTHING.
The only way we are going to return to some sort of sanity with this is when someone stands up and says (maybe at the Biden installation if this fella) ‘Look! He’s not wearing men’s clothes at all!’.
I bet “it” was inspired by that hideous 80s tranny, Divine, who had a penchant for consuming bottom eggs.
“You think you’re a man but you’re only a boy…”.
Oops gotta go; my breakfast is making a reprise.
“…But you weren’t man enough to satisfy me…”
ergh erg ga bloooooarghhhh!
The original Divine was a shit eating (literally) deviant fudgepacker, so not much has changed.
Welcome to earth space travelers, you should have intervened earlier.
Man in a dress, really is that obvious. Would not fool a blind man. Akin to putting a frock on a JCB. Maybe very good at what he does but I would suggest serious credibility issues concerning the wardrobe.
This shit drips down from the Marxist cunts in academia.
We are witnessing nothing more than chickens coming home to roost ?
My employer hires thick as fuck minorities by the truck load to make sure it is overpoweringly diverse.
The only problem is that most of them are either backwards or criminals.
Nobody gives a fuck though.
Get more of the cunts in I say.
I cannot imagine shareholders standing for this rubbish much longer. ‘ Our profits are down 90% but we are so diverse. I fact, diversity is our strength ‘.
How big a fool do you need to be in order to believe that ?
Bp a case in point.
I think that it’s a wonderful idea.
When doing tree-work and feeding brash into the chipper, I have to stand with my back to anyone who is helping…what if one of them was one of The Gays?…there I am stuck between the drum of a chipper and a potentially rampant homosexual…he could mount me at any time.
However if The Gay had already been forced to declare that he was actually a Bufty-Boy, I could refuse to employ him. I could demand before taking anyone on that they declare if they were Fruity Gentleman…it’s a matter of my Health and Safety.
Perhaps to spare Homosexuals and other Sexual Miscreants the trouble of selecting their chosen pronoun, all “choosers of the chocolate path” could be asked to wear some kind of sign when out in public…a discreet Graham Norton pin-badge perhaps?
That was verging on homo erotic fantasy there Dick, steady on old chap.
He was going on about “ Foxchaser’s Meaty Delights” on the cheese thread yesterday SV.
I’ll stick one of my unsold “Percy the Pangolin” (it was aimed at the Chinese market) meaty-delight tinned-pies up your hoop if I ever lay hands on yer….you…you…
Again with the as$, Dick?
Gemma up on the blocks at the moment?
Reminds me of that old outer Hebridean joke about why it’s best to do a sheep at the edge of a cliff… “…because they push back harder…”
Just in case you’re not clear on which pronouns to use in which circumstance.
I despair for our broken society.
You made that table up didn’t you!?
Please tell me you did.
This is the work of someone with a much higher level of education than I, probably why I think it’s a pile of dog shit, I don’t have the intellect to grasp the concept.
If you have a poke around on there, you can find out that they cater for LGBTQIA+.
What the fuck you say?
‘LGBTQIA+ – A common abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual, Transgender, Genderqueer, Queer, Intersexed, Agender, Asexual, and Ally community. Queer – 1. An umbrella term which embraces a matrix of sexual preferences, orientations, and habits of the not-exclusively- heterosexual-and-monogamous majority.’
Only lefty academic cunts could come up with this bullshit, this bullshit has seeped out of university faculties and into the media and worse still government policies.
The first column should have photos of typical genitalia applicable to each pronoun.
Dog al-feckin mighty, some of that stuff looks like “Pangolin Thai.”
One word for any/all of them: shit
Go Woke Go Broke, In my country NZ it’s in overdrive and I love it, I make money from these stupid individuals, just piss myself laughing and banking the money.
We need them to continue with this shit to start a fire so the weeds and the undergrowth start an unstopable fire and the forest will once again rise from the ashes.
Yep, bring it on,haven’t had a good war to clean and get rid of the cannon fodder so bring it on so the woke puss of the boil can be lanced.
Stupit Woke pricks dont understand cause and effect, that a sword had two edges and cuts both ways. Anyway the Woke and Snowflakes are doing somebody elses bidding, dumb arses, to follow the agender just have to follow the money. It’s all for a reason.
My preferred pronouns when corresponding are ‘I’ and ‘you’. When writing about myself I use ‘I’ and when they refer to me they will use ‘you’. The third person pronoun is utterly irrelevant in this case and therefore does not need to be given.
As Queen Victoria would have said, WE are not amused.
I guess its an easy way of finding out how much of a cunt someone is without actually having to meet them…. every cloud and all that.
I/we, spilt personalities could can might say thanks for reading ignoring this message oh bollocks enough it’s got me he him but sometimes her no I mean bino neutral thing beat. No not your meat or button Fuck it goodbye. Cunt
there’s always been diversity in the workplace and business – those that can do the job and do it well and those that can’t and don’t – what’s the problem again?
Only three pronouns, him, her, and cunt.
The rest is humanity crawling up its own arse to die.
Working for a Labour run local authority I have to put up with this shit all day long.
I decided to play them at their own game yesterday when I turned up on an Ethnic Minority Network event as the only white face. There were a few surprised faces when I turned my camera on in a breakout session with some questions we were given.
I did the only thing a white man should do and took over the session with my white privilege and superiority and was thanked by my group for delivering all their points.
On pronouns, I’ve got no time for it you are either a Prick or a twat and probably both if you go down this route.
I sign my corporate email off as:
transvestite from transylvania
Hang on, isn’t it now White Female Privilege? Seems to me theses toxic feminists now have privilege over everybody. These woke cunts have been pointing the finger at us normal folk not realizing that from their own hand more fingers are pointing back at themselves. Dumb cunts that really are laughed at outside their echo chamber.
What about good old Fagot, Poof, Dyke, Shoulder Tapper, Pillow Bitter and mention Gay which used to mean happy. Maybe the word ‘it’ covers just about all the deviant classifications?
Sadly, all inclusive agenda are compulsory. Argue and you will lose your job. In Nursing, (so Im told ) you must embrace multi this that and other, or, no job. Same elsewhere I believe.
I believe we are fucked for the time being.
Imagine signing your emails off with ‘they’ because that’s your preferred pronoun.
So if the boss calls ‘they’ into his office, he has to say ‘I would like to see you both in my office’. Huh?
If it wasn’t so serious it would be a great laugh. All this leftist bullshit oozing out of the once great cuntry of the USA, wouldn’t be and it not allowed in communist states. The revolution eats it’s own, they just cannot see it. Fuckem, fuckem all.
Don’t need a pronoun, just a quick test sorts it out
The whole of forensic science will need revisiting to cater for the errors of simply assigning DNA to just male or female.
I will never turn woke.Not interested.Dull dull dull.Boring.
With four kids and 8 grandkids it doesnt take long to unlearn all this bullshit because they all know its lies.
The woke would have gone down well in Munich circa 1933 to 45. “What’s your preferred pronoun? It is Adie, Adolfy, Adolfo?”……