Brexit Sore Losers (2)

Here we are in the first days of 2021, the first days of our liberation from the EUC, or, to give it its full name, the European Union of Cunts.

I’m savoring the heady air of freedom, for freedom indeed it must be, given the persistent bitching and whining of sore losers, who continue to be as angry as wasps in a jam jar about Brexit.

On the very first day, arch-Remoaning cunt Lord Heseltine (who I believe has done very nicely out of the EU gravy train over the years) couldn’t wait to tell us that he was ‘angry, very angry’, and called for the battle to rejoin the EU to begin. He’s been joined by fellow peer Lord Adonis, who no-one in the UK has ever voted into political office, who bleated ‘let’s make 2021 the year we turn the tide’.

They should team up with Simon Schama, who ‘grieved at midnight for what’s been lost’. Yeah, like endless budget wrangles, bitter infighting over Covid cash relief and vaccine allocations, a huge migrant crisis, strangling bureaucracy and lack of democracy, an ever-growing tide of Euroscepticism… Yes, let’s grieve for what’s been lost.

Then of course we can always savor the bile and rancor coming from north o’ th’ bor-durr. Our old favourite Ian ‘Bloater’ Blackford, a man never to use one word when a hundred will suffice, has been ranting on about ‘disasturr fur Scortlund’. It’s all ‘an unforgiveable act of economic vandalism and gross stupidity’, says the man whose party has been laying waste to Scotland’s services for a decade or more.

Of course Heidbanger-in-Chief Wee Jimmy had to get in on the act too, lamenting ‘leave a light on Brussels, we’ll be back soon’. Great thinking Krankie; get independence from the UK and, er, hand it straight over to Brussels…

Naturally there’s been plenty of sour grapes from our ‘friends and allies’ across the Channel. Short-of-arse Frog with an Oedipus complex Emmanuel Microbe had to get a dig in, claiming that Brexit was about ‘lies and false promises’. Have a concern about your own neck mon ami; Marine is breathing down it.

And inevitably,’Mr Pumpkin Head’ aka Guy Verhofstadt, just had to stick his oar in. ‘Britain is a European country with a European destiny’, puffed the windbag. Well, we are that, but we are NOT an EU country, so fuck off back to your bloated plutocracy in Brussels.

The list of sore losers piping up will continue to grow no doubt, as they drink long and hard from their wine made with the sourest of grapes. Never mind, they can always put on ‘Ode to Joy’ and sing along with the official anthem of The Fourth Reich. You never know; it might even stop the cunts whinging for a bit if they listen to their own broken record playing. Is there perchance a vaccine on the way for Brexit Derangement Syndrome?.

Nominated by: Ron Knee

Plus this from W. C. Boggs


Let’s hear it for that band of EU loving, Barnier cock-sucking, terrified little pussies and poofters, halfwits, who within hours of leaving the fascist rabble, and encouraged by Lords Heseltine and Adonis – who both have vested interests – are determined to rejoin it. They have issued a certificate of some sort for Quislings who want back in, and the idea is when they have “enough” sheep who sign the fucking thing, they intend contacting the EU to demand they take action. Now the deluded wankers have started a FaeceBook page:

Instead of embracing new exciting opportunities these publicity hungry whores, like Sturgeon, Gaylord Adonis and a gaggle of old wimmin of both sexes (Bendover Bradshaw, AnalEase Dodds, Dawn Butler) are determined to throw in the towel, and hold up the white flag.

In wartime these unpatriotic bastards would have been shot as cowards. On this, the 75th anniversary of the execution of “Lord Haw-Haw”, William Joyce (3/1/1946), cunts like the above mentioned ought to face the same fate. I would happily pull the trigger.

….and this from Captain Quimson

The Remoanervirus

Germany calling, Germany calling, a glorious day in Eurotopia awaits!!!!

A richly deserved cunting if I may for a certain breed of cunt who like a stubborn virus won’t fuck off to their land of origin or choice. These cunts have mostly had their own way for many years, living the fucking high life, unaffected by mass immigration or social deprivation. Their most pressing worry is having to fill out a few extra forms to go on their skiing holiday to the Alps, “darling moi”. They view most of the British electorate as scüümbäggs who should just “fuck orff and die yah”.
They may put on an “estuary” accent like LBC’s very own “plastic Brit” Haw Haw O’Brien, or tar baby Femi, (the latter of whom needs a damn good sjamboking), but the worst of these cunts is the “Auchwitz survivor impersonator” Andreas Vidkun Vichy Adonis, a man who is so unpopular he has to be bequeathed a job.
As you can tell cunters, until a cure for Remoanervirus has been found cuntishness and fuckwittery will run amok, unless of course the dingy demons move to Shoredich, Islington or Surrey. Then it will become an issue of the utmost importance.
What a bunch of cunts!!!!

…and to this, one from Quick Draw McGraw

Dan Snow is deserving of a nomination. In the wake of the UK FINALLY leaving the EU, part of me did hope that the few remainers who were still whingeing about it would admit defeat, shut the fuck up and move on to something else. And that Steve Bray would fuck off back to Wales and get a job. But no, these assholes are nothing if not consistent. And Dan Snow has now decided that it’s his turn to show us what a complete bell end he is, by tweeting about the ‘tragedy’ that is Brexit.

Like a lot of these demented fuckwits, Snow appears to think that it was the EU that has kept the peace in Europe since the second world war, and not NATO or the UN. Funny that, the EU, as it is now, didn’t actually exist until about 1992, after John Major signed the Maastricht Treaty. Prior to that, it was the Common Market/EEC. And even then, it did not exist immediately after the war. Thankfully, dickweeds like this are becoming fewer in number, so I’m afraid we’ll have to suffer them for a while yet.

…and another, this time from Just a bloke

Nish Kumar. What a grade A publicly funded cunt he is. Not content to accept a democratic vote he has been the mouthpiece for the violent left and continues to grace our screens.

” Do me a favour , go home and murder your Brexit voting parents” That was a joke of his a the Lord Taverner’s Charity fund raiser- he had to be escorted off stage as the booing didn’t fit his ego – he tried to stay on.

A cunt who should join BJ’s father by fucking off to the EU.

53 thoughts on “Brexit Sore Losers (2)

    • Fuck me. The Remoaner in Chief has given up? That’s what I call a Christmas miracle.

  1. There’s only one place for these skid marks – top shelf of Unkle Tel’s oven.
    Only one word – pyrolytic.
    Hope someone’s got Hessle cunt in the dead pool…

    • What you have to understand is these people aren’t used to losing.
      Theyre not used to it, never been shown how to lose with grace or dignity.
      Mummy and daddy always let them win, never told them NO.
      Told them their special little boys and girls and life is for them to treat like a big box of cherries.
      Me im used to losing,
      Can shake hands and say best man won, no hard feelings,
      Be a Englishman about it.
      But these cunts?
      Full red faced meltdown
      , Like a kid having a paddy in a supermarket.
      They need chemically castrating.

  2. Just been reading the comments on that Facebook page. Comedy gold.
    Was going to pour some salt on the wounds but you have to join the group which then puts up numbers so didn’t

  3. The labour mayor of Penzance ordered the union Jack’s raised for Brexit to be removed. Guess what it looks like, glasses and mouth like a beaver. We are going to put up with this shit till death or the collapse of the evil empire. The cunts want to get a life and a job. Undemocratic cunts and shit heads. Fuck em, fuckem all.

  4. I’d love to book Nish Kumar for some ultra right wing event just to see the abuse he gets. This guy is as funny as a pint of cold sick.
    I read a story about him last year where he was booked for a Conservative golf club after dinner slot and got a load of bread rolls thrown at him. Now that does sound funny and I’d have paid to have seen that.

  5. I am of the unshakeable opinion that we could have killed this shit stone dead in 1940 if only we’d allied with Germany. For a start it would’ve put those uppity french fucks back in their box, Bolshevism would have been booted into the wilds of Siberia, communism and its adherants would have been tied in a sack and drowned at birth, tens of millions of lives saved, there would have been no mindless destruction of Europe’s great cities, the commonwealth would have been assured and further insured by Germany’s offer to supply divisions of Wermacht to deter and defend any attack on British holdings and territories in Asia. American dominance of world trade would have had a formidable checking force arrayed against its ambitions and schemings and they’d have had to think twice before pulling their endless stunts and fronts in the Mid East and in addition Germany, through its eastward expansion, would have created a formidable bulwark against third world migration through the Balkans and Mediterranean regions. All these things and more… instead we got… this!

    There I said it

  6. It’s gone beyond ideology and personal financial interest with these cunts. It’s, as Miserable says, they just can’t stand losing. If they had got their people’s vote bollocks it would have been rigged….you can bet your life they had no intention of losing a second time.
    I notice most of the remoaner slebs have shut the fuck up……they’ve now jumped on the BLM bandwagon in attempt to grab some wokery pokery popularity.

    • I think you’re right Fred; to paraphrase the Duke of Wellington after kicking Frog arse at Waterloo, it was ‘a damned closs-run thing’.
      It’s going to be very interesting to see if any other countries now try to break out of the chokehold after seeing that it can be done.

  7. The problem these people have is their lifes work has been shown to be an utter waste of time . A waste of the only life they have. They are in Hitlers bunker but are to cowardly to do the decent thing and blow their brains out. Let them moan. Brexit is now the status quo. Trying to change that took Nige 30 years. The real fight is the battle for hearts and minds in the culture war. The eu is a busted flush, and they know it. Fuck em.

    • Imagine how much of a cabbage you’d have to be to want to climb back into bed with these parasites. Pull down your trousers and pants, lean on the back of a sofa, then accept Tusk’s scrawny cock, then accept Verhofcunt’s floppy tadger, then accept Metkel’s veiny cock, then accept the Euro.

      • Okay then…what must be must be.
        But I’ll NEVER take the fucking Euro.

        PS to all pedantic cunters out there, I apologise for the Americanised spelling of ‘savour’ and rancour’. WordPress wouldn’t let me alter it.

      • I was going to mention the irony, Ron. Defending Brexit and celebrating the independence of the UK …..then using ‘Muurican spelling. ?

  8. I’m so glad we have left the EU. I don’t like most people anyways but after all this EU bollocks I don’t like many Europeans now either…as the Oxford vaccine is easier to store and administer we should charge the EU double and include the Scots in that as well. Its a good way of making some money and will help get the economy back on track.
    No doubt Covid 19’s effect on the economy will be blamed on Brexit by these sad pro EU cunts. All the pro EU cunts have done and will continue to do is moan abaaaaaht the fucking EU, they need Sjamboking ©️ Captain Quimson.

  9. Have we left the EU? The sun still rose and I’m sure I was told it would be the end of the world……..oh well.

    Carry on.

  10. The header picture is now my laptop screensaver.
    Suck it up wankers ???
    And let me taste your tears…

  11. We kind of left after the potato in a wig buckled. A fudged, bodged compromise.
    We should have left immediately after the referendum then began the negotiations.
    The work goes on – we need to be COMPLETELY disassociated from the poisonous dictatorship of the EU.
    And Theresa May and a few others I could think of need to be doing the pirate dance from traitors bridge.
    Don’t like my Country and the democratic will of the people?
    Then fuck off to an EU Country and don’t come back.

    • Did you see The Appeaser in the Commons the other day, stating that her deal was better than the one Boris got?
      There’s delusional, then there’s barking mad.

  12. Emergency cunting for youtube for banning talk radio.
    No conspiracy here, move along.
    Sorry for the interruption, as you were.

    • Odin’s balls… the left really are humourless bastards aren’t they. No joy in them at all.

  13. I’m afraid we’ll have to put up with these cunts for a few more years yet. Every time something minor happens we’ll get them bleating on about how it wouldn’t have happened if still a member.
    But……. the REALLY good thing is that I can now do the gloating, and watch as most of them seem to want to hang themselves anyway. I can laugh and just ignore the fuckers! GREAT!

  14. Brexit was worth every penny just to see anti-british negroids screaming and pushing up their blood pressure to stroke levels, let me know when lamming, abbot and lenny fuck a fat wjhite woman henry all drop dead so my dog can shit on their graves

  15. Well Brexit definitely worked! Not one immigrant ship stopped and the borders are tighter……in Europe! I was all for peace but knew we’d be treated like the Soviet Union by the rest of the world and NONE of you knew this

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