Bob Geldof (6)

A good cunting. I had the joy of sitting through a Bob Geldof presentation about 6 months after the vote. He droned on about Waterloo and how more soldiers died on that day in 1815 than the 1st July 1916 ( Somme ). Oh we’ve started a 3rd World War he moaned.

Listen you Remoaner cunts. No two democracies have ever gone to war with each other – it is democracy that keeps the peace not corruption in the EU. So fuck off.

As a footnote , about 1/3 of the audience got up and walked out including me after 15 minutes- shame he got a standing ovation when he walked on stage.

What a Cunt

Nominated by: Just a bloke

48 thoughts on “Bob Geldof (6)

    • More like Ann Widdecombe without the charm or shitty knickers.

      Hmm, perhaps with the shitty knickers.

  1. Pretty sure you are on equal terms with Saint Geldof of Crap songs for this cunting.

    Nobody goes to Bob Geldof presentations and freely admits it.

  2. Bob Geldof – a one hit wonder (not that wonderful) tool of cuntishness with an inflated view of your own importance – go fuck yourself you cunt. Given your unique brand of stupidity, being a pioneer in giving fuckwitted, attention seeking names to your offspring and a penchant for self righteous, piety, the likes of which haven’t been seen in these lands since the last snivelling roman General was sent packing hundreds of years ago. I affirm thee as cuntus monumentus and wish your shrivelled, greying carcass would just fuck the hell off up your bony, gaping arse. You cunt.

  3. Yet another foreigner telling us we don’t run our country properly. If you don’t like it here feel free to fuck off back to the peat bog from whence you came.
    Rest assured Bob, you will not be missed.

  4. Preachy cunt, isn’t he?

    I find it hard to take advice from someone whose wife, wife’s lover and kids always seem to top themselves.

  5. I thought that was Boris Johnson until I clicked and read.

    Both massive cunts of the most cankerous flap-encrusted order.

    “Give me your fucking money” yeah Bob I bet that’s what Paula was screaming at you when you were impregnating her with future heroin addicts.

    I don’t like Mondays but I like you even less you sanctimonious streak of dejection wank.

  6. Didn’t somebody once say that giving a child a little smack now and again never did any harm….

    • If we’re going to question parenting of those in the public eye, let’s start with the McCann’s.

      Bred their daughter (via IVF) to be sold the pedo elite via Clement Freud, the Podestas (who were in Portugal near their resort at the time), and had the eye condition ‘coloboma’, which George Soros just happens to have.

      My only question is why was it plastered all over the media. Why the endless campaigns and raising of millions for two fake goons who already had millions of their own. And all the attention in the world from the likes of Satany Blair and Gordon Clown.

      Was it to make them richer than they were? They hardly needed the money. Were they trying to play Blind Man’s Bluff against their elite overlords??

      It’ll all come out one day. The one certainty is that ‘Maddy’, if she ever existed at all, is either dead as a doornail or is in the hands of the elite pedo sex club. Well alright, that’s two certainties, I know I know. Be interesting to see what Jizz-Face Maxwell has to say for herself mind.

  7. This smelly Fenian fuck has got rich from his ‘famine crusade’.
    OK, he might not have got any cash from the actual Band Aid and Live Aid funds. We all know most of that went to guns and helicopters for African dictators and insurgent savages.

    But after the Band Aid single, this spudfucking gobshite got an autobiography published, did loads of TV adverts, and he basically became minted. This was all on the back of the Band Aid thing. Let’s face it, he didn’t buy a mansion on the banks of the Thames with Boomtown Twats royalties, did he?

    Slob Geldaft is also a clueless knobhead. In 1997 he was on this ‘Greatest Albums’ programme on Channel 4, where he was arselicking the Beatles and Sgt Pepper. Geldof went on about how great the Beatles were for using phasing. He then claimed that Small Faces nicked the idea and then made ‘an entire album’ out of it. Naturally, this unkempt spudfucker was talking shite. Small Faces were the first to use phasing and they did it on one track (‘Itchycoo Park’) and the Beatles later used it on ‘Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (the original mono version). Geldof also moaned about how the Stone Roses debut album (from 1989) had ‘no right’ to be in the top three of this album chart (which it was, voted for by viewers). Now, while the Roses might not be everyone’s cup of tea, they were a million times better than Geldof’s shitty arsed mob. How anyone who was in the horrendous Boomtown Twats can say another band isn’t worthy is fucking hilarious. The man is a total cunt trumpet.

    And Ogden’s Nut Gone Flake beats Pepper anyway.

    • I agree that Ogdens’ Nut Gone Flake is a better album than Sgt. Pepper.
      Another album that is slated for trying to copy Pepper, (or the sleeve at any rate), is the far superior Their Satanic Majesties Request, by The Rolling Stones.

    • My missus is a massive “small faces” fan-I think Bobby needs to eat some “Humble Pie”!

      Talentless cunt.

      • Excellent nom. yesterday,General,excellent…livened the place up. 100+ replies is always a good sign.

    • Norm: Not a fan of anything 60s as you know, but I always like to dig a little when you mention something (as long as it’s nothing to do with those 4 scouse cunts). I found the title track of Ogden’s Nut Gone Flake on YT and gave it a listen. Decent. Hard to believe it dates back to 1968. Sounds amazingly fresh and modern to my ears. Remarkable. Cheers – IY.

      Anyone else who’s interested:

  8. How this prick has the gall to show his pikey face in public after both his ex and his daughter topped themselves to get away from him* is beyond me.

    * they might not have topped themselves for that reason, but they probably did.

    • Thomas@
      Allegedly he had another daughter called Angel Delight,
      You suspiciously never hear mention of??

      Now I dont believe he intentionally strangled her in a rage at not Getting his Boomtown Rats greatest hits to number 1, she probably just overdosed?!!

  9. Live Aid really brings out the Adolf in me. Multi millionaire pop singers bullying the working class for their money. One restaurant bill from these fucks could feed an African shithole village for a month. Bob’s idea was to keep him in the limelight at the time due to the rotting corpse of Punk. What a cunt.

    • The way the hadn’t had a hit in years Boomtown Twats got a full set at Live Aid was also sickening.

      Also funny how this ‘mega gig’ is now remembered because of one band. Queen.

      • Spot on, Norm. Queen and of course U2 trying to turn the whole affair into one of their own gigs. Of course, by the time Live Aid happened, Bonio and the boys had turned into monumental cunts. The graft and honest endeavour of Boy, October and War and given way to the over-the-top pretentiousness of The Unforgettable Fire. Live Aid bigged up these cunts and inflated their egos to such an extent that The Joshua Tree was the result. Absolute Cunt status was finally achieved with the mess known as Rattle and Hum and it’s been a down hill ride ever since.

        U2: a text book example of what happens to a promising young guitar band who believe their own hype, inflate their own egos and think they’re more important than just being a guitar band.

  10. Ireland is still in the EU Bob and you’re Irish. Fuck all to do with you really.

    Now Fuck Off.

    • Oirish but chooses to live in England. Faversham, Kent to be precise. I write this every time this gyppó is on here though it’s worth repeating: Despite having millions, he haggles in local charity shops. What a dirty pîkey cunt.

      Talking of dirty EU-loving lickspittles, I see Blair is talking shit again. Sorry if this has been mentioned but the Grand Poo-Baa of Cuntidom has said that “Britain will have to prove itself to be a successful nation after Brexit if it ever wants to return to the European Union.”

      Shut up and Shit off.

  11. Another Bog Trotter with far too much to say
    Deport the scruffy git back to the Republic where he belongs.There’s no place for you here foreigners like you are not welcome ?

  12. The trouble with this cunt is he never knows when to shut his shit trap.
    5 years in the Congo digging wells for lazy thick as pigshit savages should sort him out.
    Oh and a sound dose of Ebola.
    Fuck Off you bag of bones dull fucker.

  13. Another desperate old cunt trying to look relevant!

    Despite hating Britain, chooses to keep his “hnourary” knighthood, as well as living here as well.

    A dusty old worthless cunt, who probably shits himself every morning if it wasn’t for his day carer

  14. Slob Smelldof needs to meet some of those fishermen he was flipping the “V” at from his riverboat-load of cunts.
    Let them decide his (hopefully unpleasant) fate…

  15. The header pic reminds me of Worzel Gummidge, but I think Gummy spoke more sense, and probably smelled better

    • Aunt Sally was sexy. Mind you, I’ve had a thing for Una Stubbs ever since I first saw her in Till Death Us Do Part. She was also milfmongous in her cameo at Fawlty Towers.

  16. “give us yer fookin money!”
    This shagsack famously said.
    Well Bob, if youd of donated the money you spent on recreational drugs, be a few less starving marvins and be more people at the family get together.
    Im not about to be lectured of someone whos had more family deaths than the kennedys thank you.
    Look to yourself you scavenger Gobshite.

    • Three people within his immediate social circle dead by their own hands.
      As the old saying goes:
      Once is happenstance.
      Twice is coincidence.
      Three times is a pattern.

  17. Anita Ward had her brief encounter with fame, reaching #1 in the singles chart with her little ditty, “Ring My Bell”. I am sure she was OK to step aside to allow the classic haunting epic of “Are ‘Friends’ Electric?” by Tubeway Army to top the charts in the summer of 1979. Four weeks this masterpiece stayed at #1 and the world of music was forever changed. Thanks to Gary Numan. What unworthy tuneless pile of wank replaced AFE at #1? Some shit about not liking Mondays by The Boomtown Rats. A travesty by any standard. Fronted of course, by this gobby talent challenged pikey. Geldof can fuck off. Now and forever more.

  18. didn`t the boomtown rats have to take the cunt to court to get the royalties they were owed as the thieving bastard kept the lot himself ?

  19. Multi millionaire junkie Saint Bob has done VERY well out of African poverty.
    As have the mad mullahs and warlords who run the continent.
    “Dirty Bob, what a knob, get a fucking proper job”!
    I wonder if he will use these lyrics?

  20. When was the last time this evil cunt had a shower or a good bath.Needs a wash the filthy cunt.

  21. A fortune built on the back of staving Africans.
    Quite the Irish imperialist aren’t you unwashed bog trotter.

  22. Geld off is an epic attention seeking tool who rather than being perpetually offended at the state of Africa and then being stupid enough to think he could make a difference and that any money sent would actually get spent on the needy, what a prat, so after the money was used to buy AK47, s and all good old Bob got out of it was to look like a cunt, maybe he should have concentrated more on his marriage and brat and at least he may have been able to make a difference at home…. Useless gobshite cunt and leader of the Boomtown rats, the most miserable shit I have ever heard…. Fuck off Bob you twat

  23. I don’t recall seeing a single black face in the crowd at that Live Aid concert, maybe Lenny Henry or Lammy told them not to go as it would be seen as supporting aid from ‘white saviours’

  24. Hated without exception everything the Boomtown Rats ever did.

    Don’t blame Geldorfs wife for feckin off from the unkempt, untalented loudmouth slob.

    Went on record to say his children hate his music and find him an embarrassment. Welcome to the club.

    Said a few years back that he wants to be the first Irishman in space.

    Crowdfunding anyone?

    • Great one liner there Willie. Made me chuckle. One way ticket I’m assuming. Cheers – IY.

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