Bill Gates (4)

Bill Gates

A “do as I say not as I do” cunting for this world class preachy, sanctimonious fucker. The original tech nerd turned ‘philanthropist’ (allegedly – has anyone you know received a handout?) who berates everyone else on the planet for causing climate change.

It’s been reported that Gates is one of the world’s super-emitters due to his regular private jet travel. He took 59 flights in one year travelling more than 200,000 miles and it is estimated that Gates’ private jet travel emitted about 1,600 tonnes of carbon dioxide. That compares with a global average of less than five tonnes per person. Researchers have found that private jets emit up to 40 times as much CO2 per passengers than commercial jets.

The crowning glory: this fucker is now buying a private jet hiring company!!

Nominated by: Isaac Hunt.

71 thoughts on “Bill Gates (4)

  1. Another hypocritical billionaire, just what we need. He seems to be buying up as much land as possible in the US as well.

    PS, You’ll soon change your tune if you ever get the Covid vaccine ? and Gate’s can control everything you do and say, Isaac! ?

    • Maybe he will command people to plant trees to offset his carbon emissions which is always the excuse wealthy elites and celebrity wankers come out with when criticized for frequent air travel.

      Being a eco-mentalist tree hugger ain’t gonna save you when Slow Joe and his gang socialist headbangers come after your billions Bill !.

  2. All of Bill Gates’ billions still wouldn’t buy enough cement to fill in Katie Price’s snatch.

  3. Fucking dweeb. Apparently had his vaccination yesterday like a good boy haha, fuck off he did! I bet it was like the royals vaccination, just saline solution.

    Another one of these duplicitous turds who think they have the right to play god and decide who gets to live, and who gets sent to the recycle bin.

    Control-Alt-Delete the bastatd.

      • Whatever it was I’m sure it involved a healthy amount of child labour, followed by eating them. Using only the finest organic orphans of course!

    • Why are the media promoting Gate’s opinion on Covid and other health issues associated with Covid anyway?

      As far as I am aware he is a computer software developer and not a Doctor of Medicine.

      • Exactly. Doing it out of the goodness of his heart? Ha! Fuck off. He does not strike me as a wise philanthropist at all, let alone someone with any understanding of health.

        The dork can’t even dress himself well for christ sake. Billions of dollars and you’d think you’d at least have some style and a decent haircut. Twat!

      • Yes looks like he just rolled out of bed. Hair’s a fucking mess; unkempt, untended, greasy, looks like it smells like a wet cocker spaniel

  4. There’s a lot of reason to despise this cunt, anyone’s who’s interested can find enough factual reasons not to trust him with 10 minutes online research.

  5. As with Green and Branson, a prime example of one of the key problems with capitalism.

    One can only hope a Lynrd Skynrd moment befalls him during one of his many private jet flights around the globe.

    Speccy, geeky, Rick Moranis lookalike cunt.

  6. Remember when there was that climate change meeting on Sicily/Sardinia (I forget which) and there were over a hundred private jets? And they were addressed by the towering intellect that is Meghan Markle’s pet orang-utan.

    Eco-fanatics who say they can buy carbon offsets or plant trees are no different to the rich fuckers who bought indulgences for their sins from the medieval church.

    If it is necessary to cut air travel to fight climate change, then the only fair way is rationing with no trading of rations. Can you imagine the look on Gates’ face if that rule came in?

    Socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for everyone else.

    Random thought #7

    • Nice try Mike but you know the elites will carry on doing whatever the fuck they like, they have no shame about displaying their contempt for the hoi polloi.

      • Good point C, as soon as the wonga starts to fly common sense, reason and logic are but mists in the morning. If you have enough money you can do what you want, has always been thus and I’m damm sure will never change.

      • Ryan Air did all this off setting shite. Charged their customers a green tax on the pretence it was off setting carbon and only planted a few hundred trees but still kept up the charges. Cunts.

    • Rationing yes, but he won’t think of it on a per head basis, he’ll think it’s on a per dollar basis. So he thinks he deserves more, a lot more

  7. The question I want answering is why this cunt has the same voice as Kermit the Frog?

    • His wife’s even worse. “Buy my book on ‘How To Do Virtue-Signalling’ which will explain the best types of camera angle when visiting schools and hugging poor kids in Africa. It’s all in there for $29.99 and all proceeds go to the Bill & Melinda Foundation for Purchasing Nice Things For Us. I’m a practising Catholic, you know.”

      • I saw something a few weeks ago Cap, his Mrs was demanding to be called ‘Dr Jill Biden’ because she received a Doctor of Education in educational leadership from Delaware University. It seems to be one of those shitty degrees that bored, middle-aged rich women take to ‘give something back’ teaching English at a community college to underprivileged yoots.

      • Doctorate in changing incontinence knickers would be more useful, to the new First Lady.?

  8. Nowt wrong with Bill. He took me for a ride in Elon Musk’s spaceship in October, after I’d had my flu jab and he spilled some white stuff on my botty-hole which he said was Brasso so he rubbed it with his hanky and It came up nice and shiny.

    Top bloke!

  9. Gates has to win one of Harry& Mrs. Hewitt’s “honours”, for being the supercilious hypocritical motherfucker he is.

    He is another of those arseholes, like Anthony Blair who seems to think he has a special dispensation from God to lecture everyone else, while regarding himself as “special”

    Unkle Terry’s oven?

  10. He is a cunt but having said that if I had his money I would be an even bigger cunt, would I give a shit about the great unwashed, not a fucking chance ?

  11. Bill looks like a terminally ill Charles Hawtrey in the pic.
    The rich scum.

    Oooh matron….

  12. It’s a shame cancer took the wrong Microsoft founder. Paul Allen put his wealth to good use, restoring WW2 planes, and buying a ship that was used to find quite a few wrecks, the USS Lexington and the Indianapolis among them.
    Apparently he wants to put a chip in me. As long as they come with fish, or a chicken and mushroom pie, I’m in.

  13. His windows system did more to lift people all over the globe out of absolute poverty than all his ridiculous philanthropy put together. Just shows capitalism and trade helps people far more than aid and sanctimonious cunts like Gates.

  14. Of course I realised many years ago that the wealthier the person the more weight should be given to their opinion on any subject at all..

    Bill knows everything and is in no way a Bullshitting Cunt.

    Should I have my vaccine now Bill?

    • Wealthy cunts opinions matter more Terry!
      People like Bill are always right.

      Hes the Bill of rights ?



  15. What a twit he is with his private jets. I imagine him saying something like, “Flying in my private jet causes lots of pollution. But that’s OK as I have trees planted to balance it out”.

    That’s like having a big fry up oneday with the full monty. Or a massive mixed grill and then saying, ” That’s OK. I’ll have two big salads tomorrow to balance it out”.
    Or a murderer murdering someone but then making babies to make up for the people he or she killed.

    Boils my water hotter than a kettle.

    • Spoons-I have just scoffed my way through a plate of bacon-butties smothered in sauce.
      I will restore balance to my body by having an enormous shite (human-pat) in the near future?

      • Ah splendidly, CG. Sounds like it might be a takes-two-flushes job. 😀

        P.s thankyou muchly for the cowpat explanation in the ex pat nomination. 🙂

  16. I hate Satan Gates.He can shove his vaccination up his arse.Utter turd.Oven please Unkle Terry

  17. You don’t rise from rags to riches unless “gifted”. “Criminal” or a “Cunt”

    Your suggestions please …..

  18. The super rich and tit swingers like politicians and celebs will always tell you a thing is bad while doing it themselves.

    It’s a way of keeping the proles down and compliant.

  19. He should stick to washing windows or whatever he does.

    Microsoft sounds like a company that makes very small blankets and pillows to put in dolls houses or some sort of tiny washing powder

    • Microsoft-sounds like Japanese penis belonging to a slanty suffering from erectile dysfunction ?

    • Never really thought about it but yes Microsoft is two pretty mild words.

      It’s not too late to trade up the name, turn those two words around, rename Microsoft to something like “EnormousHard”, or “MegaFirm”

  20. Carbon offsetters have been cunted before, I think.

    First off, I’m not completely sold anyway on the effects of climate change that are pushed by Greta and co.

    But let’s assume the effects are dangerous.

    As others have pointed out, flying around in a private jet 200 days a year is not ‘OK’ if you plant some fucking seedlings.

    Ted Bundy worked as an unpaid volunteer on a Samaritan’s helpline, right in the middle of his serial rapes and murders.

    I’m guessing we should’ve let old Ted off then? He offset his murders by saving some lives (which he did by all accounts).

    So what if he went back and raped the corpses and kept severed heads in his bedroom to give him BJs?

    He was an offseter and therefore, not guilty if you follow the same rules.

  21. It’s depressing how many people have spent a whole year in blissful ignorance at what the likes of this married-to-a-man midget, Klaus ‘vee must hav zee forth industrial revolootion!’ Schwab, and perpetual shadow boogeyman $oro$ are really, actively doing. I just accept now that they’re getting what they want no matter what, and to live each day as it comes, avoiding as much as possible the trappings of ever-deepening inanity you will inevitably encounter if you venture out into public or watch any form of media.

    ^^ whilst we’re all diverted by the mainstream narratives, people have no clue for instance that that little charming outfit started up on 14 January. And if anyone thinks for a second that it’s not going to be replicated across the globe, well shine my shoes and call me Shirley. Just like I’m sure everyone is aware that the World Economic Forum has converged upon Davos this week to consolidate their ‘Great Reset’ plan. Nevermind, keep wearing your carapace nappy, take your jab and ingest your fluoride, and ‘interact’ slack-jawed with the shiny shiny things on the devices.

    • A guy in work likes to do his own research, and was happily telling anyone who would listen that Gates is buying farmland so when he blocks out the sun, the only food available on planet earth will be his gm crop.
      Sounds legit.

      • I don’t know about his ‘plan’, but it is true that he has recently become the number one owner of US arable land, and that he has talked about UV-ray blocking tech. Those two are legit facts.

  22. Why this wrong’un cunt won’t fuck off and enjoy his money is beyond me. Obviously a psychopath that has to be involved in everything like that other rich cunt Blair. It seems cunts like these are obsessed with telling the little man what to do, why ‘Bill’ is involved in vaccines when his Windows platform is a buggy pile of cunt I don’t know and I wouldn’t go near any vaccine this shit cunt is involved in.
    Money can turn the best of us into cunts, and thankfully I keep my cuntishness in check but this cunt is a twisted bastard.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • Microsoft gave him the taste for developing ‘viruses’, that’s for fucking sure. What goes around…

      • @Woke up,
        I agree, I’m sure good old Bill has all the vaccine updates already for the next 10 years to seal with the neverending Covid saga. ?

    • That cunt is loving all of this bollocks, another power mad psychopath.
      He is starting to mention new strains and that he is worried about vaccine efficacy, he probably wanks every night whispering ‘i am the Covid protector’. What a cunt he is.

  23. I hate this mofo like you wouldn’t believe he has politicized this pandemic and is mainly responsible for all the endless fear mongering and pro vaccine propaganda

    Not to mention he actually might of orchestrated the wuflu virus itself if the wuhan lab conspiracy thing is true Someone needs to smack him in his little bitch face and do the world a favor I also don’t think I’ve seen him wear a face mask once in the recent interviews I’ve seen come to think of it, weird

    • COVID came from the States. Fort Detrick to be precise. A scary history of leaks to the point where it was shut down temporarily. Detrick troops were sent to china (despite the rhetoric and never publicised) on a joint military exercise with China. Where did they stay. Wuhan.

      • Yeah I am very suspicious of this being because of pangolin or bat soup if it is then fine but we need more evidence this was from the consumption of exotic meat

        I feel like elites of usa did this virus because the ghey ops in hong kong wasn’t going their way. I am not a shill for china but I doubt they did this virus on purpose to tank the world economy doesn’t add up either it was done by CIA for revenge for HK or it was from a virus lab. One thing is for certain these virus labs need to be shut the fuck down and Bill Gaytes and Anthony Faguci need to be put in chinese gulag re- education camps until we figure out what the hell is going on here

  24. Evening NA.

    Point of Order: shouldn’t this nom be Bill Gates (4)?

    Or Bill Gates (8) if you count the Microsoft cuntings.

  25. What really makes me sick with this cunt is the pink fucking sweater, worn with the same officey belief that motivated cunt middle managers to wear snoopy socks in the 90s. Oozing smarmy, smug, self righteousness isn’t enough with this sanctimonious CUNT and countless flights by private jet while preaching about CO2. He’s also been busy buying up farm land across the US. Bill Gates’ husband, Melinda apparently fists him regularly, it’s what keeps him speaking in Kermit tones. One wonders if the farmland will be used to raise fake meat or insects for yummy McGates mealworm burgers. Cunt.

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