Amanda Milling, Tory Party Chairwoman
Apparently this massive cunt is the one who is going to suspend local elections for a second time. This time until November (yeah, right! If you believe that they will happen just as the NHS needs saving from the third wave, you are a world class optimist).
This second suspension will be because there is no chance of holding them “safely” in May and to allow for proper canvassing and campaigning by candidates. What utter shit. They will be delayed because the Tories know that their monumentally crap handling of the so-called pandemic means that their councillors would be purged from town halls up and down the country by voters out for some justice. By suspending elections for another year incumbents will be able to carry on fucking us over without the inconvenience of having to obtain a mandate.
Nominated by: Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea
Severe looking albino fucker isnt she?
Bet her family tree has some ripe fruit!
Camp guards, she wolves, poisoners, and stuka pilots.
Gissa smile blondie
And show us your growler!!..
Whoa, one of her great-uncles died at Auschwitz. Fell out of a guard tower.
Another keyboard ruined!
Give it a cigar and a gold chain and it could be goodness gracious say everything twice ratte rattle jingle jewelry.
Looks like the late Johnny Winter. ?
Johnny Cunter?
At the next opportunity deface your ballot paper with the words “I have no faith in any of the participants, fuck off”.
Elections should go ahead but filling local councils with the SDP and Labour isn’t going to fix anything. I expect it will tick a few woke boxes, more wimmin, more ethnics, more LBGT and some non binary types but no one offering any real representation of the masses.
The masses happily sit back and vote leaving it to the elected representatives to deliver utopia. The only people motivated to change anything are the actvists of whichever hue and they have an agenda based on controlling the masses.
Elections should go ahead but until the general population looks away from whichever distraction from reality they have chosen, not a fucking thing will change.
The Tories know they are stuffed.A kicking in the local elections.They will loose lots of seats due to blundering Doris the snake.Tough titties.Serves them right.Drain the swamp
The trouble is that the swamp keeps refilling; there is no shortage of those who want to get their snouts in the trough.
Corrupt cunts. My local council is full of self serving cock-suckers who are bent as nine-bob notes.
What is wrong with a full postal vote? Oh hang on a minute, the Royal mail are about as much use as the politicians… Lazy, get paid loads and fail to deliver.
The postal vote worked great in the US recently didn’t it??
All totally fine, above board and 100% accurate and reliable ?
Just as it was in Peterborough…
Lots of cunts here slagging off Boris. What’s the alternative then??? Sir Kneeler Smarmer??? Okay slagging people off, alternatives??? Orangemen slagged off now they have a zombie from the politburo. Sitting in my greenhouse having a beer in sunshine, cunts over the cuntry moaning about snow. Tough fuck off
The lack of an alternative is what’s kept the conservative in power since 2017. If ever a party had an opportunity to prove they were the right government at the right time it’s the current Conservative government.
They’ve shown themselves to be inept and incompetent at best. Being the best of a bad lot isn’t a recommendation of Boris but a condemnation of the current state of all political parties.
I couldn’t give a fuck if they dispensed with elections all together.
They make absolutely no difference at all.
Have Labour.
Have Tory.
The whole process is a cosy jolly for people who are only interested in power and corruption.
I’d rather have a military junta.
Fuck Off.
In fairness, this shitstorm is a political nightmare, and whatever they did/do is going to piss people off. On one hand there are those that who moan that we didn’t go far enough or long enough with the restrictions, and on the other they moan it’s gone too far, too long. No one is going to be happy either way. What people forget is that these cunts are mere politicians, and are winging it on a good day.
The public-“may as well vote labour, let’s face it, they can’t do any worse than the tories”
Labour – “hold my beer…”
If any cunt comes canvassing at your house (or any cunt with a clipboard and a sense of self importance) simply whip open the front door a bit sharpish and say, “Hello, come in, the gas meter is under the stairs.”….
Expect lots of protest votes for irate Tory voters regardless of whether the elections are held in May or later in the year. Trouble is though it means letting in the next worst thing in the Liebour cunts, and if not them the bloody LibDumbs
They’re all as bad as each other both at national and local level; they’ve all lost their traditional identities and core constituents in pursuit of the Woke, and that includes the Tories, who seem to be shifting further to the Left every passing year, as if they’re too shit scared to be tagged as right wingers!
If there is a Tory bloodbath at the locals, Boris will be running scared, hoping the 1922 cunts don’t get on his back pushing him to resign.
Also interesting how Boris has quietly given local councils in England an extension to their powers of shutting pubs, restaurants, hotels etc until at least mid July – thus giving more power to the tick-boxers to shit all over the private sector.
The BBC (with this new anti-Woke DG) have dismissed the a complaint against Laura Kuenessberg for using the phrase ‘nitty gritty’.
‘Let us rejoice at that news!’.
The fightback has begun! We’re not going to take this anymore!
Surely it shouldn’t take until November to install Dominion machines and get Ruby Freeman a visa to come and count for us?
Talking of useless authority shite, I woke up this morning pleasantly surprised to see a picturesque blanket of overnight snowfall. In fact it made me momentarily forget to realise I was a cunt.
Now as dusk sets in it’s snowing again. It’s a lovely, serene and peaceful sight. Honestly though, this must be the first time in the past 10 years that Amy Winehouse knocking her coke bag off her cloud hasn’t been heralded in by constantly-trumpeted EXTREME WEATHER WARNINGS and subsequent bread and milk runs on the shops. Could it be that we already have a sufficient ‘crisis’ for the media to focus on?
If any more proof were needed that the government’s most valued currency is fear-mongering, I’m looking at falling right now.
Are you sure this bitch is a Tory?
Fuck me! I thought the Tories would do all they could to get Suck Dick Khan out of office.