A hypocritical bastards’ cunting please for YouTube.
Today, they’ve released news of the banning of any videos alleging voter fraud in the US election, or that Biden’s victory was anything but squeaky clean.
Now this nom is not about whether there was any voter fraud for any TDS cunts. I do not know. Video’s victory may have been 100% legit.
My cunting is about YouTube claiming to be unbiased, but quickly getting on the side of the leftists. The fucking cunts did nothing to stop the left from making video after video claiming Russian collision. That went on for four fucking years. Even after it was proved to be bollocks.
And the claim of ‘no evidence’ is bollocks too. There is good evidence and bad evidence. But videos, witness statements and statistical data are forms of evidence whether you like it or not. It’s just dependent on how reliable it is. End of.
So there we have it. You can make up whatever you want if a non libtard wins, but heaven forbid you actually show evidence when it’s the other way around and debate if it’s real or not.
Fuck YouTube. Viva Bitchute.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
The fact that PooTube, ArseBook and Twatter have all gone so desperately defensive and censorious tells you all you need to know about the truth of the election.
It’s the same with Google and Feacesbook. They will ban you if they don’t like you political content but are happy to leave videos and posts encouraging self harm, suicide, sexualisation of children, grooming and a whole load of content about woke, lefty trannies.
They are all cunts that think they are bigger than governments and can do what they want. Boil them in piss.
Just a few of the left’s favourite things there. And that’s the key to it all. They come out of Fooliversity trained into Marxism and then make millions of dollars to go and spread it culturally. ‘Left’ is the single most dangerous force in the world today and it needs to be EXTIRPATED.
Youtube, Facebook and Google’s rein of power over us all will diminish over the next few years with decentralisation of the net. Whether those companies and their super rich cunt owners like it or not, the gradual take up of cryptocurrencies with advanced blockchain technology are going to play a major role in their demise.
Like Cuntbook and Google, Youtube is a ‘middleman’ and is needed to access users content. It’s a privately owned company with privately owned servers that stores creators videos and serves them to it’s users. However, using Youtube’s services means that creators and users have to comply with Youtube’s terms of service and may have to pay for its content in one way or another. Creators on the Youtube platform may earn a share of Youtube’s revenue, but the pay structure is entirely up to Youtube’s discretion. The way to break free from their stranglehold is an infrastructure where users can connect directly with creators and pay the creators directly for the content they wish to consume.
For ISACers that are interested in how the media giants face being made redundent and royally bollocksed, here’s an article about a developing blockchain called Tron(TRX)
Youtube getting all preachy yet encourages all sorts of daft shite!
Suck my withered balls.
Viva Trump!! ✊????
They won’t eat allow a quick tit flash. There’s more political truth in Xvideos than youchoob.
*Not eat, even.
An honest event has no fear of scrutiny. They filth are treating the US election like they do Climate Change – no debate , no challenge accepted just swallow the shit and do not question.
A good Cunting.
Yes, the soshul meeja billionaires do seem to be hypersensitive about the election result…….probably because they paid for it. They’re not too keen on stories about Uncle Joe’s druggie, corrupt, sexually deviant son either. They get more and more like the BBC every day.
Swings and roundabouts – there is lots to disapprove of, not least bloody woke adverts in the middle of 8 minute how-to videos, but let’s be fair, where else could Nicola Krfankie-Sturgeon have found the song she proposes to sin every day to Barnier in his sexy EU face nappy?. Here it is:
In WJ Krankie’s case, “Use my cunt as a capper” would be equally appropriate.
Crapper… Doh.
YouTube was created so Everyman could make their own content, if it was good enough it got lots of hits and once you tube monetised itself via ads people could make a penny from their output
Enter google and the woke, suddenly unacceptable content began to include what was labelled extremist content. IS videos could still be found but Alex Jones etc were tagged as far right and banned. This has gradually been expanded to include mainstream right wing content.
You can send in a video of a freak show Drag Queen story hour, you can upload your Antifa riot and looting weekend highlights but don’t try upload content questioning the system.
YouTube is running on the same track as CNN, censorship of content that doesn’t fit the narrow narrative.
Yes but I like watching the cats and kittens videos.
This happens on Twitter as well – trailer park boy Dorsey blocks anything by Trump or tags it with a warning.
Echo chambers for socialist fools but the owners have way too much powere and are the online version of the MSM.
The enemy of free speech and free people.
So they can’t show videos purporting to point to evidence of voter fraud, on the basis that they are inaccurate?
But they can show videos from people claiming that the earth is flat?
And this..
Hehehe ?
Great showman
Terrible babysitter.
I always thought Jonathan King was a jolly fellow too. String of droll, foot tapping hits under various nom de plumes. But then he has to go and spoil it all by bumming children What an utterly vile bastard.
With hindsight he looks exactly as you would imagine a sick predatory pervo cunt would look.
He certainly does Twenty.
Everybody’s gone to the moon?
Accept you Johnathan.
Your going to D wing.
I would complain about the YouTube video censorship, but I keep being interrupted every other minute with unskippable ads for Tena piss pads for women.
Have they insisted you wear a facemask to watch Youtube yet?
Just called Tena now instead of Tena Lady so it doesn’t upset the trannies who still have their dicks.
Surprise they haven’t brought out a range called Tena For Those Who Menstrate. Really role off the tounge.
Another example of woke fucking companies bending to lefty trannies. Cunts.
What is “bad evidence”? Evidence that is false? In which case it isn’t evidence. Perhaps it should be called ‘alternative evidence’, like ‘alternative facts, e.g. falsehoods, untruths and delusions.
I’m beginning to think there is no way back from this post-truth, doublethink era we currently find ourselves engulfed in. And it’s not as if we weren’t forewarned.
YouTube videos are only evidence if they are genuine, undoctored footage of whatever event is alleged to have taken place. Otherwise they can be discarded as evidence. Eye witness reports are notoriously unreliable. And what was it Mark Twain said about statistics…
Too damn right, RTC. I’m unworthily wondering if one or two of our esteemed cunters might not be affiliated to the Keep Trump Out of Court faction. They’re very noisy about evidence, but have yet to produce any that couldn’t be as fake as they claim the opposition’s is.
This whole mess also plays beautifully into the longstanding Russian policy of creating the maximum division and uncertainty in and about the formerly democratic West.
I think I can provide evidence for that.
PS. Ace animation by an absolute master – blew my mind, anyway. Human aspirations?
You live in a dark zone, Komodo. Not good.
Thats brilliant.
Didn’t you post some animation not long back?
Bit similar?
Keep up the good work!?
I agree with you, Les. I was horrified to realise how directly that animator ( there’s an even better specimen I won’t bother you with) spoke to me, and its lasting effect is chilling. Still and all it’s a bit late to change now.
Probably ‘Avarya’, Mis, and in case it wasn’t here it is again. The Art Deco robot is a particularly sinister touch.
Geçmiş olsun, K and Merry Christmas.
With all good wishes. I genuinely hope you will have a good holiday. J
Teşekkür_ederim, Les, and all the best for the holiday to you.
But there’s a viral resonance there I could have done without….!
Thanks for the links, K – wonderful stuff!
Evet, anladım. Ama, ben de Türkçe sade bir dil – başka hiç bir şey yoktur. Şimdi önemli değildir (ama yirmi yıl önce çok değişik, yane ben Ankara’a evde, ingliliz büyük elçilik’a iş yaptır… başka, başka….)
Şey, have a good Christmas. I’ve forgotten my Turkish. It’s been 20 years unused, so unsurprising.
I’m out of here, but again send all good wishes for the Christmas break, HMG’s ministrations notwithstanding
I fear you are a cunter who is not unknown to me, Les!
I will not embarrass myself by deploying my fragmentary Turkish in response, but yes, it’s a lovely language for straightforward expression ( the grammar’s a cunt though) and the Turkish mindset matches it. I don’t think those shorts could have been produced by anyone other than a German-Turk.
Having demonstrated (with evidence) that YouTube is not wholly cuntworthy, Komodo out.
I’ve learned no end of useful stuff thanks to YouTube.
Last month it was how to fix the oven (saving £100 minimum) and sorting my hamstrings out….
Not to mention all those great opinion pieces by cunters like Paul Joseph Watson and Jonathan Pie.
Evidence is evidence. Are you saying an eye witness testimony isn’t evidence? Or a video? Or unusual statistics?
They’re all forms of evidence.
My point being that the MSM are wrong to say, without debate, that there is no evidence. Is it only evidence on conviction?
There is evidence. The reliability of that evidence is the only thing.
But seeing as ‘journalists’ refuse to investigate and simply scoff at such things does not convince me that they should be believed.
And as for the one who hints I want to keep DT out of prison…
I don’t give a toss about Trumpy. Of course, I must be questioning such things because I have a vested interest (rolls eyes) and not that I don’t simply swallow the shit the MSM throw out there as gospel, like a little fucking sheep.
In fact, I think Trump was a massive failure. He didn’t sort the shit that needed sorting and he paid the penalty. Look at big tech now. They run the world (or certainly the narrative).
America is absolutely fucked now Biden and his mad bitches will be running the place.
Merry Christmas anyway, you cunts 🙂
Eyewitness evidence… the Scottish police standard for this is broadly that if it’s my word against yours, and there’s nothing conclusive apart from that then a prosecution is unlikely. I think that’s where we are right now with Trump’s claims, which are notably lacking in corroboration. Indeed they’ve been rubbished by members of his own party – people involved in the counts.
I’m glad you’ve seen through him now. With just a little less prejudice you might accept that lying is his default mode and that he has no respect whatever for the truth in any facet of his existence. He won’t look good in the dock if they ever get him on his tax record, as I sincerely hope they will.
Just one of those lies: he, like every other POTUS, was going to produce his tax records. Did he fuck.
“With just a little less prejudice”
Ah, a thinly veiled insult. I prefer to be more direct. Go fuck yourself.
I was actually trying not to insult you. There is no shame in being prejudiced. Still, abuse is always a handy way of avoiding an issue such as Trump being a serial liar and cunt.
Isn’t it?
Nah. If you’re going to insult somebody, at least have the balls to do it properly and stand by it instead of trying to weasel out of it.
And Trump is a lying politician. I don’t get your point. My beef is with the msm and social media and the way they dismissed claims of voter/election fraud but did the opposite with the Russian collision bollocks.
I find that rather shitty.
Now now you two. By all means disagree, but cunting each other is not why we’re here. Thanks – NA.
Presidential tax returns:
I’m no weasel. I’m trying to abide by site rules. Let me know where you live, and then no-one’s going to be weaselling, eh?
I’m sure site rules don’t include threats like that. Why don’t you let me know where you live internet tough guy?
“bad evidence” is whatever youtube’s ‘fact checkers’ decide.
Of course they’re full of shit, the election was crooked.
Just who are these ‘fact checkers’ anyway, Snopes? ?
It’s just Communism.
Censorship of opinion is a cunts trick.
I enjoy some of their content but the platform itself is a degenerate,corrupt cesspit,much the same as Twatter etc.
Fuck em.
The US election is a fraud. Big tech and the msn are one and the same. One opinion, one narrative. It doesnt matter that Biden is a corrupt, senile pedo cunt and his family has been enriched by his corruption only one narrative is allowed.
From what I’ve read/heard the voting and vote counting was seriously suspect. So I agree with you. What I don’t understand is how/why the election ‘result’ was eventually ratified by the Electoral College and Biden pronounced the official winner. For all the finger pointing, allegations and supporting evidence of wrong doing/voter fraud, not one single legal challenge has been upheld – as far as I know. Why FFS?
The Demons had voting laws changed in many states to allow for greater use of mail in votes. Mail in votes are easier to manipulate and play into their plan to steal votes for Biden and discard votes for Trump. Those laws were changed by county judges signing them off, however it’s only the state level legislature that can change voting laws. So the county judges acted outside of their legal authority and those changes should never have been implemented. Why hasn’t that been successfully overturned? I can only assume if it were, that would force another election and that’s too much for a hassle because the outcome might be different a second time around. Couldn’t have that could we!
If Trump is going to call foul, then he’s got to back it up and win legal challenges. Otherwise it’s just a game of ‘she pulled my hair’. This election, whatever your view point, was shrouded in smoke and mirrors. I don’t think we’ll ever know the full truth. More’s the pity. Shame on America.
We have disagreed on this issue, but I don’t think there’s much wrong with your conclusion. IMO the US electoral process is unnecessarily opaque and tortuous and offers too many opportunities for unscrupulous cunts. It may be hallowed by tradition and sanctified by the Founding Fathers, but (like our own, though with different priorities) it needs massive reform. Like our own, it isn’t about to be reformed because our* representatives don’t want to spoil a nice little earner.
*Representatives of rich lobby groups, that is
I think you will find that Trumps attempt to “drain the swamp” which was the same mission of Brexit has failed. The swamp, money, power and the Chinese CCP are the winners.
Smug cunt. I think Trump made a difference in that he shone a light on the swamp and made its existence, self interest and corruption part of the conversation. The vitriol he’s faced over the last 4 years is what happens when you call out the swamp and try to dismantle it. The swamp fights back. He hasn’t made many inroads to be honest. That would take way more than 2 terms and he’ll only have one.
Same thing happened with soshull meeja. He called them out too and look what happened. They doubled down with the MSM.
There is no level playing field in politics. I honestly don’t know how long it’s been since Party A set forth its ideas and Party B set forth theirs, differences of opinion/approach/policy get debated and the electorate decides which they like best.
Irrespective of people’s views on Trump, we now live in an age where a sitting president of one specific political persuasion is attacked relentlessly and his state of the union speech is ripped up live on TV behind his turned back and everyone (Demons, MSM, soshull meeja, etc.) thinks that’s OK. It isn’t. Of course it isn’t. Obastard was never subjected to anything like what Trump’s had to endure. The system is slanted massively against the Republicans and Trump in particular because he dared to be different and dared to speak out about what goes on behind closed doors. For that he’s been villified. It’s a national disgrace and instead of being ashamed of their conduct, the Demons, MSM, soshull meeja, etc. just continue to pour petrol on the fire.
Let’s go back to the laptop from hell. Had it belonged to Donald Trump Jr the story would’ve been allover every news network 24/7 in the month leading up to the election and we all know it!! Covid would’ve taken a back seat. There was a clip on YouTube that’s been taken down now. It was the head of Google not knowing she was being filmed, saying Brexit and Trump were “blips”. In other words, THEY WEREN’T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN. The bottom line is Slow Joe was the Establishment’s choice so they suppressed any and all negative publicity about him. Anyway, we’re all going to be fucked now with another Great Depression coming and more pointless wars in the Middle East. Slow Joe will quickly be deemed unfit by Skeletor Pelosi, so Kameltoe Harris will step in and appoint Killary as Vice-President, then it will be all systems go with the Great Reset, a One World Government and the NWO.
“… bottom line is Slow Joe was the Establishment’s choice”
I’d assert that being in full knowledge of the mental and physical frailty of Biden and his limited life span in office (give it 6-8 months till he fills his last colostomy bag) the Democraps have selected Harris as the establishment’s choice.
All governments have to do is re-classify cunty soshull meeja platforms as publishers. Suddenly a whole new set of laws would apply and they could be sued for publishing falsehoods, illegal censorship and libel.
I wonder why no legislature has gone down that road, yet?
Corruption as seen with Nick Clegg
I.Y. has it – repeal Section 203 protection and they’re fucked, I mean properly FUCKED!
Great posts from IY but alas, ISAC has moved on.
When the people celebrate the distortion and corruption of a democratic process all is lost.
They will reap what they sowed, the clueless cunts.
And ‘Cunt me in’.
Oh and Bitchute have now started to apply country ‘filters’ to the UK. Try and view a David Irving vid and … what the fuck’s this all of a sudden……..???
“This video is unavailable as the contents have been deemed potentially illegal within your country by our moderation team.”
Potentially illegal?? POTENTIALLY????????? So what the hell have they got tee’d up ready for The Clampdown (Phase 2) do we think? The country who were one of the principal prosecutors (and victims) of that war now have no right to research that subject? and that’s an end of it… no recourse… no appeal to law…
So fuck PoopChute too
The truth doesn’t fear questioning
Truth is history, in both senses of the term.