Work shy cunts using Covid as an excuse
I am cunting all of those people who have used Covid as an excuse.
One cunt where I work did this. Since September, I can’t work come to work today as I have a cough and I’m waiting to get a test, now I can’t come in as I’m waiting to get results. Two days later, my Mrs has a cough and she is waiting for a test, two days later we are still waiting for the results, I have to isolate. Then after a day back he has to go off in the afternoon as he has to look after his twelve year old son who has been sent home from school as someone he stood near for five minutes has tested positive. It fucking goes on and on. Eventually the cunt, much to his delight, tested positive, had two weeks sat at home watching the tele with barely a high temp on full pay.
This cunt has had in total five weeks off work and has milked it for all it’s worth. He even tried to blag the long Covid Bull shit but like the fuckwit he is he got done by his own narcissist behaviour, bragging about his 10km run on wankbook.
Now this is only one case but there are I bet millions more like him who have revelled in can’t get to work due to Covid and when they do turn up they can’t do something as it’s too risky as they may catch this disease with a fatality rate for the working under 60’s of 0.001%.
The only people worse than thiese cunts are those leaching off the furlough while still working every day. But that’s a separate cunting altogether.
Nominated by: Cuntsince1066
I’d like to reply to this nom but I can’t be arsed……..and my eyes have gone all slitty! Waiting for test results.
The collective name is ‘politicians’.
I’d happily work but myself, and 30,000 others in the industry have been sidelined. No publicity, no support outside of a poxy grant based on tax returns, which have been non existant since January.
People will take a freebie if the chance presents itself.
Again, I refer you to the politicians,shit rolls downhill, or perhaps uphill would be more appropriate given Westminster involvement.
Fuck it all, generation snowflake and BAME invaders will foot the bill, I’ll be gone by the time the shit hits the fan.
Back in March when the covid lockdown first happened I genuinely thought that it’d be the end for my business.
I could see everything slipping away.
At 50yrs old and being self employed for years I doubt id make a good employee for someone else?
The idea filled me with dread.
But you do whatever you have to do to provide for your family.
As it turns out it I needn’t have worried,
Busy as can be, had a good year.
The guy described above,
The workshy type,
Hes a fool,
Thinks hes taking advantage,
But if you’ve noticed then I guarantee the bosses have noticed.
When the chance arises theyll get rid of the deadwood
And he’ll be up shit creek.
Good to hear you are busy, MNC. Similarly, all my close associates, friends and family are all very busy at their work – ironically they have never been busier. These people are in completely different businesses but all graft.
I work in civil engineering and the utilities sector and have never known it to be so busy. I reckon 2021 will be more prosperous.
Lets hope so Paul!
Talking to other lads in the same trade as me, theyre all dead busy, and same with other tradesmen ive spoken too.
Can only be a good thing eh??
Same here, Miserable.
When the lockdowns started last March/April I feared for my IT business and the lack of support for the self-employed etc.
But as it is I have never been busier, especially from the general public wanting to have their own home-office environment with printers, additional computers, keyboards, KVM switches, webcams, and the ability to use video conference calling etc.
I think in May I invoiced about £11,000 in labour charges alone, compared to about £6k same time last year. And its been steady at that ever since then.
But I still have to pay a shit load of tax and NIC, as well as working long hours. And yet the government offered me fuck all when they handed out all these different support schemes – pissed my accountant off no end.
Glad youve got the work coming in Techno!?
A lot of my work is for social services, I offer a service where I move vunerable people in conjunction with their support workers, and think they panicked that the tier system would stop things happening,
But its carried on regardless.?
I reckon Starmer is workshy – that is why he has “self isolated” twice in three months. That is “incompetent” – unless sniffing the horrible hot reek of urine coming from Anal-Ease’s knickers really has damaged his lungs.
Morning WC,
You hate mr Starmer with a passion dont you? ?
Whenever I see his name I think of you now!
Knowing youll have seen the story and be mumbling swear words under your breath.
Its nice to see someone committed to despising a politician!?
I have been fortunate like you MNC as self-employed and had a very busy year, I haven’t claimed a penny from the government because the cunts will want it back in some form so they can fuck off. I don’t wish bad luck on anyone, but this year will show up the flash cunts who have their life on tick and can’t afford it. The downsizing of the house and the cars going back because some idiots thought they were blessed and could pay it all back and life would be great forever ! I own everything I have and it’s not brand new but it’s mine. Flash Cunt Karma is great, big bits of humble pie being eaten. It’s rude to watch people eat but for these cunts I’ll watch all day if I’m not busy working.
Morning Rob,
Could of been a lot worse couldn’t it?
Those flash cunts your on about?
Ive already downsized quite a few from big houses in Cheshire!??
Be a lot more to come I reckon.
Morning MNC, you know exactly what I mean. Like I said, I don’t wish bad luck on anyone but in some cases it just seems funny. The falsehood gone and a reality check, a bit ‘here today, gone tomorrow’.
Morning MNC – yes I loathe Starmer even more than Anthony Blair – at least Blair would make a decision, however wrong it was, and stick to it, this quiveringheap of jelly is all over the place. He had to the gall yesterday to tell Boris “WE voted for Brexit” – well that slimy cunt didn’t, and his taking a knee and all the crap he has in his shadow cabinet shows what an insane bleeder he is.
Morning Miserable,
Have noticed also Mr Boggs makes mention a lot of the ‘Singapore Caning Room’ in his posts. He was even on about the ‘rattan’ that makes the cane in one. I dont know but he does seem to describe the caning with a certain tantalizing relish-all about taking the trousers down (or knicker as in the above) and giving a damn good thrashing on the bare bottom. I know Mr Boggs is old school but the detail is very revealing I think.
I’ll say no more.
Here is a damn good thrashing from the old school as it were-
Morning Miles,
WC was in the Royal Navy I think? (Apologies if wrong)
So I assumed hed been suitably impressed by the caning room while on shore leave in the far East!
I wonder if they came up with it themselves? A cultural thing?
Or did we show them under colonialism?
Either way, a job well done!!?
One of my favourite films,Miles. Christine Noonan who plays “The Girl” is fucking gorgeous..shame she’s dead.
Morning WC?
I agree entirely.
Scum always floats to the top eh?
Yes I am sure it came from us. They did adopt the way the English did things in every sphere of life. I once went to Singapore and was struck by how English it was-tea rooms, ‘Raffles’, churches.
Great film it is Mr F. And after the thrashing he has to shake his hand.
Morning MNC, great to heat you Paul and other guys are doing well despite the buckets full of shit the government are pouring over us all on a daily basis!
The remaining worry I have is that taxation of the few still in work is going to be raised through the fucking roof. Instead of making business easier (less red tape shit, less taxation, to free up enterprise) the no-nothing twats at the Treasury will just make matters worse. Brexit should be an opportunity to do things differently, so we can be sure it will be fucked up!
Belated Morning Twenty!
Sorry, was in the loft getting the Christmas decorations down under the watchful eye of missus Miserable!!?
There’ll be plenty of Cunts forced to sit on their arses when the furlough scheme ends..throw in the hopefully short-term disruption from “Brexit” and the “workshy” won’t be the’ll be the “want to work” who don’t have a job.
There’ll always be Cunts who swing the lead but for me the most irritating are the feather-bedded employees of The State who seem to be pretty much unsackable no matter now incompetent or lazy.
And the cunts scream of bullying when they get shouted out. Fuck me if I had a pound everytime time I have been swore at and shouted at, I would be a tax exile.
I had a trainee who accused me of “bullying”…well,he didn’t accuse me directly,he got his father to ring me! I then went on to thoroughly “bully” the father and told him that his son’s gear would all be chucked out at the end of my road and if he wanted it he’d best get there before the binmen.
What a horrid bully I am.
Morning Harry.
Morning All.
Morning Dick,
Your aware of course that giving young trainees ‘dead arms,’
‘chinese burns” ‘wedgies’ and pinning them down and smearing them with deep heat,
Is viewed as bullying by some in authority and not a valuable lesson in a trade?
Leaving someone naked dangling from a 30ft tree is more than ‘horse play’ or just a’bit of a laugh’!?
It’s just how soft so many of the younger generation appear to be that upsets me….not all, I had one lad who gave me a full inventory of my shortcomings before threatening to stick his chainsaw up my arse…I liked him and was sorry when he eventually left to set up on his own.
Morning Dick.
Off subject, but re your Jo Brand comment that got nobbled a few noms back, unfortunately I was unable to save it for my upcoming book, The Bumper Fun Book of ISAC Posts & Comments for Boys & Girls but Not Gender Fluids.
Could you re-post it with a name change, maybe substitute “Jo” for “Mo” or something, so as not to fall foul of the libel laws?
On the plus side, I was able to save the recent mild spat you had with the General during the Jill Biden nom (re bullying /trolling) before the thread mysteriously disappeared never to be seen again… That classic will certainly be included.
‘Fraid I don’t keep copies,RTC, so can’t repost…probably just as well… just end up being used in my trial for “hate-speak”
Btw, I’ve just checked and it appears the Jill Biden nom has disappeared altogether! ?
Why do you tell these stories, Dick?
Everyone at Fiddler University sees you as the most generous and caring of providers.
Just last night, I heard you escorted a buxom young lady back to your place because she was too drunk to risk getting in a taxi.
Aye,bit of luck that taxi-driver being a Muzza…meant that even my admittedly dubious charms were preferable to a drugging followed by a gang-bang above a kebab-house.
Morning Mr F…the court order banning you from being within 500 yards of the fragrant Miss Arterton has finished then?!
@ Mr Cunt-Engine……..Hasn’t stopped me sending the “dic-pics”…unfortunately I don’t have a camera so have had to resort to tracing the outline of my massive member on a vast sheet of paper using pink and purple crayons…sometimes i add spurty blobs too.
Just shows how shit the Royal Mail must be..Gemma obviously hasn’t received them or she’d have been stood oozing on my doorstep by now.
When you say ‘sheet of paper’, you’re quite sure that you don’t mean one of those chevron-shaped tickets that you pull from a delicatessen’s serving machine?
I don’t go to “delicatessens”…they are veritable rat’s-nests of The Gays and Old Biddies.
What do you find so appealing about them?
All those mouth-watering salamis…
..and then you have cunts like Kay Burley. Crap at her job, does a massive fuck up, gets suspended and told to fuck off for 6 months – but…. BUT on full fucking pay!
I have already mentioned, in an earlier Nom, the biggest workshy cunts during this pandemic. GP surgeries. Mine still won’t see patients tell me to go to the hospital so they can take my blood because they can’t see anyone because there is a pandemic on.(don’t say doctor cunt). Send me a recent letter telling me that I need to (I) need to arrange an eye screening. Yet only Friday it got one from Lincolnshire NHS say fuck it they can’t be bothered I’ll be alright for next 12 months. Worse of all a very old footie mate’s wife has just been diagnosed with a very serious cancer. She had had phone appointment and doctor cunt prescribed pain killers for acute abdominal pain. Several phone appointments Doctor workshy sent her for a scan and she was diagnosed with said awful cruel disease.
GP’s surgeries right now are like deserters in a war. Running away from action. WORKSHY CUNTS.
I concur-the GP’s should be fucking ashamed of themselves.
I know several, one a woman who was head of a rural practice, re-married to a complete cunt who was European Director of a major Far Eastern Electronics manufacturer.
She cut her hours to 4 per week, whilst retaining her senior position.
I asked her if she was enjoying married life-her response:
“It would be perfect if I didn’t have to spend so much time at the sick farm.”
What a cunt.
At least that shit only flies for state employees. At my firm (25 employees), there was one excuse-making motherfucker who rode in one day on his motorbike, declared he contracted chınk flu, got his missus to pick him up in a car then sat on his idle arse for a fortnight.
He refused to come back to work, making every excuse under the sun. After 3 weeks we sacked the fat fuck and then charged him storage fees to get his bike back!
Fuck him and all lazy bastards.
I’ve never been busier, and, Winter Pressure is just around the corner.
Has anyone ever suggested double decker ambulances, pick up two jobs on one trip ?
I’ll stick it in the Staff Suggestion Scheme!
Workshy cunts should be put to work down a mine.
Revive British Coal!
Bring back smog.
And coal fired ovens.
Money for nothing, free stuff. The socialist way. It is why we are in such deep shit.
There are always cunts like this, I used to employ a cunt who would try every trick in the book, what these fuckers don’t realise is it puts them at the top of the lay off list with a no comment reference.
As an employer it’ makes it much easier to have to lay people off when you have cunts like this, and with all this Brexit bollocks lay offs will come and jobs will be harder to find.
So this cunt will have all the time in the world to enjoy soon enough I’m sure and he deserves it the lazy cunt…..
I saw lazy bastards like this getting away with it for fifty years. Didn’t want to come in, if they had to come in they wanted to sit around and chat, if they had to do something they didn’t care if they did it properly or not, but they still wanted their pay packet at the end of the week.
Last place I worked, a young woman started, did three weeks, then went on the sick for months, came back and within no time announced she was pregnant.
No conscience, no shame.
One of my work chums had to go off shielding from March – August as diabetic. She started posting pictures from daaahn the pub as soon as they opened in the summer. She was then told to go off shielding again during the last lockdown, came back on the 2nd and went off on the 7th after having a positive test result. And all this time she has been accruing annual leave. Her only saving grace is that she is white and English so I’d be even more pissed off if she was one of my many foreign colleagues.
Incidentally, autocorrect tried to change “shielding” to “shirking”. Hohoho.
Totally fucked off, stressed and anxious at the moment. Worried how I will pay the bills after being made redundant. Fucking company I worked for using the pandemic as an excuse to cull the workforce. I’m not blowing my own trumpet but I’m hard working, diligent and conscientious and I’m sick to the back teeth of seeing arselickers, lazy cunts and gobshites being kept on whilst I’m on the rock and roll. Fucking cunts.