Woke Advertising

It appears that one of 2 things is going on.

  1. Either my corner of the world is completely different than the rest, or
  2. the representations of society I see in advertisements is total fucking bullshit.

I conclude the latter.

Every family, couple, child, gathering, or even person is a mix of “other than white” (OTW) in some way. If a token white person is shown at all, it is as a spouse to a OTW.

I see the pattern of evil here. The objective is to blur the lines of division that keep the human race from being controllable by one central head. Borders, language, culture, geography, economies, ethnicity, etc are natural and very critical barriers that keep us all divided.

The left wing new world order types hate this but it is the way it needs to be. For those who believe in God, it keeps satan in check. It keeps the central planners and one-world government types in check.

So reality with regard to ethnicity is being denied and adverts present an alternate reality where a new normal is formed through a barrage of propaganda. We are to believe that no couple of the same ethnicity is normal or that white women are all coal burning mud sharks nowadays and the kids have light color eyes and poofy frizzy hair.

The regular spokespeople are being replaced with those who tick more of the boxes.
All bullshit being presented as normal but those with no appetite for truth will think it stylish to not settle for a friend or spouse of the same ethnicity. The deceived cunts will always be trying to tick as many boxes as possible with everything they do.

If I was in charge of casting for these adverts I would have been canned long ago as I told my bosses to get fucked as I showed them my bare ass and middle finger going out the door.

This shit makes the top of my head come off!

CUNTS!!!! Ugh.

Nominated by: Texas Trumptard 

87 thoughts on “Woke Advertising

  1. It’s a constant barrage… race mix, race mix, race mix….

    Then one day, for no reason at all, people voted hitl@r into power….

      • And an under achiever……..
        Mind you they are broadcasting all his old speeches in a new programme
        Called “ The good old days”

      • Yes Fr. Upp, I believe that he wanted to be a stand up comedian but he wasn’t very good at it so he went into politics instead.

      • “They all laughed when I said I would become a comedian…

        …They’re not laughing now!”

        Sorry, a repeat, but it’s one of my favourites

      • His European tour didn’t end well for him?
        He realised Jewish comedians were cornering the market in stand up, hence the holocaust.
        Some people have no sense of humour?

      • His European tour didn’t end well for him?
        He realised Jewish comedians were cornering the market in stand up, hence the holocaust.
        Some people have no sense of humour?

      • TV ad land is a temple of liberal cuntitude which goes into overdrive at Xmas when all the snivelling virtue signaling supermarkets try and out woke. Each other with their distorted view of what Xmas day looks like for 99% of people in the country .
        First up the well trodden oath is your white bitch with her black Man (she used to date white guys but they obviously couldn’t satisfy her) so She’s gotta a guy who’s packing some serious fucking heat in the trouser department!! , His virility is then confirmed as instead of having 2 children that whitey has super stud And his honky bitch have 3 sometimes 4 frizzy haired sprogs , only ethnics are seen to celebrate Xmas even Muslims being invited by their white neighbours for Xmas dinner, Really??

        It’s Xmas but it’s definitely not going to be a white one

        Fucking cunts……

      • My ex missus daughter lives with a mussie and because of this no decorations or Christmas tree in the house. The two kids I feel for 11 and 5. All these years with Santa now he’s cancelled. Fuck the adverts fuck the mussie celebrating Christmas.

  2. Absolutely. Woke advertising is a massive modern day phenomena. It seems that whoever is behind all this is trying to create a world consisting of mulatto people who are raised by lesbian parents.

    Oh, and I love the pictures of the great Rowdy Roddy Piper from the brilliant film “They Live”. A true classic?

    • I come here to kick ass and chew bubble gum…and I’m all out of LGBTQQRTTTGSS bubble gum.

      A great film and soooooo relevant today with all the Covid brainwashing going on.

      • One of the most underrated films of all time, made by a brilliant director. It always amazes me how few people have heard of it.

        I would imagine that neither John Carpenter or Roddy Piper would be happy to be associated with woke advertising!!

      • They live! We need some of those sunglasses – “this one real fuckin ugly”!
        I do not tend to watch adverts as I have a need to tear out spines if I do, the world these devious freaks sell us is just not real.

      • Modded, someone should seriously cunt wordpress.
        Damn it all, I’m off for a soy latte and a mixed race relationship – at least the filth won’t arrest me at the anti lockdown bllodbath tomorrow! ??

      • Yep. the fight scene with the glasses is one of the best bits of cinema ever.

        I was lucky enough to see this at the cinema in a double bill with Prince of Darkness…Norwich ABC which is now a gay nightclub (appropriately enough)

      • It’s a classic, but, if you do see it do so with an open mind, remembering that it was made in 1988, so it will look very dated compared to modern sci-fi films.

        Well worth it, though, it really is great fun.

  3. Apparently big banks and corporations are scoring smaller companies on their diversity. How many ethnics, gays and other minorities are employed by the company, how many are on the boards of these smaller enterprises.

    In this context it all makes a lot more sense, not diverse enough? Well you can’t borrow money or become a supplier to the corporate monsters.

    • And yet with the usual staggering hypocrisy, it doesn’t need to apply to these same banks and corporations. Take a look at their boards and see if you can spot the distinct lack of BAMEs and females. I would fire the fucking lot of them, fill the boardrooms with Diane Abbot/David Lammy clones and watch their businesses disappear down the toilet within months.

    • I really don’t care what creed or colour the bank staff are – just answer the fecking phone you mongs.

      The tv ads show them all sitting comfortably at home doing precisely nothing. When you call you get a message saying due to covid our volume of calls is much higher. In other words they won’t answer at all. What are they all doing? Being filmed for woke, diversity signalling ads that’s what. Retards.

      • I had occasion to call Barclays recently LH – call centre in India staffed by cabbages.
        As I have a business account with them I am entitled to compensation if they take the piss, and it’s quite amusing seeing fifty quid transferred into my account accompanied by a grovelling email (every single time) – banks are virtue signalling vampires who f*ck the poor over in charges so I have no problem getting some back.
        But according to their adverts they have helpful people waiting for your call.
        My arse they do.

  4. Mornkng TT, morning all.
    Yep same over here, although Bame population is only about 13 per cent.
    Every tv ad seems to have a dark-key or a mixed race couple plus assorted pòòfs and lèsbos.

  5. The advertising agencies staffing should be forced to reflect the ethnicity of their bullshit adverts. Likewise the BBC support staff where OTWs predominate the screen.

    And perhaps more prominence should be given to Cressida’s Dick’s statement (unbelievable that it came from her) ‘ a black is 9 times more likely to be stabbed in London than a white of the same age.’ By a black of course.
    Stick that in a sofa advert.

  6. Screwfix, that bastion of white van man and large power tools has gone all woke. They are running a radio advert where the gormless narrator invites the listener to get the benefit of lower prices this ‘season’. Whatever the fuck that means.

    Later in the piece they inform that offers are on until Jan 3rd and that this festive period to unwrap a gift or some such, so clearly a nod toward Christmas.

    So why can’t the cunts say that then. Clearly don’t want to offend the jiggly boos, architects, engineers and peacefulls.

    Cunts. It’s Toostation for me now.

  7. My reality is living in an area with very few people of any shade other than white. These fucking adverts drive me to plasma piss boiling. These creations are so far adrift from the demographics of my slice of paradise they may as well be Martian. OK I can understand that wokecraft requires us to embrace the different etc but all these fucking adverts do is confuse the elderly and others into thinking they live in another world. These adverts should be restricted to areas of U.K. that have large numbers of ethnic persons, mixed marriages and so forth. For the sake of my dwindling supply of medication they should not be shown in areas that are 99.9% white English, it’s a fucking insult. Is a knee to be taken or is that optional in a tier 3 area?

    • I live in Leicester which is less than 50% white but I have almost never seen a mixed race couple.

      • I don’t know any mixed race couple and I have never known any either. There is one black family that I know of where I live and they are about 500 yards up the road.
        I will always avoid buying any product advertised with a mixed race/ethnically diverse advert on the grounds that if they lie about the social make up of this Country then they are probably lying about how good their product is so they can shove it up their fat hairy arses! Ooops! I nearly forgot to call them cunts!

  8. I’m willing to bet that if you went to Um Bongo Wongo land and watched the telly then you wouldn’t see a single white person on the adverts.
    It’s a real piss boiler. Only way to get rid of ads is to watch the Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation who usually raise the temperature of my piss even higher.
    Better off not watching the fucking idiot lantern at all. Read a book instead.

    • You’re correct. I holidayed in Tunisia and there were no token whites in their adverts. All arabs. I cannot begin to tell you how refreshing that was.

  9. I had to see an episode of the ghastly Coronation Street on Monday night. It was awful, some woman doing an “Ophelia” amongst other horrors. Mrs. Boggs wanted me to repair something for her, and it was too cold to sit in the kitchen doing it, so there I was round her idiot’s lantern. Then the adverts came on, and it was even worse. the first one was for “Just Eat” some skanky looking tart (black) with a black male (all gold teeth and idiot grin and cheap jewellery, joined by another group of black scrubbers “singing” the advert. Badly. Not a patch on the George Mitchell Minstrels. Then we had an “important” black lady (in glasses) advertising a bank or financial institution. Next we had a “normal” British family – all Asian and black, The only “white advert” was a couple of French tarts with an illiterate sounding floozy saying “Marc Jacobs”. That’s all – just “Marc Jacobs”, while the other pair of scrubbers grinnied inanely, no doubt with a 12″ dildo ramming up where the sun doesn’t shine.

    I doubt Katy and Philip would be allowed to share a beef cube in hot water these days – it would be Mtumbe and Comfort crushing one into a lightly boiled missionary, over the fire. Just imagine if the BBC ever do start advertising…..

    • That cunt on the Just Eat adverts is the rapper Snoop Dogg. Apparently he’s pocketed over £5 million for that advert.
      ? Did somebody say FUCK OFF! ?

      • The very sight of those degenerates is enough to campaign for ‘swift end of life measures’. Still, it accurately depicts the type of ‘customer’ that they are clearly aiming at. Pimps, robbers, druggies and aspiring architects.

      • The wimpy looking ‘white boy’ delivering to the plane sends my piss thermonuclear. Surely that’s racist when there are no other whites in the advert at any point waiting for food. Racism only works one way doesn’t it, fucking cunts. We are well and truly having the piss taken out of us.

      • That Snoop Dog Dirt is yet another rap type that has oodles of ‘form’. Drugs, pimping, violence, you name it.

        But the cunt is black, so its allowed apparently.

    • I am surprised that advert has got passed the regulators, the big n*gga doing a chicken impression, the cunt dressed like a pimp and the suggestion that only black people eat take out.

      A full quota of racial profiling if ever I saw it, but it’s only for Just Eat so I guess the wokesters haven’t seen it.

      • The Asian looking regard in the Asda ad putting up Christmas lights.

        This illustrates that they are now portraying ethnic people with learning difficulties.

        How very diverse.

      • And here was me thinking he was just a thick cunt, I didn’t know he was a “regard”.

      • Show me a famous black rap artist that doesn’t have a criminal record or a past of some sort and win a a choice of either a million pounds, a stale Old Trafford meat and potato pie from 1976, or Lily Mong’s knickers (plus gas mask).

  10. I know I’ve mentioned this before but it’s worth another go… 2 or 3 yrs ago I was at a big swanky advertising agency awards ceremony in park lane somewhere. I work in the AV industry (Well, I did do until covid completely killed it). There were 800 advertising big wigs enjoying a gala dinner and awards ceremony and the only black faces I saw were the serving staff. Of course the irony was wasted on these self congratulatory cunts. No mixed race couples, no frizzy haired cross breeds. Just 800 cunts.

  11. As far as I can tell, the ads that I am seeing are 98% box ticking fantasy for where I live. Out of 6 ads in a row on Sunday only one featured a Mrs Whitey, and she was solitary to the ad. An Amazon ad no less, which half an hour previously had at least 6 dar quays in it. So 6 OTW in one ad, 1 white in the other. Followed on by the CoOps OTW effort, Just Eat (dont even get me started with those degenerates) Asda (please nuke that fucker), even feckin Tesco. I thought Id hit the jackpot with the latest DFS Wallace and Grommit ad as the plasticine delights appeared white, until the sofa shot where the kids were…you guessed it.. OTW. Absolute cunts who have undone any form of acceptance over the years. Other than my rather woke daughter in law (went to fuckin Uni) absolutely everyone I know is sick to death of this shit and are much less tolerant towards the OTWs. Another 5 years of giving them blanket coverage and we really will be living speechless on The Planet Of The Apes.

    • Forgot to mention, next was the Police with a recruiting ad for M’tembes tribe and then an NHS one for Flu… all OTW. The only way to see anything white these days is to stare up at the light. Brown and Black lightbulbs never really were a success. Mmm i see a pattern….

    • I am a counter as well. Boils my piss at how many “diverse” couples/families there are. As for that fucking Asda advert ! If I lived near him I suspect there would be a need for the fire brigade to be called out.

  12. It wasn’t that long ago that Robertson’s jam had to erase all evidence of black people in its advertising.

  13. What about that car advert with a doozy woman shacked up with a pasty Asian fella? It even has some screaming queen doing the narrator part.

    Yeah that’s about right, come and live near Bradford to see how many mixed race white/Asain there are…fucking none.

    • That ad got a cunting all of it’s own a few weeks back. I’d love to smash that Rylan cunt in the face with a baseball bat.
      Wonder how much his dental bill would come to?

  14. I do like woke propaganda and social engineering.
    It will all end very well indeed.
    The daft cunts.

  15. There is a positive side to this. By their “woke” virtue-signalling, I know exactly what NOT to buy or service to use. The negative is,that I’m getting through more batteries than usual on the TV remote control. At least the Duracell advert has an all white family, shame about the rabbit and that whiny American accent.
    Note too how the token whitey on so many adverts are disabled or some other “woke” guff.
    Fuck the lot of them, it’s saved me a fortune.

  16. Boycott the products of all adverts you cant identify with. Might make the fuckers think.

  17. Dark-Keys,The Gays and the odd Raspberry…. the only white females are Sooties’ “beatches” .. the only white males are “butt of the joke” losers.

    Adverts are the only time any of the Cunts would dare put in an appearance in my (vast) home.

    • Any chance of your exclusive London shop of country gentleman’s attire will be going ‘woke’ Mr Fiddler? The first sooty to be seen in the 2020/21 catalogue wearing Barbour plus twos or taking the tweed flat cap “street” will see your account closed and taking your business elsewhere.

      • No chance of my outfitter going woke,LL…it is Jewish owned and run…they distrust the Schwartzers even more than I do…of course the fact that they are Jewish can cause other problems ( I keep my valuables in my top-hat while being measured for my bespoke outfits) but looking stylish requires sacrifices.

  18. This is why I no longer have a TV, but I do pop round my neighbours to watch his from time to time, mute the adverts and close my eyes!!!

  19. Never buy anything that is advertised. If I need something, straight on line. Fuck em, think how cheap stuff would be if they didn’t pay these cunts.

  20. Im starting up a new company called ‘Aryan Advertising’
    All will be white
    Mostly blonde
    All over 6ft
    So if interested post your CVs on here and ill get back to you.
    Sure we’ll get lots of work!

    Best advert audition was ms Pamela Doove in League of Gentlemen
    “Any body got a nice bottle of orange juice?”

      • Some identify as the other sex, some as a sexual deviant of some sort and some even identify as fish.

        I identify as a complete and utter nasty cunt and I’m proud of it.

  21. We are being replaced and they are simply showing that they don’t give a fuck. Honestly, even though I find them too extreme, I’d fucking vote for Patriotic Alternative right now if they manage to get accepted as a political party.

    They’re the only ones who’d sort this fucking mess out. I didn’t ask for my country to have large swathes of it taken over by third world ‘communidies’. Or for dark keys to be calling me a cunt for the crime being white in the nation of my ancestors. Constantly put my country down will you? You built the place, did you? Have you ever heard such utter bollocks?

    I wasn’t racist, but seeing as the dark keys and moose limbs don’t want to just ‘get along’ and instead, vote tribally and expect favours for their tribe only, they can all fuck right off. Includes the woofters and trannie freaks too, who are also at it.

    Well guess what? Now, I’ll be looking out for my group you cunts.

    You’ll have no cunt but yourself to blame when we end up with an Adolf in charge, you anti-white cunts. Fuck off.

  22. its all got out of hand now, you cant avoid being bombarded with individuals of a darker shade, girls who like to eat veal, women who want to be men,men who want to be women, limp wristed types with pull back ears and fold in teeth[Ryland] begging adds, climate loons and now its got to the point where i dont give a flying fuck about any of them, so its all been counter productive, i used to car but im now jaded with the infomercials and no longer care about blacks,yellow,browns,Romanians,starving kids with fly,s in the Sudan, kids in wheel chairs, kids who need eye ops, donkeys, polar bears, poachers, homo,s lezzos, faggots with shit dress sense, the fucking enviroment, the labour party,America and Americans, Covid and hundreds of other things i no longer give a fuck about, so all this publicity hasnt worked if anything its had the opposite effect on me, not a single fuck given….
    Infact the only thing i now car about is recording programs so i can skip all the above adds…..

    • That’s why I love Sky. I record anything I plan to watch and then FF through any shit (sometimes including the programme). When I’m just watching TV the adverts wash over me completely, I don’t even notice them anymore.

  23. If the representation of modern society is to be accurate then all adverts, TV programmes, films etc. should contain.

    86% White
    8% Asian
    3% Black

    This is according to the 2011 cencus

  24. Saw this online earlier. This is obviously to give customers ‘a better banking experience’. You can bet there won’t be an advert about it, woke or otherwise:

    “From tomorrow, TSB customers with a Classic Plus current account will no longer earn any interest on their money.”

  25. I’m surprised that nobody has yet cunted the advert VOICEOVERS. If you have been paying attention you’ll have noticed that around 60% plus of all voiceovers seem to be performed by people with less than a queens English accent.

    “See it laaave on ska sports” etc

    Even announcers between programs are becoming more effnik. It’s a pathetic and piss boiling like the heat from seven suns…

  26. Excellent cunting TT. The other evening as my piss had just reached a superheated state and after a few sherbets, I myself submitted a very lightweight, less eloquent and thus less worthy submission to ISAC.

    Whilst reading your submission, I was treated to yet another TV ad, that I’d not seen before, for a national institution that featured yet another OTW family.

    Piss temperature on the rise again!

    • OTW’S make up about 13% of the population but feature in 60% of the adverts. Not a realistic portrail at all.

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