Toni Standen is a cunt..there’s no doubt about that, a 100% fat as a whale cunt. She’s a fucking gargantuan gutbucket.
Now who the fuck is Toni “beached whale” Standen?
Well, she’s the pie eating cunt from Liverpool who pretended to have fucking terminal cancer so she could crowd fund her chav / Iceland style wedding instead of saving or working for it herself.
How anyone can do this and even appear in public again is beyond my comprehension and I fail to see how the cunt of a husband was fooled by this…I had a close relation die from cancer and it was not something that could be faked, it was fucking horrendous but he may well have been sucked in by this nauseating mound of blubber…he may be stupid, who knows?
This also brinsg to my attention this modern phenomena of “crowd funding”…this is rife with fraud, lies and I bet the people running these sham websites are not exactly in social housing.
There have been may cunts this year, big and small, rich and poor but this vile creature is possibly the worst specimen I have yet to see….no even a good honest criminal, just a fat, lying cunt with the morals of an alley cat.
Her husband must be proud…you gotta be proud of this.
I HOPE she goes to prison but we all know it will be some form of “community” charge or something….she could share a cell with the fat cunt bitch who stole from the Grenfell fund and bought a 12` purple rubber cock. Both ladies with CLASS.
Nominated by: Spanky Mc Spank
….and here’s another benefit fiddling bunch of cunts, from mystic maven
The Zarif family, a bunch of benefit fraudsters, see the story here:
At least the law came down on these sponging thieving cunts.
As the great Gene Hunt would say,
The scum de la scum.
The second story with benefit swindling Asians is only the smallest tip of the biggest iceberg.
Re: the thieving, lying scumbag-nothing new – an well used scam.
Didn’t one of the presenters of changing rooms, scam her co presenters out of thousands, claiming she had a rare form of cancer, necessitating a trip to a US hospital for pioneering surgery.
Sound familiar?
It fucking well should-it’s a common scam.
I wonder if that corpulent cunt in the non photo is any relation to Karen Maxwell?
If you look closely you can see where she was hit by the Titanic….
Yes, yes-I wonder how many poor souls went down on her?
What an image in my mind that is! Imagine having your head down there between those fat, sweaty thighs. Noooooo!
Sorry Cupid-and lunchtime too!?
Incidentally, re: Karen Mathews-
I know that she was the prime suspect from day one, not only did she have family liaison officers staying with her from day one, she also had detectives-whom she tried to bed. Makes you gag doesn’t it☹️
True facts related to me from an Inspecor involved with the case.
Absolutely despicable.
Fucking fat peasant, totally shameless.
Shame she’s too big to fit in Unkle T’s oven.
Awaiting EU grant for expansion to whale size.
Indigenous scum not abusing the system enough? Try new improved imported scum.
Service provided by HM Government Dept of Scum.
As for the whale bride, i wonder if cancer will knock close to her door, will she see it as a nice little earner then?
A few less burgers and maybe she could of afforded an honest if more modest wedding.
I can’t imagine how anybody could lie about cancer. I’d be very wary of karma if I were this fucking tart.
If there’s any justice in the world then this lard arsed scumbag will contract cancer and die a slow, lingering and painful death.
I hope she fucking gets it. My mother died of it, and my wife has just been diagnosed with it and though with a high probability of clearing it out, has to do 25 doses of chemo., 20 of Radiation and then sugery to clear all the dead shit out. Neither of them deserved it. This cunt, in all her glory, does. But, deserves the worst, slowest most painful incurable dose anyone could contract.
The problem, benefits are a way of life and too many P*ki cunts in the country.
The Fat cunt isn’t a cunt, the idiots who donated are the real cunts.
We should burn them without a doubt, but what about the cunts who enable them? Half the cunts you see getting done for sickness benefit fraud look like body builders, so some doctor cunt has signed them off I the first place.
Then there the biggest cunts of all, the lawyers getting massive payouts from the legal aid budget for frustrating efforts to remove foreign criminals, rapists an murderers as well as thieving scum.
Thanks again Blair.
Good luck to lying cheating bastards it’s the dumb cunts who crowdfunded them that does my head in. Where the fuck do they get the money? No wonder obese kids are starving, the fucking parent as given the money to some lying cunt. Don’t want to hear it, fuck em, fuck em all
She’s the epitome of a Scumdog Millionaire. Dozy, bariatric trollop.
Heap of shit. My dad has terminal cancer, I have the stress and worry about him now. That heap of whale blubber lying about it to get a wedding angers no end. Cunt should be rendered down for her blubber. Scamming fat cunt.
Surprised the Icelandic hunters didn’t stick a harpoon down the beasts blow hole.
I’d certainly relish representing the Crown at her POCA¹ hearing. Such work adds a sparkle to one’s day (rather as Mr Osato’s Dom Pérignon ’59 in Roald Dahl’s screenplay of You Only Live Twice)
¹ Proceeds of Crime Act (2002)
This despicable gargantuan apparently told friends that the cancer was terminal and had spread to bones and organs. Erm, how did she think she was going to get out of this one or did not her dormant cranial organ even consider this?
Was she going to have a ‘miracle receovery’ after returning from her honeymoon?
The only thing she suffers from is terminal stupidity and terminal food lust.
Silly fat cow.
“stealing money from a dead man, and drove a luxury BMW Motability car which he had no right to, having got it from another vulnerable tenant.” Can anyone see what is wrong with this statement from the Disability Parking Stanley article? A LUXURY BMW MOTABILITY CAR WHICH HE HAD NO RIGHT TO, who the actual fuck has any RIGHT to a luxury fucking BM fucking W paid for by the taxpayer? I am truly fucking astounded that our fucking Government are giving bad back merchants luxury BM fucking W cars to swan about in! I need a fucking lie down before my fucking head explodes with anger! The cunts! the Stanleys and our Govt!
OT. Nice to see the pretentious sanctimonious shitheads off Slynews are in the shit. Couldn’t have happened to nicer cunts.
What shit are they in?
The cunts who abuse the benefits system do so because it’s wide open for such abuse.
It’s quite literally a black hole.
Fully a shitty rats nest.
Why do you think the dinghy rats are prepared to risk their lives to come here from France?
Cos they know they can jump on the fucking gravy train here, that’s why.
Bet the Frogs don’t put them in 4 star hotels.
Safety first.
Gas the cunts en masse.
Slash the welfare budget and exclude everyone not born in the UK.
Other amendments can be made as necessary.
I feel sorry for the bloke porking her. Probably has a minge the size of the dartford tunnel
I don’t feel sorry for him at all, it’s his choice.
I wouldn’t put my John Thomas anywhere near the Blubbersaurus.
He’s gonna need a cork the size of a blek fella then?
A tub of sludge with no morals, unfortunately her kind aren’t that uncommon.
The fat cunt wants keeping behind barbed wire, and at the first opportunity putting in the oven with dozens more of her kind.
Another Z lister after their 5 minutes of fame.Lord help us all
I would have been sympathetic if this enormous human being had asked for money/crowdfunded to help her lose weight perhaps with a fitness trainer, that kind of thing. Instead she lied and spent money on most of the fabric a small factory produces in a day to get married. What a disgrace.
She will never be able to reproduce and will be dead in about 5 years by the look of the skid marks around her eyes.
I hope she doesn’t last that long SC, hopefully she’ll get something really nasty like cancer.
Thatl’ll show the fat disgusting cunt the error of her ways.
One for Terry’s oven after a slight poaching me thinks.
Ugly, fat, useless, sponging oxygen theif, maybe the big C will sort the cunt out, great way for her to lose a few stones, she deserves it….
She may well be a cunt (yep) but can’t understand what that has to do with her size.
Remember fat lives matter