The Year 2020

I’m just going to cunt the year 2020 as it comes to a close. There are so many reasons why this has been the biggest cunt of a year ever. Even without Covid the cuntitude that surrounded George Floyd to wanker police and footballers taking a knee to arseholes like Hamilton, Morgan and Lineker telling us what to do and what to say and that shitstain on humanity Matt Hancock grizzling about the so called step grandad he barely knew and the administration of a vaccine to some old bint who will be brown bread in a couple of years Covid or no Covid. Now I realise that 1939 – 45 will have been far worse but who can remember them so therefore 2020 has been the biggest shitshow ever and this is just a chance if admin allows for all my fellow cunters to add their two pence worth and say 2020 fuck off.

Nominated by: Cuntsince1066

and this from Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea

New Year’s Eve 2020 – New Year’s Day 2021

What a giant cunt New Year “festivities” will be this time around. Normally, people look back over the past year and forward to the prospect of things perhaps being better in the year to come.

This year we can look back at a total fuckfest, and forward to the veil of Tiers that SAGE and the puppet government have set out for us without any end date in sight. Millions unemployed, millions with mental health problems, millions with untreated medical conditions, fucked up education system, no elections that might change things, thousands contemplating suicide, millions of cunts in masks, older people dying alone and in misery without the consolation of even a hug from a loved one…

The only reason to raise a glass at midnight will be in order to raise another, and another, in an attempt to blot out the fucking wreckage. Fuck the old year. Fuck the new year. Nothing but cunts and their pious fucking cuntishness for the foreseeable future.

Fuck off.

61 thoughts on “The Year 2020

      • Wouldn’t it be a wheeze if the queen says when Hamilton is kneeing in front of her “ that’s right you cunt you just stay there where you should be. “
        All the while sharpening the sword.

    • Remember when they used to give out a free gift in boxes of cereal? That’s a knighthood these days, that is.

    • Who’s worse? Hamilcunt or fucking Bojo for giving it. Great – we’ll all be paying huge taxes to get out of the made-up Corona bollox, while he’s sitting by the pool in Monaco paying nothing to the Uk. Unbelievable.

    • What?
      Hamilton the antifa sympathiser gets a knighthood?
      Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse you pop up and piss in my cornflakes.
      The Queen should have said FUCK OFF.
      Utter cunt of a year.

    • This will turn out interesting. He either refuses it due to being a poor
      black anticolonialist. Or he keeps it and proves what a total and utter hypocritical cunt he is.
      Good choice Lewis.

    • I trust that protocol will be reversed and the Queen will go down on one knee to him. Otherwise, how could he possibly have accepted the honour as a BLM champion?!

  1. 2020 was the worst year of my life.
    Not for any other reason except the realisation that the people are piss wet whining sheeple who are prepared to not just fold to tyrants like paper in the rain but actively speed their own demise by refusing to question or challenge the absolute madness of what we have been forced into.
    I predict massive civil unrest and violence in 2021, and to be frank I would not blame people who did.
    Fuck 2020 and the horse it rode in on.
    Anyway, time for a freezing cold bike ride! ?

    • To be fair, 2020 wasn’t my worst year. That would be the year I married Mrs. Boggs, or 1997 when Anthony Blair minced into Downing Street and turned us into the dumping ground of the worlds rejects.

      We still have a few hours of 2020 to go, and we can think of which rabid Remainer might top themself in another pointless gesture: Gaylords Adonis and Mandelson, tossing for who will disembowel the other?. Lord Heseltine hanging himself from one of his EU subsidised trees? – he might never have become Prime Minister but he could become the King of Swing. Or perhaps Yvette Sugartits Cooper will throw herself in front of a horse (assuming Margaret Beckett is free today). One of them ought to make a gesture as they were so certain they were right and disaster awaits us.

      • They will be blaming everything on Brexit for the next 100 years.
        Cold weather? Brexit.
        Pretendavirus? Brexit.
        Best to machine gun them now I say!
        *Note to self – do not stick freezing cold hands after cycling on Miss bustys bottom*!
        It produces a lot of swearing in her bizarre cockneyese accent! ?

      • Ant of them would brighten up the end to this year.
        I like the Hestletine one.
        What a cast iron cunt he is.
        Oh wait, what about Gina Millar choking on a banana?

  2. What a lovely treat it’s been.

    Without ISAC and the merry band of Cunters it could have been a right shitty mess.

    Pass the sherry.

  3. Just wait for the oncoming war with China. Expect a whole lot of blonde boat folk, their worried dogs and more from the dominions. I’d like to pre-book resettlement in Staxigoe, thank you.

  4. Absolutely what a shit show of a year and it will get worse, 2021 more of the same,

    Depopulation is on the cards, tyranny, oppression, destruction of freedom, freedom of speech,

    We can choose to to fight on our feet or die on our knees
    the government work for us, but they do not represent us,

    Sounds like I’m describing a futuristic film
    Or does it
    Off the gym whilst I still can, lose some pent up aggression

  5. Those brown rats trespassing in our waters.Plus Doris the snake listening to the SAGE party and in total lockdown since March.2020 was shit

    • Fucking fat snake at that.
      His bank account is fine as is Rishi who skipped town and left London before the tiers went up. Unlike the Queen Ma who stuck around and took the blitz like other Londoners.
      Sack the cowardly cunt.

  6. Stocks of Spam are holding up well.
    Ditto Corned Beef and Beans.
    We shall never surrender.

  7. At least in 2021 we have a new president to look forward to; Kamala Harris.
    She may have not polled a single vote or even been on any candidate card but her mates, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pellosi and Elizabeth Warren really, really wanted a woman of obedient substance for the top spot.
    As they own the DNC and the super-delegates it was a piece of piss elevating the primaries fifth place loser with less than ten percent of the vote, the senile old husk that is Biden, up to the top of the tree as cover. …… I can only imagine the level of nasty, spiteful hostility there is to follow if I reflect on the dying embers of my marriage to the former Mrs Eccles.

    Why should this affect us here in the UK? …. Well the whores of Westminster have been selling us out to their masters across the pond for over seventy years all for a lucrative seat on the board.

    Bye-bye NHS, it was nice knowing you.

  8. 2020 :-

    COVID :- A pandemic virus we could have well have done without. However, it was over-due, and virologists had been warning for the past 25 years that it was just ‘a matter of time till it hits’ . We could have been better prepared. We could have been more decisive, locked the UK down & not let any bugger in or out. Still a vaccine is here in record time & deaths (though tragic) are a mere fraction of the 1918 pandemic. It’ll be over one day.

    TRUMP :- Continued bullshit & tomfoolery from the orange fuckwit. Thank God he’s nearly gone (but not before bodging a hole below the waterline as a parting gift)

    TWAT & TWAT :- Harry halfwit Hewitt & Sparkle Markle have ‘officially’ fucked off but that doesn’t seem to have shut them up or stopped them trying to tell anyone who’ll listen how ‘important’ they are. Like Edward & Simpson before them, a couple of self-important mal-contents who just want to rock the boat because they aren’t in charge of it. FUCK OFF.

    The EU :- Had we had better leaders these past 5 years and not wasted all this time arguing & being sabotaged by snowflakes & fuckwits, all this Brexit bollocks could have been finished long ago. Come midnight, we’re out of it, thank Christ. ? GOOD RIDDANCE TO THE 4TH REICH. ??


    • Don’t forget it’s 11pm we’re out – midnight European time.
      Timing is essential when you need to withdraw from something!
      Mrs B and myself were discussing the withdrawal agreement last night.

      We both agreed, she’ll have it on her Humpty Dumplings.

  9. For fifty-odd years I’ve been thinking “Ah well,maybe next year will be better than the last”…for fifty odd years I’ve been wrong.

    Can’t see much reason to expect it change.

  10. Chin up, Dick. There’s still time for Gemma to pop over for a New Year’s Eve game of Hide the Sausage.

    • Ive enjoyed some of 2020.
      Driving on empty roads,
      Laughing at panic buyers,
      Trespassing on exclusive golf courses with the dog.
      Shame about the Donald though I’ll miss him.

    • Well she’ll be out of luck,I’m in no fettle to receive visitors..and by the time I see off that bottle of Dalwhinne tonight, I really can’t see me being at my most urbane and charming…she can Fuck Off and hawk her pearly elsewhere as far as I’m concerned tonight.


  11. This time next year we will either be wishing it had just been another 2020, or perhaps we’ll be celebrating the start of something grand. Either way hopefully in English and not in gookratdogeater.

    What a gobshite year. Feck!

  12. Fuck 2020 it has been a year of bollocks and I for one hope and prey 21 will be better, the only thing that’s put a smile on my mug is the ISAC talent that is you bunch of cunts, a happy 21 to all you cunts as long as ISAC continues so I can still have a laugh and all the right cunts get cunted I will survive hopefully, so fuck 2020 it’s been a cunt of a year, happy new year all you cunts out there

  13. No party this year.
    Last year me and the missus dressed as bank robbers and attended a lavish New Year’s Eve fancy dress party.
    Well I did, she stayed in the car and kept the engine running….

    • Thanks JR, for keeping your stream of jokes going to give us all a smile during this anus horriblis.
      Well, I suppose that 2020 doesn’t stand with the truly darkest of years in history, the likes of 1349 and 1941, but by Christ it’s still been a right shithouse and no mistake.
      Never mind cunters. As a wise man once said, ‘things can only get better…’.

    • very sore point that one, I tried simplifying the explanation of Guy Fawkes night.
      “So what we do every year in England is we make a big doll of a Catholic and parade it through the streets, then put it on a big fire and set fire to it, its a big celebration across the land”
      That went down like a sack of shit seeing as I was in a new born again Catholic country, they were not amused.

  14. Well to finish 2020, which lets face it has been a shit fest.
    I may have killed one of my neighbours, Rather annoying, a bitter old fuck much like myself and we enjoyed a bitch and a drink together every so often.
    I do not know what possessed me but egged on by Mrs B we assembled a little box of gifts for him to open on Christmas day, I placed them on his doorstep, rang the bell and ran away (childish).
    This was obviously a little to much for him, as he retrieved his gifts went inside and died.
    SOCO have comforted me with the knowledge that he did open some.
    So the morale of this is simple, if you are a cunt, just stick to it because a change of character can have devastating effects.

    By the way I did not make this up, I am now the only male on the row and surrounded by demented old hags with dried up vaginas.

      • I did think of asking SOCO for the stuff back as I still have the receipts, but they were a little tearful at the milk of human kindness bit so I did not want to spoil it.

    • Happy New Year Lord Benny.
      I shouldn’t worry about your neighbour – He’s probably been placed into a state of suspended animation.
      This has been happening around our way where there have been delays in giving the vaccination to the old geezers.
      Rather than freezing the vaccine, they’ve decided to freeze the old gits and thaw them out when supplies are available. The whole project is referred to as “freeze a geezer.”

      • well being a bit of a cunt himself he chose to die in an inaccessible area, The flats are designed for a straight run from bedroom to front door for the undertakers.
        But my mate managed to die in the sitting room, so they had to bag him and drag him and then get him on the trolley in the hall, which must have been a task.
        fair play to him.
        RIP mate, and the witch nextdoor has taken on your cats so its a win win.

  15. I would like to second the words of some cunters here and say happy new year to all of you. It’s been a shit year but at least this island of sanity exists to provide a bit of levity.

  16. I agree with pretty much everything above.

    -The La’s Winning the league?
    -Trump & democracy being raped?
    -The BBC & MSM going full SJW?

    -Hewitt & Sparkle fucking off?
    -People defunding BBC and ratings at all time lows?
    -Brexit (of sorts)???

    Year 2020 has indeed been a cunt-may I take this opportunity to thank those in the shadows, who run this site ???????

    Without IsAC, the year would have been far, far worse.
    Thank you chaps ??

    • Oh god, imagine if the Scousers do it again. I think they will do sadly but at least we have a doozy of a title race this year.

  17. Some will say good riddance to 2020, but there’s always the chance that things will get worse. Who knows what will happen in the next few years? An even worse prime minister, disputes with Europe over interpretation of the Brexit agreement, a more deadly virus, the imposition of Sharia law? The time may come when we look back at 2020 and yearn for the goods old days.
    My cat’s gone to bed, I sit here alone, and all I have to console me this evening is a bottle of Grahams port. So I’ll leave you with this cheery message and we’ll see what tomorrow brings.

  18. I’m new to this, but I do love a rant.

    Home schooling, how come I don’t get paid for doing my granddaughters teachers job?
    How come I have to give my laptop up for umpteen fucking hours, using my electric and wifi & don’t even get a cunting pat on the back.
    Jeezum Priest

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