I am a scottish descendant ,my family originated in the 1600″s and I came back
from Englandshire to live out the rest of my days in the Highlands,
I am sitting here laughing my cock off at the antics of the “superspreaders” down in your swamp.
Control the virus !,,,,means ? ,,,go to the beach in our thousands and “BEER”,,,go to the city/town centre in thousands and more “BEER”, Go shopping in your thousands to buy some cheap tat made by BAMES in a country where they get a bowl of rice for a weeks slavery.
Still sitting here enjoying the view of you all cooped up and choking, we have to put up with the Krankiecunt untill the dimwits who comprise the Scottish parliament finally trip her up and boot her flabby arse out out of that badly designed, over budget (How many million) henhouse in Edinburgh,,,MSP £85000.00 a year for being a council numpty !,,,how do i sign up ????.
just for the record,, I do not know anybody here who supports/admires/agrees
or is in favour of of the nats,,they are too busy painting their arses and their faces
blue to find time to look up one with the other !, they are also recognised here as being at the bottom of pond life here and only mob motivated.
The SNP (Scottish Nazi Party ?) are running the country (SIC) one an unbelievable deficit, the roads are Unfit for use,the hospitals are U.S. and actually killing people, two brand new hospitals, non operational for hygiene reasons, one actually closed after killing several child patients,local “Services” a shambles,
Police ,chaos in the ranks but at least we don’t have to put up with miserable man hating dyke who is surrounded by other “show” dykes who go everywhere with her, a shipbuilding industry which is supported by the SNP,(god help them) which is apparently incapable of building ships and “SYMPATHETIC” and caring health minister who believes that to protect old people correctly she and the Krankiecunt shipped all the sick and elderly out of hospitals and crowded them all into care home ,,,where “SURPRISE !”,, they all started diying in great numbers while the “Health” witch ,,(have you seen the face on her ??, she would turn vinegar sour, face like a skelped arse).
It would appear that “Knickerless” sturgeons ultimate plan is to completely wreck the country to a worthless state and then buy it up with Philip green in order to declare “INDEPENDENCE” ??
Almost done now,
After many years of travel and work in foreign lands I returned home, and one evening when the dust had settled, turned on the TV,,,,,,,,,,,,I was
confronted by a black presenter (are we still allowed to use black as a word ??
he in turn handed over to a black “reporter” who continued to prattle on about a black lifetime criminal in america who had been killed by police whilst engaged upon his daily grind of of drug dealing,robbery,burglary and rape, ,,,
I then noticed not so subtle propaganda moves on every channel, now appears mandatory to have at least three bames in every shot !,,,,on that day I saw over
100 bames on my television but on an earlier visit that day to my local city only saw 2 !??!,
Where is this propaganda and manipulation coming from ?,,,
Is it a crime to be white ?, please somebody some guidance,,,has the world gone mad ?,, should I now return to the peace and quiet of the middle east, ,,??? (no Ni@@@@@s in Damascus) arabs hate them more than we do !
And in response to cuntfinder general, no I was not having a go at Scotland just the wee toon councillors posing asw statesmen/women in that big shed in Edinburgh while soaking up the tax payers money £85k PA ? for doing what ? ,,,buying up council houses cheap, buggering wee boys, scamming charities, losing money in transit ? eh Nicola what did happen to that £10 million? and the £500 each “BRIBE?, the point I was trying to make was that the ” government” are the people who are cheating lying and stealing from the numpties wi the flags and blue painted arses who are too thick to see through the like salmond and sturgeon, if I am wrong then watch where she goes AFTER the next election.
BTW,, I have not been hiding in Englandshire having spent the last thirty five years in the mob, Falklands,Afgan ,Syria,Iraq, Aden and a few others which dont get a mention in ” highbrow” newspapers like your are,, the “record” ??.
Nominated by: Backbiter
Porridge w09.
Everything has gone to shit and until armed insurrection is accomplished successfully, that will remain unchanged.
The only “great reset” this world needs is the mass slaughter of those at the top.
Ho Ho Ho.
You get the government you deserve, the only fault I can find with the SNP is they seem to misunderstand nationalism.
Nationalism requires independence, self reliance and sovereignty, none of which are long term goals of the SNP.
Anybody but the English party would be more fitting.
You sound confused Backbiter. In a nom that intends cunting the SNP, your first three paragraphs have a go at the English. I just wonder what your original motive was in choosing this nom.
Trouble is, the Joakaneses keep voting for the Scotch Nazis.
Sturgeon, following her non mask wearing antics is now a confirmed hypocrite along with her anti English race baiting.
English referendum now.
Should Jockland remain or leave her Britanic Majesties Realm of Great Britain and Northern Island….
Elections have been suspended due to Covid. Nazi Nicola is there to stay. This will never end. Fuck it, time for more strong drink.
Talking about traitors to the UK, did anyone have George Blake in the Dead Pool?
A thoroughly despicable cunt; he admitted giving the Soviets names of agents but denied that any were murdered. Those agents must have gone through unimaginable suffering; death would have been a release.
Rot in Hell George Blake.
A good deal of the blame for inflicting the SNP on the Jocks is down to the Labour Party.
Blair of course with his half baked devolution (which backfired spectacularly. How many Scots Labour MPs are there?) Which Kweer wants more of, by the way.
And of course the trendy, woke, London metropolitan bunch of tossers that make up the current party. Who have no appeal to the fucking English masses let alone the Jocks.
So, dont blame the Krankies, they are the inevitable product of a political philosophy based on a fucking piss poor film when there is no viable alternative for the Scottish masses.
A good point well made CC
Inevitably it was another fuck up made by Tony B Liar that has helped to shape the country we have today.
All the so called Big Beasts of Politics like Jon Reid (remember that ISIS cunt showing him just how much of a big beast he was???) at some lecture he was giving, all fucked off to Westminster to enjoy the smoke and fame.
B Liar created a Parliamentary structure like that of Germany which are designed specifically to stop one party ever gaining power because of what the Nazi’s did to Germany and the continent of Europe, mmmmm so that worked then didn’t it.
Enter the fray a washed up fat slug called Jabba the Hut, no sorry I meant Alex Salmond and even though I detest every sinue of the cunt he was a very canny operator.
He effectively said ‘look at these Labour politicians, you vote them into power and they fuck off to London, that’s how much they think of you’.
He played the Nationalist card well and it worked.
Nazi Nicola is far more dangerous, she’s vile scumbag and has all the Scottish press in fear of her and her Stormtroopers.
Her Government is a disgrace with a very long line of economic disasters which in any other ‘democracy’ you just couldn’t get away with.
I’d genuinely like to kick her in the cunt but that would be too good for it.
Then you have Hamza Yousef (only one thing worse than a parking Stanley and that’s a Scottish one) who’s trying to introduce a hate crime bill that will actually make private conversations in the home illegal if they are deemed hateful.
And they want to encourage kids to report their parents.
I did history O level (gosh I’m old) and I remember learning about the Stasi and how they paid children to inform on their parents in similar circumstances.
We were appalled but knew it could never happen in a democratic country like our and that was only 35 years ago.
You know I hope the Bill passes. When the feckless Scotch addled pizza eating fat Ginger cunts who vote for the Nazi’s finally realise what they’ve done it will be too late.
Fucking Ha!
More than a little venom there but you are absolutely correct.
Well Done!
Backbiter-I commented on your nom, when you listed it:
saying-it appeared you had made a living in England for years, then “foooked aff” back to Scotland and it came across as a Chippy Jock sneering at the lockdown etc.
It still does ?
The SNP. Socialist collaborators with the nazis in WW2, leading to the death of many – for this alone I despise them – I have no truck with traitors.
A tiny toxic minority of racist, nasty, inward looking, inbred thick as pigshit rats who hate the English so much they would see Scotland destroyed so Nicola Of Arc can go down in history as the great leader who finally defeated the Auld Enemy.
Go – but tell the people what they will get – 12 billion annual giro from me – gone. Faslane – gone. Scottish Financial services industry – gone. Clyde shipyards – gone. No right to social housing or benefits in the UK. No say or right to vote in UK politics, but still legally responsible for a percentage of what is now an eye watering level of debt as nutty Nicola tells everyone they will all be rich from virtually non existent North Sea oil which she is still alleging sells at 160 Dollars a barrel! ?♂️? – maybe in unicorn moomin land where you live Nicola, and in 9 years demand will drop 90% but no fiscal readjustment planning for this.
No bankrolling debts by the Treasury and Bank of England, and Scotland run into the floor and into the bankrupt dark ages by a communist lunatic who will decimate services ans hike taxes so much half the businesses in Scotland will relocate to the UK. Free prescriptions and University education (paid for by the English taxpayer but the only people who cannot get a free University education are – yep, the English!) – gone.
The SNP have been in charge of Scotland in all but name for three decades and have a miserable legacy of failure, waste, corruption and self serving greed as Scotland goes to hell in a handcart – and crazy Krankie plays the recording “It’s all the fault of the evil English” – every fucking time!
Want to leave? – fine – reap the whirlwind – sometimes people don’t realise how good they have it until it’s gone.
You get my vote Mr Fox. Spot on Sir.
An excellent bit of analysis Mr F.
Sadly, a lot of Scots seem more than happy to bite their own noses off to spite their faces.
Let’s get independence from the UK to do our own thing! I know, let’s apply to re-join the EU… No, Orkney and Shetland, you most certainly can’t leave our blesséd nation of Scotland; what can you be thinking??…
Fucking genius.
Good to see you back, Ron.
Thanks Norm!
The Sottish Nazi party doesnt want independence. They would lose their whole reason for existence. Their ridiculous virtue signally about diversity in country that is 98% white is easy when you can just turn their voters in Glasgow and Dundee against the old enemy instead. Of coarse the history of union is perverted to a victim colony when in actual fact the rulers of Scotland begged for the union and the paying of debt thanks to the disastrous Darien project. Many Scots then called themselves North Britons and were at the very forefront of Empire. Today the Nazi “tartan tory party”are turning a once proud nation into cucked sublicants. Were having the same problem South of the border with the Tory party , but at least we have a chance of rolling back their bollox.
I’m getting a slightly different message from this. Boiled down:
Scotland is an ace place.
TRUE. Lived there for thirty years and I know.
Scotland is run by cunts.
England is less attractive.
TRUE, in my opinion. OTOH there’s more employment and that’s why I’m here.
England is run by cunts.
TRUE, but the cuntitude takes a different form. We can probably all agree that disproportionate wokeism is destroying the country.
I’m sorry that anyone who has spent his career serving the UK should find the country going in a wholly different direction (ie down the toilet) from the one it was on when he joined.
I have no qualms about cunting the SNP, but putting that in context was a good and thought-provoking idea. But I think you might have been enjying the single malt…slainte!
Good form K – I like Scotland and have many Scottish friends (when we meet the barmaid thinks it’s funny to call us “The Clash Of The Tight ‘Uns”!) – I just detest the SNP and genuinely cannot understand how people I have always found to be level headed and clued up money wise can have such a hateful destructive cult in charge.
Then I saw the opposition and realised..
I can partially understand the SNP. I was a member for a couple of years, and it was then, before Holyrood, when it didn’t have half a dozen MP’s, a mix of pretty sensible political types and far-out Braveheart-style (that hadn’t been made either) lunatics positioned between Krankie and the IRA. These last were not terribly worthy citizens, I suppose, but great at mobilising the fan base. There was a good deal of ritual socialism, which the SNP eventually adopted party-wide to successfully counter Labour.
How very ironic it was that just as the SNP started looking like a contender, world oil prices slumped from their artificial high, and Scotland’s now-depleted fields could no longer provide a credible income.
I fail to understand how anyone could look at the balance sheet and claim that Scotland would even be an asset to the EU let alone truly independent. I wonder what proportion of the fisheries quota it’s planning to get from Brussels?
I reckon when wee Jimmy Cranky bankrupts Scotland the Chinks will bail them out and own them.
The Chinese are already making overtures – they have their greedy little slant eyes on the Scottish seafood industry.
This situation is serious and needs watching – I will not have the locust enemy camped just over the border ready to strike, and Sturgeon is so blinded by anti English hate it would not surprise me if she sold out Scotland to the yellow peril purely out of spite.
If the Scottish fisher ‘folk’ feel they got a raw deal from Boris, then if Sturgeon gets her way with independance and then to re-join the EU … she’ll be handing the fishing rights around the Scottish coast right back to the EU. She won’t have any choice on that fucker. She’ll do anything to re-join as she really needs some one ( Brussels ) to blame for her country going to rat shit every time. If the ‘Tiddly Winks’ are to be cornering the ‘Scottish seafood market’, they’ll be doing it through the EU.
It’s incredible to believe the ‘Braveheart’ crowd are so gullible and blinkered to Krankie and Blackford with their bile.
Living as I do in south west Scotland born and bred in Gods own town of Cumnock where as my late father ( ex miner and police officer) used to say “ a monkey with a red rosette would get in” the SNP up till Blair the warmongerer was despised – what changed quite simply no Labour !
The SNP today is being led by ( officially) a liar ( see salmond enquiry) a dyke ( see super injunction from 2017) and is married to again another liar ( Salmond enquiry) CEO of the party
A great many of the “ braveheart “ cunts are leaving party en masse
The Krankie is despicable in her outpouring of bile directed at Westminster and is without a doubt one of the biggest self serving and deluded people in the planet ( including D Trump)
Oh and thon fat tsunami of a cunt Blackford- useless
Independence she says she wants but doesn’t
Apparently a job in either EU or UN has been promised
Watch this space
Isn’t it about time she resigned?
Make the cunts go away,forever.
Absolute poison and far too expensive.
I’m confused or pisshhed I think I’ve seen wee Krankie so many times that I now want to fuck it?? please help!! ….
I heard Nicola sturgeon has formed an 80s tribute band Crankie goes to Holyrood
She’s nought but a shit midget in a wig.
Use her for the crab pots.
Sturgeon is Merkel’s daughter.
I live in Scotland and can say that Scotland is well and truly fucked and it’ll be worse if Scotland ever gets independence. Labour are totally ineffective and SNP popularity has only increased because the electorate cannot see how greedy, corrupt and stupid the politicians are. The SNP don’t want to serve the electorate, they want to be part of the European Union where they can get even more pay. Support for the SNP will only remain while there is no other electable candidates i.e. for the foreseeable future.
The analysis that the SNP have been running local government for 30 years is wrong. They have gained power in the last 13 years, since Tony Blair resigned. I saw Nicola Sturgeon on a train 30 years ago and she was looked very impressionable. She still looks like the cup from Monty On The Run (a mid-80s computer game). If the cunts in the Scottish Parliament weren’t there they’d be doon the park drinking cider.
I thought they’d be fucked when the Alec Salmond circus was ongoing, but the wheels are starting to fall off the cart. Hopefully the Covid 19 shambles (2000 OAPs DEAD because of their mismanagement of patients and care homes) will see them off. They say Nicola Sturgeon has “done well” during the Covid crisis, but she hasn’t. Councils spend money like water while half their staff are at home furloughed doing fuck all. Libraries shut, roads are in poor condition, street lighting is getting worse, schools in full lock down. We’d be a third rate European state if they have their way. I’d try to move to England before the rush.